Kingdom Hearts Oneshots

By KingdomWolfCos

1.1K 33 271

this one shot book is my first one, and also very, very LGBTQ. so take caution when reading this. and without... More

Sora, Riku and Kairi
Axel and SaΓ―x/Lea and Isa
Axel, Roxas and Xion
Sora, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas and Xion
Vanitas and Ventus
NaminΓ© and the Sea-Salt Trio
Sora's Rage Form
Sora and Riku
Terra and Aqua
Random kh things
Replica Riku and NaminΓ©
More SoRiku because why the heck not-
Ventus and Vanitas 2
AkuRoku because its a good ship
Rage Sora 2
Replica Riku and NaminΓ© 2
Ienzo and Demyx
Villain Kairi

Lauriam and Elrena/Marluxia and Larxene

39 1 13
By KingdomWolfCos

Little note, this one will be long, as it takes place during the somebody and nobody lives of Marluxia and Larxene. I will be changing Lauriam's name to Laurmia for a while. Yes, Marluxia is transgender in this one.

Laurmia sat near the fountain in Daybreak Town. It was absolutely lovely. And it would have been lovelier if Laurmia hadn't been dreading this day.

"Heya, Laurmia." A voice next to her giggled. Laurmia recognized the voice of her girlfriend, Elrena.

"Hey. Um, can I talk to you?" Laurmia reaches for the blonde girl's hand, aware of her voice shaking.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Theres no easy way to tell you this." Laurmia let her head fall, her short pink hair covering her face.

"Well I trust you. Just take your time, alright?"

"You're never this nice." Laurmia mumbled. "Fine. I'm transgender." Her eyes shut as she finished her sentence.

A few silent moments, Laurmia felt a hand on her chin, and raise her head.

"I had a feeling. It's no secret to me. But, did you tell the rest of the Union?"

Laurmia relaxed a bit. "Yeah. They were the first I told. And they all cheered me on when I told you to meet me here. But, aren't you a lesbian?"

"I was. I'm panromantic now. So, have you chosen a name yet?"

"Lauriam." It felt so good to say that. "I wanted the same name overall. So my name is Lauriam now."

"It suits you." Elrena stood up. She summoned her keyblade and aimed it at her friend.

"What are you doing?" Lauriam blinked.

"I'll keep your hair. Gimme a sec." She blasted an orb of light. When Lauriam  opened her eyes, she saw that she looked different.

"Did you just change my body?" Lauriam couldn't believe her eyes.

"Mhm. Now, come on, Lauriam. We need to introduce the newest member of the union." Elrena offered her hand.


"You. I want everyone to see the new you."

Lauriam smiled wide. His days of being Laurmia were over.

As they approached the union, Elrena stepped aside to give Lauriam some room.

"You see before you the newest member of the union." She smiled.

"Greetings. I am Lauriam, though you all used to know me as Laurmia, I've found who I am, and thanks to all of you, I feel happier than ever."


Marluxia walked into the gray room, suppressing a sigh. When he fell to darkness, he thought that he would end up as a boy. But he didn't.

"Where is Zexion?" He asked Luxord.

"In his room." The blonde responded. He shuffled his cards. "You require something that only his abilities can do, yes?"

"It is of no importance to you." Marluxia glared at him before walking away.

As he walked into Zexion's room, he saw an unusual sight. Demyx was in the room, tuning his sitar.

"Well, well well." Marluxia knocked on the doorway before letting himself in. "If it isn't the Melodious Nocturne.."

"Sup, Marly?" Demyx waved his hand in the air before looking back at his sitar.

"Yeah. Mind telling me what you're doing in Zexion's room?"

"I was talking with him." A monotone voice responded. Behind the door came Zexion with his steel blue hair. "Need something?"

"Yeah, you're good with illusions or spells in general, right? Could you maybe fix me?" Marluxia ignored the questioning look he got from Demyx.

"Fix you how?"

"Listen, I'm transgender, and I'd like you to turn me back into a boy."

"Alright." Zexion waved his hand and his book appeared.

"What's the point of that?" Demyx's voice sounded slurred, then he cleared his throat and repeated himself. "What's with the book?"

"Helps me with illusions." Zexion waved his right hand and Marluxia leaned against the wall. "Alright, it should be fine now."

Marluxia felt a lot more comfortable. "Thanks. You two lovebirds can get back to your courtship session now." He joked.

"Marly, I will kill you." Demyx glared at him. "What gave you that impression?"

"So you guys were?"

"Were not. As if I'd ever do that! I've never kissed anyone, let alone let anyone get that close to me."

Marluxia walked away, leaving an annoyed Zexion, and a flustered Demyx to their own demise.

"Hello, Marluxia." A voice whispered in his ear.

"Hello Larxene." He waved.

"I heard the way you taunted them. Very nice work, might I say." She looked up towards the light, illuminating her turquoise eyes.

"It seems so weird that we used to know each other." She smirked. "As if you would remember."

"That whole me having the memory of a goldfish was a rumor by Demyx. You really believe him?"

"Eh. Have you seen Axel anywhere?"

Marluxia knew that nobodies weren't supposed to feel emotions, yet he felt a spark of envy. "He's out on a mission. Why, you wanna flirt with him again?"

"You sound jealous." The yellow haired girl remarked.

"Aw, Marly's jealous," a voice taunted.

"Demyx, why are you always butting into conversations?" Marluxia ignored the feeling of his embarrassment.

"Because that's what I do."

Larxene came out and said, "you seem to stay around Marluxia 24/7. Wonder why.."

Demyx obviously became annoyed and flustered again. "Larxene, I've had enough with you teasing me. Besides, you know very well that I'm straight."

Marluxia was annoyed, yet he felt warmed by the fact that Demyx considered him a boy, when it took some getting used to.

"Yeah right! Anyone could see you're practically made of rainbows," Larxene remarked.

And with that, Demyx turned red and walked away.

Larxene turned to Marluxia. "Listen, I'm sorry. My flirting with Axel is just teasing him."

"I forgive you, Elrena." The word slipped into his sentence before he could stop.

"Thank you, Lauriam." She winked before walking away.

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