Choosing Love

By Ginnyrules27

30.3K 983 842

(Sequel to Choosing Family) After the events of Ben's coronation, Mal finds herself adjusting to life in Aura... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Twenty Two

696 20 4
By Ginnyrules27

Freddy scowled as he paced the floor of the Haven. How in the world had his half-sister not gotten Henry in bed yet? What was the point of having feminine wiles if they weren't going to entice men? It wasn't as if she wasn't entirely unattractive either, at least from an Isle point of view.

She was no Boreadon girl but Evil Queen's daughter was truly the only Boreadon girl of the Isle. And now she was in Boreadon.

"Are you even trying?" Freddy snarled as he continued to pace. "Anyone else would have gotten the job done by now!"

"Believe it or not, convincing a guy to drop a long held belief is not the easiest thing in the world," Claudine snarked as she sat on one of the mattresses that laid in the main room of the Haven.

"Bah! Every guy's the same," Freddy shook his head. Well, except for him but then again that was obvious. The others though were weak, their heads easily clouded with thoughts of lust. "Either you're not trying or Henry's more of a lost soul than we thought. Then again, he's close enough to Dustin so that's not outside the realm of possibilities."

"You do know that just because Dustin enjoys the company of men, that doesn't mean everyone he comes into contact with will then end up enjoying the company of men," Claudine said dryly. "If that was the case, then you wouldn't look twice at any of the girls on the Isle considering you led the four Angels who jumped Dustin last year."

"If he's going to sin, then we're going to teach him the cost of sinning."

"Four on one though? And all you did was get the Rats and the pirates more on our backs than they already were. You know their motto—Ruthless yet Loyal. After all, it's spray painted all over their territory."

"Dustin hasn't sinned since we taught him that lesson has he?" Freddy pointed out, ignoring Claudine's quip about that Godforsaken motto. It truly was spray painted all over the Rats' territory, and that'd be the first thing he removed once he got that territory for himself.

Claudine shook her head. From what Henry told her, Dustin just learned to hide it better or keep it on the ship considering Henry had walked in on his crew mate and Jace Baddun in the act of...let's just say they were in the throws of having relations.

The only reason Henry had told her was because he knew she knew about Dustin's jumping and the context of it. The rest of the crew of course knew about the jumping but they all thought that it was in relation to Dustin being a Rat instead of the gender of the company he kept.

"You honestly think Henry would just let me get him into bed after only a few months?" Claudine asked with a sigh. "I'm still working on getting him to trust me, Fred. He's not an idiot after all. To meet up with me alone, as a captain of the Rats..."

"Have you at least gotten him so dazed he can't think?"

"...I'm not having this conversation with you," Claudine sighed as she stood up. "Fred, I'm trying. Just accept that. But Henry's slow moving in terms of a fling. Everyone on the Isle knows that too. You'll just have to be patient."

"I don't have to be anything when Henry's what stands in my way of me getting off the Isle!" Freddy growled.

"Henry and the rest of the Rats," Claudine added. "You really think luring the Captain away would prevent the rest of the crew from stopping you leave the Isle? They're too loyal to Mal and Uma, not to mention Harry would probably come back and hook them all if they let you slip past them."

Freddy smirked. "There's a rumor that the food deliveries might be a bit better considering that old Boreadon harridan was sent here and then consumed by the hyenas...and I may have been talking to a young Rat in training...she seemed to be very attached to Ryan of all people."

"You know as well as I that Mal and Uma have a rule for their crew, considering how many of the Angels used to be Rats," Claudine said firmly."Ryan's fourteen, he wouldn't have a fling. Even if Mal and Uma are across the bridge, he's Henry's best ally along side Derek."

Not to mention the fact that everyone knows he has feelings for CJ, she thought. After all, he almost skewered you last year when you made that comment about not being able to wait to play with her pirate booty and teach her what a real man was like. I honestly didn't know who'd kill you first, Harry or Ryan.

That had been one of the rare times she had challenged him in front of the other Angels. Freddy had been eighteen at that point, and CJ had been thirteen. Then again...Freddy never really cared the age of the girls he had his flings with. Most of the girls were ready and willing, considering they were coming to him for food rather than actually having a relationship.

The Angels were the second ranked gang on the Isle after all. The pirates/Warf Rats were the highest ranked and had the easiest time getting the food with their ability to go to Lord Hades' restaurant or Ursula's Chip Shoppe whenever they wanted but they were more likely to actually just give the girls the food rather than have the fling.

"Hold on...." Claudine said slowly, looking over at Freddy. "How old's the girl?"

Part of her didn't want to know but considering what her brother was like, it was almost a necessary evil that she find out. Especially if she was truly a 'Rat in training' as Freddy had said.

"Old enough to do what I have planned," Freddy said simply. "And that's all you need to know. But hopefully there'll be a larger crowd with the next food delivery. A larger crowd'll keep those Rats busy so they won't notice someone slip onto the barge."

"You don't think the people who work on the barge won't notice?" Claudine asked, trying to not think about exactly what her brother had planned. People died every month because of the rush to get edible food and now he was trying to make that crowd bigger? Almost...almost as if he was trying to guarantee a mad house.

It was certainly an interesting plan but not one she necessarily felt comfortable with. There was so much death on the Isle already, it didn't make sense to add to it.

"Get Henry dazed and the people on the barge won't matter," Freddy told her, rolling his eyes. "Stop being such a Boreadon girl about this. After all, they probably won't even notice I'm there until we're far enough away from the Isle for them to do anything."

Claudine sighed but nodded. She made her way out of the room and out of the Haven, heading over to Dragon Hall. Hopefully Henry would be there, not because she wanted to daze him but because she just wanted to have his company.

After all, being around someone sane is preferable to being around my brother, she thought with an inward sigh. Though let's be honest, his fling with Brooke and the comment he made to CJ makes it harder and harder to call him my brother. Though thankfully Morgan helped me get Brooke to safety and set up in a safe house after the first day of her fling.

Honestly she didn't think she would ever be thankful for Shayla or Locklyn's pursuit to be the first girl to have a second fling with Freddy but that pursuit was extremely helpful. After all, he had been distracted from his attentions toward Brooke and then had forgotten all about them. The younger girl only needed to show up for the gang meetings and then keep herself out of Freddy's line of sight.

As for CJ...well even with Harry being in Auradon, Harriet was as protective as a Cerberus and wasn't going to let Freddy get within one league of her sister. Never mind the rest of the crew.

Plus, CJ was a Hook. She'd have a sword in Freddy's gut faster than he could say 'codfish' if he tried to force her to do anything she didn't want. That's if any of the crew allowed Freddy to even touch CJ or any of the other girls in the crew.

"Henry?" Claudine called out, keeping her voice down as she entered the bell tower of Dragon Hall. "Are you there?"

"I'm here," Henry's voice called out from the shadows. "Sorry, I heard someone coming and I didn't know if it was you or Facilier. Figured it'd be too awkward if Facilier found me here so I hid."

"Well you don't have to hide anymore," Claudine told him, unable to hide the amusement that was in her voice.

Henry chuckled and shook his head as he stepped out of the shadows and walked over to her. "What'd Freddy do now?"

"What makes you think my brother's in anyway involved?"

"You've been coming here more and more and more often than not it's after a confrontation with Freddy," Henry told her. "Let me guess, he's upset that you haven't taken me into bed yet?"

"I don't know why he's so determined to take you out of the picture when there's the rest of the crew," Claudine sighed.

"I'm the captain while Mal and Uma are over in Boreadon," Henry shrugged. "As insane as your brother is, it makes sense. You take out the leader, the rest of the crew would hypothetically become a floundering ship. Now there's no guarantee of that especially since Derek and Ryan are my first mates."

"You made a fourteen year old one of your first mates?"

"With Mal and Uma's rule that none of the under fifteens can partake in face offs or scouting runs, it makes sense," Henry told her. "Derek can be with me in a face off while Ryan handles what needs to happen on ship."

He sighed and sat down on the mattress that was pressed up against the wall.

"Your shoulder bothering you?" Claudine asked, her voice soft as she sat down next to him.

Henry shook his head. "I was just thinking about the last face off."

Claudine bit her lip, knowing what he was talking about. It had been a couple of years since the last time their two groups had faced off. It had been unfortunate that it had been right after Shayla's brother had been crushed by the mob at the food barge so her want for blood had increased.

She hadn't been particularly close to Casper but at the same time, she hadn't been thrilled that the Rats had allowed her brother to become hyena chow instead of allowing them the chance to bury him.

Claudine had just fired off her dagger into Henry's shoulder when she heard Morgan exclaim that Shayla had managed to get one of the Rats in the stomach. At first she thought it was an intimidation attempt but then her blood went cold as she saw one of the younger Rats lying on the ground—a dagger standing tall and proud in the center of his stomach.

Derek had been the one to take over, considering Henry had been hit. Though Claudine often tried to aim for the shoulder or another non-lethal area to hit if she had to let one of her daggers fly. It was common to hear the phrase 'damn it Claudine' be uttered in a face off.

Claudine didn't care. She could win a face off without taking a life, especially a life of one of the younger ones. A belief that Freddy, Locklyn, and Shayla did not agree with considering Shayla had been rewarded to fourth in line for leading the Angels after that gut shot.

"Thinking about Rick?" Claudine asked softly, gently rubbing Henry's back.

"Yeah," Henry nodded and then sighed. "He'd just turned sixteen, he was fairly excited about joining us. Had he more experience in dealing with Shayla, he would have been able to stay out of her range....but we should have paid more attention."

"Did he suffer?"

Henry shook his head. "We got him to Uma and Mal, and Uma gave him a stab to the chest. Harriet had offered to do it but..."

"But Uma was captain," Claudine whispered. Despite the fact that she wasn't part of the crew, she knew how the Rats and how the pirates worked better than any other Angel. Henry never told her anything important but honestly, Claudine enjoyed that. The stories about Ryan and CJ getting into a four hour sparring match or Henry walking in on Dustin and his latest fling meant more to her than any secret plans Henry's crew might be making.

Even if she knew her brother would rather know about the plans than the mundane.

"He wants you to do something doesn't he?" Henry's voice broke through the silence and Claudine looked over at him. "Freddy I mean. You can tell me."

Claudine sighed. "He...he wants me to make you so dazed you can't think straight."

"Figures," Henry shook his head. "Why is he so obsessed with getting you to break my no fling policy?"

"Search me," Claudine shrugged. "He did say though that there was a possibility you were a deeper sinner than he thought because I hadn't been able to take you to bed. Because of how close you are with Dustin."

Henry scoffed. "First of all, of course he'd have a problem with Dustin. I know he's your brother but with that attitude, he belongs in Boreadon."

"I know," Claudine nodded. "But you know it's a danger, the idea of him being over on the other side of the bridge."

"I know," Henry sighed. "But even so, there's nothing wrong with Dustin. I mean, yeah he's a prat and doesn't think before he speaks meaning some of the younger crew members know a bit too much about his trists and flings—."

"Didn't Mal and Uma punish him for that?"

"Strung him up the mast in his underwear," Henry nodded. "Pretty sure he had that wedgie for a week."

Claudine couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips at that. Sure it was wildly immature but this was the Isle, where death and darkness reigned supreme. If you couldn't find something to laugh at, you'd lose your mind.

"Anyway, I'm not on Dustin's team," Henry said. "That doesn't mean I won't skewer anyone who tries to hurt him though."

"You don't have to tell me," Claudine nodded. "I know your motto. I think it's a better motto than the one the Angels have."

"Let me guess...'Freddy's always right'?"

"You'd be close. It's 'Enim spectans deus' or 'God is Watching'."

"Why is it in Latin?"

"Who knows? Maybe it was a way for Fred to feel like he was better than Mal and Uma," Claudine shook her head and then paused. "How'd you know it was Latin?"

"Your dad tried converting mine a few years back, started trying to teach him Latin so that he could read the Bible. It didn't work, mainly because Lord Hades told Hook that if any more of his crew took up with Frollo that the deal would be off. At least, that's what Harriet told me."

Claudine smiled softly and rested her head on Henry's shoulder. "You think our parents wish we'd give them grandkids?"

"Well considering neither one of our parents know we're together..."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah...yeah I do. My dad? Not in the slightest," Henry sighed.

"I have to agree with that," Claudine nodded. "My father probably would want me to be married before I turned to sin. Of course, in that case, it wouldn't be sin. Never mind the fact that Fred does it all the time without being married and dad doesn't bat an eye."

"Does your father even know about Freddy's activities?" Henry asked. "Your dad's got to be about as old as Yzma, how's he still alive?"

"Don't you know the rule Henry? It's the good who die young, even on the Isle where no one's good," Claudine sighed. "I honestly thought my dad would try partnering up with that Auradon royal they sent us. After all, they had a lot in common."

"Let's not talk about that," Henry said softly, gently brushing some of Claudine's hair out of her eyes. "My crew thinks I'm off on a scouting run but I've been making those longer and longer so we should have some time before anyone truly questions I'm gone."

"How good of an actor are you?" Claudine whispered. "Fred'll know if you don't go back to the ship dazed even if you don't run into him. The Isle's only so big after all."

Henry nodded and grew silent for a bit. Claudine didn't know what could be running through his head but she hated the fact that he even had to consider breaking his pact he'd made.

It wasn't uncommon for girls to make a pact to never have kids, especially considering how the food situation was growing up on the Isle. No one wanted to put an innocent child through that, especially with the risk that they wouldn't be able to be there to defend them. But boys normally didn't care about that. All they wanted was an escape from the gloom from the Isle. Besides, they didn't run the risk of pregnancy.

Henry was different though. All of the Isle knew about his vow to never have a fling...though no one really knew the reasoning behind it.

Claudine figured that the only people who truly knew were Mal and Uma, considering they were his captains. Besides, Henry normally did nothing but train and spend time with her. Claudine wouldn't be surprised if his crew gave an intervention at some point.

That could only help you though. If Fred heard about that, he'd think the Rats were experiencing infighting or something. Might get him off your case about how slow going you're being with getting Henry to bed. wouldn't make sense not to do something while he was here.

Slowly, she placed her lips on the base of his neck; gently kissing him in the spot she knew drove him wild.

Hey, a little bit of truth never hurt anyone and at least she knew of a way to make Henry dazed without forcing him to give up something he held near and dear to him.

Claudine would never ask him to make that choice.

"Claudine...." Henry mewled, shivers running down his spine.

"I just figured...might as well report to Fred that I managed to get you somewhat dazed right?" Claudine told him, looking up with a small smile. "We won't go further than what you're comfortable with though."

Henry gave her a small smile and then gasped in pleasure as Claudine returned to trailing kisses up and down his neck. It was amazing how gentle and yet forceful she was. It was like she knew what she wanted but wanted to make sure he wanted it too.

And I do, he thought as they slowly laid down on the mattress. Claudine's the only girl I want to do this with. But every time I can't help but think if this is a fling or not....after all I can't be open with the fact that I'm with her even though Freddy's ordered her to get me to bed. If any of the crew found out I was with an Angel, let alone the second in command they'd mutiny for sure! Never mind what Uma and Mal would do to me! I'm pretty sure I'd find myself on the business end of Harry's hook in a heartbeat!

Henry may have been older than the captains, the first mate, and Jay but he didn't care one bit that they were in command. Probably helped Uma and Mal were Godlings and Harry was the son of Captain Hook.

When they were first starting out, and Uma had declared herself the captain at age seven, Henry went along with it because he didn't want any trouble for his father. If Harry wanted to, he could go to Hook with complaints about him and then Hook would take it out on his men. Men that included Henry's father after all.

My dad may have been a fling having, non support providing bastard to my mother but he's...he's still my dad. Family's everything to a pirate after all.

"You're thinking again," Claudine said softly, looking down at him.

"Sorry," Henry told her, giving her a small smile. "I know it's a dangerous past time, at least it is according to Gaston. I just...I can't get it out of my head if this is a fling or not."

Claudine couldn't help but give him a small sad smile at that. "I promise you Henry, it's not. But if you want, we can stop."

Henry sighed. "You can't convince Freddy you managed to daze me if we stop now."

"...I've got an idea. Take off your shirt."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Take off your shirt," Claudine repeated and Henry stared at her in shock. "Oh honestly! The Isle's not that big after all. What do you think would happen if say you were seen coming out of Dragon Hall with a wrinkled shirt on?"

"That I wore a wrinkled shirt...oh. Oh! That's honestly really clever."

"Hey, my brother may be a bed obsessed hypocrite but he sometimes has good ideas. I just happen to have more of them," Claudine smirked as she helped Henry sit up and gently pulled off his shirt. Her fingers brushed over the numerous scars all around his shoulder; it was amazing he even had use of it after all the times he'd been hit with a dagger.

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes," he told her, his voice soft. "But not right now. Never when I'm with you. You could never hurt me Claudine."

She couldn't help but give him a gentle smile at that as she leaned down and softly pressed her lips to the scars, trying to convey all she felt without saying the words out loud. Henry wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him, understanding the message she'd been trying to get across to him.

"You know Fred's going to figure out we're faking this at some point right?"

"As long as your brother thinks we're going along with his plan, we're safe. I've got the Rats training as much as they possibly can now in case there's a fight. Nick and Jake need to work on their footwork anyway."

"Well I mean, they can't all be in the top five in a list of swordsmen," she teased. Henry rolled his eyes but a small smile formed on his lips at that. Claudine couldn't help but wonder if that list had been remade since Harry, Uma, Mal, and Jay had gone to the Isle.

"How're Gaston's girls?"

"You asking for Locklyn and Brooke's sake or are you legitimately curious?"


Henry sighed. "We're providing what aid we can but I know Gene and Gillian have already had to go to Zevon for a 'fling for food'. It's a good thing Gil's off the Isle, knowing that would break his heart."

Claudine nodded and rested her head on Henry's chest. Gaston had been notorious for having flings with any woman he wanted, well any lower ranked woman he wanted. There was no way the Evil Queen or Maleficent would have lowered themselves to have an evening with him. The Bimbettes were his fling of choice though as they worshiped him and stroked his ego every chance they got.

If a fling produced Gaston a son, all the better for him really. He got a night of fun and a strapping young lad who would pass down the LeGume name.

However, if the fling resulted in a daughter...the poor girl would be lucky to have a 'G' name never mind actually have their father acknowledge them. They'd have to scramble to get whatever food they could...any way they could get it.

I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have my father actually acknowledge I was his daughter, Claudine thought. Then again, my mother didn't exactly give him a choice what with dying in childbirth and all. Sometimes though, I wonder...after all my mother had been a fancy of Hook's before he met Milah according to scuttlebutt. What would it be like? To have siblings that didn't make you ashamed to call yourself their sister?

She sighed softly and curled deeper into Henry's embrace. She only got so much time with him before they had to leave their little bubble and go back to a reality where they had to hate each other to survive.

Mal would have gotten Henry off the Isle in a heartbeat if he asked but Claudine knew he wouldn't. Not when there were younger kids who needed it more. He'd never forgive himself if he took a spot from the Smee twins...or CJ...or Ryan.

If he did ask, it would probably be for her. But Claudine would never ask him to do that. Because she would never take a spot from a younger VK and...because she didn't want to be without him.

She was his, no matter what. And she knew he was her's. 

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