in another life; the maze run...

By nataliesvoid

15.4K 733 850

"you love her, don't you?" "yeah," he answered nonchalantly, as if the secret he'd been trying so hard to kee... More

authors note
☆ before the maze ☆
☆two ☆
☆three ☆
☆ five ☆
☆ eight ☆
☆sixteen ☆
☆twenty-eight☆ (before the maze)
☆ thirty-four☆


266 18 41
By nataliesvoid

Everyone burst into the Council room hastily, with some of the stronger Gladers immediately trying their best to seal the doors up to protect those inside from the horrors of the outside world. 

Mae knew the flimsy building structure would not hold up long against the Grievers, and that they would have to start thinking of another plan soon. 

A low growling noise prompted everyone to hush up, and Mae grouped herself closer to her friends so she could keep track of them. To her left, she could just barely make out Newt's face in the dark, and Teresa and Thomas were slightly in front of them. Mae clutched Chuck's hand, a mother like instinct consuming her. She wasn't going to let any of those horrible creatures touch him.

 The Gladers waited in complete silence, trying not to flinch at each ominous sound that came from outside the building. They could hear it clearly, it's snarls so loud and low that if you didn't know any better, you would've thought it was a lion.

Mae's heart was racing, part from adrenaline and part from pure terror. It was strange for them to be sitting there, waiting for something to happen. Because they knew that when it did happen, there was no telling who would fall victim to the Grievers next. 

Mae could hear the creature scaling the fragile roof made up of layered twigs and logs. It shook the structure of the hut threateningly, causing everyone to jump in panic. But still, it hadn't made a fully fatal move just yet.

Some of the braver boys held their weapons up in roughly the direction that the sounds had been coming from, despite knowing that it would hardly to any harm to the devilish monsters they were hoping to defend themselves from. 

All the Gladers were following the track of the Griever as it stomped around the top of the Council room, growling menacingly as it did. They jerked their heads this way and that, anxiety gripping each and everyone of the kids like a stress ball. 

The sound grew closer and closer, and almost everyone had backed up the stairs in one big group. Mae's eyes darted around to make sure all of her friends were accounted for, and to her small relief, she saw most of them closely nearby. Her grasp on Chuck's hand tightened significantly, and she heard his ragged breaths just a little bit louder than rest. 

It happened all at once, the Grievers monstrous leg breaking through the top of the roof swiftly. It wrapped around one of the support beams that was practically holding the poor old building up and ripped it clean from the rest of the wood. 

Sticks and logs came showering down in front of the Gladers as they shot backward, startled by the sudden change in action. Mae lost track of Chuck's hand, and she scrambled up on her hands and knees, trying to see what had happened. Several people began to cough from the dust that had settled in the Council room

"Everyone alright?" Newt shouted over the noise of the rubble. Mae just nodded in response, not thinking of the fact that he probably couldn't even see her reaction. 

More Grievers had started targeting the hut due to its weak form, and boys were being pulled out from under quicker than you could say shuckface. Thomas, Newt and Minho tried desperately to do something, anything to stop the losses but it was no use. No one in their small group was any match for a Griever. 

Suddenly, another Griever limb shot out from the darkness, taking hold of Chuck's abdomen, since he had gotten slightly separated from the rest. He shrieked in fear, gripping onto a nearby wooden standard to keep himself from being dragged away. 

"Chuck!" Mae yelped, reaching out for the poor boy.

"Grab him!" 

"Hold on, buddy!"

Thomas, Minho, Newt, Teresa, Mae and even Alby (who still seemed quite sickly) all latched onto him, using their strength to attempt loosen him from the Grievers grip of death. The Griever refused to give up, but neither did the Gladers. They struggled and grunted in effort, as Chuck let out several shrieks in fear, trying desperately to pry the Grievers mechanical claws off of himself.

"Chuck, don't let go!" Thomas warned.

"NO SHIT!" He replied, screaming for his life. 

They were running out of energy, and they had to do something now before they eventually lost Chuck to become Griever chum forever.

In a burst of impulsion, Mae released her grip on Chuck. Everyone else was too busy trying to yank him back, they didn't even notice. She had a plan, and if she pulled if off in the right manner, she could save her little friend. She looked around what was left of the Council room frantically until she finally spotted what she was looking for. 

An unattended wooden spear was laying on the dusty floor, just waiting to be picked up and used against the Grievers. The girl scrambled toward it, dodging the boys fighting for their lives around her. She reached out and grabbed the spear, holding it in her clenched fist as she turned back around to where Chuck was still being viciously taken hold of by the Griever. 

She weaved in between the boys, who were confused as to what she was trying to do, until she had a clear shot, and then she raised the spear vertically in preparation for what she was about to attempt. 

With all the muscle she could muster up, she swung the spear right at the middle of the Grievers arm, whacking it swiftly and repeatedly. She felt all her anger and fear release more and more with each blow, and she couldn't help but enjoy taking out all her bottled up emotions on the monster.

"Keep your dirty, filthy claws off Chuck!" Mae hissed, her voice full of rage as she spoke in between strikes.

With the combined effort of her spear, and her friends strong pulls, they were able to finally get the Griever to release the small curly haired boy. 

The robotic arm recoiled at the backlash it had received from Mae and her spear, leaving her to turn to the group with a wide, crooked grin on her face.

Her hair was in complete and total disarray, little wisps sticking out in opposite directions, and dirt and grime was smeared all over her clothes. She was breathing heavily, her chest visibly rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. But despite her appearance, she looked, in the truest form, like the hero she was.

"How are ya, Chuck?" She asked breathlessly, her throat burning. He didn't respond, obviously way too shaken up from recent events to conjure up anything to say.

All her friends were staring at her with a loss of words. They all lowered themselves on the ground to sit finally, exhausted from their fight with the Grievers. Mae awkwardly dropped her weapon and took a few steps closer to them, bringing her arm to her forehead to wipe away the layer of sweat that had collected above her brow. 

"Nice one, Mae." Minho finally piped up, prompting some nods of agreement from the rest. 

"Thanks. You know for a second there-" 

The girl didn't have one second to herself. Yet another dreaded mechanical tentacle had gotten a hold of someone again, but this time, it was Mae herself. 

She yelped in surprise, squealing at the uncomfortable feeling of cold metal around her waist as it jerked her backwards, farther from her friends. Thomas leapt to his feet, followed by Newt, as he reached out to aid her once again. She tried to lunge forward out of the monsters clutch, but her strength was no match for it's unnatural power.

Despite Newt and Thomas's valiant effort, everyone watched in horror as Mae was yanked out of the Council room before they could grab ahold of her like they had Chuck.

Rest up legend. JK HAHAH im not that horrible. maybe. Anyways short filler chapter but it builds some suspense, so. Hope you enjoyed. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR SO MANY READS AND COMMENTS, I'M PLEASANTLY SHOCKED.

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