The Smart Choice

De g30rg3j0n3s

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Sirius Black makes the smart choice and doesn't go after Pettigrew when James and Lily are killed. Instead he... Mais

Chapter 1 -The Choice
Chapter 2 - Planning for the Future
Chapter 3 - A New Friend
Chapter 4 - School Shopping
Chapter 5 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 6 - Sorting
Chapter 7 - The First Day
Chapter 8 - Malfoy and the Meeting
Chapter 9 - Classes
Chapter 10 - Halloween
Chapter 11 - Home for Yule
Chapter 12 - Happy Yuletide
Chapter 13 - Potter Manor
Chapter 14 - Unraveling Quirrell
Chapter 15 - The Cerberus and the Stone
Chapter 16 - Betrothals and Elements
Chapter 17 - Birthdays
Future Decisions (A/N)
Chapter 19 - Lockhart, Quidditch and a Frozen Cat

Chapter 18 - Reactions

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De g30rg3j0n3s

Well, after the feedback I received (and everyone saying the same person)
I promise Sirius will live.

The day Harry was somewhat dreading had arrived. Time to go back to Hogwarts and face the reactions of everyone to the betrothal.
Of course, the one person who's reaction he was both looking forward to and dreading at the same time was Draco Malfoy.
They had thankfully picked a quiet day to head to diagon alley and so hadn't run into either the Malfoy's or the Weasleys. A quick glamour charm was all that was needed to stay undetected and get everything needed for school.
Sadly, one thing that was needed was the entire works of Gilderoy Lockhart as it had been revealed that he was taking the post of DADA teacher this year, much to the delight of the girls of the group. Harry had quickly realised however, that the books were all completely false. One of the main giveaways was that some of the events times overlapped meaning that Lockhart would have needed to be in two places at once.
Harry only pointed this out Daphne though, he found it rather funny to watch the other girl's reactions.
Harry also had a new school trunk for this year, it was from the private vault in his study and was only openable by someone able to speak parseltongue. It was actually a great relief as Harry now didn't have to worry about taking his books on elemental magic to Hogwarts as he could keep them safely locked away. Harry also decided to take along the personal journals of Gryffindor and Slytherin to read during the year as he hadn't had time yet.

There was one interaction that was interesting that happened the day the Hogwarts letters arrived.
Harry and Daphne were spending the day together to try and make up for his birthday when Olly and two other elves came to him while holding another.
"Master Hadrian, we catch Dobby trying to steal master's Hogwarts letter." Olly said gesturing to the elf that was being held by two more and that looked genuinely awful. He was wearing what looked like a pillow case and was covered in scars and burns.
"I see." Was all Harry replied.
The elf being held then shouted, "Harry Potter must not return to Hogwarts this year. It is too dangerous.".
"How do you know this?" Harry asked calmly.
"Dobby cannot say. Dobby is unable to speak ill of masters sir." The newly proclaimed Dobby replied.
"So your master is planning something bad to happen at Hogwarts this year?" Harry inquired.
"Dobby has said too much. Dobby will punish himself later." The elf cried to itself.
"Right then. Olly, who is Dobby's master?" Harry asked his head elf.
"Dobby be the Malfoy house elf sir." Olly replied causing Harry to sigh and Daphne to gasp.
"Oh no. The Malfoys are planning something clearly aimed at you Harry." Daphne said clearly concerned.
"Daphne, what could Malfoy possibly do to me? He gets totally embarrassed every time he comes near me." Harry said soothingly.
"But Harry, this could be to get back at us for the betrothal." Daphne said.
"I won't let him touch you." Harry said, putting his arm around her waist protectively.
"It's not me I'm worried about. Their elf came and warned you, that shows that this has something to do with you." Daphne insisted.
"You're probably right." Harry said, "But, I know both of us can handle anything Malfoy does. And I'm not going to let him ruin my year at school." Harry replied.
"You can be so infuriating sometimes Harry. But you are right I guess." Daphne groaned.
"The only worry I have is if this has been properly planned by Lucius, that could be a problem. Then again, he'd be relying on Draco to pull it off." Harry thought out loud. "I think we should let our friends know and make sure we all watch each other's backs this year. I might write to the twins too so they're watching out for themselves."
"Stop being so noble for once Harry. Just look out for yourself." Daphne said.
"You know me better than that Daphne. Besides, having the Weasley twins owe me a favour may come in handy at some point." Harry said with a sad smile.
"Okay Harry. Whatever you say." Daphne replied.

The day had come, September 1st and Harry has packed everything into his new trunk and is making his way down to the fireplace to floo to Greengrass manor and then to platform 9&3/4. His trunk has been shrunk and was placed into his pocket and Hedwig was already flying to Hogwarts. Harry threw the powder into the fireplace calling out "Greengrass manor", however, nothing happened. He tried again, but again, nothing happened.
"Olly!" Harry called.
"What can Olly do for you master Hadrian?" The elf appeared.
"The floo isn't working, do you know why?" Harry asked.
"I will check master Hadrian." Olly replied and disappeared.
A minute later, the elf returned. "The wards on the fireplace has been altered master Hadrian. I be sensing elf magic behind it." Olly said.
"Probably another attempt by Dobby to stop me leaving for Hogwarts. Can it be fixed?" Harry said.
"It has already been done master Hadrian." Olly replied.
"Okay thank you Olly. Also, can we try and add some wards to not allow other elves into the house?"
"We elves can be setting that up master."
"Thank you Olly. Now I should probably go, Daphne won't stop meaning if I'm late." Harry muttered with a chuckle. "Goodbye Olly. Greengrass manor!" Harry called as he threw in the powder and the fire lit up green.

As Harry arrived, he was met by an irritated looking Daphne.
"It wasn't my fault I swear." Harry said quickly.
"Oh I'm sure it wasn't. Who's fault was it? Olly for not waking you up early enough?" Daphne said.
Harry stepped towards Daphne so as not to let her parents hear as they were just arriving.
"It was Dobby. I'll tell you about it on the train okay?" Harry said calmly.
"Oh, okay. Sorry Harry." Daphne said looking down.
Harry just hugged her and whispered in her ear "Stop getting so embarrassed. We all make mistakes Daphne. I know I've made quite a few."
"Like what? Getting betrothed better not be on the list" She asked.
"That, is the best decision I've ever made in my life." Harry said with a wink. "Now we've got a train to catch." Harry said smiling.
Harry then went over and hugged Tori who looked a little sad.
"What's up with you then?" Harry asked in a put on pout.
"Why does Daphne always get the first hug?" Tori huffed.
"Because I'm marrying her. But it's not like I'll ever forget you is it?" Harry said.
"You better not." Tori replied.
"You think I'd dare break my word to a woman of the Greengrass family? Your sister is scary enough I don't need another one." Harry said with a shudder earning a giggle from Tori and an eye roll from Daphne.
"You ready then kids?" Cyrus said as he was the last to enter the room.
"I've got everything. Where's your stuff Harry?" Daphne asked as she picked up her trunk.
"It's in my trunk which is currently shrunk and in my pocket." Harry said as he walked towards her.
"Why didn't I think to do that?" She asked annoyed.
"Because you were angry that I was late." Harry said without thinking.
"I wasn't angry." Daphne huffed.
"Okay, then I wasn't late and we're all good." Harry said waving his wand, shrinking Daphne's trunk and putting his arm around her.
"You're so infuriating." She replied as she put her trunk in her pocket.
"I know, I get it from my godfather." Harry winked and walked her to the fireplace. Calling out the platform, Harry and Daphne stepped through and appeared looking at that incredible red steam train.
Her parents and Tori then came through and hugs were exchanged. Harry noticed Sirius and Susan nearby and headed to them after saying goodbye to the Greengrasses.
"Hey pup, wondered when you'd get here." Sirius said cheerfully.
"Hey Sirius. Hi Susan." Harry said hugging both. "Amy at home with Leo?" He asked.
"No, Leo is with Andy, we haven't been sleeping much so I said I'd bring Susan so Amy could try and sleep a little.
"Oh how very thoughtful." Daphne said teasingly.
"I know right. He never did this sort of thing when we were growing up." Susan said with a smile.
"Well you two weren't newborn babies so we didn't really have that issue." Sirius said defensively.
"Relax Sirius. We both appreciated what you and Amy did for us." Harry said. "I know I wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for you, Amy and Remus."
"Good good." Sirius replied. "Right, you should probably go get a compartment while you can. I'll see you both over Yule." He said hugging both Harry and Susan.
"Bye Sirius."
"See you soon."

The three of them made their way into the train and found an empty compartment pretty easily. They arrived early agin so they could hopefully avoid most people.
Once in, Harry locked the door and then pulled out one of Lockhart's books, he felt like reading a bit of fiction.
One by one, his friends arrived and began talking about Lockhart and what technique he would use to teach his class.
Harry got a good laugh out of seeing the Weasleys arrive. It appeared that another member of the family was joining Hogwarts that year, a daughter this time. Hopefully this one would be more like the twins than Ron.
Just after the train pulled away, Harry went into his trunk and retrieved a plain cup, placing it on the small table.
"Harry why do you have just a random cup?" Blaise asked.
"I'm thirsty and felt like some water." Harry replied.
"But it's empty." Tracey said simply.
"Yes it is. You have heard of magic right?" Harry asked sarcastically causing Tracey to facepalm and the others to laugh. However, to their shock, Harry didn't pull out his wand or even move his hand. The cup simply filled with water and he took a sip.
"Okay, I know it's magic but how did you do that?" Hermione asked.
"Do what?" Harry asked.
"Fill the cup without even moving your wand or hand." She replied.
"It's probably a charmed cup." Neville said.
"Actually no Neville. Feel free to guess again though." Harry said smiling.
"Even I don't know how he's doing this." Susan said.
"Daphne do you have any idea how he's doing it?" Tracey asked.
"Of course I do." Daphne said not looking up from her book.
"How is he doing it and how do you know?" Hermione asked.
"I know because he told me." Daphne replied now looking up.
"But how?" Tracey asked a little impatient.
"I'll tell you all at school. I don't want everyone on the train knowing about this." Harry said getting nods from the others.
At this point, there was a knock on the door. Harry looked up and saw two Slytherins he spoke to every so often.
Harry opened the door and spoke. "Theo, Millie. What's up?"
Theodore Nott and Millicent Bulstrode were the two members of their year's Slytherins who were yet to really pick a side between Harry and Draco. Both had been relatively friendly but it looked like they may have finally decided. Theo was a handsome boy about the same height as Neville but quite slim, had short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Millicent was about the same height as all the other girls with shoulder length black hair not too dissimilar to Harry's while she had dark blue eyes. She was relatively pretty but Harry would always choose his Daphne.
"Hey Harry. We were wondering if we could join you?" Theo asked
"We'd much rather sit with you than with Malfoy." Millicent added.
Harry looked back at his friends and was met with reactions of general acceptance.
"I'm not sure we can fit everyone in though." Daphne said.
"Oh that's not a problem." Harry said waiving his wand. The compartment then extended to be able to fit at least twelve people.
"Wow, non-verbal magic. Very impressive Potter." Theo said.
"Thank you. Actually Theo could I just have a quick word?" Harry asked gesturing to the corridor.
"Yeah sure Harry." He said as Millicent went and sat next Hermione and introduced herself to everyone.
"Okay Theo. From what I've seen of you, you seem like a pretty decent guy. However, I'm well aware of who your family is and whose side they were on in the war. If I get even a hint of talk about your blood purity or looking down on Hermione because she's a muggleborn you'll wish you hadn't knocked on that door today." Harry said quietly enough so only Theo could hear.
"I completely understand Harry. I don't hold any beliefs in those sorts of things but with who my dad is I get why you said it." Theo replied.
"In that case Theo, I don't have any problems. Let's go introduce you to everyone and wait for Malfoy." Harry said walking back.
"Why wait for Malfoy?" Theo asked as they walked into the compartment.
"Because Malfoy had been trying to get into a marriage contract with me for years. However, now I'm betrothed to Harry instead so he will probably be very angry." Daphne said smiling and resting her head on Harry's shoulder.
"Oh yeah, congratulations by the way. You very clearly made the better choice there Daphne." Millie said.
"Oh I know I'd did Millie." Daphne said confidently.
"Oh by the way. Everyone who doesn't know, this is Theodore Nott and I assume Millie has already introduced herself when I was talking to Theo." Harry said as Theo said hello to everyone.
As the introductions were being made, Harry began to think. With Theo and Millie now clearly on his side, he held the power and majority of support in Slytherin over Malfoy especially. After the stories about the troll and being a parselmouth, not to mention the fact he would be on the quidditch team this year, there was very little Malfoy could do. And after what Harry was planning to do when he showed up today, he would be totally embarrassed and outcast from the rest of the house. Also given that Harry was one of the most popular people in his year in the other houses as well meant Malfoy wouldn't find friends anywhere else. This little thought process however was disturbed by the person it was focused on banging loudly on the compartment door. One thing was for sure, Malfoy was clearly very pissed off. Oh how fun this would be.

Harry stood and took a step towards the door.
"Do me a favour guys and just move towards the window please." Harry said and his friends obliged, shuffling down the seats.
Harry made sure that he was standing closer to the door that his friends and flicked his wand. Suddenly a very powerful shield was in place between the door and his friends and more importantly, Daphne.
Harry again flicked his wand and the door opened for the angry looking Malfoy and pets.
"You're going to regret that Potter. I told you all along that Greengrass was mine but you just had to ruin it. Not that it matters, my father will have that contact destroyed and she will be mine." Malfoy said with a smug undertone.
"Good luck with that Malfoy. There's no possible way for your father to destroy that contract. It was written by the goblins and sealed in blood, and the goblins aren't going to turn on one of their wealthiest clients any time soon." Harry said with his wand firmly gripped in his hand even though he really wouldn't need it to beat Malfoy.
"The minister of magic will put a stop to it for us." Malfoy said looking even more red.
"The minister can do nothing of the sort. Honestly Malfoy, just accept that you will never again lay your hands on my fiancée or anyone else under my protection, which is everyone in this room." Harry said calmly, trying to show Malfoy that he was having no effect.
"You don't seem to understand Potter. She's coming with me now and there's nothing you can do." Malfoy said pulling out his wand.
Harry simply sighed and flicked his wand again.  Aloft and his pets were thrown backwards into the wall and onto the ground with a rather powerful banishing charm. At this point Harry concentrated his magic on conjuring a slow stream of water and Malfoy's pants suddenly became very wet, much to the amusement of the people from the surrounding compartments who had peeked out to see what was going on.
"Had a bit of an accident there Malfoy?" Harry asked mockingly as Malfoy realised what was going on. The young blond almost screamed and went running down the corridor covering his very damp crotch in search of a bathroom, his pets following behind.
At this point Harry cancelled the shield and Daphne jumped into his arms.
"That, my dear fiancé, was amazing." She said laughing as she hugged Harry.
"I told you I wouldn't let him touch you. Him getting totally embarrassed in the process was just a bonus." Harry said with a wink.
"I'm so glad you're learning that stuff." She said quietly.
"That's not even the half of it." Harry replied.
"Okay Harry, what on earth are you talking about?" Blaise asked.
"I already said, I'll tell you at school where we can have a little more privacy." Harry said as he sat down with his arms till around Daphne at his side.
"Will we be allowed to hear this?" Theo asked.
"If you promise never to tell anyone what I tell you." Harry said seriously.
"Of course."
"We promise Harry."
Theo and Millie replied.
"Okay, tomorrow after classes." Harry said as everyone just went with what he said.
About an hour later, Gred and Forge stopped by to run some prank ideas by Harry for the upcoming term and to tease him about his betrothal.

By the time they reached Hogsmeade, the story of what happened to Malfoy had reached the ears of the entire student population. He was the laughing stock of the school with even first years laughing at him.
Harry and Daphne took a carriage with Susan, Hermione and Neville while Tracey, Blaise, Theo and Millie took another. As they headed towards the castle, Harry sat quietly reading the his book on battle transfiguration and thought how much he could impress McGonagall this year. Harry smiled to Severus as he entered the hall getting a smirk in return, Harry assumed he'd heard about Malfoy's 'accident' on the train as it was the talk of the school.
As everyone sat and Hagrid brought in the first years, Harry noticed the new Weasley appeared to be staring and him, apparently Daphne noticed this too.
"I don't like how that Weasley is looking at you. It's like she's dreaming of marrying you" She said with a little anger.
"Daphne, it's not like I'm going to leave you is it? There's more chance of me leaving Hogwarts forever than me leaving you." Harry whispered causing her to blush.
"That's what I like to hear." Daphne replied with a satisfied smile.
"You're right though. It is very irritating the way she's looking at me. I bet she's a bloody boy-who-lived fan girl, I can't stand them." Harry groaned.
"Well, I know how to deal with them." Daphne said kissing him on the cheek. The kiss worked however as the young Weasley looked apoplectic with anger as she turned away with her face the same colour as he hair.
Harry and his Slytherin friends decided to sit next to where the first years would be sitting to make a good impression and keep them away from Malfoy's influence. This appeared to work after the first years were sorted, most of them were clearly nervous so being able to talk to people was clearly a big help. Daphne could see that the new Slytherins already looked up to Harry since he was the first to talk to them kindly. This would be extremely useful of course, having a power base in his own house and the adoration of the new students gave him a unique position of power.
They went to bed that night with the same roommates as first year. This caused Harry to feel bad for Theo who had to share with Malfoy. The rooms appeared to be exactly the same also, despite the fact they were one corridor over.
Harry showered and lay in bed reading his elemental magic before he slept. Another year was beginning and if Dobby was right, there were some big shocks and scares on the way.

Sorry the new chapters are taking longer. College work is really building up right now, will aim to get at least one chapter up a week.
More feedback always appreciated.

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