We'll be back - Hamilton Ones...


17.1K 230 249

The Founding Fathers. The People who shaped America to what it has come to. So you know what I'm going to d... More

Lams: Cats ❤️
Thaurens + Hamilton: Can I watch? ⚠️
Mullette: Whats A Few More? 🌧
Jeffmads: Nurse Thomas ❤️
HamLaf: Pretty boy ⚠️
Whamilton: Pulled over 🔥
Jamilton: Rain 🥀
Washette: Under The Water 🔥
Thaurens + Lafayette: Valentine's Day Surprise 🔥
John Laurens: Oh, I Might Just Try 🌧
Thaurens: Secret Art ❤️
Lams: Love The Sin And The Sinner 🔥
Lams: Dreams Come True ⚠️
Jamilton: Creek Treehouse ❤️
Jeffmads: Sniffly Cuddles ❤️
Thaurens: I Forgive You 🥀
Hamilsquad: Transgender Health ❤️
Jeffmads: On Top Of The World ❤️
Marquis De Lafayette: "Speak, Mute!" 🌧
Lafilton: Sweet Blood ⚠️
Jeffmads: Drunken Love 🔥
Jamilton: Take a Break ⚠️

Lams: Turtle Beach ❤️

388 10 9

"John, come on!" Alexander yelled from across the house, holding a suitcase and a duffel bag. John came jogging down the hall giggling, holding about the same thing, only his suitcase was larger given the fact he wanted to bring his art supplies and photography equipment. "I'm here, I'm here!" John chuckled and Alexander opened the door for his husband. John walked through the door with a smile, hurriedly rushing down the driveway and to the car. Alexander locked up the home, then followed John's movements down to the car.

"Open the trunk, we'll put the bags in there so we don't have to hold everything." John hopped into the driver's seat, popping the trunk open with the click of a button. Alexander ran to the back of the car with all the bags and set them neatly in the trunk, shutting it and running to the passenger's seat. "You excited?" Alex asked his husband, who was bouncing in his seat so roughly that the key couldn't seem to find its way into the ignition hole.

"Yes! We're going on our first vacation together, and it's to the beach!" John squealed, the key finally making its way into the ignition. Alex chuckled, buckling his seatbelt and pulling out his phone. He pointed his phone at John and snapped a few pictures before he could see, saving them to his camera roll and tucking his phone back. John drove the car out of the driveway and sped the car through the neighborhood until they were out on the freeway.

"We need some music in our lives." Alexander said, reaching for the radio and flicking through some stations, but John grabbed his hand and held it for a moment. "Not just regular music, we need theatre music." John smirked, reaching into the glove compartment and pulling out a CD case. He stopped at a stoplight and scrambled to open the case, popping the disk into the radio and clicking play, turning up the volume. The moment the first lyric came on, Alexander and John both looked at each other and grinned.

"You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead!" Alexander and John both lifted a finger in the air, tapping three times. "But, but, but! Then it hit me like a flash! What if highschool went away instead?"

"Those assholes are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind, but-" Alexander threw his head back with a deadly grin, John keeping his eyes on the road though changing his voice to sound darker. "I can set you free!"

"You left me and I fell apart, I punched the wall and cried!" Alexander boxer punched the glovebox three times. "Bam! Bam! Bam! Then I found you changed my heart, and set loose all that truthful shit inside! And so I built a bomb! Tonight, our school is Vietnam! Let's guarantee they never see their senior pro-o-o-o-m!" Both men screamed, raising a fist in the air in victory with a laugh. Their voices died down, to a much softer, yet deep tone.

"I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one! Don't give up on me now! Finish what we've begun!"

The rest of the drive consisted of belting out lyrics to a variety of different musicals, several stops for fast food, and a never-ending game of "I have to go to the bathroom." John pulled into the hotel driveway, seven hours away from their town. They both exited the car, and the immediate rush of salty fresh air hit their noses. They breathed in the scents all around them, grabbing their bags from the trunk and heading inside.

"Welcome! How long will you be staying?" The receptionist asked, looking up from her paperwork. "Three days, please." John replied excitedly, smiling at the lady. She nodded and clicked a couple of buttons on her computer, getting their names and typing them. John was given a key to one of the suites on the top floor, and Alexander helped carry up their suitcases to the elevator.

"This is going to be the most fun three days we've had in our life." John bounced up and down, a wide smile painting his lips into a curve. "Hey! What about our wedding, you dope?" Alexander asked. For their wedding, instead of going to Niagara Falls like they intended, the couple settled on a small, cottagecore wedding in the forest behind the town.

"That was two days, this is three. And it's at the beach." John corrected his husband, punching him in the arm as they walked down the hall and to their suite door. Alexander unlocked it, opening the door to reveal the most beautiful room they've ever stayed in. White walls, lined with shelves that held small plants and arrangements of rocks. Gorgeous views of the far away beach were given at every window on the left side of the room, paintings scattered in disorganized, yet still perfect views. A dark, silky brown furniture covered the room, like the bedframe, bathroom sink and dresser. A marble floor topped everything off, with a glisten that somehow made the room look brighter.

"Wow.." John mumbled, shuffling into the room with a look of amazement in his eyes.He immediately collapsed onto the bed, pulling at the soft white sheets. "So soft.." He smiled, reaching for Alexander. Alex shuffled in as well, scooting beside John and hugging him.

"This is going to be an amazing vacation."


"Beach time!" John squealed, jumping on the bed where a sleeping Alexander lay. One harsh jump and Alexander was launched off the bed onto the floor with a grunt. "Jesus, John! It's so early!"

"Any time of day is the perfect time to go to the beach!" John hopped off the bed and picked up his husband, kissing him gently and smiling. Alexander chuckled, standing on his own two feet and grabbing his hand. "Alright, Alright. Go get ready."

"I'm already ready! I have swim trunks under these shorts and a tank top! And a beach duffel bag is packed by the door with towels. You're the one who needs to get ready!" John grabbed Alex and shoved him into the bathroom with his suitcase, bouncing around the room. Alex laughed and slipped off his clothes, putting on a pair of swim trunks and putting his shirt in the suitcase, grabbing some sandals and coming out of the bathroom. "Alright, let's go!"

John and Alexander headed down to the beach on foot, John bolting into the sand and face planting right into it. He lifted his head, spitting sand out of his mouth and shoving it out of his eyes, huffing a couple times to get it out of his nose. Alexander laughed his ass off before finally deciding to help his husband up, brushing the sand off his body. "Finally, you dick-"

"Oh stop. You love me." Alexander gave John a cheery smile and sprinted towards the shore, the duffel bag swinging back and forth as he panted. John rushed after him, laughing loudly. Once they arrived at the very edge where the ripples of the water touching the sand moistened it successfully, John stripped his pants and set them in his duffel bag, sprinting into the water. He splashed and whooped, encouraging Alexander to come follow. "I don't want to get wet, John!"

A strange shuffling came from the moist sand in front of the towel Alexander had set down, several parts of the sand rising and falling like a finger pushing through it. Alexander raised an eyebrow, backing away uneasily. A dark, scaled head removed itself from the sand, along with two large flippers, then a shell, then two more flippers. Alexander screamed, pointing at the turtles and gaping. "John! Turtles!"

John came bolting down the sand, squealing as dozens of baby turtles waddled down the sand, being washed away by the water into their natural home. A seagull came flying towards them, picking up one turtle by its shell. John screamed and yelled, flailing his arms at the seagull. The turtle was dropped, and John caught it flat in his hands. "Here you go, little guy." John set the turtle back onto the sand, watching it scramble to its home.

"Quick! There's more!" Alexander jumped up, flapping his arms and yelling at the birds, protecting the sea turtles from the sharp beaks as best as he could. John wouldn't touch the turtles to get them to move faster, or he feared they would become dependent on other animals to help it. He watched them all flail their fins, pulling their tiny bodies towards the water.

Soon enough, the turtles had all successfully gotten into the water, and drifted away with the tides that dragged them into the water. John watched them leave, tears in his eyes. Alexander joined him, hugging him from behind. "You did a good thing, baby." He kissed his cheek.

"You did, too." John mumbled, holding Alexander's hand and smiling as the black dots of the turtles faded down into the darkness of the dawn water.

".. I'm totally drawing a baby turtle when we get back to the hotel."

"Well it's a good thing I got a couple pictures."

{Word Count: 1,551}

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