Prohibited (Tom Felton)

By finyaaa

29K 831 319

"How can something that feels so right be so wrong?" Mika is just an ordinary girl with the dream of becoming... More

1 | Love me Tinder
2 | Morning Surprise
3 | Coffee and Small Talk
4 | The Aftermath
5 | Clumsiness has Consequences
7 | Unpredictable Turn
8 | Increasing Pain
9 | Downhill
10 | Worried Sick
11 | Devilish Liquor
12 | Getting Heated
13 | Right and Wrong
14 | The Threat
15 | Pulling Myself Together
16 | Teacher's Pet
17 | Avoiding You
18 | The Whole Truth
19 | Our Goodbye
20 | Twist of Fate
21 | I Love You
22 | Epilogue

6 | Disturbances

1.4K 45 31
By finyaaa

"My hands, they lay perfectly on your hips"

I look at him in disbelief while a smile appears on his face, both of us breathing hard. One of his hands is still on my face moving the strands of hair that fell out of my ponytail. His thumb caresses my glowing cheek as I press my lips once again onto his. This kiss is less soft than the last one, more passionate filled with lust. I feel his hands drop to my waist touching the bare skin between my crop-top and the waistband of my jeans. It sends shivers done my spine and I put my hands around his neck, into his soft hair. We pull away again and I stare into his crystal blue eyes. Our hands are back to our own bodies leaving just a trace of our doings with his messy hair and my red cheeks.

"W-wow," is the only word leaving my mouth that had his lips on it only seconds ago.

"I'm pretty glad you dropped the flour," Tom chuckles and I laugh nervously.

He grabs the cloth and begins to clean up my mess when he suddenly grabs some flour and smears it on my face. I gasp.

"You'll regret that," I take some and put it on his head which results in a fight.

A few minutes later we're still laughing, flour covering the kitchen tiles and our whole bodies.

"Bloody hell, I think we need to clean up this mess," I laugh looking at the ground.

"How about I clean and you get the dough ready?" he suggests and I nod.

Luckily, Tom has another package of flour so we have enough for the dough. When it's done I spread it out on the baking trey and put the sauce on. Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands wrapping around my waist and a pair of lips caressing my neck. I turn around and look up at Tom's face.

"You have flour everywhere. Maybe you should shower," he suggests and I nod.

"Let us finish the pizza first," I say and he presses his lips on my head before turning around to the fridge.

He gets out cheese, pepperoni and some corn.
"I didn't know what you like...," he looks at me scratching his neck like he always does when he gets nervous.

"Pepperoni! My favorite," I grin and we finish the pizza and put it in the oven.

Tom shows me the bathroom and brings me a towel along with a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Thank you," I smile and he leaves and closes the door behind him.

After a quick shower I put on the clothes he gave me. They're a little big but I don't mind. I put my hair up in a bun and walk out of the bathroom. It seems like Tom already set the table. He smiles when he sees me.

"They look good on you," he smirks and I chuckle slightly.

"I'm also taking a shower. You can just make yourself comfortable, I'll be quick," he gestures to the couch and disappears in the bathroom.

Instead of sitting down I look at the pictures neatly sitting on one of his shelves. There is a selfie with an older woman I have seen on his Instagram before, it's his mother. Then, one of him with his three brothers when they were kids. And one that shows Willow, of course. I wonder if I would ever make it onto that shelve but quickly push that thought away. We've only known each other for two days.

The oven lets out a noise and I walk over to take the pizza out when the bathroom door opens. Tom appears in the doorframe with clean clothes and wet hair dripping from the tips.

"I was just about to take out the pizza," I say nervously looking at him.

"I'll take care of that. Just sit down," he orders and I smile. "After all, you're my guest."

He grins and I sit down on one of the dark wooden chairs. A few minutes later he comes over to the table with the pizza cut in pieces. While we eat we don't talk much. We just look at each other and smile every now and then.

"You have something," he begins after we finish eating, "there." He points to the corner of my lips. "Can I?"

I nod and he takes his thumb wiping it away.

"Thanks," I say but he leaves his hand on my cheek making it heat up.
"Oh no, we forgot dessert!"

Tom begins to laugh. "It's okay, I know something better than that," he leans forward and puts his soft lips on mine again making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

We stand up from our chairs while our lips stay connected and make our way over to the couch. Tom bumps into a cabinet and we both pull away laughing before continuing our kiss. He carefully lays me down on the couch and climbs on top of me placing kisses down my neck. My fingers automatically find their way to his hair that is still a little wet. He looks up into the dark of my eyes and I close the gap between us again tasting the sweetness of his lips. He carefully bites my lower lip and continues kissing me. His hands fumble with his own sweatshirt on my body before I feel them on my bare skin beneath it.
"Is this okay?" He breathes heavily and fixes my eyes. I nod and we carry on.
My hands touch his neck and mess up his hair before they trail down to his chest above me. My body is filled with pleasure and lust but the feeling suddenly vanishes when I hear my ringtone. We pull away catching our breaths. Tom gets down from me and I sit up with messy hair and red cheeks.

"I'm sorry," I bite my lip and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Mika, we just wanted to remind you that we have class tomorrow so you might not want to stay that long," I hear Evie's voice through the speaker.

"Oh right. Well, don't worry. I won't be that late," I reply while looking at the time. It's only seven thirty, plenty of time left.

"All right. Sorry for disturbing. See you later."

"See you," I hang up and turn to Tom whose eyes were on me the whole time.

"Sorry. It was just my friends telling me to not be home so late," I laugh and put the phone away.

"Don't worry," he grins and my eyes find the guitar standing next to the couch.

"Play something for me," I ask sweetly pointing to his guitar and he beams at me.

"Sure," he reaches for the guitar and begins to pluck at the strings immediately creating a soft melody.

I lay down putting my head on his knee while humming a tune. We lay there for a while. So long that I don't even remember coming home after.

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