Cassiopeia Kane

By vara_gr

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Season 2- 01


337 8 0
By vara_gr

Things at camp went really well, the delinquents were building a wall to protect themselves from the Grounders. The only problem was that Wells was found dead the morning after Cassiopeia had talked to Charlotte. Everyone believed that the Grounders had killed Wells and that is the reason they were building the wall faster than usual.

Wells's death didn't affect the camp as much as it should've. They were down to ninety-five, Cassy couldn't stop counting down. She was carrying wood at the moment with another guy her age to a section that should be done by tomorrow. The guy that was carrying the wood with her let go of the log and fell on the ground from exhaustion. The weight on her shoulder made her going tumbling down as well.

"Hey." John shouted as he walked towards the boy and Cassy. "You think the Grounders are just gonna wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do all the lifting for you huh?" John said as Cassy got up from the ground and took all the dust off her clothes.

"I just need some water, okay? And then I'll be fine." The boy said.

"Murphy. Get this guy some water." Bellamy ordered and Cassy took that as her cue to pick up her side of the wood. "Het you got this?" Bellamy asked Charlotte with a smile. Charlotte stopped what she was doing and went to grab the log. Before Cassy could say something Bellamy said "just kidding."

Bellamy then grabbed the other end of the wood and carried it with Cassy's help. "Murphy has been telling me you haven't been sleeping in you're tent." Bellamy said.

"What are you? My dad?" Cassy asked whilst laughing. Yes, it was true. Cassy didn't want to sleep in the same tent with John after what he tried to do.

"Where have you been sleeping?" Bellamy asked after they stopped laughing. He let the log down were it was supposed to be and then they both walked back together to the dehydrated guy.

"Under the stars." Cassiopeia replied dreamily.

"You've been sleeping outside. Why the hell would you do that?" Bellamy asked and they both stopped when they got to the guy. Murphy returned, unzipped his pants and started peeing all over the guy's jacket.

"What the hell is wrong with you Murphy?" The guy asked as he quickly got up and shoved him away. "I'm gonna kill you." Then John's minions held back the guy away from Murphy.

"You wanted a water break." He said cockily. Without thinking Cassiopeia went to her best friend and smacked him. Her smack was quick and left a red mark. It was also a loud one making everyone stop what they were doing and look at them.

As expected John was shock and held his burning cheek with his hand and Cassiopeia looked outraged. "Why are you such a fucking dick?!" She asked Murphy.

The boy couldn't think of anything to say, when Cassy was mad he would usually shut up. "You've changed John." Cassy shook her head disapprovingly. "First you threaten to kill Wells and get into numerous fights with him, then you try to kill Jasper and now this? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Everyone was dead silent. "Since you're not going to give me an answer. Get back to work." She said addressing John and the rest of the delinquents.  The small group that was made quickly dispersed not wanting to be yelled by Cassy.

"Cassiopeia look I'm sorry." John tried to apologise but Cassy couldn't deal with him now, she had to build the wall. She continued walking with John hot on her trail.

"Hey. You should go get cleaned up." She dismissed the guy Murphy had peed on and continued walking to Charlotte that looked shocked. "John I swear to god if you don't go away I'm going to slap you again." Cassy threatened John when she still felt his presence behind her.

"Hi Cassy." Charlotte greeted her.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Including Murphy's you know what." Cassy apologised and Charlotte immediately looked at the ground.

"It's okay." She finally said and Cassy gave her a smile. "If you want a break as well you can. You don't have to act tough all the time." Cassy responded and ruffled the girl's hair that was tightly secured in two French braids. "See you around." She waved at the girl and continued helping the rest of the criminals with the wall.

"Cassy follow me." Bellamy said in a distressed tone. Without another word being said she followed him in a tent. Inside the tent Clarke, Octavia and Jasper were already in. On the table there was a weapon and two chopped off fingers.

"Is everything okay?" The girl asked.

"This knife was made of metal from the Dropship." Clarke said when she grabbed the weapon, she looked extremely puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Cassiopeia asked not really understanding what was going on.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy spoke up and looked at his sister and Jasper.

"No one. We brought it straight here." Octavia answered. Cassy got closer to the table and realised that the two fingers lying there were Wells's. When they found his body Cassy vividly remembered that two of his fingers were missing.

Cassiopeia gaged and looked away. "It means the Grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us." Cassy said when she felt better.

"So there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper asked with fear.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. Need to keep it quiet." Bellamy said. Cassy felt a pang in her chest, did they consider her as a murderer?

Clarke started walking with the little knife in her hand. "Get out of my way Bellamy." She said when Bellamy got in front of her to stop her from getting out of the tent.

"Be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved. The wall, the patrols. Thinking the Grounders killed Wells is good for us." Bellamy explained and Cassy completely agreed with him.

"Good for you, you mean. What, keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. Besides, what are you going to do, just ask the killer to step forward?" Bellamy asked. Clarke wasn't thinking straight if she was going to do that Cassy thought.

"Clarke, listen. If you announce that Wells was murdered from someone in camp it will cause panic and everything will go to hell." Cassiopeia tried to change Clarke's mind.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She spitted out. Cassy knew what she meant, about her father voting against her father's plan. "You should also choose your best friends more carefully." She continued saying.

"What does that mean?" Cassy asked the blonde. Clarke shoved the weapon in Cassiopeia's hands.

"J. M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know." She said. Cassy looked at the weapon for confirmation, when she saw John's initials carved out she staggered a bit and bumped into Murphy.

"He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't go that far." Cassy said. She was in denial and saying those words assured her a tiny bit.

Clarke then grabbed the weapon from Cassiopeia's hands, walked past Bellamy and exited the tent. Cassy quickly followed her to see how it was going to go down.

"You son of a bitch." Clarke said when she got to Bellamy and pushed him backwards.

"What's your problem?" John asked with a little chuckle as his eyes traveled from Clarke to Cassiopeia.

"Recognise this?" Clarke asked and held out Murphy's knife in the air. Everyone stopped working and watched what was going on in front of them.

"My knife. Where'd you find that?" John asked. Cassy sighed and ran her hands through her hair, it was true, he killed Wells.

John reached for his knife but Clarke didn't let him and answered "Where you dropped it after you killed Wells."

"Where I what?" Murphy asked in a serious tone. "The Grounders killed Wells not me." He said and looked at Cassy to see if she believed what Clarke was saying.

"I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it." Clarke said decisively.

"Really? Bellamy, Cassy do you believe this crap?" He asked looking at their direction. Lucky for him they were both next to each other so he didn't have to search the crowd for them.

"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells." Clarke said ignoring his question.

"Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the chancellor that locked us up." Murphy said but was interrupted by Clarke.

"But you got in a knife fight with him." Clarke shouted in his face. She wasn't keeping it civilised because her judgement was clouded by her feelings.

"Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either." Murphy responded.

"He tried to kill Jasper too." Octavia added. Cassy wanted to disappear, she knew this wasn't going to end well.

"What?" Jasper asked Octavia. Nobody told him about it so he was bound to be surprised and scared.

"Come on, this is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to anyone." Murphy said in a desperate tone.

"Come again?" Bellamy asked waiting for John to correct himself. Cassy had no idea who she should believe, people she had just met that had evidence or her best friend.

"Bellamy, Cassy I'm telling you guys, I didn't do this." Murphy said when he came face to face with them.

"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife." Cassy said and ran her hand through her hair.

"Is this the kind of society that we want? You say that we need no rules. Does that mean we can kill each other without punishment?" Clarke asked the crowd.

"Look I already told you. I didn't kill anyone." John replied.

"I say we float him." Someone from the crowd called out and a series of 'yeahs' were followed.

"That's not what I'm saying." Clarke said.

"Why not? He deserves to float, it's justice." The same guy said. Things were getting out of hand very quickly.

"Revenge isn't justice." Clarke responded but was cut off by the boy.

"It's justice. Float him!" The boy yelled repeatedly and one by one the rest of the delinquents changed with him.

John not knowing what else to do made a run for it. He didn't get really far because somebody had tripped him resulting him to fall flat on the ground. All the criminals rushed towards him and started kicking him. Cassiopeia watched in horror not able to move because of the shock.

When her instincts finally kicked in she rushed in the crowd. Bellamy tried to stop her but he was already restraining Octavia from getting involved.

"Leave him alone!" The girl screamed over the many shouts but unfortunately wasn't heard. Everything was going so fast and before Cassy knew it, John Murphy had a handmade rope tied around his neck and ready to be hung.

He was slowly pulled upwards and gasped for air. "Leave him alone! You're killing him!" Cassy shouted and tried to let the boy free but was held back.

"Cassy you should do it." The guy that had the idea of floating John said and they all started chanting her name. Cassy felt like her head was spinning she looked around her and blocked all the voices.

"Cassy don't do this." John said desperately. He stared deeply into her eyes but that moment was ruined when he suddenly fell from where he was standing on and gasped for air.

All of the crowd cheered as they looked at John. Next to the hanging boy was Bellamy that looked flustered. He must've been the one that did it. "Cut him down!" Cassy said as she moved towards John to release him but never made it there because the guy with the brilliant idea held a knife to her throat.

"No just stop okay?! Murphy didn't kill Wells." Charlotte screamed when she was being pushed around. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen at the twelve year old. "I did!" Charlotte confessed.

"Oh my god." Charlotte said and grabbed Bellamy's axe from his belt and threw it directly at the rope. The rope was cut in half and John plummeted to the ground. Cassy then looked at the little girl in disbelief just like Bellamy.

"Bring out the girl Bellamy!" John shouted from outside of the tent. Cassy was with Charlotte, Bellamy, Finn and Clarke trying to get some answers.

"Why Charlotte?" Cassy asked with shaky hands.

"I was just trying to overcome my fears and slay my demons like you both told me to." She said justifying her actions.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke asked.

"Charlotte that is not what we meant. How could you do this?!" Cassy asked with shaky breaths. "Did you kill Wells before or after we talked?" She then asked the girl that had averted her gaze to the floor.

"After." She replied in a whisper.

"Oh my god." Cassy said in disbelief and grabbed the table for support. "You are telling me that you sat and casually talked to me about finding a way to overcome your fears after you had just murdered Wells?" Cassiopeia asked so she didn't misunderstood.

Cassy felt very nauseous. She grabbed her tummy and ran at the back of the tent and threw up all the continents that her belly stored. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve, drank some water and returned to the group acting as if she hadn't thrown up.

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy shouted even louder.

"Let's deal with my panic attack later." Cassy said when she felt like she had calmed down a little bit. When she looked up she saw Bellamy already looking at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte begged.

"If you guys have any ideas, speak up." Bellamy said. They all looked at each other waiting for answers. "Now you stay quiet?"

"There are your boys out there." Finn said with urgency.

"This is not my fault. If she had listened, those idiots would still be building the wall." Bellamy blamed Clarke.

"You wanna build a society princess? Let's build a society, bring her out." John shouted once again.

"No. Please, Cassy, Bellamy." Charlotte cried out. It disgusted Cassy that Charlotte begged for her help when she killed someone and almost killed her best friend that was now acting like a psychopath.

Cassy had heard enough from Charlotte so she exited the tent.

"Look who it is. Cassiopeia Kane." Murphy yelled.

"John relax. I know you want revenge and payback but killing a little girl isn't it." Cassy said with her hands in the air to show him that she wasn't a threat.

Bellamy exited the tent and stood next to Cassiopeia. "Dial it down and back off." Bellamy said in a harsh voice.

"Or what? What are you gonna do, Bellamy, hang me?" John asked with an attitude.

"I was just giving the people what they wanted." Bellamy started saying but was interrupted by John's laugh.

"Last time I checked they wanted Cassy to do it. Not you. But since you were doing what the people wanted then let's take a vote." He said and turned to face the crowd.

"So who here wants to see the real murderer hung up?" Murphy asked and held his hand up. "All in favour?" The only people that put their hand up were Murphy's minions.

"I see. So it's okay to string me up for nothing but when this little bitch confesses you want to let her walk? Cowards all of you-" John yelled but was cut off by Cassy. She really wanted to understand him but she just physically couldn't.

"Hey, Murphy. Murphy. It's over." She yelled making him go quiet as she walked towards him with Bellamy by her side.

"Whatever you say boss." John said. Then Bellamy and her walked away towards the tent but Bellamy was struck with wood against the head. When he regained his composure he punched John square in the face.

"Come on let's get the girl." John ordered and started walking to the tent. He opened the tent and disappeared for a moment looking more furious than ever.

"Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can here me! And when I find you, you are going to pay." Murphy shouted at the top of his lungs. Cassiopeia ran and jumped on John's back in order to buy more time for Clarke and Finn.

The force of the jump was huge and resulted to both of them tumbling down a hill. They both groaned in pain as the rest of the delinquents including Cassiopeia's new friends and Bellamy.

"I'm sorry but I'm not letting you get to her." Cassy said and elbowed him at his side when she regained her breath. John then pinned her down to the ground because he was stronger and smiled.

"Keep her down." He ordered one of his goons and left to go find Charlotte. The guy that was holding Cassy fell on the ground when Bellamy had punched him at his jaw.

Bellamy and Cassy shared a long look, when it got awkward Cassiopeia spoke up and said "we need to stop him."

Authors note:
Vote, comment and follow please.
This chapter was based off of Episode 4- Murphy's Law.
Sorry for the mistakes.
Have a nice day/nigh and please stay safe. 😧🪢🪵

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