Fifty Shades Of August

By Roycestopher

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©CopyRight 2015 - 2017 by Roycestopher All Rights Reserved Contains Rated R contents including detailed sex... More

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
long time no see

chapter two

9.8K 390 82
By Roycestopher

Work, School, and Studying is all too much to handle but it's all apart of my busy little life. I walked out into the living room with my satchel over my shoulder. Nala stood there in the kitchen gathering the lunch she prepared for herself. Once she seen me she smiled and put her things into her purse and walked over to the door. Following her outside we both got into her sporty red BMW which her mother and father bought her for her eighteenth birthday.

"Always in your thoughts, what's on your mind?" I looked at Nala and shook my head buckling my seatbelt. She gave me that I-don't-believe-you face and pulled out onto the street. Today I knew was already going to be a very long day for me. Today our school will be presenting a special guest. Someone who is investing in our fashion and art program to help advance it. The idea wasn't that bad. Then after that I got to head home change then go to work.

Once we arrived at campus since me and Nala took the same classes we headed to our first class. During that class they announced that all classes will head to the auditorium. Guess it was time for them to introduce us. I packed my books away and followed Nala and the rest of the class into the hall ways. "I wonder who it is." Nala said winking at me. Now what was that supposed to mean. Was that some type of inside joke she must know something I don't. Me and Nala seated in the very front row as everyone else scattered around finding there friends. Once everyone settled down the principle of our school had got onto the stage earning some applause and whistles. For a thirty year old women she looked very young and beautiful. She seemed flattered by it but eventually put on a blank expression that told us to quiet down.

Everyone quieted down and sat back waiting for her to speak. The assistant principal handed her a microphone mumbling something while walking to the far end of the stage with some man whose back was facing us and two other men on each of his side. "Good morning." She said smiling. We all said good morning back then quieted back down. "Today we are welcomed to have a very special guest who will be investing into our fashion and arts program bringing us the top of the line technology that will help advance things not only will he be investing in our programs but he will also be doing us the honor of handing out the degrees at our graduation ceremony in two weeks to our graduating class." She paused and looked to the side nodding. My eyes traveled over to the side as well and seen the assistant principal holding up her thumbs. The principal nodded and turned back to us.

"I may now introduce Englands youngest billionaire.. Chresanto August!" She beamed and clapped her hands. Nala nudged me and chuckled. I scanned through the students and watched as they nearly had a heart attack as Mr.August approached the principal. He smiled shaking her hand gladly taking the microphone from her. I wasn't that much surprised I do remember him saying the school sounded familiar. Very cliche.

"He's hot!"

"My gosh he's like a sex god."

All the comments they were making were extremely true. He was a extremely gorgeous man. He wore this navy blazer, light blue dress shirt, navy dress pants that matched with the blazer, a blue silk tie and the same rolex from yesterday which is actually called Day-Date II beautiful piece. But all in all the suit fitted him perfectly. It hugged all the right places. He had this business like look on his face. He cleared his throat and everybody quieted down. He's so intimidating. My gosh just being in his presence made me feel like a child.

He scanned the crowed and his honey brown eyes eventually caught my stare. His mouth twitches up into a smirk. I bit my lip and looked down. He began to talk about his investment and the graduation. I was still a little shock that a man not much older than me will handing me my degree. As he finished talking he handed the microphone back to the principal and walked to the two large men that waited for him by the stairs. He nodded at them and he walked ahead of them with them following closely behind. He walked through the isles and girls and even boys literally threw themselves at the man. Once the principal finished talking it was time to get our lunch. Everyone scattered out of the auditorium.

"So you knew he was coming and didn't tell me." I scowled she laughed and held the door open for me. I mean she could have warned me so I could have prepared myself. I was sitting in the front row looking a complete mess. I mean a black long sleeve shirt, blue ripped jeans and black converses isn't the most appealing outfit. Plus my hair was tied up into a puff ball and to add into that I had my glasses so I looked like a total school boy.

"Why would I tell you? Unless you got a little a crush on the billionaire." I shook my head.

"That's crazy Nala, lets go." Walking to her car the black Escalade suv pulled up beside us. As the back windows slowly rolled down there was Mr.August. I swallowed the lump in my throat and glanced at Nala who was smiling ear to ear.


"Sir." He waved at Nala. I looked at her to see if he had some type of affect on her. Nope. Nala waved back carelessly. Why can't I be like that all cool and calm. He focused his attention back to me.

"Jacob would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? Your friend may join if she'd like?" I looked at Nala and she shook her head.

"Jacob you go ahead I got my lunch already." She winked at me. I sighed and nodded. Mr.August opened the door and waited for me to climb in. I looked back at Nala once more before getting in. I leaned over and grabbed the door handled pulling the door closed. As I did I almost fell out but I felt Mr.Augusts hands grab onto my waist pulling me back. Once the door was closed I sat back.

We arrived at my job which was weird but we walked in and went to a booth. The two men with him went over to their own booth in front of ours. A waiter came up to us. She greeted me and then Mr.August. "What can I get you two?"

"Black coffee and a chocolate chip muffin for me and.."

"Tea for me." He raised an eyebrow and ran his finger across his lip studying me. "Not a fan of coffee." He nodded understandingly and sat back.

"Tell me about your self Jacob." I shook my head and looked everywhere but at him.

"There's not much to tell sir." He chuckled.

"Sure there is."

"Not really sir. What about you tell me about yourself bet your life is more interesting than mine." He placed his hand on the table and started to tap the table with his index finger.

"Well what would you like to know?" He cocked his head slightly to the side waiting for my answer. I shrugged.

"Um tell me about your business."

"Be more specific Jacob."

I cleared my throat. It's like I'm about to interview him. I thought about what to say and finally it came to mind. "Well you're very young to have taken over such an empire. To what do you owe your success?" He seemed taking back by question but nodded approvingly.

"Business is all about people, Jacob, and I'm very good at judging people. I know how they tick, what makes them flourish, what doesn't, what inspires them, and how to incentivize them. Something my father taught me. I employ an exceptional team and I reward them well." He pauses and leans forward staring at me intensely. "Like my father my belief is to achieve success in any scheme one has to make oneself master of that scheme, know it inside and out, know every detail. I work hard, very hard to do that. I make decisions based on logic and facts. I have a natural gut instinct that can spot and nurture a good solid idea and good people. The bottom line is, it's always down to good people."

"Maybe you're just lucky." I mumbled playing with a napkin he's so arrogant but I'm not about to tell him that. He looked at me surprised.

"I wouldn't call this luck Jacob. My father worked very hard for this business and I'm blessed to be able to take over for him and continue to carry on his legacy. Plus It really is all about having the right people on your team and directing their energies accordingly."

"You sound like a control freak sir." The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them."Oh, I exercise control in all things Jacob." Before he could say anything else the waiter came back with our drinks. I thanked her and watch as she walked away.

I looked back at Mr.August who was staring at the mug in my hand. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?"

"No sir I'm fine." He shook his head and split his muffin in half given me it.

"Eat." He orders. I took small bites of the muffin. I had the urge to ask more questions.

"So sir your father played a big role in your success where does your mother fit into the equation?" Once I mentioned his mother his mouth formed into straight line. His body tensed up and he clenched his fist.

"She absolutely has no input on my success the only person who had ever done anything for me was my father. The crack whore wasn't capable of doing anything good with her pathetic life plus she died when I was about the age of nine. I hope that answers your question Jacob."

I didn't say anything after that he seemed pretty mad. I stood quiet until it was time for me to leave.

The ride back to campus was pretty quiet. Once we pulled into the parking lot I stepped out. "Thank you again sir."

"The pleasure is mine until next time Jacob." I nodded my head bitting my bottom lip.

"Until next time sir."

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