Crush. (Miniminter x oc)

By PosionedApple17

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(Simon Minter x WillNE's sister.) In which Simon Minter has a little crush. Olivia Lenney grew up in Newcas... More



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By PosionedApple17

I woke up slowly this morning, my eyes taking a while to adjust to the sunlight streaming through mine and Simon's room.

I glanced over to his bed and noticed he wasn't there which confused me, Simon Minter never got up before me. I was a huge morning person and he was a million miles from that.

But when I checked the time on my phone and realised it was only eight thirty in the morning, it was even stranger.

The last few days here in Ibiza had been amazing. We'd partied, visited the beach, had days just chilling by the pool and had days where we went out on adventures.

We had three days left including today and when I looked down at the rest of my phone screen that morning I realised what day it was.

October fourth 2018. My 26th birthday.

There was a myriad of notifications splattered across my wall when I looked at my phone screen, the picture of me, Cal, Harry and Herb distorted from my sight.

"Jesus." There was over a hundred Instagram mentions on my wall when I unlocked my phone and started to look through them.

Birthday posts from our friends back in England and from the people with me on the trip.

Will, Freya, Cal and Simon's standing out to me the most for their messages.



WillNE: These photos are proof that we actually get along......sometimes. Livvy, where do I begin? Well you're as annoying as they come but idk what I'd do with out having a sister like you. You help me so so much with my goals and you're always there for me even when I don't ask. Growing up with you in the house as my big sister, despite you being so annoying, I always knew I had a protector, someone in my corner. So for the twenty two years we've known each other- plus the extra four when you were blissfully an only child- I hope you have a Happy 26th birthday, my beautiful big sister. @SweetOlive from your 'twat of a brother' xx


FreyaNightingale: Happy birthday to this angel of a best friend. Livvy you are my best friend- the brunette to my blonde, the Monica to my Rachael, the popcorn to my Malteasers and the other sister I never knew I needed. You are gorgeous inside and out, you make me laugh and cry on the reg and you're always there with a cuppa and a smile when I need one. So I hope you have the most amazing day, can't wait to celebrate 26 years with you on the planet. 😘 xxx @SweetOlive


Calfreezey: Ik it's not the photo shoot that Will and Freya posted but meh I hope the words are good enough. Our little Liv, Laugh, Love. Living with you and the lads these last four years has been just about as great as it gets. You're not just a flat mate or a friend, you're like a sister. I hope you have a great day and enjoy the surprise we have planned. You deserve it. @SweetOlive Happy 26th birthday xxx


Miniminter7: Olivia Lenney- you are honestly one of my best mates. You're funny, kind, thoughtful, beautiful (inside and out) and you have a great smile. Cannot wait to spend the day with you and our friends here in sunny Ibiza to show you just how special you are to us all. All my love. Happy 26th birthday @SweetOlive x


After reading all those posts and laughing at all the pictures, liking and commenting- I decided I should probably emerge from my room for the day and thank everyone for the well wishes.

So I dragged myself up and out of my warm bed and made my way into mine and Simon's en-suite.

We'd divided up the counter space for our own products and both had our teeth brushes in the pot together.

I didn't know wether or not I'd be going in the pool or sea today to I refrained from my usual morning shower and instead thought I'd shower for dinner tonight instead.

So I brushed out my hair which had curled slightly in my sleep across my shoulders but otherwise lay normally.

Then I did my usual facial routine, brushed my teeth and got ready for the day. I put on sun cream then I slipped into a plain black bikini top and bottoms and on top I put on a pair of denim shorts with a black belt and I grabbed a random, thin shirt from the room, it had the sleeves rolled up and was a pale light blue colour to match the bandana I grabbed and put in my hair.

It smelled like Simon's cologne though so I assumed it was his, but I wore it unbuttoned nonetheless.

I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my phone and then I checked myself over once in the mirror. "Happy birthday Livvy." I whispered to myself before a big smile grew on my face.

Today was gonna be amazing.

Simon's POV

Waking up early, was always foreign for me. I liked to sleep in especially after a night out or if I'd been up till the wee hours of the morning filming or editing. But today I'd been ordered by Freya to wake up early and come down stairs- without waking Liv. The blonde had been very vivid in her threats about what she'd do to me if I woke the birthday girl before we had her cake and presents all sorted properly.

Cal had booked a party boat for the day, that we were gonna be staying on all day, swimming in the sea and having an on-deck barbecue before sailing out to a tiny island off of the Ibiza coast where we'd be camping for the night. And Liv had no idea.

When I came down into the kitchen with my swim trunks and sidemen t-shirt on I spotted JJ and Ethan blowing up balloons on the sofa while Freya and Gee were stood organising a cake on the dining room table.

The Cal's, Harry and Chip were busy making us all breakfast and I was honestly impressed with everyone's dedication.

Emily and Josh were hanging streamers and Will was rummaging though a pile of gifts on the other sofa for his sister.

"Morning." I mumbled as I came into the quiet chatter and bug smiles of the room. Freya span around and set her eyes on me, "is she asleep still?" She demented and I threw my hands up in surrender. "Yeah!" I said surprised by her demanding tone.

"Good." She snapped before she returned to Gee and the cake. Cal chuckled behind me throwing an arm around my shoulder. "How's your sneak out? She's the lightest bloody sleeper I know?" He asked and I shrugged, "I was quiet."

"Bro Lux dropped a packet of toilet roll outside of her room last week and she came out with a shoe as a weapon." Harry told us and Lux scowled at the memory. "She almost took my eye out with the bloody heel."

"Would you four be quiet? She might wake up!" Gee hissed across the room and we all shrivelled back towards our tasks, afraid of the girls tempers.

"Why are you three so stressed out it's gonna be fine." Josh tried to reason with them but Emily, who was stood holding the ladder he was on steady as he was hanging up bunting on an archway, gave the ladder a precarious shake to threaten him and he gave in, ".....yeah lads the girls are right be quiet." He said before he got back to work.

"Simon would you go start the coffees." Freya asked and I nodded making my way over towards the lads in the kitchen.

Harry passed me thirteen mugs and I thanked him quietly before I got to work.

About half an hour passed at it was now quarter to nine. The decorations had all been set up and the cake had been impaled with candles ready for the birthday girl to appear once she woke up.

The boat wasn't bucked until twelve so we had a good two hours until we had to leave the villa.

I was sat on the sofa now my mind running through the last couple of days. The holiday had been amazing. But I kept feeling moments of fleeting suspicion towards the group whenever I caught one of them watching Liv and I and typing away on their phones. On that group chat.

Freya and Josh, then Harry and JJ were the worst for it.

Liv and I had been watching them all back- like hawks. Every time one of them thought they were being discreet or slick we caught them. Building up our evidence to use later.

We'd decided we needed to have a way to prank them all so a plan had been formulated.

Step 1- we were both trying to find a way to get into the group chat. Liv had suggested we ask Will for help and yesterday she told me she had.

Step 2- once we had access to the chat we would then start to plant the idea of a possible 'relationship' going on between Liv and I.

Step 3- tell them we're 'dating' then catch them in it.

Step 4- revel in their embarrassment when we tell them they've been pranked.

Will had agreed to help us on the condition that we don't perform any, fake 'weird couple-y things' in front of him.

Part of me was dreading doing this, knowing my feelings for Liv would only grow the longer we put on this 'couple' façade, while the other part of me was beaming like a child at Christmas for the opportunity to be in a 'relationship' with liv, even if it was fake.

At around 8:45 that morning we all heard footfalls on the stairs and knew it was time. Chip lit the cake candles while we all stood waiting a path to the table set out between the twelve of us waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Will and Gee held her big balloons that were a big 2 and a 6. While the 'Happy Birthday Liv' banner Emily had made was being held between Harry and the Cal's.

JJ, Josh and I were stood nearest the stairs as the sound of flip-flops echoed down the metal steps towards us.

Liv was coming down. Her long tanned legs came first until we could see her torso then her chest then her shoulders and then her smiling face as we all yelled. "Happy birthday."

She looked beautiful. Her long legs were out with some high waisted jean shorts and a black belt hugging her waist and thighs. Then her stomach was exposed by the lack of a shirt, just a bikini top.

She did wear a shirt over that but it wasn't hers. It was mine.

My heart leaped when she came down the final stair and grinned at us all, her phone in hand probably recording us all. "Awwww you guys." She laughed as we all cheered again. "Happy birthday Livvy." Freya yelled and the brunette beauty ran to embrace her blonde best friend.

"Happy birthday." I saw her then pull away and tackle Will who hugged her back. They really did live each other no matter him much they quarrelled. "Thanks Willy." She whispered to him and we all laughed.

She went around us all giving us all big hugs till she got to me and with a small wink up at my face to tell me she was about to do something she raised her head from my chest and swiftly planted her lips on my cheek. "Happy birthday." I repeated like everyone else had in her ear. "Gee thanks." She muttered back before she moved on.

I could feel the others' eyes as they watched her cross the room to where he cake candles were now burning dangerously low.

We all started singing the happy birthday song before she blew out her candles and we all cheered. JJ was busy snapping photos as we all have her big group hug.

"Thank you." She gushed as we all pulled away. "I love you idiots."
"We love you too." Freya replied before she kissed the girls cheek and we all laughed again.

"Ok! The celebration plans for the day!" Cal started and Liv groaned. "This isn't gonna be another one of yours and Harry's 'surprises' is it?" She asked and the two boy chuckled.

"Nah don't worry- I over saw this one." Will assured her placing both hands on her shoulders and she leaned back so he was hugging her. "You'll love it don't worry." I assured and she looked up and smiled at me. "Ok."

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