11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

10》Limit Me

289 18 2
By JeonMina_05


"Good morning!"

Mina smile after one of worker, Ryn one of girl that work at politic lawyer. She friendly and Mina like that. Eventhough Mina might be a introvert but thats not a chance she can be judgemental like Wonwoo.

Speak of him, he already seat properly at his own office and Mina dont care. This is Monday and she hate that day like who doesnt? The vacation trip three days ago still annoy her mind.

Wonwoo not even try to text her or call and dont think other way that Mina will do it. Because she wont, forever no. She even not care if everyone said she ego or him because now both just think its better not to bring that thing again.

"Loy, can you tell mr. Jeon his schedual because i need to meet my sister a while."

Lied because exactly she dont want to talk to him and want to avoid him. Guess what happend if she not?

Mock? Provoke? Retort? Oh yes its all will start from that fox guy.

Mina quickly get up and go out from offuce to hide in down main bathroom. Like this is level 12 in building and go down main place was take 3 minutes but yeah she dont care.

"Mr. Jeon?"

"Oh Loy? Anything problem?"

"Ah no. Im just here to tell your schedual."

He turn to see Mina office but he dont found her. Just her handbag and ugly penguin doll. He someday forbid her to not bring it but she dont care cause she stubborn.

"Where is Mina?"

"Oh mrs. Myoui go down to meet her sister for a while."

He nod and let her tell his schedual. He grin his teeth when he heard there is meeting in just 1 hour. It was last minute and he dont remember that meeting Mina arrange was today. Or is it she just put it on purpose to test him?

After Loy go, not took 15 minutes Mina come back. Dont think nonsense she just stay at bathroom and play her phone like it was her off time. Mind to share that she and Tzuyu where the same outfit.

Exactly a sister twin fashion wont trouble right? But lucky Tzuyu she had day off today and Mina can say she might watch maraton drama in her room. Now she just choose to wear coat to show she working.

After she take her seat, she charge her phone before continue her work. Then half an hour she focus on her own laptop, a knock was heard.

Without say anything, a file flew to her table. She raise her head to see Wonwoo lean against the door with sharp jaw he hold.

"Print this before lunch. 20 copies. Meeting to go, bye."

She was about to protest but Wonwoo walk away to go meeting room. She groan and stomp her feet before made her way to print area.

"Tch! He really dont know exactly words of sympathy wont he? See! Im his fiancee and this like torture his own soon wife to print 20 copies. He really wanna test doesnt he? Huh!"


She bang the 20 copies file he want at his own table. The meeting will end another 30 minutes and then lunch so she steal this chance to go out for but her drink.

She quickly take her handbag and out from the building. The cafe that near this lawyer building was just behind it. Looks like she had to walk using back alley.

Mina sigh as see there is not many people at the cafe she go, so without watse the time she buy her drink. As she done her time there, she walk back to where she suppose to be. She feel a chill a bit using this alley that full of cars around.


She stop. That voice. She recognize it so much. Really familiar and her body shake when the wind hit her skin.

She turn and gasp to see the person she swear she dont want to meet in her life.


"Mina? You dont miss me?"


"You grow well."


"Ah you still know me well, my daughter."

She take step back when the figure that she call dad smile to her.

"H-how do you i-im here....?"

"Oh sweety, i called you three days ago but you sound not happy. You dont glad your dad is back?"

"I will never happy with your existence! What do you want from me?!"

"Dont shout, dear. Im just here to say hello."

She grin her teeth when heard those disguist dear word to her ear. She know that he here to not say kind thing but other thing he want.

"Just said what you want to say?!"

"Fine! 30 million in two months."

"Mwo?! Did you think those money fell from sky? How can i get that big amounts in just two months?!"

"Mina, you are successful designer and i heard you enggage with wealthy man. And so was your sister, Tzuyu. Speaking about her, she grown gorgeous."

"Dont try to go near her or even touch her, you old man!"

"Is this a good manner that yours mom teached you to old people? Remember that im your biogical father, Myoui Mina."

"I dont have a father that willing to rape his own daughter infront of baby and hurt his own wife that he the one who divorce her!"

"Lets easy this talk. 30 million in two months and if i cant have your sister then i want you as exchange. Goodbye, my sweety girl."

He smirk after wave his hands. He go away until Mina dont see him again from her sight. A tears fall and not just one but its like waterfall on her cheeck.

She speed her feet to go back to building while dialing Tzuyu number.




"Call Mingyu and tell him to meet me at cafe near my boutique now. I will bring Wonwoo too."

"Wowow calm down. What happend? Arent we suppose to tell them this wednesday?"

"We dont have time! I....i...just call Mingyu."

"Mina....you okay?"

"Im...fine..just do it...."


Mina wipes her tears and quickly get in lift. She see the clock already hit 1.23 pm which means almost more than half an hour she gone from office. She look at Wonwoo room and found he not there.

"Hey, did you see mr. Jeon?"


She stop one of the man but he shake his head. She keep asking people near her the same question but all dont know where their boss go. She just follow where her leg lead until she suddenly stop at infront rest place.

Wonwoo was holding a girl shoulder. Its hit her mind. She remembered that he told her that he dont like woman. He said he anti with it and now what happend infront her eyes.


She clear her throat to pull their attention. Wonwoo release his hands and the girl quickly go away when she notice a sharp gaze from Mina stab her eyes.

"Follow me."

"For what?"

"Mingyu also there."

"You have gone for almost an hour and back to just tell me that Mingyu there where."

She glare to him like this is beginning of war to them. Wonwoo seem dont care but want or not she need to bring him.

"I and Tzuyu had something to tell you and so was to Mingyu. Now lets go amd if you not, dont blame me if i being a liar to you."

She go away leaving Wonwoo grin his teeth. He hit the table before go to his office to take phone amd wallet.


Mina groan in her car and keep hit the steering wheel. She swear she want to curse but because she dont want to be dirt her mouth so she mumbling nosense about Wonwoo.

Before she can start her car, a door open and close back when a figure come in. She turn to see Wonwoo look away after wear his seatbelt.

"Now you want to follow, a while ago you mock me."

"And now dont try to mock me back. Drive and settle what you want to talk."

She roll her eyes and pull the holder wheel to move the car. Inside the car just silent as no want to speak. Suddenly a ring caught Mina attention but she quickly off the phone and keep it inside her bag.

After she park her car, the sky turn to grey as it was sign after this it was rain. Both of them get in the cafe and spot Tzuyu with Mingyu sit at little privacy for them.

Mina admit she little but jealous how Mingyu and Tzuyu can hold their relationships well after arguments. Not like her and Wonwoo, nonstop conflict.

"So you said you two had something to say."

"Yes its...important."

Tzuyu glance at Mina after answer Mingyu. Mina cross her arms after send the glare to Wonwoo who seat just facing her. Tzuyu nudge her arms to sign to talk.

"Hear this properly. I wont repeat for second time."

"Like you would."

She again glare at Wonwoo who dont mind her gaze and just look away. She take her deep breath and look at Mingyu who waiting her.

"My father is free."


Mingyu tilt his head in confusion. Looks like its not her tell full story about their life to them. She take that reaction as Tzuyu not told him about her background life.

"Like Mina said, her biogical dad is finally from jail. We assume he free two weeks ago and now he looking for us."

"Wow. For what? Maybe he want to meet you as reunite family."

"Tch! He dont want us to meet as family back but for money. He.....Tzuyu."

Tzuyu sigh as she know Mina dont want to tell everything on her own so she take over. Wonwoo glance at Mina seeing she try to avoid any gaze they had to her.

"Mina dad found his way to had our number and called us for almost a week. The time when we go trip last three days in jeep, both our phone was ringing and it was from her dad."

"The night when everyone already inside own cabin, i was at beach that time alone. He call me and tell me he want something from us."

"So thats why you leave our dinner place earlier before all can go their own cabin?"

Mina nod and not minding if what Wonwoo look like her now. He flinch a bit when knowing his doubt about her calling other man that time was her dad.

"What he want?"

Wonwoo ask them and wait for one of them to answer. Tzuyu look at Mina to let her answer but Mina dont want. Tzuyu a bit offended how this two people always argue something stupid. Does their ego are too much high to handle?

"He want our mom back, 30 millions, our dad Lee position and me."


Mingyu almost raise his voice and he free getting smack by Tzuyu at his forehead.

"Slow down big dog! You want people to hear us?"


"So what we gonna do?"

"You two dont have any solutions?"

Tzuyu ask Wonwoo question. Four of them silent but it wont stay long when Mingyu speak his idea.

"Report to police?"

"We dont have a prive to pull him, Mingyu."

"Err tell your parents?"

"No Mingyu. Or not our will give us a personal bodyguard."

"I dont have any idea."

Mingyu stop to give any idea after Mina answer him with logic excuse. Tzuyu silent to give the idea but Wonwoo suddenly open his mouth.

"So what involve us when your dad now free?"

"What involve you two? We here to talk our serious problem and also clear the stupid intuation you had on last trip to me."

"Then what you want us to do now?"

Mina really offended how rude Wonwok are now. She thought clear this misunderstand can end their conflict or maybe throw her mad to him. But what she thing was wrong. Its too much limit her patient.

"I thought we here to clear everything and you think this is small problem?!"

"I dont say this is small problem and we here to clear the everything we talk now."


"No Tzuyu! Listen Jeon Wonwoo! We here to want you two know that our famiky in dangerous and my biogical dad try to harm us also want money from our family!"

"Then give the money and pull him into trap after then call the police."

Wonwoo still calm his face but his voice dont. He also almost to his limit but does he forget that he try to make it worse.

"Easy for you! Actually my father dont want Tzuyu but me!"


"Tzuyu! I called you earlier after my dad see me! He want 30 million in 2 months! If he cant get you, he will get me! You want mom suffer again?! You want to let dad Lee fall his position to my father?! You want to watch him rape me infront of your eyes?! You want our family destroy for third time?! Exactly you guys not at my placed earlier! I was shaking facing him alone at alley behind building and alone fighting my own trauma to brave myself! Does you guys know my feelings that time?!  You guys just thing that i can endure it by my own! If i know you two can help, then i can handle myself!"

She harshly take her bag and go through the heavy rain into her car. She swear she wasnt suppose to park her car far from cafe. Tzuyu try to stop her but since its rain, she cant chase her sister.

"Wonwoo! What were you thinking?! I cant believe mom choose you to be her soon husband!"

Tzuyu was about to attack Wonwoo but Mingyu stop her.

"Okay okay cool! Dont try to make fuss here. Lets all back to our place."

"Huh! After i send you and Wonwoo back, i will quickly back home! Mina is easy to catch a cold and im sure she will had fever after this."

She release her writ from Mingyu wrist before go to her car. Mingyu sigh and look at Wonwoo.

"Yah! Why you said that?!"

"Im not expect she will sensitive much."

"Its not about sensitive or not but the way you talk not match with the topic we suppose to talk. Now they two in danger, so as soon to be their husband, we need to protect them. Imagine if we already married them, you just let your wife in danger until died?"

Wonwoo look him but Mingyu dint care the gaze he get was sharp like thunder. He pat his shoulder before go to Tzuyu car. Wonwoo sigh and follow him from behind.



She go out from her car after park beside alley highway. She dont care if the rain wet her body even her hair mess so much. She stomp her feet many time and ruffle her hair frustation.

She know she will get fever after this but she dont care. She rather sick than go to offuce facing that guy who just hit her limit.

"If you dont want to marry me......then dont let me suffer in pain that you dont face it in your life....im going to be kill and......you act this is just small to you.... you really asshole Wonwoo.....you really jerk....."

She let the tears follow the rain hit her face. But a shiver come quickly to warn her its time to back home. She turn to get in her car and drive to her home.

Lucky their parents still busy and she lock herself inside her room without care Tzuyu knocking her door for almost 30 minutes.

"Go away...."

"Mina....if you dont want to let me cone in, its fine but at least eat your lunch."

"Just go! You dont understand!"

"If anything happen, call me."

Tzuyu leave her who lean against the door. She still let her tears fall down and quickly go to bathroom and just open the shower. She dont even opne her clothes and just sit under the rain drop of shower pipe accompany her broken time.

"I...i cant....im not strong....."


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