By Amnarhhhh

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Asmau's life takes a huge turn when her father arranges her marriage to Abubakar Sadeeq Saleem, a doting fath... More



899 151 13
By Amnarhhhh


It's been nearly a month since our return from Maiduguri, and I really enjoyed our time there. Alhamdulillah, it was a truly an enjoyable experience. As I was mixing flour in the kitchen, I heard the sound of my ringtone echoing from the quiet parlour. A sigh escaped my lips; my phone always seemed to choose the least convenient moments to ring.

"Should I bring the phone, Ummu Afeen?" Saratu offered.

"No, don't worry, Saratu. You are busy with your work. I'll go get it," I replied, setting the bowl of flour down gently.

With Afeena peacefully asleep in the carrier on my back, I made my way to the parlour, where my phone rested on the center table. "Assalamu'alykum," I greeted as I answered the call.

"Wa'alykusalam, Asmau, it's Hadiza Bashir,"

"Ooh Hadiza, it's you!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, sorry for taking time. I just found the number. I thought I had lost it," she apologized.

"No problem at all. So, how have you been? And how's everyone back in Maiduguri?"

"Alhamdulillah, we're all fine," she replied. "And your family?"

"Alhamdulillah, everyone here is doing well. How's Maiduguri?"

"Maiduguri is fine. I'll be coming to Abuja soon, In shaa Allah, maybe next week. So, if I do come, I'll visit you," she shared.

"Allah ya kaimu, that would be wonderful. Although, next week might not be the best time as my friend is getting married," I mentioned.

"Your friend? Who's getting married?" she inquired.

"It's Ibteesam," I responded.

"Ibteesam Munnir? My fighting partner and friend?" Hadiza exclaimed in surprise.

I chuckled, reminiscing about the fiery friendship between Ibteesam and Hadiza back in our school days. "Yes, that's her."

"Wow, Allah sarki! I wish I could attend," Hadiza sighed.

"You really should. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you after ages," I encouraged.

"Alright then, Asmau. Please, make it a surprise. Don't tell her I'm coming,"

"Okay, In shaa Allah, it'll be our secret," I agreed with a mischievous tone in my voice.

"We'll see, then. I have to go now, ma'u. Please give my regards to your husband and kids."

"Of course, In shaa Allah. Take care, Hadiza," I bid her farewell before ending the call.

I returned to the kitchen, and continued my task.


"Don't even think about making me cry, because it's not happening," Ibty declared as the makeup artist worked on her face. Today was her Nikah, and the room buzzed with excitement. We had been teasing her to shed a tear, but she was determined not to.

"Trust me, once that knot is tied, she'll be a fountain," her elder sister, Adda Manal, chimed in making us all laugh.

"Adda, you've got a point there," I chuckled.

"I'd place a bet that she'll cry," Farhan whispered in my ear, and I nodded in agreement. Ibty shot us a playful glare, clearly curious about our conversation.

"What are you both gossiping about?"

"None of your business girl," Farhan retorted, and Ibteesam rolled her eyes. A few minutes later, the makeup artist finished with her makeup and then joined me on the bed, taking a seat.

"You look beautiful Amarya," I complimented, admiring the details of her bridal attire.

"Why didn't you bring the kids?" she asked, ignoring the compliment.

"Help me ask her," Mimi chimed in with her mouth full of food.

"Mimi, be careful. We don't want you to choke, and then your hubby will have to come after us," Amirah teased.

"No, leave me alone. A pregnant woman has to eat to her fullest," Mimi replied defiantly, and they started arguing.

"Ma'u don't ind her now; tell me the reason why you didn't come with my kids," Ibty insisted, her eyes locked on me.

"Chill, the driver will bring them over later," I assured her.

"Better," she responded, with a grin.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and her grin became ever wider when she saw the caller. "Put it on speaker," someone suggested, and Ibty obliged.

"Hello, cutie pie," came the groom's voice affectionately that made everyone's hearts melt.

"Hi, my love. How are you?" Ibty asked, her voice already betraying her emotions.

"I'm good. I feel so complete because you are officially my wife. Congratulations to us, baby. I'm the luckiest man in the whole wide world. May Allah bless our marriage," he said, with sincerity and love. We all muttered heartfelt "Ameens."

"Ma shaa Allah, hubby, I can't wait to see you," she replied, her blush evident even over the phone.

"Same here, sweetheart. I'll be coming now,In shaa Allah,"

"Okay, may Allah bring you safely. I love you," she said, with a sweet voice.

"Ameen, Ameen. Love you too, sweetheart," he replied, and they hung up. Yodeling and jubilation from outside signaled that the wedding ceremony had concluded successfully.

We waited with bated breath, hoping to Ibty's waterworks begin, since she had insisted she wouldn't cry. Suddenly, tears welled up in her eyes, flowing down her cheeks. I immediately pulled her into a warm, comforting hug.

"I'm sorry I spoiled your clothes with my tears," she said after regaining some composure.

"It's okay, best friend. Remember on my wedding day, I cried on you too, right? It's a 'do me, I do you' thing," I reassured her with a smile.

"By the way, I have a surprise," I announced, and called out Hadiza's name, Ibty's eyes widened in disbelief. We reminisced about our school days, sharing stories and laughter until Ibty's mother entered to announce that the groom and his friends had arrived.

After the photoshoot and some advice from the elders, we returned to Ibty's room.

"Alright, let's get you ready," I said.

"For what? Asmau, I told you that I'm not having any event. Just my Nikkah, and then tomorrow I will be taken to my matrimonial house," she insisted.

"You're having a celebration first, and then you can think about the rest. You can't just have your Nikkah and expect us not to celebrate you," I argued.

"Tell her, Ibty, you are something else," Mimi chimed in, provoking a glare from Ibty.

"It's not a big event; it's just a small gathering with close friends to celebrate your marriage. You should relax and enjoy your wedding day," I reassured her.

"Okay, since you guys insist," she agreed, rolling her eyes playfully.

"That's my best friend. Now, let's get ready," I said with a smile.

We adorned ourselves in our dresses, applied makeup, and soon we were ready. As we descended the stairs, compliments flowed in.

"Ya Allah, Asmau, you look beautiful! Ma sha Allah," Adda Humaira complimented me, and others joined too.

Ibteesam immediately left with the girls, while I stayed back to wait for the kids. A moment later, I dialed Safeeya's number. "Hello, Mummy," Safeeya's voice came through.

"Feeyah, are you guys still at home?" I inquired.

"Mummy, we are on our way. It was Ansar that wasted so much of our time. That boy is not serious," she complained, muttering something under her breath.

"Okay, take care," I said, ending the call. I then noticed a missed call from Abubakar and promptly returned it.

"Assalamu'alykum, Habiby," I said as soon as he answered.

"Wa'alykussalam, Hayatie, how are you?" he inquired.

"Alhamdulillah, Habiby. Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at Fadeel's. I went to his place after the Nikah," he explained.

"Oh, I thought you would come here with the groom,"

"No, but don't worry. I'll be on my way, Hayatie," he assured.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, Habiby. Drive safely. I love you," I said.

"Love you too, babe," he replied before hanging up.


"Mummy, we're here!" Noorie exclaimed, sprinting into the living room with Safeeya and Ansar in tow, each holding one of the twins.

"Be careful, baby. Don't fall," I cautioned, leaning over and planting kisses on both of her cheeks. The moment Afeena spotted me, she began fussing and reached out for me. I gently took Afeena into my arms, meanwhile Noorie scampered off upstairs.

"Mummy, has Daddy arrived yet?" Feeyah inquired as we settled into the living room.

"No, not yet, but he'll be here soon. When he does, we'll head to the venue. Ibteesam and some of our friends are already there," I explained, trying to gently pry Afeena's tiny fingers away from my earring. Why do babies always have a thing with shiny objects? Meanwhile, Ansar was inching closer to crawling out of the entrance door.

"Ansar, pick up Afeen; he's almost crawling out!" Safeeya commanded.

"Don't you have hands to carry him? You're bossy as if you don't have hands," Ansar retorted.

"But you're right by the door. Can't you be useful for once?" Safeeya shot back.

"Ansar, just go and carry him. Safeeya can't do everything. He's your brother, after all," I scolded.

"Sorry," he mumbled, moving to follow my instructions.

"Afeena, stop it," I lightly smacked her tiny hands, causing her to pout and tears to well up in her eyes. "Why are you pulling my earrings? It hurts, you know," I reprimanded. Suddenly, she burst into tears.

As I cradled Afeena in my arms, trying to soothe her crying, she babbled, "Da-da," her way of asking for Abubakar.

I looked down at her, and responded, "You want Daddy? Alright, I'll call Daddy and see what's taking him so long." I reached for my phone to dial Abubakar's number, but before I could, his name flashed on the screen. "Hello, Abubakar."

His voice sounded tensed and worried as he explained, "I'm sorry, Asmau, but I won't be able to come."

My heart skipped a beat, and I asked anxiously, "What? Why? Did something happen?"

"It's Iman," he replied, his voice heavy with concern.

"What happened to her?" I asked, puzzled.

But before he could give me an explanation, he abruptly ended the call, leaving me in a state of shock and confusion. I tried to process everything, wondering what had happened with Iman that would keep Abubakar away from coming.

"Mummy, what's wrong?" Safeeya asked, noticing my distress.

I struggled to find words,"It's nothing, your Dad won't be able to join us. Go get Noorie, and let's head to the venue."

"But why, Mummy?" She pressed on.

"I don't know, Feeyah. Just let's go."

With a heavy heart, we got ready and headed outside, driving to the venue.

Edited Version
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