Can't Stop Thinking of You (D...

By bellelovesminecraft

109K 3.2K 10.3K

*SEQUEL TO THINK ON ME. PLEASE READ THAT FIRST.* Set in February of 2021. If George and/or Dream say that the... More

"Nobody could ever hate me."
"This was not my intention."
"Happy birthday, Sappy Nappy."
"I thought he was."
"You're such a nerd."
"You don't deserve to deal with this."
"They'll probably make assumptions."
"I'm ready."
"I'm gonna forget this ever happened."
"What happened?"
Think About Her

"See you soon, Clay."

4.8K 189 385
By bellelovesminecraft

George had woken first that morning. He laid there, watching his boyfriend sleep. He felt Dream's hands tightened their grip on George's shirt. George couldn't help but smile against Dream's forehead, content laying there with the man he loves, trying to avoid the fact that he'll be on his way home in 6 hours.

George felt a little sad when he felt Dream's grip loosen on his shirt. The taller man slowly stirred awake, curling closer to the warmth George was radiating. George smiled at the touch, just enjoying himself while he still could.

Dream started murmuring lightly, "Morning. Sweetheart. How are you feeling?" George just pulled Dream closer, "I'm okay. Just a sad day today. It sucks but I get to see Cat."

The taller man nodded lightly against the other man's chest. They stayed there together for a little bit. Knowing that they wouldn't be able to be near each other for a while. Dream had gotten his grip back on the back of George's shirt.

George had leaned over to pick up his phone, seeing tons of messages from their friends, full of concern for them, dating back 18 hours. "I didn't use my phone at all after I tweeted yesterday. I must've forgotten my phone in here."

George scrolled through his Discord, reading all the things their friends were messaging him. Dream was laying on the other's shoulder as they scrolled through the messages, George set his phone down lightly, "They're all being nice, but I just wish we could've held off a little. It's fine though, I'm not mad, they were going to find out one day. Plus you're hot and way out of my league, so go me."

Dream looked up at him, wheezing lightly, "You're such an idiot, George." He laughed lightly at his comment. He calmed down quickly, Dream was running his hand down his chest, "Be honest, Clay. Do you think I should come out to everyone? Like formally."

The blonde sat up quickly, looking at George, "Well, sweetheart, I think that's up to you. You've been forced out by people so many times, so whatever you want to do to take it back. I'll be there with you."

"Getting outed seems to be the one thing we have in common with our experiences," George joked before realizing the harsh reality of what he said. Dream's face just fell slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right. That's the truth, not like we can steer away from that fact."

George leaned over, placing a light kiss on Dream's cheek, "I think I'm ready to take it back." Quickly pulling out his phone, drafting a thread on Twitter.

"I know I don't go the most in-depth on my life and honestly want to keep it that way. However, sometimes you just feel like you need to set things straight and take control of that after having that privilege taken away from you, time and time again. I hope you guys don't mind."

"I am attracted to men, and I've been aware of this fact forever. I know that I've said otherwise in streams before, but I didn't even come out to the people I did until recently, only about 3 1/2 months ago. I wasn't ready due to people in my life not responding well."

"I want young members of the LGBTQ+ community to know that they can find comfort in my content and that negative people can't determine your success. While I want this, I also don't want it to be my only personality trait. I'm still the same guy I have been since the beginning."

"I love you guys, and I appreciate all of you. I'll stream on Thursday or Friday. Depends on how I am feeling when I am back in the UK. Also, don't assume anything about my friends. It's none of your concern how we all live and behave with each other irl. :]"

George took a deep breath and had Dream read the tweet for him. He quickly published the tweets, feeling a little bit lighter than he did before. The other man sat next to him, quickly commenting on the thread.

"Forever proud of you, George."

They sat there together, reading the responses from other creators and fans. Most of them were good, but there would always be people who don't agree. Dream just sat with George in his lap, pressing kisses against the back of his neck. Patches was sitting on George's lap as he lightly ran a hand through her fur.

"You can confirm that we're dating, they're all already suspecting it," Dream ran his hand down George's thigh. George shrugged his shoulders lightly, "Or you could do it. I feel like I shouldn't be the one to come out for you. Feels kinda wrong, honestly. I'm sorry."

Dream nodded lightly, "I get it. I can do it. Not right now, but I can do it."

"Okay. We're done talking about Twitter for now. I just want to spend time with you, not worry about what happens next, okay?" George turned around to face Dream, resituating himself with his thighs on either side of Dream.

Dream's hands went to George's hips, who leaned down to kiss that taller man. Dream pulled him closer to his body, holding him flush against his body. George pulled away lightly, leaning against Dream's forehead. He moved his head to Dream's shoulder, Dream looked at him, "Are you okay, George?"

The older man just sat there, not responding to him. Shrugging his shoulders lightly, "I'm fine, like, I'm an independent person, I live alone and I have for almost 6 years. But I just don't want to leave you again. It hurts knowing that I have to leave you, and just go back to being lonely. London isn't my home anymore, not when you're here."

Dream wrapped his arms around George tightly, "I know. It hurts me too, George. I don't want to watch you walk away from me. It upsets me that you don't have any family to have over. Knowing that you feel lonely in that apartment all by yourself. I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to make sure you have someone there."

"It's not your fault, Clay. I just wish we were to the point where we lived together sometimes. But we still have our date, and we do talk to each other all day," George rambled into Dream's shoulder. Dream nodded lightly, "We will be at that point as soon as we possibly can, sweetheart. We'll start the process soon."

George took a deep breath before nodding slowly. Dream thought for a second before pulling out his phone to take a picture of the man in his lap, George covered his face in embarrassment, "What are you doing, Clay? This is such an indelicate position."

All you could see in the picture was George sitting on his lap, the only thing visible on his face was his smile.

George jokingly glared at the other, "You're so dumb, Dreamie." The other looked up at him, pulling him down against him.

"What do you need to do before you leave?" Dream questioned briefly. George thought for a second, "I need to shower and finish packing, I think." The blonde softly pushed him away, looking at him deeply, "Would you maybe like some company, in the shower?"

George's nose scrunched, "Well, as long as I actually shower sometime before I leave, you can join me." Dream nodded very quickly as he picked up George, carrying him to the bathroom.

George was standing at the bathroom sink, brushing his teeth. He could see Dream in his reflection, sitting on the living room couch, eating toast. While George wasn't paying attention, Dream took another picture of him. When George finished getting ready he walked over to the couch, sitting down on Dream's lap.

They sat together for a while, Dream pulled his phone out again, taking a picture of George and him, "Why do you keep taking pictures of us? It's not like we're doing anything interesting."

"I just want the pictures. You know what to do," Dream tapped his cheek lightly, George rolled his eyes lightly as he leaned in to kiss his cheek, hearing Dream take a picture quickly.

George cuddled against Dream's neck, "My flight is soon, and I have to go through customs." Dream nodded, understanding what George was really trying to say to him, "I know. I'll go get your bag, you stay here. Okay?" George smiled lightly, watching Dream walk away.

He slowly moved to the ground, kneeling down to pet Patches, "Hi, sweetie. Will you watch after Clay for me, please? Cuddle him when he gets sad, and give him kisses when he wants them? I know you'll stick your word." Patches meowed quietly up at the man talking to him. George wiped his eyes softly, trying to keep the tears in his eyes.

"Are you ready to go, George?" Dream ran a hand through the man on the floor's hair. George looked up, nodding quickly. He leaned over to kiss Patches' head, "Bye, sweet girl. You be good for Clay, okay?"

The two made their way to Dream's car, he was driving as slow as he legally could. He didn't want to watch him leave yet. They held hands the entire car ride, not even daring to let go for a second.

When they got there, George decided to head to a water fountain and get a quick sip of water. Dream took his phone out and took one final picture of George as he walked back to where he was standing. George quickly gave his suitcase to the baggage claim.

After a few minutes, they stood in front of customs. They just stood there holding hands for a while before George looked down at his phone, seeing the time, "I have to go or I'll be late for my flight."

Dream tried to suppress his emotions, ultimately failing. Tears were silently coming down his face, George tried to wipe the tears falling down the blonde man's face, eventually, he opted to just cup Dream's face with his hand. Dream leaned into the warmth that George's hand radiated.

"I-um, I love you a lot, you know? Despite leaving you, I'm still the happiest I've ever been because I still have the privilege of calling you my boyfriend," George choked out a sob, running the tips of his fingers through Dream's blonde hair.

Dream leaned down, taking George's lips against his own, "I love you more than anything in this world. We'll see each other soon, sweetheart." George nodded lightly, picking up his carry-on back off the floor, "I'll call you when I get home, maybe. Text you at the very least. I don't think I get home till 7 or 8, then I'll have to pick up Cat. I'll probably be exhausted."

"That's okay, just a quick message saying you're safe and home is enough, sweetheart. Don't even try to call me, I want you to get some sleep," Dream exhaled deeply. George nodded, pulling his hand away from Dream's face.

"See you soon, Clay. I love you," George waved as he walked towards customs. Dream waved back, "I love you too."

Dream just stood there as he watched George make his way through the long line. When George got through, he waved at Dream for the final time. Dream watched the man he loved walk out of his view.

He slowly made his way back to his car, just sitting there, listening to music. Not realizing that he had been sitting in his car for forty minutes. He was pulled out of his thought by receiving a text from George, "Hey, I just boarded the plane. I'll text you when I'm in my flat. I miss you so much."

Dream thought for a second, before impulsively opening up Twitter. He quickly drafted a tweet, deciding to just tweet it.

"sweetheart. :(" *A few pictures of George, brushing his teeth, sitting on his lap, kissing his cheek (Dream's face in view of the camera), and George walking back from the water fountain.*

Later, DreamNotFound was trending on Twitter. Dream didn't go home after leaving the airport, he decided he didn't want to be alone, so he went to his parent's house. He just hung out in Addison's room while she was in a VC with Tommy and Tubbo.

Dream was lying in her bed when she left the VC she was in. She moved to lay next to him in bed, "Are you okay, Clay?" Dream nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't want to be in my apartment right now, plus you're good company."

She smiled lightly, leaning against Clay's chest, "Well, I'm sure mom will let you stay. If you want. We can do whatever you want." He wrapped his arms around her, "I would, but I don't want to leave Patches home alone. She'll start destroying my couch." She nodded in understanding, right as their mother called everyone down to dinner.

They all sat around the table, making small talk. Dream looked down at his phone seeing a text from an unknown number, with a video attached, "About damn time you came out." The video was an old one, that gave away who the message was from. It was a video from six years ago, of Oliver placing a kiss against his cheek.

"How do you think the fans will feel, Clay? That you were too much of a coward to tell them who you really were," The next text flashed across his screen, his face started to heat up. Addison looked over Dream's shoulder, seeing the text, not trying to bring attention to their parents.

Dream was aggressively typing on his keyboard, "Literally fuck off, you're hiding behind a heterosexual relationship because you're a coward. Lauren doesn't deserve that. I know how your mom feels about the LGBT community, just own up to it and be yourself. Just leave us in the past, holy shit. I don't care about anymore taunting from you, my face and relationship are out there already. Leave me alone, and figure out your own problems. I'm an adult, and don't have time for the same teenage bullshit you've been on for 6 years."

Dream took a deep breath, and sent the message off, setting his phone down on the table and continuing his meal. Addison kept looking over at her brother, making sure he was okay.

He just finished his meal, before deciding to head back to his apartment. He blasted music through his car speakers, during the short drive home. He barely had any more energy to get ready for bed, quickly feeding Patches and laying down in his bed. He laid down on the pillow that George had slept on during his stay.

He looked over to his dresser seeing a hoodie with a note on top, "Hi, honey. I love you. I hope I get to see you wearing this. The thought of seeing you in my clothes makes me... excited, to say the least. I miss you, and I'm probably thinking about you right now, I always am."

Dream smiled seeing his boyfriend's handwriting, keeping the note on his nightstand. He forced himself to sleep early that night, just wanting the sad day to be over.

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