Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

51.1K 472 173

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time


3.5K 33 3
By 17blackcherry


Harry- 16 



Niall- 19

summary: Harry gets very clingy and the boys worry about him 

Warnings: mention of abuse and suicide


"No, Nini, don't go!" Harry cried, running over to the blonde boy as he was trying to leave to go to the store. He jumped at Niall and Niall just barely caught him. 

"Why, Bub? I'm just going to the store, I'll be back soon. Lili and Boo are here, why don't you go play with them?" Niall told them. 

"No! I wanna pway with all you guys!" Harry told him, burying his face into Niall's neck. 

"But Hazza, I need to go to the store to buy some things. If you're good maybe I'll buy you ice cream!" Niall tried. Harry wasn't having it, he shook his head no and squeezed his neck tighter. 

Niall carried him into the living room. "Do you lads know why he doesn't want me to leave?" 

Louis shook his head no and Liam shrugged. "Hazzybear, why don't you come play with Lili and I while Nini goes to the store." Louis told him. 

"I wanna pway wif all of you, Boo." Harry told him, reaching his arms out for the older boy. 

Louis took him in his arms and played with his curls. Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and Niall took this as a chance to sneak out. 

When Niall left, Louis carried Harry over to the couch and sat down. He expected Harry to move to sit beside him but, he didn't even take his head from Louis' shoulder. "Haz, are you feeling alright?" 

"Mm-hm." Harry mumbled.  

"Why are you being so clingy, Bug?" Louis asked, genuinely concerned that something was wrong with the boy. Harry sometimes had trouble communicating his problems so the boys always had to ask when he was acting strange just to make sure they weren't missing a big thing that was really affecting Harry. 

"I wuv you guys." Was Harry's response. Louis heard Liam coo from across the room. 

"Aww, we love you too Bubba." Louis told him. 

Louis started to play with the boys curls and it was clear that he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon. Harry eventually fell asleep and Louis just let him stay in his arms for a while. 

Harry woke up about an hour later and felt that his pull up was wet. He started squirming and whining on Louis' lap. 

"Are you okay, Hazza?" Louis asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew what was wrong, he didn't want to embarrass the boy. 

"M'wet, Boo." Harry mumbled before patting his bum. 

"Should we go get you changed then?" Louis whispered in his ear even though he knew Liam wouldn't care but Harry would. Harry nodded. 

Louis picked him up on his hip and then set him on the ground and Harry almost screamed when this happened. "Whoa, okay. What's going on?" Louis asked. 

"I wan' you ta' cawwy me." Harry told him simply. 

Louis sighed and picked him up. Harry's baby talk was very noticeable today but he figure he was just tired. 

The pair went to Harry's room to change his pull up. Louis slid his pants down and then took off the full pull up and threw it out. He wiped the boy and spread a bit of rash cream on him and then turned to leave to go get a new pull up. When Harry noticed the man leaving he yelled, "Boo, don't leave me!"

"Bub, I'm just going to get you a new pull up and then I'll be back." Louis told him. 

"No, stay pwease." Harry whined. 

"You need a new pull up though Haz." Louis sighed. Harry just shook his head. Louis quickly pulled out his phone and texted Liam asking if he would bring him a pull up for Harry and telling him he thought there was something going on with the boy. 

Liam brought a pull up and Louis thanked him. He finished getting Harry changed and got a text from Niall.

Nialler- I had to make a few more stops so I'll be about an hour still

Louis texted him a quick response and then picked up Harry from the changing table. 

"Boo, can I 'ave a paci, pwaese?" Harry asked. 

"Of course, Baby." Louis grabbed Harry's favourite Wubbanub with the giraffe and handed it to the small boy who slipped it in his mouth.

They went downstairs and Liam suggested they watch a movie. "Yay, Dwisney mwoive!" Harry cheered.

"How about I go make some popcorn while you pick a movie." Liam suggested before getting up to leave. 

"No, Lili!" Harry cried. 

"I'll be right back, Bubba." Liam told him, shooting Louis a worried glance. "Do you want to come help me?" 

Harry nodded. "Boo come too?" He asked. 

Liam looked at Louis and he shrugged and nodded. So, all three boys went to the kitchen and made popcorn and then went back to the living room to pick a movie. Out of nowhere, Harry realized Niall was gone. 

"Where Nini go?" He asked. 

"Nini went to the store." Liam told him. 

"When he comin' back?" Harry asked. 

"Soon Bubs. He had a couple more errands to run." Louis told him. 

"No, I wan' Nini hwere!" Harry cried. 

"He'll be back soon, Bug." Louis told him. 

"I wan' him back now, Boo!" Harry told him, tears filling his eyes. 

"Bubba, what's going on today?" Liam asked him. 

Harry didn't answer, he just cried into Louis shoulder whimpering "Nini, wan' Nini." Louis and Liam exchanged worried looks. 


The reason Harry was being so clingy was because he had a bad dream last night that brought back a lot of memories from his childhood and they weren't good memories. He kept thinking about the times his daddy hit him and his mummy. He kept thinking about the times his mummy left him to go to work and he would be alone with his daddy and his daddy would yell at him and hit him, but his mummy left every day. The reason she left was that she didn't realize her, now ex, husband had been hitting her baby but Harry didn't know that. When Anne found out, she left her husband immediately and got Harry therapy and tried to help him but, by that point he was never going to be okay again. That was part of the reason he was so under developed. 
     Harry had a rough childhood. First, his sister Gemma left them and she would never come back and then his mummy started leaving him with his daddy but she did come back. Then, he didn't see his daddy again and then, his mummy met a new person named Robin. Robin became his new daddy but then, he left them too. So many people had left Harry and he was afraid the boys were going to leave him too. 


Harry cried and cried until he eventually fell asleep again. Niall came home and Harry was still asleep. 

"We need to talk." Louis whispered when Niall walked in. 

Louis gently layed Harry down on the couch and all three boys went to the kitchen. 

"What's going on with Haz today? We can't go anywhere without him crying or something." Louis told them. 

"I know. I'm worried about him." Liam said. 

"He wouldn't even let me put him down earlier." Louis said. 

"Somethings going on. We need to talk to him when he wakes up." Niall said. Then, as if on cue, crying was heard from the living room. All three boys ran in to see what was going on. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh, Baby, why the tears?" Liam held Harry in his arms and rocked him gently. 

"Y-you we-re go-gone!" Harry wailed. 

"Shh, it's okay Bubba." Niall told him, sitting down and rubbing his back. 

"'ou weft me!" Harry cried, gripping Louis hand tightly. 

"Haz, we didn't leave you baby." Louis said gently. 

"Y-yes 'ou did!" Harry said. "Sc-scawy!" He cried. 

All the boys felt bad that the boy was this upset. "We're so sorry, Hazza. We thought you were asleep." Louis told him. 

Harry climbed into Louis' lap and stuck his thumb in his mouth. None of the boys had the heart to tell him not to do it because it seemed like the only thing that was calming him down at the moment. 

"Hazza, can we talk to you?" Niall asked. 

"W'at Nini?" Harry asked around his thumb. Louis played with his curls and asked, "What's been going on today, Bug? You won't let us leave you." 

"I-I d-don't wan' 'ou ta weave me." Harry stuttered and slurred. 

"Bubs, why would we leave you?" Liam asked. 

"Gemmy weft me." Harry mumbled. All the boys shared a look, they knew about Gemma, Harry's sister, and her suicide years ago, it had obviously affected the boy and they all felt bad for not realizing. "An' mummy weft me wif daddy evwy day." Harry continued. 

Louis sighed, he felt horrible that this sweet little boy had gone through so much. 

"An' Wobin weaved too!" Harry cried and then burried his head into Louis' chest and sobbed. 

All the boys felt terrible for the little boy, he didn't know how to express his feelings and it was so hard on him sometimes. Louis felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he rubbed the boys back and listened to him sob. 

"Harry, we promise that none of us is ever going to leave you." Niall told him. Harry peeked out at him from Louis' chest, "Weally?" he mumbled. 

Liam smiled. "Really Bubba. We won't leave you but you have to remember that sometimes we have to got to the store or work but we'll come back." 

"Weally?" Harry asked. 

"Yep, and if we have to go tot he kitchen we're coming right back." Louis told the boy. 

"Oh." Harry said. 

Louis wiped the tears from Harry's cheeks and then from his own eyes. "Next time you feel like this we want you to talk to us, okay, Baby?" 

"Otay, Boo." Harry sniffled. 

"Do you want to watch movies now?" Liam asked.

"Yes!" Harry squealed, his mood changing in a matter of seconds. All the boys chuckled and they sat on the couch with Harry laying across all of them. 

Harry wanted to watch a princess movie so, they turned on Beauty and the Beast and the rest of the day was spent cuddling and giving a little extra attention to Hazza. 


Okay so, I kind of forgot I wrote this so I hope it's alright haha!

I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was cute :)

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