As You Are // D.M.

By Ethereal6513

189K 4.3K 9.7K

Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... More



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By Ethereal6513

Song: BITE by Troye Sivan and Mile High by James Blake

Armena Riddle-Lestrange 

Sure enough, as after Draco and I spent all Saturday in bed, Pansy sent over fifty owls to my flat begging for me to give her all the dirty details. In fact, she was very vulgar in explaining to me that I personally owed this to her since she put her life on the line. 

Such a Pansy thing to do. 

Draco and I had exhausted ourselves, collapsing into a pile of sweat and limbs after our many, many rounds of mindblowing and toe curling sex. When we woke up Sunday morning, I had let Draco continue to sleep as I slipped out of my bed and tiptoed into the kitchen. I was absolutely starved and needed some sort of substance fast. 

"Please have food" I muttered, as I pulled at the metal container on the wall. 

I jerked open the fridge only to hear something rattle at the large kitchen window. I glanced over, noticing a white owl with a cream letter in it's mouth. I felt my stomach drop as I recognized the owl.


I felt the bile run up my throat as I recognized the owl as none other than Narcissa Malfoy's, the mother of the man lying very naked in my bed right at this moment. 

This can't be happening, this couldn't be her owl and how could she possibly know that Draco was here. Unless, she had so sick trace on him that alerted her every time he stepped in my presence. 

Fuck was right. Mother fucking Narcissa Malfoy was a sneaky bitch. 

I furrowed my brow and opened the window, the owl dropped the letter in my hands and flew away quickly. I flipped over the letter, letting out a sigh of relief as there was no Malfoy seal on the back. I popped up the lip and pulled out the parchment.


I tried to come through your flue but it seems you have it nice and locked down. Pansy let me know very graphically that you and Draco were most likely shagging against it which was why I won't be able to get through. I really fucking hope that's not the case. Anyways, I think we should all sit down with everyone and talk about the Vow. I assumed that Draco now knows about it? If he doesn't, well, we should probably tell him soon so Narcissa doesn't try to pull something else. I don't trust the bitch especially after the way she treated you at dinner last Saturday. Tell Draco that I have to drop off Scorp anyways today so we should just meet there. I have already talked to the others so there is no way to get out of it.

Xx  Blaise.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I hissed, crunching up the parchment in my hands.

I stayed facing the window as I looked out over the street, my blood boiling under my skin. I don't know why I was so annoyed or peeved about having to talk about this in front of everyone but it irked me to my core. I also didn't want to have to tell Pansy that her own spell didn't work on Draco and he was going to be livid with every single one of them. Beyond livid, I think that I escaped easily from his wrath but there was no telling what it would do when he stood face to face with his friends who kept us apart. Not to mention we would have to discuss this at Malfoy Manor and if Narcissa dared to enter I would have my claws around her throat quicker than lightning.

"Bloody fucking—"

"What are you cursing at so early in the morning?" the voice hummed.

I whirled around to find Draco leaning against the door frame to my bedroom, a half smirk on his face. His hair was messy from our night rolling around and the few hours of sleep that we eventually got. He had one leg crossed over the other and his arms folded at his chest. I let out a deep breath and turned back around to close the open window. I heard Draco move behind me as I lingered at the ceiling high window that overlooked the grassy park below.

"Morning darling" Draco's hands wrapped around my waist as he kissed my neck.

I felt all of my rage melt away as I leaned back against him and grabbed at his arms. The effect that he had on me was mind blowing. I would be so easy to fall for him, no wonder he had a line of witches out the door. However, it was a good thing he already loved me. 

"Good morning indeed" I smirked.

His hands slipped under my oversized shirt, his thumbs toying with the hem of my knickers. He slightly slipped under the hem, stroking the soft skin that laid beneath.

"Draco" I sighed, pressing my back further into his chest.

"What can I say?" he breathed into my ear. "I'm just so fucking addicted and I had spend nearly a decade without it, so pardon me if I can't help myself. Us pureblood wizards do have quite the stamina, wouldn't you agree?"

I let out a low hum as his hands trailed over my curves, ghosting their touch. The feeling made my thighs clench together in desperation. Even though my body groaned over the soreness, I still wanted more. I don't know why I was so turned on by him. I mean, I knew why, we were connected in such a deep way that being apart made every nerve scream with desperation.

I needed him and I needed him again and again.

I spun around to face him and planted my lips against his in a fury of passion. I pushed him backwards into a kitchen chair. He let out a low chuckle as I bent down on my knees, yanking off his briefs and springing his hard erection free.

"Someone is greedy this morning" he smirked, leaning back in the chair as I climbed into his lap.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and bent my head down to the column of his neck. My tongue licked all the way up to his ear where I nipped at the flesh. His large hands steadied themself on my waist as they tugged at the cotton of my knickers. He let out a low and approving growl as his hand slipped ever so slightly into my folds, collecting my arousal on his fingertips. I dug my nails into his bare back, my own pleasurable cries escaping as he brushed over my clit. I needed more, his fingers weren't enough at this moment. I needed to be filled with him, I needed to not be able to understand where I started and he began.

Something tugged within both of us at that moment and we both stilled, staring deeply into each other's eyes as our breaths caught up with us. I felt my soul be pushed forward towards him and his towards my own, connecting us deeper and pleading with us for more.


Our bond was begging for more. Draco didn't give it a second thought, not wanting to question what magic stirred deep within us. In one motion, he pulled my knickers to the side and plunged into me. I hissed as I sunk down onto him as far as my body would allow. Deeper, deeper and more and more as he filled me up fully. We both moaned as we breathed in the same air. I slowly started to ride him, using all of my strength to cover the entire length as I moved up and down.

"Fuck" he growled, his hands gripping my hips.

He gripped so hard that I was sure there would be bruises by the midday sun but I didn't care. No, I gave no fucks at this moment because I was finally with Draco again and I was being bloody selfish.

I was being selfish for the first time in my life.

I was completely disregarding Blaise's note and I was quenching our shared thirst for each other at eight in the morning on my kitchen chair. Also completely aware that anyone who peered up at my wall of glass windows might find themselves watching two very passionate lovers in the throes of passion. I was thankful that Draco hadn't ripped off my t-shirt yet.

"Armena" he growled, throwing his head into the crook of my neck as our motions became more erratic.

I rolled my hips, deeping my movement and fucked him good. I laced my fingers in his beautiful pale blonde hair and let the pleasure overtake every single sense around me.

"Draco" I moaned as I threw my head back.

I was close, too close for this. I didn't want this to end quite yet, I wanted to keep going until the early hours of the evening and then wake up and do it all over again. But the familiar feeling was building up under my skin and I could feel the overwhelming sense of arousal take over.

"Draco fuck I—" I moaned before I dug my nails hard into his flesh and came.

His release was quick behind my own as he bit into my shoulder hard, muttering a slur of words and filling me up. He pulled back from me gasping as a wide and serendipitous smile grew on his face. He gripped the back of my neck and pulled my lips down to meet his own.

"Good morning" he smirked against my lips.

"Good morning" I breathed, softly connecting our mouths.

Draco was gentle as he drew slow circles against my head, his lips kissing mine with softness. I pulled away and looked longingly at him, my thumb stroking his jaw.

"Why don't you get cleaned up and I'll cook you some food?" he raised a brow, "You look starved and considering all of the activity we have done you need some substance my love."

I nodded my head and minutes later, I found myself cross legged on the counter while Draco cooked me breakfast. He shoved four slices of toast with blueberry jam on it and told me to eat or else. I nodded my head and obeyed his command but not without putting up a fight. Eventually he got his way and I shoved the crispy piece of bread into my mouth. Draco poured me a cup of tea and placed it next to be before turning his attention back to the stove where bacon and eggs awaited.

"Do you want to talk about that letter you keep eyeing?" he raised a brow at me, flipping over a piece of bacon that sizzled on contact with the black pan.

I let out a long breath of air, leaning my palms back against the counter.

"Blaise wrote to me" I ficked off a crumb of toast off my lap. "Apparently Pansy has sounded the alarms and has called a meeting in your lovely manor of all places."

"Oh?" Draco smirked, a slight chuckle breaking from him.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I took a rough bite of the toast, not caring that thousand little crumbs spilt all over my lap and onto the counter.

"So we have been summoned by none other than Pansy Parkinson, obliviator extraordinaire?" he folded his arms over his chest.

"Yes, if you want to put it that way" I smirked. "Pansy has summoned us to your home and also you have to get your child back from Blaise."

I threw down the toast on the plate and brushed off the crumbs from my lap. Draco plated the food and slowly turned towards me, stalking like a hungry lion. He let out a playful smirk as he set down the plates of food on the counter.

"You know..." he breathed as his finger trailed up my bare thigh. "We have maybe an hour until we are to be summoned and I can think of a lot of things that we can do in that hour."

He dipped his head to my neck and nipped at the sensitive skin. I let out a hiss through my teeth but he didn't seem to care. He continued to kiss me through my t-shirt and to my shoulder.


"Come on Armena" he chuckled darkly, "I haven't held you in my arms in over ten years and you are going to deny me the pleasure of having you in my bed? We still haven't broken in the couch. What do you say? Should we give it a test run to see if it's up to our—standards?"

Oh fuck me mother of all things divine.

Draco's hand trailed up my thigh and to the lining of my knickers. The coolness of the marble felt nice against my nearly bare arse, contrasting with the burning fire of my flesh. I arched into him as he pulled me closer towards the end of the counter.

"However, you are right" he sighed, resting his forehead against my chest. "We do need to get cleaned up and back to mine. Perhaps later my darling?"

I shivered as his hand ghosted over the apex of my thighs, right over my center and down towards the other leg. I opened my mouth to speak but lost all sense of communication.

The things he did to me.

But I listened to him and hopped off the counter. I looked up at him through hooded eyes as I slipped my t-shirt over my head, letting the material fall to the floor right at his feet. I then hooked the edge of my knickers around my thumb and slowly let them drop to my ankles.

"I think I will shower" I smirked, stepping out of the knickers on the floor.

Draco's eyes slowly trailed over my body, slightly staying longer than normal in certain areas. No doubt noticing how my nipples hardened over to coolness from the flat's air. He ran his hand over his mouth and smirked at me.

"So stubborn" he chuckled, "just like how I remember you. Somethings just don't change."

I raised a brow and turned on my heels, making sure to look over my shoulder at Draco as I entered the threshold to my bedroom.

"Don't even think about joining me in the shower" I called harshly as I entered my bathroom.

The only response that I got was a low chuckle that ended with some choice words.


Draco and I apparated into the foyer of Malfoy Manor in a cloud of smoke. In an instant, he found my waist and pulled me into his chest protectively placing a hand on the back of my head.

"I am so sorry that I made you spend an entire meal with her" he breathed into my hair, "she can't hurt us now. I am never leaving you again."

"Alright, alright we get it, you two love each other" Blaise chuckled.

I pulled out of Draco's embrace, turning around to face Blaise. I moved forward to give Blaise a hug but Draco pulled me so that my back was flush against his torso. His large hands snaked their way around my waist, gripping onto me like he was scared I would disappear in this home.

"Blaise" Draco hissed. 

"Draco" Blaise raised his brows. "Scorp is upstairs with the nurse, thought you should know." 

Blaise glanced over to me as Draco's arms tightened around my waist. He was being so protective over me. It was so different compared to the times that we had spent in-between the sheets. I could feel the energy pulsating off of him and the magic flowing between us. He was worried that Blaise was going to harm me. He was worried that his friend was going to hurt me because he technically had ten years ago. 


I curved my head back to look up at Draco. His jaw was clenched as he glared at Blaise with hateful grey eyes. Draco was going through the trauma in his own way. He was internalizing all of the pain and the fear that he was feeling in this moment. He was trying to be strong for me and protect me from something that was most likely never going to happen.

"Draco" I stroked his hands as I watched him tense. "Love, it's only Blaise." 

"I know" he growled, his features settled and the grip around my waist loosened. 

I turned to face Blaise and lowered my chin slightly. Blaise's eyes were wide as he stared down Draco but I soon caught those chocolate brown eyes. Blaise looked at me and I raised my brow, pushing my back more closely to Draco.

"What's the plan?" I asked innocently enough, even though I knew what today was going to bring. 

"They are all waiting in the dining room" he responded before turning on his heels.

He pushed open the grand doors and there, in the very room where I bled out on the floor, sat Pansy, Potter, Ginny, and five empty seats. I took in a deep breath as I stepped out of Draco's grasp and walked towards the room, all eyes on us. Draco was close behind me, the protective energy rolling off of his body like it was steam and mist. I appreciated it that he was giving me my distance and letting me handle this on my own terms but I wanted to have his hand in my own. I wanted to apparate us back to my flat and curl up in front of the fire and talk about these past ten years. 

I didn't want to do it here of all places and I didn't want to do this now. 

I slowly lowered myself into the chair at the far head of the table with Blaise and Draco in the chairs on either side of me. I let out a deep breath, feeling like I was nineteen again and having to deal with this utter bullshit. 

I didn't want to be here again. 

I didn't like to sit here at this table, in this room. It all felt like a bad dream, a nightmare in fact. I stared at everyone in Draco's dining room at Malfoy Manor, but most importantly, I stared at the pale blonde headed boy that was sitting next to me. I could feel everything start to slowly build under my skin. 

As I sat there, everything came crashing down like an avalanche and there was no stopping it. I didn't know if I was about to burst into tears or in flames. I had been so fucking selfish that I had forgotten about who was going to be sitting in front of me.

How could I have been so selfish?

Not only was my guilt eating me up over everything that had happened over the last twenty four hours, but I was curious  as to why Draco was in a fit of rage after everything that happened. 

What the fuck was happening?

So that's what I was doing as I sat at the table while my friends stared at me. I was having an internal anxiety attack. Here we were once again, sitting at the table like we had all those years ago. I only expected a herd of Death Eaters and Theodore Nott to stroll through those wooden double doors. I sat there keeping one hand on the table as I studied everyone's features. Pansy looked at me with a smug look, like we had just conquered the world. While Potter and Ginny looked at everyone in utter confusion. Blaise on the other hand stared at Draco and Draco stared right back. Dominance and tension clear in the air between the two best mates. 

Why we had to be here of all places, I truly had no idea. It was probably Pansy's sick and twisted idea but sitting here at the head of the table drummed something in me that I had been reserving for quite sometime. I felt rage boil in under my skin as I thought about the last ten years, everything that Draco and I had gone through, all for what? For the spell to be faulty? Spells weren't faulty, this was something else. Something that had Narcissa Malfoy's name written all over it. 

"I don't like to be tricked" I clicked my nails against the table.

In an instant, I stood up and started to pace across the large hearth, feeling everyone's eyes directly on me. They were watching me with patience, waiting for me to speak some more on my words. I started pacing more and more, my movements quick as I raced down the length of the room. 

Back and forth, back and forth. 

No, I couldn't stop to think. 

I would wake up and this would all be a dream. I would wake up and I would be in Azkaban because that's always how it happened. As amazing as our past twenty four hours have been, I knew that there was something that was about to pop out of nowhere. There was no way that life would just fall into our hands like this. There had to be a loophole or something that was waiting in the shadows. 

It made zero sense, how Pansy and I were still alive. It made zero sense how Draco and I had now weaved our way into each other's lives for a second time and no one was dead on the ground.

The Unbreakable Vow was binding.

It was binding, dark magic that was not easily broken. It's not like Narcissa pulled the wool over our eyes. I watched her perform the vow, I watched the singeing hot wires of the magic escape from her wand and lay on my hand— on Pansy's hand.

I paced and paced, expecting the floor to give way to my constant motions. I needed to think, I needed my uncle's help. I needed my favorite Professor's help.

I needed someone's help.

"Armena" Draco's voice was low and calm. "Please sit down, love."

I waved him off, pinching the bridge of my nose as I continued to think about what was going to happen next. How was Draco not furious with me or with Pansy? I mean he explained it to me over and over again about how he had already wasted so many years, he didn't want to spend another moment angry, but it still didn't make any sense how Pansy and I were still alive.

Just then the burning green flames appeared in the hearth.

"Oy—" the dark haired wizard smirked, "heard our mate got his memories back. Was it a good fuck at least?"

A petite blonde haired witch swatted at his chest, a wide and angelic grin plastered on her face. She was wearing a long blue cloak and her blonde curls were cascading over her shoulders.

"Let's not be so brash, Ollie" Naomi cooed, smirking at me. "Hello my dear, it's been a while."

In an instant, I was across the room and squeezing my friend so tightly that I thought I was going to snap her. I felt a tap on my shoulder and before I could make a move, Oliver had me in his arms and was spinning me around at a nauseating pace.

"Oliver" Draco growled, "do not break her or I will kill you."

He wasn't joking either, his voice was commanding and dominating. Not to mention the look in his grey eyes told me that he was willing to do anything in order to make sure that I was in safe hands. 

"Oy!" Oliver chuckled, "is that anyway to talk to your best mate?" 

Draco let his lips curl up into a smirk as he raised his middle finger to Oliver. 

"Nice to see you too" Oliver shook his dark brown hair. 

He walked over to the empty seat next to Ginny and Naomi took the seat across from him, leaving the other head of the table open. I took a deep breath as I moved back to my seat, but not before I dragged my hand across Draco's shoulder. I watched as his eyes grew silver as he watched me slowly sit down in my chair at the head of the table. 

"Well?" I raised a brow, leaning forward. 

"The Vow—" Oliver snorted, reaching forward to pour himself a goblet of wine. "What a load of unicorn shit!" 

He was saying what we were all thinking. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought about what he just said. I could feel the red hot rage simmer deep in my bones. I had known that the Vow did not take, especially after everything with Draco and I. 


I wanted to scream so loud that the windows shattered but instead I kept my eyes closed and let my blood boil. Minutes, if not hours, passed by before anyone said anything. I felt the magic drum at my finger tips and I knew everyone could see it as well. I was about to explode over everything that had happened in the last ten years. 

"Armena" Blaise spoke cautiously. 

My eyes flew open, landing on his dark brown eyes. I shook my head, warning him to stand down.

"Please do not tell me to relax! I did not waste ten fucking years and sixteen months in Azkaban to find our that this" I waved between Pansy and I, "was faulty and all it took was Draco and I to spend one night together to break the vow and—"

I drifted off, glancing down at Draco's hands.

"Holy mother of—" I gasped.

Our horcrux.

"When Draco and I made a Horcrux" I muttered, looking around at everyone.

Pansy looked at me with a sense of confusion while Potter looked like something clicked inside of him. Blaise and Ginny, along with Naomi and Oliver stared at Draco's green ring. 

"Armena?" Draco asked, reaching for my hand with the same one that held that beautiful ring. 

"That night back in Lestrange Manor, Theo tried to rape me and I sent some sort of signal out to you, that's how you knew to come looking for me. When I killed him, our souls broke apart and combined into one beautiful orbe and we both inadvertently created that Horcrux. I never put it together because well it's rare and old magic. It only occurs when—"

"Two souls are meant to be together" Potter interrupted. 

"I didn't know you were such a romantic" Pansy cooed, distracted by her husbands words. 

"Correct" I sighed, leaning against my chair. 

"No amount of magic could prevented it so when Pansy obviated Malfoy. He only had borrowed time before he realized. The more you two interacted the more he would remember but since you two were worried about the Vow, you never tried to risk it before— well before I kinda forced you two to work together. Honestly, you should be thanking me" Potter smirked.

"Oh shut up golden boy" Blaise narrowed his eyes at the dark haired boy.

"I am just stating the facts" Potter shrugged, glancing at Naomi across from him. "She's the one who has been doing all the research. Tell us what you know?"

Naomi shifted in her seat, tossing over a long, blonde curl before leaning forward.

"It's not concrete and to be quite frank, I would need some more— um, private details to figure it all out" her pale skin blushed slightly. "But it seems that when Armena and Draco—"

"Fucked, when Armena and Draco fucked" Pansy huffed, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her brash terms, but still was curious as to what Naomi was trying to say. Draco and I had pretty much figured out that we were somehow bonded deeper than a Horcrux, but I wanted to know why.

"Armena and Draco shagged" she glared at Pansy, "that night and when they did something clicked into place but not fully. The Pansy and Armena, after Armena came to visit me, went to Narcissa. The bond was still forming and wouldn't be complete until sometime so it was in limbo. They made the Vow, but the bond still had taken some hold. When Armena came back and Draco found her with Theo, they both equally played a part in killing him without knowing it because they were linked from that bond forming. The only way to seal certain bonds like that is to again, once the bond has formed to—"

"Fuck" Pansy blurted, before Potter could wrap his hand around her mouth.

"Yes, what Pansy just so eloquently said" she rolled her chocolate eyes. "When they killed Theo, may he rot in pure hell, they also inadvertently thanks to Armena pulling a quick one and created a Horcrux, with both of their souls. Since Draco and Armena both technically died that day by splitting their unbound soul, the Vow was null and void. A loophole so to say."

"So you are saying—"

Naomi held up her palm to Blaise and stopped him dead in his tracts.

"Since idiot one and idiot two" she gestured to Pansy and I with her black nail. "Never had experience with an Unbreakable Vow, they assumed that the magic stirring under their skin was that of the Vow but really it was just their own."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"As for the obliviate, well their bond was stronger than that of magic. They never sealed it so it worked for some time until Draco and Armena came back into each other's presence then things started clicking into place" she looked at Draco. "The dreams, it was your bond's way of saying that she was always there."

"I would like to just mention that I helped when I forced Draco to join the ministry" Potter smirked, leaning forward against the table. 

Draco's hand found my own as I stared at Naomi with my mouth hanging wide open. Draco stroked my hand as he called to me. I slowly turned my head and looked into his dark grey eyes.

I couldn't comprehend what she was saying to me. I understood it fully and completely but at the same time, it was as if the world stopped. Draco and I created a soulbond. Draco and I had made love that night and fell into something that fate had in store for both of us. It was unexpected but I wanted to embrace it with open arms. I could have told everyone at this table that Draco and I figured out that we were soulmates, that we had always known deep down that something was deeper than just what we were but I didn't. Instead, I let Naomi say it and tell us the story that she had figured out through hours of scholars and books. That she had dedicated the past ten years to without anyone knowing— well, Potter knew, which kinda pissed me off but he was also the one who put Draco and I back together. Almost like he knew that this was going to work, that everything was going to fall into place like the most perfect puzzle.

"Draco" I breathed as I looked at him with teary green eyes. "I—"

Just then like she was summoned from Merlin himself, Narcissa Malfoy appeared right through the hearth in a giant ball of green flames.

"Draco" she cooed.

Mother fucker.

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