The unexpected turn [COMPLETE...

By craziest_arshian

374K 17.4K 3.4K

#1 in Support out of 20K stories - 20 June , 2021 My take on Arshi's remarriage track . Arnav does not come... More

Character Sketch
Arshi's Apartment & Important Note
Past (I)
Past (II)
Past (III)
New Cover
Important Notice
Khushi in Shantivan
Bechara Arnav
Snakewaji aa gaye (Mr.Snakewa came)
First Step
Who is Anjali ?
Anjali hurts Khushi ?
Cat Fight
Try this please
Trauma (b)
Trauma (c)
Dadi's Entry
Bechara Arnav (II)
Khushi's Outburst
Part 35
Where is Khushi ??
Arrested !!
Part 40
I will not leave you !!
Aman Mathur
Janmo Janam
Shock !!
Anjali's Punishment
Aman : The GREAT
Regret (Long Update)
Pregnant ??
Suicide !!
Last Part

What is Anjali's plan ??

5K 314 62
By craziest_arshian

Khushi woke up earlier . She came down and saw Anjali instructing Hariprakash something and Mami making the breakfast . 

Khushi : Mrs . Jha ... I want you to make kheer , from your hand only . 

Anjali : Why would I do that just because you told me ??

Khushi : Be ... (cut by Anjali)

Anjali :(rolling her eyes) Fine !! Don't repeat the same thing again and again . I am going to make kheer (sarcastically) from my hand only and not by cutting any other persons hand .

Saying she went to the kitchen while Khushi was left confused as Anjali went to make kheer without any arguments but she didn't concentrate on it much . 



Anjali :(stirring the milk , in mind)  Ask me whatever you want Mrs . ASR , you will be served with it as today I am gonna implement my plan and I really don't want to delay with my plan . You always told its your house na ??  So be ready to name this beautiful mansion and your lovely husbands company on my name . 

Her thoughts were disturbed as her phone rang . She was going to pick up the phone but she stopped in mid seeing mami preparing morning tea for all . 

Anjali : Mami why are you doing so much ?? I will do it . You go and rest .

Mami : Hello Hi Bye Bye Anjali bitiya . Why will you do everything ?? That phati saadi (torn saree) gave you so much work and she said na that we both need to do everything , so I will do it and give this tea to all ... you continue with your kheer . 

Anjali : But mami .... (cut by mami)

Mami : No if and but . Do as I say . Whatever it is I have made breakfast already ... only your kheer is left . So you make this I will go and serve everyone with tea . 

Anjali : Okay !!

After few minutes , Mami left from there taking cups of tea and coffee with her in a tray . Anjali sighed and called back the person who was calling her . 


Yea ?? Is everything ready ??


Good . And ya I don't want any mess to happen or Arnav to know about all this . Maybe Khushi is childish but not Arnav .... He is very sharp - minded . Maybe he will send body guards with her so make the plan accordingly .


I don't care if she dies or survives .... all I need is AR and Shantivan on my name . 


I don't know . I think she will leave today because I heard her talking to her mom that she will be coming today to their place . 


I will message you when she leaves .


Hmm ... ok . And what about the girls ??


When will the money come ??


Okay !! Have you given the dealer my account number ??


Oh ya !! This is a good idea !! Go forward with that . Join Khushi with those girls as well .


Okay .... see you soon . Be careful and don't come in ASR's eyes .

Call ended


Lav came out from a room but soon composed herself and plastered her usual smile on her face . She came down and saw Khushi sitting there in the sofa having her coffee and thinking about something . She went towards Khushi and sat beside her and that broke Khushi's trance as she looked up to Lav and raised her eyebrows as if asking something .

Lav : Its done . He was in the washroom . 

Khushi took a deep sigh .

Lav : What happened Khush ?? Are you okay ?? When I came down also you were lost in something ??

Khushi : Nothing !! Its just that Anjali is behaving weird .  I told her to make kheer and she agreed to it at once . I think something is definitely wrong .

Lav : Nothing is wrong Khushi . Its just that you are living in an environment which is not familiar and everything seems wrong so its okay . Anyways , I think you did good by thinking of going to Gupta house today . It will be a change of environment and you will be fresh , as well . 

Khushi : Hmm ... I think you are right . I should not think of all these . Anyways , I should go and talk to Arnav about it because if I didn't tell him and go then he will kill me .

Lav :(rolling her eyes) He will never kill you khush .

Khushi : Whatever !!



Khushi came inside the room hurriedly only too see her hubby getting ready . She sighed and came to him .

Arnav : So ?? You finally got time to see your husband ?? 

Khushi : Its nothing like that Arnav !!

Arnav :(pulling her closer) Then what is it like ??

Khushi : It is like nothing !! I just came here to tell you something .

Arnav : Oh so now also you have some work so came to me . I don't know why I got this unromantic wife .

Khushi : Stop your drama Arnav .

Arnav : Okay fine .... tell me what you want to tell ??

Khushi : Today I am going to go to meet mom and dad .

Arnav : Then go !!

Khushi : Without any bodyguards .

Arnav : What the !! No !! I will not allow you to go without bodyguards . 

Khushi : Excuse me ?? I did not ask you ... I am telling you . 

Arnav : Khush you are not going anywhere without guards .

Khushi : I don't know anything . I really don't want guards trailing behind me all the time . From the time we came here I am having guards behind me and I have never told you no to send guards with me but today I just don't want them to follow me to my home . I just want to get rid of this environment and getting bodyguards with me is not gonna be helpful for that . 

Arnav : But .... (cut by Khushi)

Khushi :(with hopeful eyes) Please Arnav !!

Arnav :(sighing) Okay fine .

Khushi :(jumping like a kid) Yay !! Thank you !! (kissing his cheek) I love you !!

Saying this she went from there . Anjali who was hiding in a pillar , listening to their talks , smirked evilly . 

Arnav :(in mind)  You don't know how dangerous Anjali is Khushi . I can't risk your life but just trust me neither you will have bodyguards watching you or someone following you nor I will let anyone harm you . That's my promise .

Anjali :(in mind) Wow Khushi , you made my work easier by convincing Arnav to not send bodyguards with you . While going give a goodbye hug to all your friends . Good bye FOREVER .



Arnav and Akash were discussing about work when Arnav suddenly remembered something .

Arnav : Akash ... you told that Mama will come in some days ... so he should have come till now right ??

Akash : Umm ... Bhai he is not going to come because he has some work and also he does not visits here more often , as he did earlier , after you and Khushi went from here . 

Arnav : Hmm ... ok I will talk to him then other..... (he was cut by a loud shout from the living hall)

Ahhhhhhhh !!



How was the update guys ?? Hope you like it ??

Whose shout was that ??

What is Anjali's plan ??

To know more stay tuned .... and yes please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT .



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