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By wonyerie

191K 7.5K 8.1K

๐ŸฆŒ๐Ÿฆฆ - taro-chan is live! โ€ข2020 *MAJOR CRINGE WARNING* More

Translation ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ
fourty-three (actually)
fourty-four <3


4.5K 176 155
By wonyerie

~hehehe :)~


the six just sat down and haechan was thinking of his master plan to get drinks, since they were underage.
(don't drink underage)

"well, what if we made a fake ID-" "donghyuck." lucas said, "you realise, one, they can hear you, two, where the hell are we gonna get one from in the next ten minuets?"

donghyuck sighed in defeat and later his head on the counter. "i hate life."
"what if we just asked an older person to get them for us?" mark suggested.
"and who would do that?" donghyuck huffed.
"uh i don't know, taeyong?"

"pfft- like he'd do that." lucas laughed.
"i'm sure i can influence him." shotaro said as he saw taeyong exit the bathroom.

he got up off the chair and dusted himself off before walking over to the older.
he stopped infront of the older, putting his hands behind his back as he swayed back and forth.
"yongie..." he smiled.

taeyong sighed and looked at him, "what do you kids want this time?"
"oh, not much..." he looked over to the group who were looking back at them, taeyong followed his gaze and rolled his eyes. "no."
"what? i didn't even ask yet." he pouted.

"ahem, you guys a children, there is an age for drinking for a reason, you guys will do something stupid or something you'll regret." he said.

"cmon... if you buy them... i'll get you a date with.." he looked over at the familiar person.
"pfft- you can't bribe me with-"
"you can hang out with us at lunch, i'll pay for your dates, and-"

"oi, you know you can't do that. you're a broke high school student." he said.
shotaro crossed his arms, "bitch."
"hey! i'm your hyung, you have to respect me."
"hyung, pleaseeee! just once! never again!" he gave him puppy eyes, pulling on his sleeve, "plus, we live with you, well some of us do, which means we can't do stupid things of you're around."

taeyong knew he shouldn't say yes, but the sadness in shotaro's pleading eyes made him cave in.
"..i- uhh... f-fine..." he huffed.
shotaro's eyes lit up, he jumped in happiness, the five back at the counter saw it and celebrated silently, well, mainly donghyuck.

taeyong huffed as shotaro dragged him over to where the others were, making him down next to him.

well, taeyongs plan was to get them one, the max was three, and he wasn't going to drink at all so he could supervise them, and drive them home.

but, that isn't what happened.

at all.

in fact, this is what happened:

"taeyongiiieeeee" donghyuck hiccuped as he walked over to him, the three drinks he had, had gotten to him.

"heereee" he slurred, handing him a drink.
taeyong had only had about one or two, but unluckily shotaro had forced him to have strong ones, and he wasn't the best with handling alcohol.

donghyuck put the cup to taeyong's mouth and made him drink it as he sat half on top of him.
"h-hyuck, that's enough thanks." he said, pushing the drink away from his mouth.

"alrighty." donghyuck smiled before stumbling his way back to mark.

"'boomerang' was way better than 'kid in a candy store'" lucas huffed annoyedly.
"no! 'kid in a candy store' is so much better than 'boomerang'!" shotaro fought back.
"well then, hick, 'high top shoes' is better than both...." lucas trailed off, half asleep.
"nu uh! 'hold the drama' was a banger, like always queen!" shotaro said loudly, shacking lucas' shoulders vigorously.

"oh my god shit-aro, like i said..." he sat up quickly, "D.R.E.A.M, was best!"
"so we'are bringing another song into this?!" shotaro slurred.

"is there a song we can agree on?" lucas asked, again almost falling asleep right on the spot being being shaken awake.

"u-uh..." he hiccuped, "NONSTOP!"
lucas thought before nodding his head in agreement, their argument of which jojo siwa song is better was finally over.

lucas closed his eyes and fell asleep, shotaro's did the same as he felt his tired taking over.
his head dropped on the taller's shoulder, then renjun came over and later his head in shotaro's lap, also falling asleep.

"awwww" mark and haechan cooed at them drunkenly, giggling as they rested on each other and held hands.

"eh, everyone so touchy when drunk." sungchan said. "because affection is nice." haechan said before grabbing sungchan and making him sit next to himself.

"hmm, yeah you seem like you'd be a good cuddler." donghyuck said in thought before burring himself in the taller's arms.

"now hug me back." he said, muffled by his chest.
"w-eh-" "just do it." mark glared at him.
"i'll cry if you don't." haechan threatened.
"okay okay." he said quickly before hugging donghyuck back.

donghyuck giggled happily before looking up at him, resting his chin on his chest.
"see? isn't affection nice?" donghyuck asked.
"i never said it wasn't." he said.

"wait! oh my lord i haven teen you drink yet!" donghyuck sat up abruptly.
"oh- i don't really want t-" "nonsense!" donghyuck grabbed a drink off of mark and gave it to the tall brunette.

"fine..." he said before drinking it, making a face at the bitter taste.
"eh, who would wanna drink this? it taste like shit-"
"oh whoops, wrong one." donghyuck snatched it from him before grabbing one that was coloured blue and purple.

"try this" he said.
he sighed but took it anyways, this one wasn't tas bad, it tasted much better, almost sweet or sugary.
"alright kids." taeyong stood up, almost tripping over his feet, "let's head home."

"uh, and you're taking us?" donghyuck questioned.
"well, maybe we'll- uh, wait here" taeyong said before walking off.

while they waited donghyuck forced the taller to drink three more.
"okie, i'm donee!" sungchan sang.

"i'm back!" taeyong said, "and i will drive, because i'm sorta sober."
"nah, imma get ten to take me and mark home, ciao." donghyuck said before tripping over his own feet as he dragged mark towards the short thai male.

"so i have to take you idiots home?" he sighed before making sungchan stand and glaring at the three sleeping males.

"seriously? i don't wanna wake them up they all look so cute!" taeyong cooed before pulling out his phone and taking a photo.

"alright boys, wake up!" he said, clapping loudly in their faces making them all flinch.
"i dibs front seat!" lucas said as soon as he woke up.
shotaro puted and hit his arm, "meanie."
"yay! that mean me and you can sit together!" renjun said happily to shotaro.
"yay! junnie!"

"all right, cmon, to the car." 

taeyong got in the front, lucas sat in the passenger seat while shotaro, renjun and sungchan all sat in the back.

"are we droppin' injunnie off at his house?" shotaro asked taeyong.
"no, i'm to tired to make two stops, it already two in the morning."
"but i wanted to stay longerrrrr!" lucas and shotaro whined in sync.
"you two are big babys, stop." taeyong groaned before buckling his seat belt up and driving off.

the ride was annoying, the constant bickering between lucas and shotaro was never ending, switching from topics of jojo siwa to mario cart.

renjun was snoring softly in the back, next to shotaro as he leaned his head in the window.
he jolted awake as the japanese elbowed him on the side on accident. "bitch.. eh-"
"sorry injunnie" he side hugged him, kissing his forehead.
"that wasn't a proper sorry kiss." renjun pouted.
"but i was told not to kiss my friends."
"but, i'm your best friend!" renjun exclaimed.

taeyong looked at the two in the rear view mirror, rolling his eyes. "no kissing your friend in the car thank you."

"aw cmon, i made you spill a drink on your c-"
"shhshhhsh!" taeyong hushed him before putting his eyes back on the dark road.

"just one.." shotaro whispered.
"NO" taeyong said.
"ugh!" he pouted before sitting up properly.
"can i kiss someone that isn't my be-"
"no. i said no."
"but i was sayinnngggg~ what if they aren't my best friend?" he smiled, looking at the older.

"i- depends who, a-and, hey, stop looking at me like that." taeyong glared at him.
"you said the car though, injunnie, we can do it later!" he said but turned to see that the male was deep asleep.

"awh, he fell asleep." he sighed.
taeyong parked the car and got out, "cmon, get out the car." he said.
lucas got out and so did sungchan.
"how do i get renjun out?" shotaro asked.
"wake him up?" taeyong said bluntly.

"lucas," taeyong looked at him.
"fineeee" he whined before shotaro goy out and he grabbed renjun, picking him up and carrying him inside.

once they closed the door lucas placed renjun on the couch and taeyong got him a blanket.
he placed the blanket on him and walking into his room, closing the door loudly.

"i thought he was gonna supervise us?" shotaro said.
"eh, i guess not" lucas said.
"i'm bored" sungchan said out of nowhere.
"yeah, it's boring here" lucas agreed.
shotaro looked at the table, noticing taeyong had left his wallet.

he smirked to himself and opened it, he grabbed the credit and ID card. he then compared taeyongs photo to sing ham and lucas' faces.
"hmm, non of us look like him." he huffed.
"who cares, they take it." lucas said, getting what shotaro was doing.

the three left the house quietly, turning off all the lights to make it look like they were sleeping.
they walked down the cold but surprisingly busy street, just to enter the shops.

they walked into the alcohol store and wanted to try something new. "hmm, what do you wanna try?" sungchan asked the two.
"i'm not sure, i mean we've had beer before, and that's boring."
"oh oh! i know what i wanna try!" shotaro said enthusiastically.

he walked over to a fridge and pointe to it, "my mum and dad used to drink these."
"oh, raspberry vodka." lucas said, "yeah my mum and dad did too."
"can we?" he asked with puppy eyes.

the two nodes before biting a six pack, luckily the guy didn't question them or the card so they walked freely, only costing about $25.

they walked to a park and sat down at a bench, opening one and all trying it at the same time, luckily it tasted nice, not bitter like the other drinks.

"ooooo~ this ones good." shotaro giggled drunkenly.
"i agree" lucas nodded.
they sat there, talking about random things, truthfully because, that's just what alcohol does.

"and like... i'm really fucking sad lately because of it. it all too much, my parents and sister are cunts, jaemin and jeno- jeno just left renjun hanging like that- and i tel injunnie to talk to them only so i can see him happy again but in reality, i don't want him to even associate himself with jaemin anymore, the dick branch up his deceased mother and took it too far. i just wanna hug renjun and tell him it'll all be okay, and i do, but no one does the same to me because i'm too much of a coward to say anything!"

lucas and sungchan stared wide-eyed at shotaro, the male who just said all that in nearly one breath.

"s-sorry," he smiled awkwardly.
"don't be sorry" the two said.
"it's okay to feel that way an-"

"i feel like i'm gonna be sick."
"please don't" lucas said, he would probably vomit if he saw someone else vomit.

shotaro took in a deep breath before smiling.
"i'm good, i think it's finally reached my system though." he said, feeling nauseous.

"let's just go back to talking, happy things this time?" lucas suggested.
shotaro and sung van nodded.

lucas started rambling about how he was shocked when his cousin said he had a boyfriend, let alone two, but started rambling about how he started crying as he told him making lucas start to tear up, on the other hand shotaro was trying to contain his laughter.

"hey, why are you laughing?!"
"because- you're crying because y-your cousin had two boyfriends?"
"well yeah because he so young, one is enough! he's growing up too fast!" lucas huffed.

shotaro sighed but went back to listening to lucas explain his experience, all three on their second drink already.

around half way finished his drink, he started to tee hot, suddenly lucas and sung han looked better than ever in his eyes, especially the korean, he just wanted to have him kiss and touch him all over.

he whined at his thought and hit himself in the head.
his thoughts grew and he started to visualise it.
"bad taro!" he told himself.

"what?" lucas laughed out.
"did you just tell yourself off?" sungchan asked, looking down at him.
"yeah?" he gulped at the taller's gaze that wasn't that strong in reality but made the smaller feel hot and like melting away. "you guys don't do it when you think of something bad?"

"i mean it depends, what we're you thinking off?"
sungchan smirked, leaning closer towards him.
shotaro went wide-eyed, and laughed awkwardly before smiling, "n-nothing."

"how does that work?" lucas furrowed his brows, "you're lying."
"w-well..." the sober side of himself slowly fading away, "i was thinking about someone, not in a holy way, because they look hot."

lucas laughed silently, dying internally, "w-who?"
"that's not for telling.." shotaro smiled before getting up.
"i think we should head back now." lucas said, as taeyong probably realised they were gone.

the three stumbled back, throwing their bottles away and holding onto each other for support.

"and where were you three?" an angry taeyong asked, tapping his foot on the floor as they walked in.


~oof, i rly wanted to make something happen but it's too soon for that, not proofread and bye bye!~


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