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By private101x

88.5K 1.5K 81

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Cast Members!
The Unknown Pritchett!
The Bicycle Thief!
Come Fly With Me!
The Incident!
Author's Note!
Airport 2010!
Manny Get Your Gun!
Dance Dance Revelation!
Mother's Day!
See you next fall!
Dude Ranch!
Punkin Chunkin!
Express Christmas!
Little Bo Bleep!
Virgin Territory!
Send Out The Clowns!
Leap Day!
Baby On Board!
Bringing Up Baby!
The Butler's Escape!
Open House Of Horrors!
Yard Sale!
Mystery Date!
Diamond In The Rough!
New Year's Eve!
Party Crasher!
A Sight At The Opera!
Bad Hair Day!
Best Men!
Tableau Vivant!
Dressier Dress!
notice/done :(

Coal Digger!

3.3K 61 0
By private101x

𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝟙 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟝

𝕋𝕎: 𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘

"Let's go buddies, school time, Oh and Gloria, if you wanna get together with the girls later I could just, you know watch the football game or something"! Jay says walking into the kitchen. Today I thought to go for a simple, plain look.! This is what I'm wearing today for school; a grey sweater, some jeans and a new pair of white sneakers, with my hair braided by Gloria.

"That means he wants to watch the football game" Manny sighed. "I'm not talk to you. What are you drinking coffee for anyway"? Jay asked.

"It's my culture I'm Colombian" Manny stated taking his sip of his coffee. "Yeah I'm Spanish and you don't see me drinking a granizado" I laugh. "Oh yeah? What part of Colombia are those French toaster sticks from"? Jay asks sarcastically. "Babe, I'm not sure about the game, The whole family is coming over for the barbecue" Gloria shrugged whilst reading her newspaper.

"It's today"? Jay asked. "Si" I answered. Gloria looked up here paper, she loved it when I spoke Spanish. Manny has forgotten most of his and I was starting to forget mine. I didn't want to disappoint Gloria though. Even if I said 'Si' or something small and simple she would get all happy and excited.

"But it's the Ohio State game" Jay complained. "So? Everyone can watch" I suggested, which cause Gloria to look up from her newspaper again, with a slight smirk this time. "I don't like watching the game with people who don't know the game. People talk" Jay complained once again.

"You talk in my football games and during Julie's dance recitals" Manny said whilst taking a bite of one of his French toast sticks. "For one thing, it's called soccer. Your team scored two goals all season. I'm not taking a big risk" Jay said walking over to the coffee jug. He lifts it up to reveal it is empty. "How much of this did you drink"? Jay asked with a slight gasp.

"Give me a brake, I have to climb a rope today" Manny argued. "So do I" I added on after finishing my French toast stick.


Me, Manny and Luke was walking to science and me and Luke was talking about this cool new skateboard that came out that we both really want, then Manny butt's in, "Isn't it weird that I'm your uncle and your my nephew"? Manny asked, we knew he was doing this to get on Luke's nerves. "Manny don't" I sighed. "What it's true technically I can boss you both around" Manny said sassily. "No you can't Julie isn't my Aunt and stop calling your self my Uncle and me your nephew, it's weird" Luke said facing Manny they were face to face with each other and I was stood in the middle.

"I'm the oldest, so I can boss you guys around anyway" Manny snapped. "I can't take you seriously with your accent Manny" Luke snapped back. Oh no. Not again.

"Guy's stop. Yelling" I ask quietly trying to not get any attention drawn to us.

"Your so bossy Julie"! Manny scoffed rolling his eyes. "No she isn't your just being annoying" Luke defended. "Guy's come on we don't want to get in trouble" I sighed trying to pull Luke away.

"What are you going to do something"? Manny asked getting all defensive of himself. This wasn't like Manny at all, what is going on with him? Luke turned around so did I, "Manny stop your annoying me now" I chuckled rolling my eyes. I looked away for at least TWO SECONDS! And the two boys had started fighting you have got to be kidding me. "Stop guys"! I shout trying to break them two apart. Manny pushed me, I'm not sure if it was on accident or on purpose but it hurt. "That's it"! I yelled as I jumped in on the fight all three of us were fighting. Then we got caught and we were told to come to the principle's office and our parent's will be called to come.


Me, Manny and Luke sat in the principles office in silence. The principle waiting for either of us to speak up or our parent's to arrive. Jay and Gloria arrived first then Phil and Claire.

"What are you doing here"? Claire questioned Jay and Gloria. "These three knuckle heads were fighting each other" Jay answered, I could tell he was not in the best of moods neither was he was impressed.

"What"? Claire said, sounding shocked. I mean yeah Me, Luke and Manny was like the people who weren't going to fight each other. "Could've been worse, I was not ready to face Durkas today" Phil sighed in relief.

"So what happened"? Claire asked the principle. "Apparently there was some name calling and shoving on the playground, by the time a teacher separated them, Luke was sat on Manny's chest and Manny had hold of Julianna's hair" The principal said leaning back in his chair. "Luke, Julie that's not like you" Jay sighed looking at us both. "Wait a minute your Luke's father"? The principle questioned.

"Grandfather" Jay said cutting him off. "So Manny's father is-"? The principle questioned pointing to Phil, "Javier. Crazy guy. That's where he get's his fire" Gloria interrupted. "Okay your"? The principle asked, pointing to Luke, before Claire cut him off. "He's our son" She frowned, "And my grandson" Jay added, "I'm his daughter" Claire added pointing at Jay. "So am I" I butted in. "So your-" The principle asked, looking at Manny, before he cut him off. "His Uncle" Manny said smugly.

"Stop saying that Manny he said he didn't like it" I whispered before the boys would start a fight again. "Stop saying that or I'll sit on your chest again"! Luke threatened Manny." Wait a second, that's what all this was about"? Claire asked Luke.

"Yeah he keeps calling me his nephew" Luke sighed, "You are my nephew" Manny snapped. "Shut up"! Luke shouted. "Manny, stop it"! I warned.

"Okay. Okay, I'm guessing in some way your all related, somehow. So it's probably best if you work this out at home. So the children can go back to class. Okay? We're not happy about this boys. This is not how mature young men behave" The principle said.

I cleared my throat. "I'm not a man" I scoffed quietly. "Sorry Miss Santiago what was that"? The principle asked raising his eyebrow at the sign of my annoyance. "I said I wasn't a boy and Please don't call me that" I asked the principle not so politely. "Yes, I would like to change that to Julianna Delgado-Pritchett" Jay ordered.


Everyone arrives at our house for the barbeque. I hear my name being called, It was Phil.

"Hold on Jay. I think we should address the elephant in the room" Phil said signaling Me, Luke and Manny to come to him. "Luke, Manny, Julie bring it in. Come on. Huddle up. Football" Phil says as we all walk to the table. I roll my eyes, I shouldn't even be here.

"Now, in the light of what happened at school today, do you have and feelings you'd like to express? I think this is a proper forum to do just that-" Phil says before being cut of by Jay.

"For God sakes, all three of you"! Jay yelled pointing his finger telling us to come closer together "Now in this family, do we kick and punch each other, or do we love each other"? Jay asked all three of us kids.

"Love each other" We all sighed. "That's right"! Jay yelled before hitting us all on the back of our heads, we deserve that I guess. "I'll be in the den" Jay said before walking back into the living room.


Me, Luke and Manny ran back inside after playing football outside. We nearly ran into Phil.

"There's my little rousterbouts. You looked like you patched thing up pretty good, huh"? Phil asks us. "Yeah" We all agree. "We can learn so much from the children, I bet it seems kind of silly now what you three were fighting about huh"? Phil asks a rhetorical question.

"I made fun of his accent" Luke laughed. "What accent"! Gloria shouted mocking Manny. "I made fun of him for having the same thing for lunch everyday and I called Julie bossy"! Manny chuckled.

"I made fun of him because his mom use to dig coal" Luke added still laughing. The whole room went quiet. "What"? Gloria asks slightly confused. "He said you were a coal digger" Manny added looking confused. Oh I know what he means, this is about to get real ugly, real fast.

"Okay I think we can move on" Phil says pushing us out the way. "Who said I was a coal digger"? Gloria asked, she looked sort of offended. "That's what my mom told me" Luke replied. "What's a coal digger"? Me and Alex asked in union.

"Sweethearts you heard it wrong, it's gold digger" Phil whispers to us both. "I'm going to have to call you back" Hayley says into her phone before putting the phone down. We all looked at Claire.

"Well, I really do not think that I remember ever saying that" Claire added wafting a fork about. "Well you said it in the car. You said it at Christmas, You said it at the Mexican restaurant..."Luke reminds before Phil puts his hands over Luke's mouth. Luke had no idea what he was doing but he was digging a grave for his Mom and he was totally oblivious to it.

"Okay... Mr. Leaves-his-sweatshirts-at-school-everyday-suddenly-remembers-everything, Thank you" Claire sighs, she looks guilty. GUILTY AS CHARGED!

"It was all in my head, huh"? Gloria yells pointing at her head before walking off to go upstairs. "Listen, Gloria, it was like a year ago, before I knew you-"Claire started before she realized Gloria wasn't paying attention. "Nice going, now my mom and my sister are fighting" Manny sighs to Luke. Manny walks of.

"Wow, that was eventful" I smiled clapping my hands together. Jay and Claire follow Gloria upstairs but she doesn't let them in. They both come downstairs, just Jay and Claire.

"Well, she's pissed" Jay sighs. "Yeah. She wouldn't even come out of her room" Claire says going to stand next to Phil.

"Did you really have to call her that"? I asked. I was annoyed Gloria wasn't a gold digger, she loved Jay so much and not just for his money. "A gold digger"! Jay sighs grabbing some of the food.

"You know what Dad? It was a year ago, and it was a natural question to ask. She is a beautiful, hot woman and your not exactly, you know..." Claire trailed off. "Not exactly what"? Jay asks looking up from the food.

"Um, Mitchell a little help"? Claire begs her brother. He was just washing up in the background, he was also trying to listen to the argument. "No, you are doing great" Mitchell replied sarcastically. "No, see this is exactly why we sweep things under the rug, so people don't get hurt" Jay says placing his hands on his hips.

""Well, yeah, until you sweep too much under the rug, then you got a lumpy rug. It creates a tripping hazard, you open yourself up to lawsuits... Boy you can go a really long time without blinking" Phil rambles to Jay whilst looking at him in the eyes. Claire had gone upstairs to try and resolve things with Gloria so had Phil. We all went back into the living room to watch the game.


Gloria and Claire walk downstairs, Phil had come down some time before. "Hey, you guys work that out"? Jay asked as the two women walk to the back door. "Almost. Gloria just wants me to jump into the pool" Claire says as she continues to walk away.

"Okay then"? Jay smiles looking back to the television, to watch the game. "What"? Phil says worriedly following the two women outside. We all go outside besides Jay and I see Claire standing at the edge of the pool.

"This is so awesome"! Me and Luke said following the two women to the pool. "I know. Mom does not look good wet" Hayley added following us.

"Gloria is this really necessary"? Jay asked frustrated. "Dad, it's fine. It's fine. If I need to jump in this water to prove to Gloria how sorry I am I will do it. Fine" Claire says sort of preparing herself before she supposedly jumps into the pool. "You're seriously not going to stop me"? Claire asks looking at Gloria.

"Why would I do that"? Gloria asks, she is clearly enjoying this, everyone else was to. "Because I am standing here. I'm showing you my willingness to... No"? Claire sighs as Gloria shook her head, she wasn't going to change her mind Claire plopped herself into the pool, fully clothed, and that water is freezing.

We all cheered at Claire. "Are you happy"? Claire asks whilst smiling at Gloria. "Yes! I forgive you"! Gloria cheered before smiling back. "Okay, then give me your hand"! Claire demanded. "That's the oldest trick in the book. She's going to pull you in there. And that's my job"! Jay yelled before pushing Gloria in the pool. "This is funny, but this is also a teaching moment-" Phil tries to teach as Jay pushes him in as well. I turn around to see Manny and Luke darting towards me.

"No! NO"! I scream playfully before they push me in. They run back to Jay and push him in but Jay drags them with him. The three of them landed in the pool with a big splash. Uncle Mitchell grabs hold of Alex and throws both of them of into the pool. Then Cam does a canon ball into the pool. We all laughed and had such a good night, forgetting about the game.

Pool Party!

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