Fifty Shades Of August

By Roycestopher

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©CopyRight 2015 - 2017 by Roycestopher All Rights Reserved Contains Rated R contents including detailed sex... More

chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
long time no see

chapter one

15.8K 453 166
By Roycestopher

"Jacob can you take my shift tonight, I know it's sudden but I need to go to my sisters recital and I can't miss it." I looked over at Nala. I tucked a lose curl behind my ear and nodded. She smiled and embraced me into a big hug thanking me.

My name is Jacob I'm nineteen years old and I worked at a local cafe in england.

Nala pulled away from me and handed me two twenty dollar bills she collected as a tip. "It's not much but here's forty dollars for doing this for me Jacob it means a lot." I glanced down at the money in her hand and shook my head gently pushing her hand back.

"Nala you're like my sister with everything you've done for me I owe you this much keep the money and buy your sister some flowers." She smiled and hugged me once again.

"You're the best Jacob." I slightly smiled at her compliment wasn't like I get them often so when I do I take it to heart. I pulled away hearing someone clear their voice turning around there stood our boss with his arms folded across his chest. I swallowed and got back to work so did Nala.

I knew Nala since our freshmen year of high school. We've been friends ever since. Towards our first year in college we decided to buy a apartment together and get the same job as each other so basically she's my best friend, my roommate and my coworker.

"Jacob get out of your thoughts!" I looked up and seen my boss again. I apologized and went out on the floor taking waiting customers orders.

As nighttime approached it was close to the time Nala had to leave. She went into the back and gathered her belongings as I started to clean up. It was no where close to closing time but since part of Nala's shift consists of closing up I want to make sure that everything is tidy so when the time comes I can just lock up and leave.

Moments later she walked out dressed in her coat and knee high boots. She walked over to me. I adjusted the grey bucket I held against my hip that carried dirty dishes. She grinned at me and pulled her purse over her shoulder. "I'll see you at home." I nodded. She smiled and walked out leaving me there in the middle of the floor. I sighed and walked into the back.

Time slowly past it was only eleven and we didn't close until twelve so I had a full hour left. During this time there wasn't many customers probably like five. Suddenly the bell from the front door startled me. I glanced up and seen the most gorgeous man dressed in a black suit.

I grabbed my pencil and note pad and tucked them away in the back pocket of my black slacks which was part of my work uniform. Mint green collared shirt, black visor with our logo printed on the front in mint green as well, black pants and all black converses. I walked up to him as I started to feel nervous. Don't understand why I felt like this but as I approached his table. I took out my pencil and pad.

"I'm Jacob, I will be your waiter is there anything that I can get for you sir?" I shyly looked up to catch a better look at this man. His jaw was well defined. He looked very muscular telling by how his arm flexed every time he turned the page of the menu. I also caught a glimpse of his silver rolex that looked really expensive. He must be rich or something. He placed the menu down and looked up at me.

I was speechless. He had perfect plumped lips, honey brown eyes that seem like they pierced into my soul. His skin was also honey brown with no flaws, only one scare that was barley visible under his right eye. He's looked like he was in his late twenties. "Black coffee and a chocolate muffin." His voice was deep and husky.

I nodded and wrote it down. "Will that be all sir."

"Yes.. Jacob, that will be all." I bit my lip and hurried off. Oh god why am I so nervous. Once I got his order I walked towards his table. Suddenly tripping over my own feet I fell face first onto the floor right in front of his table!

I felt hands around my forearm helping me up. I looked down I was covered in hot coffee and muffin. I then looked and seen who helped me up and immediately felt embarrassed because it was him and I was standing here covered in his order. He pulled away and stood in front of me.

"I am so sorry sir I-I." I stopped talking once I noticed him smiling in amusement. Oh god I'm even more embarrassed. He's laughing at me.

"It's fine, are you alright?" His voice filled with concern. I looked down at my feet and nodded. He hooked his finger under my chin and lifted my head so my eyes met his. "It's fine." He said once more.

"O-ok i'll get you another coffee and muffin sir." I moved away from him and kneed down picking the tray up. I glanced up to see him still standing over me with his hands stuffed in his pocket. He looked so intimidating from this angle. I quickly hurried to my feet and walked into the back.

Changing my clothes into my regular clothes I got him a new cup of coffee and muffin. I safely made it to his table and sat it down in front of him. I glanced down at my own watch which wasn't nearly as expensive as his and seen it was eleven fifty.

I looked around and seen everyone has left even boss so it left me and him alone. I went to walk away until he stopped me. "Please, join me." I raised my eyebrow confused to why this man wanted me to accompany him but I took his offer anyways my feet were aching not once have I took a seat today. I needed a break off my feet.

I sat down sighing in relief. I didn't know what to do or what to say so I sat there quietly as he was tapping his fingers fiercely against the screen of his black iPhone six plus. Once he was done he slammed his phone down making me jump and tuck my hands between my legs looking down. He must be mad.

Maybe I should go but in all honesty I didn't want to because apart of me wanted to see if he was alright. I cleared my throat. "A-are you alright sir?" He looked at me and it seemed his whole mood changed.

"Yes of course. Are you okay? You fell pretty hard." I blushed and fiddled with my fingers. I just met him and he has this weird affect on me.

"Yes sir I'm fine." I looked up and he nodded taking a sip of his coffee. He placed the mug down and licked his lips. I shifted in my seat. That was sexy.

"That's good so, Jacob how long have you worked here."

"S-since my first year of college." He nodded popping bits of the muffin into his mouth here and there.

"Are you still in college." I nodded. I was in my last year along with Nala.

"What college?"

"England's University of Arts and Fashion."

"Sounds familiar. You're into fashion and art I see."

"Yes sir."

I looked down at my watch once more and seen it was a minute passed twelve. I looked up at him and he nodded understandingly. He stood up.

I locked up and started making my way down the street hugging myself it was extremely cold and I had to walk home. "Hey." I turned around and seen him standing next to a black suv Cadillac Escalade esv with dark tinted windows. "Let me give you a ride. It's cold and you'll get sick." Although that was very kind of him I barely know him and I know better than to get in a car with a stranger.

"No thank you sir. I'm fine."

"Jacob." How he said my name gave me chills because the dominance in his voice. "I'm not going to do anything to you." I thought to my self It is cold and I do live pretty far. I nodded and walked over to him. He opened the back door and I slid in he followed soon after. I was confused to why je got into the back as well.

"Where do you live?" I told him and he told the person who appeared in the drivers seat. I'm guessing his driver. The car ride was pretty silent until I was brave enough to ask him who exactly was he. I mean he got his own personal driver and all these expensive items so he must be someone important. "My apologize for not introducing myself properly. My name is Chresanto, Chresanto August." I nodded my head.

"Mr.August what is it that you do?"

Before he got to answer his driver interrupted.

"Mr.August we are here." I looked out the window and seen we were in front of my house. I looked at Mr.August who was smiling. I was kinda disappointed but I opened the door and climbed out. "It was nice meeting you Jacob. I hope to see you soon."

"Same to you Mr.August, Thank you for the ride. Goodnight."

"The pleasure is mine Jacob. Goodnight." I closed the door and hurried into the house.

I peeked out the window and seen the black suv pull off.

"Who was that?" I jumped up and held my chest.

"Nala you startled me." She rolled her eyes and followed me into my room.

"Who was that?" She asked again.

"Some guy I met at the cafe and before you jump to conclusions he was very nice and offered to take me home." She sat on my bed watching me as I undressed. "How was your sisters recital?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Good. What's this nice guys name?"

"Chresanto August." She cocked her eyebrow.

"Thee Chresanto August?" What did she mean by 'Thee Chresanto August'.

"What do you mean?" She grabbed my laptop and started to search something up.

"This Chresanto August?" She turned the laptop and there he was standing there in that black suit.

"Yeah that's him why?"

"Well this Chresanto August's father so happen to own his own company, August Enterprise inc. located downtown. He was Englands wealthiest man. When he died he pasted his business and wealth down to his son making this Chresanto August the youngest billionaire in England."



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