Suddenly Married [Completed]

By Cupcake123108

350K 19.6K 2.3K

One second ,I'm sitting in the first row of my stepbrother wedding watching the man he is going to marry stan... More

suddenly married
7(new capter)
27 [M]
29 (part-1)
29 ( part-2)
35(part 1)
35 (part-2)
36 [ The End]
hii ❤


9.6K 559 47
By Cupcake123108

Mew got out of the car walking towards gulf with a lovely smile on his face.

"Hey baby, I missed you" mew put on arm around gulf waist and pulled him towards him connecting their lips.

Gulf stood still in shock. Mew is kissing him in public. It's not a kiss.It's just a peck.A long one.

But gulf did not pull back or push him away. Because of the texts, mew sent him before he walked off the car.

- play along with me.


- Don't mess up, please.

Mew pulled back for a second but for some reason, he leaned forward and pecked him for the second time. Gulf frowned in confusion. He knew its just an act. He clearly knows the second peck was unnecessary. But did not complain.

"Hiii...." Gulf just cheerfully. It looked so real. Mew must have to admit, gulf is a great actor. Mew smiled as gulf pulled back and stood beside him facing his confused friends. Mew pulled him closer with his hand around his waist. 

"This is Mew the one I told you about....." Gulf said to his friends indicating the conversation they had before the day. Laya smiled cheerfully but Nick frowned when he remembered how much an asshole mew was towards his best friend.

"Hello.." Mew smiled stretching his hand for a handshake.

"Helloooo...I am laya " laya spoke in a high pitch shaking mew hand with her two hands like a fangirl having a handshake from her idol.

"Hi, laya," mew said politely and offered his hand to nick who shook is careless with the fake smile.

"Nick" he said pulling his hand back. Mew smiled and turned to gulf.

"How about we invite your friends to hang out with us, baby? " mew asked. Gulf frowned not knowing what mew our planning. But he nodded anyway.

"What do you say?" Gulf asked his friends.

"Of course..." Laya said cheerfully but nick just stood there uninterested. But somehow they ended up walking towards mew car with mew holding gulf hand and his friends walking behind them. Mew opened the passenger seat for gulf and turned towards his husband friends.

"Hop on, guys, " mew said nodding to the back seat and towards the driver seat. They made their way towards mew house.

In the way, mew tried to make a conversation with gulf friends with a smile on his face. Gulf found it hard to watch mew acting like a sweet husband. He almost wanted to puke.

----- Mew opened the door for gulf to enter first and they reached the front door of his house. Gulf snorted at mew for his sweet husband act. Doing little things trying to show off to his friends.

"Stop acting, asshole. They know about the marriage deal between us. " gulf muttered walking towards the kitchen.

"Seriously...You are telling me now. You should tell that by the minute we entered the car " mew said shaking his head annoyed.

"By the way, Your acting is so 'eewww' I just wanted to puke" Gulf said putting his tongue out like he wanted to puke and turned around to take a water bottle from the fridge.

"Can you stop being an asshole for a second...." Mew muttered irritated.

"Oh no. How about you tell that to yourself? Because you are the biggest asshole here." Gulf snapped back.

"Idiot "  mew muttered under his breath and walked into the bedroom to change his clothes completely forgetting about the two people standing at the door watching their conversation or argument.

"What did you say, ASSHOLE " gulf shouted after gulping the water in his mouth but mew already reached the bedroom and closed the door after he entered so gulf had to shout the last part for mew to hear behind the door.

*clear throat *

Gulf turned is head to see both friends standing at the door.

"Oh shit...Come inside fuckers. why are standing there?" Gulf welcome his friends into the house politely?

"Ufff...For a second I thought you are having a real relationship with him " laya said disappointedly as she entered the house followed by nick. Nick is still frowning.

"What...Ewww...noo" gulf said with pure disgust. 

"Shut up. You were kissing. " laya said wriggling her eyebrows with a teasing smiling.

"That's not a kiss" gulf mumbled putting the water bottle on the kitchen island as he sat on one of the stool.

"Ohhh... Right. Sure. Lips on lips. not a kiss. Sure " laya mumbled sitting beside gulf on another stool and took the water bottle that gulf placed before them.

"Shut up...that's just acting " gulf grumbled under his breath.

"Yes...whatever you say" laya mumbled.

"What do you want to eat? I will order " gulf asked taking out his phone.

" Chinese " Nick yelled from the other side.

He is walking around the living room and ended up at the mew's PlayStation connected with the TV. Gulf rolled his eyes but still ordered the food for three of them.

"What about mew? Are you not gonna order something for him too?" Laya asked. Gulf snorted at her question like she said the stupidest thing ever.

"Me...for him....he can eat air for all I care,"  gulf said and hoped down the stool to walk towards the kitchen cupboards and pulled an expensive white wine bottle from it.

"As you are here... Let's have some fun." Gulf said with a suggestive smile.

"That bottle...." Laya asked. "It's a wedding gift from someone. I can have it for myself. Because it's my wedding gift too." Gulf said bringing two wine glasses with him.

Meanwhile, Mew stepped out of the bedroom to see nick touching his game section. 

"Oh no...Not my PlayStation" mew spoke making Nick jump at the sudden voice. Nick looked up to see mew standing in front of the door.

"You did not touch anything right," mew asked as he walked to the Tv and checked his play section connected to Tv to see if everything is alright.

"All you can do is just act or can you actually play something? " nick asked crossing his hands in front his chest.

"What?? You...asking me???" Mew chuckled looking at nick nerd self.

"Wanna match? " Nick asked as he saw mew judging him by his nerd appearance.

"I don't wanna play with a kid," mew said dismissively.

"Are you scared that you can't win over me?" Nick asked clearly trying to persuade mew.

"Is that? Don't cry if you lose then, kid" mew said. Little did he know is nick is a gamer too. He had been playing that stuff from as long as he can remember.

*after a couple of minutes*

"Yo! You can really play? I thought were kidding!" Mew exclaimed when he saw nick won in their first game. Mew did not use all his skills not knowing that nick could actually play.

"Come on...Let's play the real game now " nick said clutching the controller.

*After 2 hours *

"Bruhhh...shoot " Nick shouted moving his fingers on controller quickly almost breaking the controller.

"Bro, Nick. look on your left side " mew shouted back playing as furiously as nick.

*shoot* *cheers* *Shouts* *shoot* *shoot* *shoot* and more *shoots* later.

"Woahhhhhh....yayyyyy "  Nick jumped up from the couch throwing the controller away as they won the game together.

Mew fist-bumped nick at their win. After playing a few games against each other. They decided to play together as a team. And they have won.

"Bruhh...That was so fun " nick said excitingly.

"I know. I haven't played as a team for a long time." Mew said clearly enjoying his gaming buddy.

"Same bro same. Those losers can't play games at all and I don't have any other friends. So I had to play alone "nick explained pointing to his two best friends at the other end of the room.

Laya and gulf have been drinking and watching funny stuff on YouTube laughing like idiots from the last two hours. They sat beside each other on stools with their drinks on the kitchen island and phone in front of them placed still with the help of a wine bottle.

"Ha hah hahaha...." Gulf and laya laughed when a kid fell down the swing funnily.

"What are they doing?" Mew asked as he saw the two drunk best friends laughing like crazy people.

"They get drunk and watch funny videos. the videos only they can find funny." Nick explained with an eye roll.

"Nickkkk..... Come join us " gulf said waving his hand. Nick was about to go there but laya walked to them with the wine bottle in her hand.

"Gulf... let's have a drink with your husband. Bring the glasses "  Laya said walking towards the couch.

Gulf tried to object but laya already walked away. He huffed in annoyance but still grabbed two more glasses and walked to them. Before he could place the glasses on the table Gulf tripped on the carpet and about to fall down but mew was quick to catch his elbow to avoid him from falling.

"Let go...let go...let go of me "  gulf mumbled in a drunken state.

"You are drunk," mew said rolling his eyes annoyingly still catching gulf.

"No...I am not drunk. Let me " gulf squeaked fighting in mew arms.

"Whatever you say," Mew said letting  him go resulted in gulf falling on his butt

"Ouch...asshole! Why did you let go?" Gulf yelled rubbing his butt?

"Because you said so" mew replied.

"I did not say that. Stop lying you asshole."gulf whined but still glaring at mew.

Mew rolled his eyes and took out his phone from his sweatpants turning on the camera.

"Hey guys.... let's take a selfie." Mew asked gulf friends.

"Yeah sure " nick said dragging drunk laya with him to stand beside mew.

"Hey idiot..come here " mew called gulf who still sat on the ground rubbing his butt.

"Noo" gulf said looking away. Mew sighed and kneeled down to gulf level.

"Come on, stand, " mew said putting an arm around gulf waist pulling him up with him.

"Ayyyy...Stop it." Gulf shouted but still stood up with him. Mew turned him around with his arm still around his waist. Now, gulf is standing in front of mew with his back to mew chest and mew had his arm around gulf stomach.

"Smile " mew said putting his phone to arm's length to click the selfie. Laya and nick stood beside him.

"Ayyyy " gulf laughed showing his tongue to the camera.

"Gulf! " mew shouted annoyingly.

"Whatttt..I'm smiling. Asshole" gulf glared at mew through the camera.

"Gulf, We are supposed to act like a married couple not like a drunken teenager" mew said irritated.

"Like a married couple! Easyyy" gulf turned around wrapping his arms around mew neck. Then he looked at the camera resting his head not mew chest smiling.

"Better " gulf asked staying still.

"So much"

"" mew clicked the selfie.

*Mew_suppasit updated a photo*

-@gulf_suppasit. My bae❤

Hanging out with my bae's friends, having a lot of fun. These 3 have been best friends from kindergarten. Just like siblings growing up together. I really want to thank them for being there for my bae all these years. Thanks, guys. @laya2000 @nickjason





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