As You Are // D.M.

By Ethereal6513

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Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... More



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By Ethereal6513

Song: Sweat by Zayn 

Armena Riddle-Lestrange 

I taped up my final box, earning a judgmental glare from Pansy. She gave me a pout, stomping her feet on the wooden floor of my room. The week moved by quickly, almost too quickly making it bittersweet. I had packed up my things in a matter of days and was finally moving out after ten years. It would be hard not to see Pansy and Potter every single day. I had gotten so used to their company and constant playful bickering. 

I think I was most melancholy about leaving all of the memories that I made here behind. 

This was the very apartment that Pansy brought me to broken and damaged after my time in Azkaban. She had set me down into her tub and poured warm water down my back, scrubbing off the dirt and healing the bruises on my spine from the stone floor of my cell. She took care of me when I was a broken raven, my wings tattered and ripped to shreds. She slept in bed with me for weeks, holding me when I woke up screaming from the nightmares. She never asked any questions and she didn't poke or prod. To this day she has never said anything, she just let me heal in my own way. 

She was a different Pansy than I met all those years ago, when I first walked into our dormitory in Slytherin. She wasn't the same harsh mouthed and judgmental girl. There were still bits of her old self in there, but I understood her on a deeper level.

"Don't go" she whined, her rich brown eyes glassy.

I bit my cheek as I looked away. I couldn't possibly meet her eyes now, I was never good at goodbyes. In fact, the only goodbye that I had ever made were quick and painful ones. Similar to the one all those years ago, where the result of my emotions ended up with Fiendfyre engulfing my childhood and family home.

"Pans... " I sighed, placing my palms on the tops of my thighs as I kneeled on the floor. "Please don't do this, I will still see you everyday."

"Still" she whined, stomping her feet again slightly. "It feels like—"

I couldn't even let her finish that sentence. I couldn't let her utter those words that I knew were on the tip of her tongue.

"This is different than last time," I hissed. "It's not the same and you know it."

"It feels the same" she sighed, "except this time there's no long table discussions and midnight meetings in the shadows."

I sighed and stood up, facing the raven haired witch in front of me. I folded my arms over my chest and raised a brow at her.

"Since when did you become so emotional?" the corners of my lips pulling up.

"I'm always emotional, I just have to be strong for you" she waved her arm, shooing me away. 

Pansy wiped the corners of her eyes with her jumper sleeve, letting out a sniffle. I shook my head and pulled her in close to me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly, letting out muffled cries as her tears pooled at my collar bone. Draco and Potter stuck their heads around the corner investigating what was going on. Potter looked concerned, his brows furrowing together as he watched his wife sob. While Draco held back a laugh, shaking his head violently. I rolled my eyes at the two boys reactions, throwing up a middle finger at Draco.

"Pansy, darling?" I cooed, rubbing the back of her head. "I am only five minutes away, it's not like I am dying."

No, I wasn't dying. I wasn't sacrificing my life this time to save everyone from the wrath of my father.

"Pansy?" I glanced towards Potter and Draco, with wide eyes.

I jerked my head to Potter and then to Pansy, trying to get the dark haired wizard to do something with his sobbing wife. Potter walked up to us and placed a hand on Pansy's back.

"Darling" Potter cooed, "Armena is right down the road so there is no need to cry."

Pansy pulled away from me. My light grey jumper covered in her wet tears. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and pulled her husband into an embrace.

"I am literally seeing you tonight" I sighed, leaning against the mantle in my old room. "Don't think I forgot about that."

It was like a switch flipped in Pansy head and she was back to her normal bossy self. Pansy straightened up and a cheeky grin appeared on her face. She clapped her hands together and started to bounce up and down. I glanced over to Draco, who was picking an invisible piece of lint off his black jumper.

"Right!" she clasped her palms together "how could I possibly forget! Now, shoo I want you to be done packing and meet us at the bar at seven!"

With that, she waved her hands and the boxes in my room disappeared along with the bed. Her and Potter walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Draco. The room felt so empty and barren without all of my things. I leaned my back against the hearth, folding my arms over my chest. Draco leaned in the doorway, observing me carefully.

"You know Pansy took me here after Azkaban" I sighed, glancing towards the blonde haired wizard. "This was the place where she said we would have new beginnings and now I'm leaving."

"It's good to have new beginnings, Armena" he pushed off the doorframe.

He walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist, as he pulled me into him. I raised my head to look at him. His grey eyes were bright and vibrant as he smirked at me.

"Your new place will offer you a fresh start," he breathed, lowering down to my jaw. "We can make new memories there."

I felt my knees buckle under my body as my breath hitched deep in my chest. He continued to whisper about "the new" but I couldn't think straight. He didn't seem to catch my hesitation or shock by his words because he continued to kiss across my jaw.

He was right, as much as I didn't want to part from this room, or the memories that I was leaving behind, it was good to have a fresh start. I couldn't dwell on the past any longer. I couldn't dwell on Narcissa or Astoria or even the stupid Vow. I couldn't hold out hope that he would remember everything from our adolescence. We would have to make new memories.

I wanted to make new memories with him.


I sat perched at our usual table, with Blaise, Ginny, Potter, Pansy and Draco, as we all clinked our glasses together. Mindless and pleasant chatter filled the air around us. I smiled at my friends, watching them with admiration. Potter and Blaise were talking about the next Quidditch game, while Ginny and Pansy were discussing the latest Ministry office gossip. 

For the first time in years, I finally felt like everything was coming together.

"Armena" Draco's voice was in my ear, his breath hot on my cool flesh.

"Draco..." I hummed, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

I turned around in my chair to face him, mischief clear in his eyes. He looked so handsome in his black button down and dark trousers. His shirt fit him perfectly, most likely because every single article of his clothing was custom tailored. He kept the first three buttons open so that a small bit of blonde hair poked through. I trailed my body up his torso catching his eye.

"Admiring are you?" he smirked.

I swatted at his chest but he wrapped my wrists and pulled me close to him. His lips moved to my ear ever so slowly.

"I have been thinking of all the ways that I can get you out of those clothes tonight" he growled, I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Perhaps we should break in your kitchen counter or maybe the shower?"

I shivered, taking in a sharp breath which he clearly noticed because he let out a low chuckle.

"Just a thought of mine" he pulled back to look me in the eyes.

A very, very, very good thought if I might add. 

His eyes were a dark silver and full of carnality. I felt my core clench together, as I stared deeper into those hypnotizing irises. He ran his tongue over his teeth and smirked, setting down his empty glass.

"I need a new drink," he said in a low, intoxicating voice. "Care to join me?"

I nodded my head rapidly, my hair falling around my face. He held out his hand for me as I slipped off the chair. My feet wobbly on the floor, he interlaced his fingers into my own and pulled me to a secluded corner of the bar.

"Pinot noir and firewhiskey" he waved his finger at the bar keep.

He turned to face me, leaning his side casually against the metal surface. I reached my hand up and raked it through his hair, feeling the corners of my lips pull up into a serendipitous smile. I wasn't much for public displays of affection but in that moment I pulled his mouth down to my own. He tasted like whiskey and his mouth was cold from the ice he had been chewing on. I pushed my body further into his, feeling the desire pool between my thighs.

Fuck me.

I don't think I could hold out any longer with him. For being the most salacious boy back in Hogwarts, he sure had a lot of reserve now. I practically begged him early when we were unpacking to let me please him. He refused like usual and instead fucked me with his fingers against the wall. Not that I was complaining but I needed more.

"Armena?" an all too familiar voice called to me.

I turned around quickly, brushing Draco's strong shoulder. There, walking towards us as if she was floating through the crowd was Luna Lovegood, my school friend who showed me kindness in the woods all those years ago.

"Armena" she tilted her head to one side, "you have a wonderful aura, has anyone ever told you that?"

I bit my cheek, trying to hold back a laugh that was rumbling up in my chest.

"Thank you Luna" I glanced towards Draco, who looked slightly uncomfortable. "That is very kind of you."

Luna beamed as she took in Draco and I's presence, her eyes going wide as they darted between us. I prayed to Merlin that she wouldn't say anything to Draco about our shared time at Hogwarts. That would be quite hard to explain to him. I guess eventually I would have to tell him about his altered memories. I was almost certain that he would skin Pansy alive once he found out what she did.

"Oh! I see you have found your lost item again" Luna's whimsical voice sang. "I always knew it, you know."

Draco looked at me completely confused. His brows knitted together in the center. I bit my cheek hard, trying to hold back the smile that was about to erupt on my face.

"What is she talking about?" Draco leaned in, muttering through the side of his mouth as he watched Luna sway to the music.

I waved Draco off, shaking my head at his question.

"It was nice to see you two again" she sang, turning on her heels.

"Okay" Draco moved in front of me, so that he was cornering me into the metal bar behind me. "That was odd, yeah?"

"Completely odd" I smirked, "I have no idea what she was talking about."

I stared at Draco for a second, studying his promant and masculan features. The sharpness of his jaw and the sligh stubble that grew on his face. The way his nose was small but suited his face.

He was beautiful and he was mine.

Mine— my Draco was back in my arms. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and tell anyone who came in my presence. I had loved Draco for eleven years now and I would love him for all eternity.

It seems you have found your lost item.

Luna was right, as she always was with her strange but accurate wisdom. Draco was my lost item; I had lost him eleven years ago and now I found him again or better yet he found me. I was broken and lost before Draco, but now I am whole again. He made me feel complete again and I was forever thankful.

He cocked his head to one side as he caught me staring, a playful smile forming on the corners of his lips. I felt the crimson heat rise to my cheeks, but I didn't care. I wanted him to see this everlasting effect that he had on me. I let out a sigh and wrapped his hand into my own. I glanced down at his fingers to where the green emerald ring sat on his pinky. It used to terrify me to look at this, to remember the first person I killed helped Draco and I create our shared Horcrux. But now—

No— now, as my thumb stroked the smooth stone, I felt electricity push through my body and sit in a spot right behind my eighth rib. The spot where I pulled out my soul all those years ago in the Lestrange library. I brought his hand up to my mouth, planting a kiss on the electrifying ring. My eyes never left his as my lips brushed the cool stone and his hot skin.

"That ring matches your eyes you know" he breathed, his grey eyes boring into my skull. 

"Take me home" I whispered, the desperation and need clear in my voice.

I wanted him to take me home and I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted to have his body wrapped around mine for the rest of the night. I wanted to feel his warm skin pressed against my own as we lost ourselves in each other. I wanted to be completely lost with him to the point where I wouldn't know my own name. That we would blend together as one, just as how we did on our last night together when he made love to me for the first time.

His grey eyes glowed brightly as he realized what I was asking of him. I didn't want him to give it a second thought. I could see the wheels turning behind those cool eyes and my breath started to hitch. Draco cocked his head to the side slightly, his lips pulling up into a pleased and vivacious smile. He grabbed my hand, pulling me through the crowds of wizards and witches. I could see our friends from our usual table cheering us on but I didn't give them the time of day. I was looking at him. I didn't want to take my eyes off of him as he led the way to the giant hearth in the center of the bar.

He was taking me home.

I landed in my living room seconds before Draco. I quickly looked around, trying to figure out how to set the mood for our impending evening together. I waved my palm in a rainbow motion, watching as the white pillared candles flickered on in the flat. It was a romantic in contrast to the rich velvety and leather furniture that Pansy had picked out for me. Draco appeared behind me, his lips against my neck instantly as he pushed my hair aside. I dissolved and keened at his touch.

"Armena" he growled low in my ear, his teeth nipping at my lobe.

I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find the words, all that escaped my lips was gasps of wanting air. His large hands gripped at my waist, pulling me closer to his torso. I could feel his impressive length pressing into my lower spine, begging for me to release it from it's restraint of clothing. I fluttered my eyelids shut as Draco slipped his hand under my jumper to my breast. His fingers peeled back the cup of my lacy bra as he grazed over my nipple, hardening it on first gentle touch. I didn't want him to be gentle; I wanted the rough Draco that would fuck me against the door or my mirror in my adolescent home. I wanted the Draco that fucked me in his Death Eater mask all those years ago. The thought made my thighs clench together and my eyes shoot open like a deer in headlights. I spun around, wrapping my arms around his neck. I didn't give him a chance to think, I pressed my lips against his. My fingers tangling into his luscious, pale blonde locks. He moaned into my mouth, as my teeth scraped his bottom lip. He gripped my arse pulling me even closer into him and fuck did it feel good.  I pulled him towards me, moving towards the open door of my bedroom. His hands reached under my shirt, tugging at the fabric until I pulled a part from him, lifting my hands above my head. The jumper went flying across the room and landed on top of a lamp. My lips crashed into his again, as I made quick work with the buttons of his black dress shirt. I needed to feel his skin under my own, I was desperate for it. I pushed the fabric off his shoulders, dragging my palms down his firm pecks and abdomen. Draco grabbed my arse even tighter, pulling my body flush against his bare torso. He signaled for me to jump, pulling me up around his waist. I wrapped my legs tight around him as he moved us towards my room.

"Please" I breathed into his open mouth.

He let out a low chuckle and tossed me onto the bed in one easy motion. My body ricocheted until it settled down onto the mattress. I propped myself up on my elbows, my eyes heavy as I gazed at him. He smirked at me, leaning forward to make quick work of my tight black jeans. I lifted my hips, letting him peel them off of my body. He tossed them onto the floor and stood back up. His eyes darkened as he ran a tongue over his cheek, taking in my body fully. I could feel the arousal pool between my inner thighs, I was certain that if my knickers were not black it would have been evident that they were soaked.

"I don't deserve you" he growled, shaking his head.

His blonde hair fell around his face, softening his already hard features. I shook my head, propping myself up more to look at him.

"You do deserve me" I breathed, "I am the one who doesn't deserve you."

"I have thought about this moment since the first time I met you" he smirked, his fingers moving to unbuckle his trousers.

I raised my right brow in response, my eyes trained to the impressive outline prominent even in the darkness of his trousers.

"I have thought about what it would be like to fuck you, Armena" he growled, his grey eyes turning silver. "I was going back and forth with myself if you would want to be fucking slow, feeling all of it or hard and fast to the point where the bed will create indents into the wall."


"What do you want?" he cocked his head to the side as he slipped off his trousers.

I felt my throat close up as I gazed at his length. It was larger than how I remembered, not restrained from the compression of his briefs. Was I that sexually depraved from a good shag that I was gawking at his erection. As if he could read my mind, he let out a low chuckle running his hand over the length. I flickered my eyes up to meet his silver. He looked primal, wild almost as the candle light flickered off his sharp features. He looked dangerous, like I was his prey and he was ready for the hunt. I sat up and inched towards him, I pressed my hands against his firm chest, as his fine hair tickled my fingers.

"I want you" I breathed, looking up at him through my thick eyelashes. "I want you now and forever."

He let out a low chuckle again, his lips connecting with my Azkaban markings. He nipped at the skin and then licked his tongue over it to ease the pleasurable pain. I let out a whimper as his fingers pushed down the straps of my bra. As his lips and teeth made work of my flesh, he reached around me and flicked off the clasp of my bra, the fabric falling onto the bed. He pulled back from me, his salacious eyes darkening as my nipple peaked. I watched as he licked his lips before flicking his eyes back up to meet my own.

"Please" I whispered.

"Once we do this" he growled, his finger trailing down my sternum to my navel. "Once we do this there is no going back, do you hear me?"

I nodded my head as I stared up into his dark silver eyes. I knew he was right that there was no going back. That even if he didn't know about everything that I had done to protect him in the past and the Vow-- there was no turning back.

And I was okay with it.

I was done waiting, I inched back onto the bed, my green eyes heavy with need as I gazed at him. We had already spent enough time apart. I couldn't dare spend anymore. If this were to go truly and utterly wrong, well I would hope my death would be a quick and easy one. I would at least die in the arms of my lover. I needed him.

He needed me.

"These violent delights have violent ends; like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey; Is loathsome in his own deliciousness; And in the taste confounds the appetite" I breathed as recited from my favorite book.

I watched as he cocked his head to the side, his brows folding together in the center.

"I have the oddest sense of deja vu..." he breathed, his eyes raking over my body once more.

I bit my lip as I watched him process something in his mind. He opened his mouth to say something but thought against it. Instead, he stared at me, a thousand emotions materializing on his face. We both stood in silence for minutes, the only sound was of the crackling of the candle wick and our heavy breaths.

"I need to know that you are not going to wake up tomorrow and regret this," he finally said.

I parted my lips, taking in a gasp of air. I wanted him, I have always wanted him. If only he could see the desire and desperation that I had for him— that I have always had for him.

"I have always wanted you Draco" I breathed. "I want you today, I want you tomorrow and I have wanted you in a past life. I want you."

Draco's lips pulled up into a desirable grin. He looked like he had just won the lottery and made the richest man alive. He stalked towards me, slowly moving up my body. I sunk into the bed, I felt like I was falling as I looked up into his lustful grey eyes. He hovered over me, his body consuming me whole. He bent his head down, his lips grazing my jaw. I arched my neck up to him, my hands grabbing at his strong and muscular back.

"I'm going to need to hear that again" he chuckled into my skin, his mouth hot against my flesh.

"Please Draco" I begged, my hips grinding up to meet his exposed erection.

The only thing separating us now was the thin fabric of my knickers. I wanted him to rip them off my body and plunge deep inside of me. I wanted him to tear me apart as he fucked me. He continued to kiss down my neck.

Fuck, his tongue was fire against my skin.

He reached between my thighs, his finger slipping into my knickers. He trailed his pointer finger slowly down my center, he was driving me absolutely wild and he knew it too. He growled in approval from the wetness between my thighs, I arched my back up in response to him, signaling that I wanted more.

I desired more from him.

"Please Draco!" I gasped as his thumb brushed over my clit. "More— please."

He clucked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, he hovered inches away from my face. A cheeky smirk played on the corners of his lips. I wasn't in the mood for games and I knew that's what he was doing to me.

"So needy" he tisked, his finger trailing lower

I let out an inaudible slur of vulgar words at him, which only caused him to smirk even more. He placed his lips at my ear, his teeth grazing my earlobe as his finger circled my wet opening.

"I told you that I wanted to take my time with you" he breathed, causing pleasurable shivers to run over my body. "I'm not just going to fuck you and be done. I want to please you, Armena. I want the eyes to roll back into your head and you are on the verge of your third orgasm before I fuck you."

With his words, he pushed his finger deep inside of me just as he clamped down onto my neck. I threw my head back against the mattress, rich moans pouring from my lips as he worked me. He was slow with his movements, dragging each one out as his finger fucked me to the point of no return. In a matter of seconds I was crying out his name as I rode his finger.

"That's it love..." he growled, his eyes dark as he watched me fall apart "...come for me."

He didn't even give me a chance to come down before he inserted another finger. His movements now are quick and with precise work, like he knew just how to push me over the edge. With one swipe of my clit and the swirling of his fingers, I was coming again.

"Draco!" I gasped.

My eyes rolled back into my head, my breaths becoming jagged and rough as I came for a second time. He chuckled, his eyes growing dark as he continued to please me. He nipped his way down my torso, his hot tongue lapping up at the spots where his teeth bit into me. Draco pulled his fingers out of me, I could feel the wetness on my thighs as he peeled down my knickers. His lips kissing my inner thigh, his breath was hot against me. It contrasted the cool air of my flat and the arousal that was dripping out of me.

"Please" I whimpered.

"Patience" he chuckled, "let me taste you."

With his words, he swiped his tongue across my lips. He made quick work but never fully licked the one area that I wanted him to. I wanted his tongue on me. I wanted his mouth on me as he pleased me. I arched my back, my moans growing louder by the second. With his fourth teasing movement, he finally brushed the tip of his tongue over my clit. He licked down and then back up, his lips enclosing over my clit. I let out a gasp as he sucked on the sensitive area. I felt him move down towards my entrance, he hummed into me, sending vibrations through my core. I wanted to savor this moment of the overriding pleasure that I was feeling. His thumb dragging up to my clit as he pushed his tongue into me. He fucked me with his tongue sending pulse waves of pleasure with every precise swipe of his digit.

"Oh fuck" I breathed as the sensation of my impending orgasm built in the tips of my toes.

He growled in approval, increasing his speed. He was going to drive me absolutely insane and we haven't even fucked yet. A chorus of moans escaped from between my lips as I grabbed onto his head, my fingers lacing through the strands as I rode his face.

"Draco" I cried as the wave of never ending pleasure rolled through me.

As the pleasure ripped through my body, my vision darkened. I saw every single shade of color on the ultraviolet spectrum. I think I even saw colors that I didn't even know existed like a lovely shade of violet blue but it was almost a rose color the more I looked at it.

I could hear Draco's voice coaxing me back into reality as he hovered over my face. I blinked repeatedly, trying to get my bearings right. His grey eyes were lined with silver as he smirked down at me. I reached up to him, pulling his lips down to my own. I could taste myself on his tongue and I groaned, arching up to his body. His length teased against me, coating itself in my wetness. I arched up again, trying to feel more of him.

He felt so good.

We pulled away from each other, our eyes connecting in that moment. I felt myself get pulled into him. Not only into him but into his soul and my own. He reached down between us, aligning himself with my center. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the tip of him stretch out my opening. He let out a deep and dangerous growl, his eyes flickering to a dark shade of grey, almost black. I parted my lips, anticipating him to fill me even more. He pushed in a little deeper, the stretch that I was feeling was borderline pain but it felt so good. It felt so rich and pure as he moved into me.

"Fuck" he growled, "you are so tight."

"More" I gasped, my hands clawing at his muscular back. "I need more, I need all of you Draco."

He grabbed onto the sheet beside my head as he slowly thrusted into me. I needed him to move, I needed him to fuck me.

"Armena" he breathed into me as he bottomed out, hitting my apex.

The way he called my name was like a prayer. A devout prayer to whoever would listen to us in that moment. I needed to hear it again and again for the rest of my life. I wanted to hear him praise me and worship me until the end of time. I grabbed his face, cupping his cheeks into my hands. My eyes held onto his as he slowly started to move, but I needed more. 

"You feel so fucking good" he growled, his movments long. "I have thought about what you would feel like for weeks. What it would feel like to be inside of you."

"More" I breathed, his eyes flickering into something dark at my words.

A slow cheshire grin pulled up at the corners of his mouth. His hand trailed from its place on my hip up to my neck. He wrapped his fingers around my fragile column, putting pressure on the area. He squeezed ever so slightly but enough to make my insides quake.

"I'm going to fuck you into this mattress" he growled as he slammed into me.

I gasped, arching my back as he repeated his motions over and over again. His fingers tightened around my throat as he fucked me long and hard. Each one of his strokes were deeper than the last.

"I'm not going to last much longer" he panted, his brow furrowing.

He released his hand off my throat and gripped under my thighs, pulling them up over his shoulder. The position was deeper, so much deeper as he continued to pound into me. I gripped the sheets beside of me with force, bunching the white fabric under the palms of my hand.

"I want to—" he growled, "fuck, I want to come inside of you. I need to feel my seed inside of you."

There was that breeding kink that I know and love. I was thankful that Pansy made me get back on my contraceptive charms. However, I don't think I would be opposed to carrying Draco's children and I doubt he would protest the idea either.

"Please" I moaned, "I need you— I need to feel you."

"Fuck!" he snapped, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

I could feel myself reaching another orgasm by the second with his deep and rough thrusts. He felt so good inside of me, so much better than how I remembered it.

"Please come for me" I moaned into his hair.

He pressed his hand into my hip, pushing me down further into the bed. His thrusts became quick and erratic and before i knew it I was screaming out his name. I thought my last orgasm was mind shaking but this one was ten times more powerful. I grabbed onto his back, my nails ripping at his flesh as the stars, shapes and colors started to form behind my eyes.

"Draco!" I cried.

"Fuck" he moaned into my ear. "I'm fucking— Armena!"

My name on his lips was like music to my ears. He spilled inside of me, his seed shooting up deep within me. It was so powerful that my body shuttered from his warm essence. He collapsed onto me, his large body covering mine entirely. We didn't speak for minutes, maybe even hours. He finally pulled out of me, his seed spilling out with his release. He propped himself up on his elbow as his finger trailed from the dip in my neck, down my sternum and over to my navel. He bent down, taking my nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh. I let out a moan, still feeling the after affects of our previous pleasure.

"So beautiful when you fall apart" he breathed into my flesh.

He pulled away from me, his grey eyes sparkling as I looked up at him.

"I am going to be so addicted to you" he breathed.

"Good" I smirked, "I will be just as addicted to you."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to my body. Without even thinking about it he slipped back into me and we made love again and again until we couldn't move anymore. That night, as I fell asleep in his protective embrace. I thought about how Draco and I, even with his lost memories, could create new and exciting ones. How it didn't matter that he would never remember the way that we felt back when we were adolescents. It didn't matter that he didn't know that for the past eleven years he has held my soul on his finger. None of that mattered because I was his now and forever. I would cherish these new memories and lock up the old. It didn't matter what happened eleven years ago. It mattered what was happening right now.

I slept so soundly that night, as I dreamed about Draco and I sitting in his apartment in Paris. All curled up on the couch as we read novels and watched Scorpius play in front of the fire. I was the most serene peace that I had felt in a long time.

I was thankful for that.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt Draco's body against my own. I let out a soft moan as his fingers trailed over my flesh, teasing my sensitive skin from the night before. 

"Good morning my love" Draco's voice was warm and comforting.

He planted kisses on my forehead and my cheeks. He slowly trailed down my torso, unbuttoning the oxford he gave me. I let out a low hum, my lips pulling up into a smile as I felt his tongue lap down my sternum.

"I have missed you so much."

I crinkle my nose, letting a giggle escape out of my lips from the vibrations of his low voice. He pulled my arm hip to his mouth, kissing my forearm where my dark mark rested. He kissed up my arm and to my collar bone, lapping at the dark markings that rested there and down to the scar that he caused all those months ago.

"I have been here this whole time" I smirked.

"Yes you have my love" he sighed, rising up to hover his lips over my own. "I am so sorry."

My eyes shot open by his words, meeting his watery grey irises. I let out a sharp gasp as I searched his face. The look of pain, recognition and sorrow plagued his face. His hand reached up, intertwining his fingers on the back of my hair.

"Ten years, Armena" he breathed, "ten fucking years without you."

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