Fate and Destiny [Akashi x Ku...

By WinterRaineeDay

103K 3.2K 1.4K

"Then, let's make a promise that only I can sing your songs." That was the forgotten promise after the incide... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-Five
Special Countdown Preview to Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty - Six
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 27
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 28
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 29
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 30
Chapter Thirty
From The Authoress
Story Details - Summary/Characters/Song List
A Poem Just For You
Second Book - Sequel
F&D Fan-Art
Second Route - Melody of Spring
2015 KnB Watty Award - Vote

Valentine EXTRA : Flavor of Life

1K 32 10
By WinterRaineeDay

The feels are back to hunt you down! A valentine day OMAKE for our beloved character in Fate & Destiny, Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuki. This chapter would be a fill in chapter in chapter Chapter 25. The chapter where she announce she will retire. Enjoy! And Happy Valentines to each one of you. Don't forget to check out The Moon Embraces The Sun [AkaKuro] and Flower Dance tomorrow! Both books will be update first thing in the morning! 

Also, click on the attached media -> for the song to assist the OMAKE. Please forgive my grammars! >.< This chapter didn't went through the betas T-T

Don't forget to review!~ 

**Hake - Japanese Stone Grave


[The Beginning of Flavor of Life - Utada Hikaru]

She puts down the music sheets onto the dressing table as she looked at the mirror in front of her. Clad in the dress that was designed especially for her, light make ups to hide her pale face and on her ring finger ... Stays the engagement ring she cherished dearly. 

Her sapphire orbs saddens as she stared at it, ‘This is the best I can do. Sei...please watch over me...’ she prayed silently before a knock was heard on the door.

“Kuroko-chii, are you ready?” Kise asked outside the door. Slowly, she gets up and went to the door as she opens it. 

‘It’ll be the final time on stage before I ...’ 


"Nee...Tetsuki-chii...” Kise trails off as his amber orbs looked at the bluenette who has been silent for the past few days. 

She often stared into the nothingness, not noticing someone was there or not by her side. It was as if she was in her own world, shut tightly in the dark without letting anyone coming in. It has been a week ever since Akashi’s death. It was a huge blow to everyone in the band, especially to Kuroko. 

Director Nijimura was kind enough to give them a break from work and so the Generation of Miracles has been going about back and forth from the sibling’s apartment, taking turn to take care of Kuroko while Kagami was away in Los Angeles for an important work.

Kise bit his lower lip as he sat down on the chair next to the bed, “We’re going to pay our respects to Akashi-chii in the afternoon...” the name brought attention to the bluenette as she shifts her gaze to the keyboardist, “Do you want to come along with us?” 

Her gaze never left him for a long two minutes before she gave a slight nod. Then, she looked at the silver ring that Akashi was supposed to give her on her first live debut night. An engagement ring that has been stained with nothing but bloods and tears of sorrow.

The keyboardist felt a firm hold on his left shoulder as he shift his gaze to the owner of the tanned hands. Aomine gave him a supportive expression before leaving the two to their own in the living room while he attend to the kitchen. Kise lets out a light sigh as he straightened his back and left the bluenette. He halt abruptly as he watched her from behind. 

‘Tetsuki-chii...will you ever forgive me...?’ 

It was an unanswered question. 


“She’s ready?” Minoru Hibiki, Kuroko Tetsuki’s blood brother, finally arrived at the sibling’s apartment. Aomine nodded as he was holding a bag filled with a bottle of water, medicines and what not for the bluenette. Kise shows up a few second later along with Kuroko, holding his hand like a lifeline. 

Minoru’s shoulder fell slightly as he took a good glance at his beloved sister. She has turned thinner than before and the pale skin are as white as sheets. The blue eyes he adores so much, filled with nothing but emptiness.

“It’s good to see you again, Tsuki-chan.” he greeted her after Kise handed her to him. He held her hands firmly but gently. Kuroko looked at her dear brother as she nodded. The other two man exchanged looks before leaving the apartment. 


[Back To Present]

Upon reaching the backstage where everyone was waiting for her arrival. She smiled at them as she accepted Director Nijimura’s hands as he lead her to the center of the crowd of musicians, ‘Back then, I was nothing but an empty container after losing the one I love.’


They reached the graveyard where Akashi was laid to rest. In her arms, she held a bouquet of red daisies, a flower that reminds her of Akashi’s flaring crimson hair and eyes. It was a strong color but also gentle like their owner, Akashi Seijuro.

When they reached a certain haka, they knew Director Nijimura and the others that known Akashi, has visited to pay their respect to him, just by looking at the pile of fresh flowers gathered on the grave. 

Kuroko stared at the grave, it was the first time she paid her respect to the one she loves. Each one of her friends gave their respects to Akashi, leaving her to herself as they excused themselves. She puts the bouquet down onto the haka as her eyes glued to the name carved onto the marble stone - Akashi Seijuro. 

Minutes went by without her saying a word. No one knew what was in her mind at that time. Slowly, she straightened her back before giving a last glance to the haka. On her way back to the parking lot, the wind gently brushed against her soft locks.

“Tetsuki...” a familiar voice rang into her ears as she turns around to the pavement lead towards the late vocalist’s haka. Her eyes widens.

There, stood her beloved vocalist, Akashi Seijuro. With a warm and gentle smile on his lips as his eyes softened upon looking at her, “Life is full of flavor. Stay strong. We’ll meet again someday.” slowly he disappears into thin air as his voice echoes in the wind.

“My one and only, Tetsuki...”

Pearl of tears fell down her cheeks as she crouched down, sobbing lightly, “Sei...”


“It’s been over 20 minutes ...” Kise kept checking on his watch. 

Then, his eyes caught on a mop of teal, “Kuroko-chii...?” then he panicked as he made a quick dash to her, “Kuroko-chii, what’s wrong?!” Minoru caught up on him but when he arrived with the others, Kuroko was tearing up in the keyboardist’s arms. 

No one knew what happened but one thing for sure. Kuroko has suffered too much in such short time.


"What's wrong?" suddenly you ask me so "I'm okay, nothing much" she sang as her fingers beautifully pressed onto the keys of the grand piano in the studio. The recording crew, everyone in the band and Director Nijimura, listened attentively to the bluenette’s voice, "Good Bye", after that, my smile disappears, it's not the way I am.”

It was three weeks before her final performance began and she approached the raven haired director of Rakuzan Agency for a certain song. A song that she recently composed. Without thinking twice, Nijimura agreed to it and everyone in the recording crew rushed to get the song done before the performance. 

“The more I wish to believe, the more painful it is, it's more like you to say "I really like you" than "I love you"" she sang, following the rhythm she has created for the song. 


[Back to Present] 

She sang into the microphone, “The Flavor Of Life...” the dome were silent as her voice echoes through it. Her audience, her friends, everyone was watching her, not knowing what she has under her sleeves after the performance ends. 

“When I suddenly remember the flavor of people I've almost forgotten, thinking of whiteness of snow, I want to become happy with it from my heart.” her voice resonate beautifully as the band of violinist played their parts in her song. She closed her eyes as her fingers and lips kept moving.


"There's no one in this world that I could ever love more than I love you…"

"You looked beautiful, Tetsuki."

"Cry all you want, I'm always here for you. I promise."

"I'm sorry…for taking so long…to return to your…side"

"If you want to whine, I'll listen to you. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want help, I'll lend you my hand, if you couldn't speak your mind out; let me be the one who speak it for you. If you need a guide when you're lost, I'll be your light to guide you out of darkness. So, don't be afraid, you'll never be alone, I'm always here for you."

"Your dreams...are my dreams...your happiness is...my...happiness...I...love...you..."


"Thank you", when you say that to me, it's somehow painful, "See you", even after that, the magic is not broken, it's faintly bittersweet” her voice shook as she held back her tears. She kept on singing. 


"Then, let's make a promise, that only I can sing your songs"


“The Flavor Of Life , The Flavor Of Life...” slowly, her tears fell down her cheeks. 


"I promise."

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