Queen of the Death Star🖤

By MinisterofMovies

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Imagine instead of Rey escaping the forest fight that night of Han Solo's death, she was taken captive by Kyl... More

Chapter One- A New Plan
Chapter Two- Only The First Day
Chapter Three- A New Feeling
Chapter Four- The Force Senses All
Chapter Five- Leia's Deal
Chapter Six- That Rare Evening
Chapter Seven- She Who Was Possessed
Chapter Eight- Everything Sweet
Chapter Nine- Who Is A Scavenger's Family?
Chapter Ten- Mother and Son
Chapter 11- Summit of Supreme Leader Snoke
Chapter Twelve- Torn Apart
Chapter Thirteen- Both Truths In The Same Night
Chapter Fourteen- Hiding and Entering the Darkness
Chapter Fifteen- Love is Worth Dying For
Chapter Sixteen- Goodbye Our Princess
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Red, Blue, Green - Our Last Hope
Chapter Nineteen- It's Ben, not Kylo

Chapter Twenty- I'm coming

105 1 5
By MinisterofMovies

Chapter Twenty- I'm coming

Poe and Finn stood open mouthed in the main hanger of the Millennium Falcon. Their heads faced the long-cushioned seat that had two very much fast asleep people sitting on it. Rey's head was on Ben's shoulder and her legs over Ben's knees, Ben hung onto Rey and rested his head on top of Rey's. They were covered with blankets which Chewie could not stop finding more of, the two jedi were covered with soft fabric as they slept, the Wookie carried on tucking them in, stopping every time to let out an 'aww' sound as he looked over Ben.

"Alright, alright Chewie!" snapped Finn, he did not like how Rey was literally sitting on her enemies' lap as he held her.

"Aww" said Rose, she was on Chewie's side, smiling sweetly as she watched Rey and Ben. "They're so cute."

"No! They're not!" said Poe.

BB8 AND R2D2 beeped with mixed emotions towards the scene.

"My reliable sources tell me that miss Rey and Kylo Ren, formally known as Ben Solo-" C3PO began.

"Shut it 3PO" said Poe. "I'm the pilot of this ship and I say we drop him and his smug look off on an island where no one can find him!"

Chewie roared.

"Fine co-pilot" Poe corrected himself.

"I agree with Poe" said Finn, the more he looked at the two, the more he hated it.

"Don't be silly boys!" said Rose. "Haven't any of you realised that Rey is happy? Look, I believe them, Leia wouldn't have wanted us to just abandon her only son when he claims to be back in the light. The least you can do is give them a chance, I know love" she looked at Finn. "And this is clearly that, love."

Chewie roared again, he stood next to Rose, R2 following, 3PO as well. BB8 rolled over to the 'keep Ben Solo' group.

"BB8!" explained Poe. "You're meant to be on my team!"

BB8 only beeped something half insulting, half persuasive back to his owner.

Poe turned to look at Finn, Finn looked at Poe. The ex-stormtrooper stepped hesitantly over to the other side with Rose.

"What are you doing Finn!" said Poe, utterly shocked.

"I'm with Rose, she right, that is clearly... something other than darkness" Finn said. "But don't get me wrong, I don't trust him, I don't forgive him, I don't like him, but Leia's wish wouldn't have been a last chance. I'm here... unless he calls me traitor again!"

Poe sighed.

"Fine" he said. "But I still hate him!"


Rey woke with a yaw, she heard chatting in the pilot's room, they were still travelling through space. She felt a weight on her head, she peered up, Ben was still asleep, his head on top of hers. She wriggled her head away and slightly kissed him on the cheek.

"Ben. Ben wake up" she whispered.

Ben stirred and sleepily lifted his head, he rubbed at his eyes, as the Falcon's room came into sight he remembered where he was. He smiled at Rey.

"Good morning sweetie" he said.

"Morning Ben" Rey smiled back.

Ben stood up and stretched a little, Rey watched as his muscles bulged in and out, her eyes were dreamy. She stood up as well, she didn't even think before her surrounded the man's middle with her arms and hugged him gently, Rey just felt like it. Ben did the same and smiled again as he looked down at Rey.

"I'm so glad you're here" she said.

"So am I" he replied.

"You're awake then" came a particularly grumpy voice, Poe had entered the room followed by BB8, who beeped over to Rey. Rey leant down and began to check the droid over, fiddling with its antenna.

"Moring Captain A**hole said Ben.

"Ben!" snapped Rey, jumping up.

"No, it's okay Rey, I wouldn't want to anger Supreme Leader A**hat" smirked Poe.

"Great, now you've both got rude nicknames for each other, can we discuss what to do?" said Rey.

Everyone gathered in the main hanger of the falcon to discuss what would happen with Ben, the droids were there as well, C3PO manged to only get told to 'Shut it' five times. Once Rey and Ben had heard of the little vote last night, the plan was decided. Ben was to be dropped off on a planet and left there for three months, if by then he was still alive and had not called for the First order, Poe etc would come and pick him up, that's when they would trust him.

"Which planet do you want to go?" Rose asked Ben shyly, she blushed when he looked down at her. Ben seemed to like Rose, she didn't threaten him, so he would give the occasional smile to her. Rose would blush and then whisper to Rey "He's very handsome Rey. And between you and me, he's probably for muscly than Poe and Finn put together." The girls laughed for ages when they found the boys listening in behind the door.

Days passed and Chewie landed the Falcon on a grassy field. Ben has picked a plant named Chandrila, when everyone had asked why, Ben had just shrugged and said it was a good place. Chewie had confronted him later about Ben going back to the planet he was born on; the Wookie certainly knew that Ben was not going to spend three months on a planet where he was not rich and famous.

The ramp to the falcon opened and Finn walked out with Rose next to him, the droids followed. R2, 3PO, and Chewie had spent the nights telling the humans all about Leia, Luke, and Han's adventures. Poe and Finn had almost died from laughter when the Wookie told them about how Ben, as a child, had always tried to surprise attack him and had just got a hairy arm in his face instead. Everyone was surprised to see Ben not even needing to look up when he was walking around the ship, also thanks to Chewie- he had told them how Ben had previously borrowed Han's ship in the middle of the night and crashed it more than once.

Rey and Ben kept their relationship as secret as they could, although they were fairly certain that Rose knew what was up. With everyone finding somewhere to sleep, the two jedi shared a room, often speaking late into the night about everything they could. Rey was terrified that Ben was not going to return when they dropped him off, of course she knew it wouldn't be on purpose and that he could handle himself, but she felt much better if she could go with him.

When everyone was on the grass field looking around at the beautiful landscape of Chandrila, Rey slipped her hand into Ben's.

"I can't leave you" she said, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

Ben wiped them away, he was in his normal clothing with his lightsaber tucked into his belt along with a blaster. First, find a new sabre crystal.

"I know you can't, but I need you where its safe" he said.

"I'm safe wherever you are" Rey replied.

Poe then came down the ship ramp, followed by BB8 who was beeping something that sounded a lot like "Honesty Poe." The droid was right of course, Poe had his blaster out and was walking down the ramp like he was expecting an attack there and then.

Poe said goodbye first, although it wasn't much of a farewell.

"Good riddance Supreme Leader A**hat" he had announced.

"Right back at you Captain A**hole" Ben had said. BB8 beeped at Ben and followed Poe back up the ramp. Rose came over next, and much to Ben's surprise she gave him a little hug, Ben patted her shoulder lightly.

"Goodbye Ben, see you soon" she said.

"See you soon Solo" said Finn, shaking Ben's hand. And going up the ramp to watch from the top with Poe and Rose.

R2 AND 3PO came over, Rey had almost forgotten how Ben had probably grown up with these droids, R2 had an excellent habit of recording good memories, Rey would have to watch those later.

"Farwell Master Ben" said 3PO. "We wish you the best of luck and that you may find happiness in-"

"Goodbye R2, you too 3PO" Ben interrupted before the golden droid's circuits overloaded with the long speech that everyone knew was coming.

Chewie clung onto Ben for what seemed like hours, Ben buried in a huge furry hug which he returned.

"I'll be back soon Chewie" said Ben.

That was when Ben turned to Rey. In her eyes he could see the past, evil was falling, Leia and Luke were together again, the resistance had only victory before them, and a child was soon to come. Rey had checked, Palpatine had created a being inside of her, with Ben as the father, Rey couldn't have been more delighted, she didn't want to wait, she was ready to face anything if it was with Ben Solo.

"I have something to tell you" Rey said.

"Anything" replied Ben.

"I grew up without a father, you kind of did as well, I'm not going to let our child have the same destiny" she said. "I'm coming with you, and you can't stop me. Its only three months, but those months are out lives, and we decide what we do in that time, no one else."

Ben didn't know what to say, but the grin on his face said it all.

"I love you Rey."

"I love you too."

Every Jedi that lived before were right, the force was with them... always.

The End :)


I really really really hope you enjoyed this chapter;it is that last one. If you want more like this, please check out my other book"Stuck With You." I loved writing this story so much! I am more than willing todo a part two so if you would like that, please comment below. I love you allso much, may the force be with you always.

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