Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wr...

By ShadeyandDarkGamer

41.7K 1.4K 466

Error gets imprisoned by the Council Of Judges, and Balance is closer to tipping then ever. However, little d... More

OC Sumbission(OPEN)+Gaster Nicknames
Enter An Entity
Why Fatal Shouldn't Be Allowed To Babysit
Good And Bad?
The Council's Reaction
Took them by surprise.
The Battle-Meetings and Suprise Appearances
The Omega Timeline
Training For War
What is Fate exactly?
Welcome Back To The Void
Tonight We Strike
The Siege Of The Omega Timeline
Twilight Of The Omega Timeline
Character Info!
A Classic Place


2K 68 23
By ShadeyandDarkGamer

Harriet is owned by CrimsonFreakShow

Pricetale and it's characters are owned by abillaNatasha1

and Horror Saver X or Sal is owned by YamiHamato6

I hope a portrayed them correctly! Let me know if you  have an Issue with how they're portrayed, or If you think they'd act another way.


Harriet was not having a good day, by any means.

Well, good days have become rarer and rarer for them, ever since her dedicated her entire afterlife to stopping her sister's attempts at sparking an all-out war between factions.

But today, was an especially bad day, given her sister returned to their AU and started laughing like a complete and utter maniac, screeching about excitement and chaos.

'This isn't good...'  She thought with grit teeth. 'I need to warn-'

And that's when she was warped into an abyss of neverending darkness, slamming the ground face first. They groaned as she got up, rubbing her head.

Her eyes widened as she realized the situation she was in, and her first thought was to control the matter around her. But to her surprise, there was none. Just an inky, black abyss.

"W-where am I?" She murmured, glancing around the place.


She spun at the speed of light, glancing directly into a disfigured entity, who looked an awful lot like-

"W.D Gaster!?" She cried out incredulously. She  had heard that the scientist was still active, but she never once imagined being relevant enough to gain his attention.

"Interesting, you seem to be familiar with who I am..." The man's voice was distorted, the echo of WingDings accompanied his every word.

"Of course I know who you are, heck, the whole Multiverse knows who you are!" Her eyes narrowed dangerously, "now why did you bring me here?"

Legendary scientist or not, she wasn't going to let him toy with her.

"Straightforward, I see, a nice quality to have If I do say so myself," The man mused, "but time is of the essence, so allow me to fill you in on the essentials." Harriet felt herself freeze as Gaster's eyes glowed a bright purple.

"Your Multiverse is on the verge of destruction." Harriet took a step back, gasping.

"W-what? Did my sister do something!?" She demanded to know.

"No, this is rather Ink's fault." Harriet shivered at the way the man said Ink, almost as if it were a type of poison. 

"W-what does Ink have to do with any of this?" She asked.

"The Multiverse is finite, child. Do not believe the lies of the creator. Every time he creates, the space between the alternate universes becomes smaller and smaller until they collide, setting off an inescapable explosion that will destroy everything and everyone." Harriet looked at him, stunned to her very soul.

"B-but, why would Ink do this...? I get that Ink's not the guy everyone makes him out to be, but this is too much..." Gaster's eyes glowed with a fiercer purple.

"Ink is a child." He said simply, "he refuses to listen or believe in things that he doesn't want to. He has become addicted to creating and has let power get to his head." 

The glow stopped and Gaster's eyes returned to being blank sockets. "But we aren't here to discuss. I have a job for you, Harriet." A hand appeared and snapped, and a purple screen materialized, showing different people.

"These are all the available people that are willing to help you. Your job is to get them on your side by tomorrow." He explained.

"Why tomorrow? What happens tomorrow?" They demanded to know. 

"Tomorrow is when Nightmare's gang will attack the Omega Timeline," Gaster responded.

"T-the OMEGA TIMELINE!? THEY'RE GONNA ATTACK IT!?" She shrieked. "Why!? It's the only safe haven for monsters and humans, the only place where they can go to avoid conflict, why would Nightmare even attack it!?" She rounded on him, eyes narrowed with outrage.

"It's because the Omega Timeline is a massive threat to the Multiverse." He responded without missing a beat. "It takes up around 25% of the entire Multiverse,  not to mention its tendency to relocate, which displaces billions of AU's. Not to mention if the monsters in it are allowed to continue existing, their AU's do too. If it's allowed to exist any longer, a collision is guaranteed." The man said, his voice resolute. His eyes glowing a bright purple once more.

"Harriet, I know your heart is that of gold. I know you want peace for everyone, but this needs to happen." Gaster told her.

Harriet just looked at him, before sighing in defeat. "Well, it's for the good of the multiverse so I guess I have no choice...Who do you need me to get, and what do you need us to do?"

Gaster nodded with approval, "I need you to attempt to create distance between the AU's, lessening the chance of collision." One of his hands glowed purple before creating a sheet of paper, with names on them. He handed them the glowing note.  

"Once you all are together, Reapartale Gaster will come to you, and you will begin phase 2 of the plan." And with that, she was teleported into Princetale.


Location 1: Pricnetale

Target: Lycoris and Price (Au variants of Frisk and Sans respectively)


"Chance!" His lover groaned at seeing the ketchup stains on his shirt, "must you always use ketchup as a substitute for real food?"

The skeleton monster shrugged unapologetically, "what? your food may be the best stuff in the multiverse to chow on, but can't a monster crave a classic option?" 

Lycoris merely huffed, turning away. "I would prefer it, if your 'classic option, was actual food."

Harriet stared at the sight in front of them in disbelief. The first people he sends her to were an arguing married couple? 

Harriet stares for a couple more seconds before taking a deep breath. As a ghost, she can tell that these people were strong by sensing their aura. No doubt about it, they'd crush her in a fight.

But they weren'tt here to fight.

The sound of someone clearing their throat got the couple's attention. They turned heel to come face with a ghostly human with a white yarn shirt. 

"Oh, It appears we have a visitor," She murmurs in surprise, her eyes becoming cold as she stares at said visitor. 

"Peace." Harriet almost immediately raises their hands in a surrender motion, "I just wanna talk."

The two looked at each other for a moment, having a conversation with just their expressions. They eventually turned back to her. 

"Very well then, what is it you want to talk about it?" Lycoris asked, her eyes narrowing at Harriet. The ghostly human takes no time in bringing up the note Gaster gave to her. 

"Here," she offers them," It's a note from W.D Gaster." Chance takes the note with a hint of suspicion. 

"W.D Gaster? Isn't that the legendary scientist from the classic timeline?" Chance murmured.  Harriet nodded. 

"Yes, I know it may seem a bit...silly, having someone claim to have a note from the man himself, but you have to believe me when I say this is a note from him." Chance stared at her for a moment before a book materialized in front of him.

"I have a way to confirm this," the skeleton said, before his sockets went dark. "And If find out your lying..." 

"You won't," Harriet promised abruptly, doing her best to conceal the raw panic that hit her when she felt the aura of malice come from the alternate variant of Sans.

Chance nodded before his eyes suddenly glowed pink, along with the writing on the book. Harriet abruptly stiffened as she felt an alien force make itself present in her mind. 

'Mind-reading,' They realized, but also noted that the power felt like it wasn't his, but rather borrowed. After 1 painfully agonizing moment, the glow faded from Chance and the book, and he looked rather solemn, something his lover noticed immediately.

"Chance..." She murmured, glancing back between him and Harriet.

"She's telling the truth, Lycoris." Chance said suddenly, "That note, really is from the guy himself...the reason he sent it, isn't all that great tho. In fact, it's a subject of concern." The skeleton explained to Lycoris everything Gaster had told Harriet, and the half-human ghost shuddered as she saw Lycoris's hand clench into a fist.

"Is this so..." She frowned, "I always knew Ink was irresponsible, but this is criminal negligence...I do feel sorry for CORE though...The poor thing is just a child, she's going to be very shaken by this whole ordeal..."

"I know how you feel," Harriet sighed, "It's a shame that the Omega Timeline has to go, from the brief time I spent there, It was a lovely place to be...And I'm not even gonna think about how CORE'S gonna react to this."

"Honestly, I can't believe that the council believes themselves to be judges!" Chance growled, fists clenching up. "To think that they allowed all of us to be placed at risk by this lapse of judgment by their part..."

"Listen, we can wallow in our sorry emotions later. As of right now we still have another person left to find." Harriet said, taking the note out to look at it again.


Location 2: A Glitched Area Near Horrotale

Target: Horror Saver X 


"Dear goodness, I thought the void we were in was bad..." Lycoris murmured.  The place they were in was horrifying, there was a constant force that exerted from every part of the empty space, and the area was glitching like mad. 

"This isn't normal," Chance realized grimly, "this place didn't exist before, it only started existing now."

"You'd be correct about that," A voice suddenly spoke up causing the others to look around. A floating human teleported in front of them. "This place didn't start existing until the AU's started getting too close." 

"So, this is a result of the AU's getting too close together?... Dear goodness, it's much worse than I imagined..." Lycoris murmured. 

"Yeah, this is what happens when you remove a force of nature from the equation..." The human turned to the others. "Anyway, who are you?"

"My name's Harriet, and these beside me are Chance and Lycoris." They introduced. Lycoris gave a curt nod while Chance narrowed his eyes. The human wore an entire similar to a Sans, with the trench coat and the hood, not to mention their odd eye color. Chance could feel something...distorted, about their magic.

"Say, we came here in search of someone by the name of Horror Saver X, do you know them?" 

"Well, of course I know her, she's me." The trio stared blankly at her for a moment. 

"But I thought we were looking for a skele..." she cut herself off as the human transformed into a skeleton and back.

"The name's Horror Saver X, you can call me Sal or Lee, whatever you prefer honestly." Sal introduced herself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sal, though unfortunately, our circumstances are a bit dire..." Sal's eyes widened as Lycoris explained their dire situation.

"No way...so that's why Error was fighting with those 3 skeletons..." She murmured.

"3 skeletons? You mean the former Star Sanses group?" Harriet asked. Sal nodded.

"Yeah, there were these 3 skeletons. One that just gave off happy feelings, the other was acting like a Papyrus and there was the one with the paintbrush- hold up, what do you mean by former?" Sal questioned.

"Wait, the Star Sanses spilt up?" Chance murmured. Harriet shook her head.

"Well, not spilt up really...Blue just went missing, and still hasn't been found..." Harriet explained rather uneasily, before sighing, "look, I don't like Ink, and I'm not too fond of Dream either, but even I'll have to admit, Blue was probably the nicest person in this accursed Multiverse. And the bond he had with the rest of the Star Sanses was actually really wholesome..."

"Does anyone know what happened?" Lycoris asked. The half ghost shook her head.

"Not really, no. Heck, not even Error or Nightmare know where he is, or what happened to him. All we really know is that he's still alive..."

"Ah, it appears you've gathered them all in one place." A tall skeleton suddenly teleported in front of the group, starting the day lights out of Harriet and Sal, and triggering Lycoris and Chance to go defensive.

"You need not worry, as I am an ally." Chance squinted at the man before his eyes widened with realization. 

"Reapertale Gaster?" He questioned, "Is that truly you?"

"Yes, and I must congratulate you, Harriet," he turned his attention to the person in question."You gathered them here a lot faster than I originally predicted, which is good for our next plan." 

"Next plan?" Lycoris murmered.

"Yes, I'm sure you've all heard of the siege on the Omega Timeline, right?" The group responded, with varying levels of discomfort. "You see, when destroying an AU as large as that, you tend to need have a bit of...damage control crew."

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