𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧�...

By _myaghm

113K 4.3K 1.1K

With Voldemort on the rise once again, will Leonardo have the strength to defeat him? Follow the second half... More

V. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Homeless Howard:
VI. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Enoch Beckett:
Author's Note!
VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II:
19 Years Later:


1.4K 66 18
By _myaghm

Harry leant against another pillar as the Diadem was destroyed, Leo watching him in concern as he sat up. "It's the snake. She's the last one. She's the last Horcrux." Harry spoke, Leo's chest heaving as Ron stepped forward. "Look inside him, Harry. Find out where he is. If we can find him, we can find the snake. Then we can end this." Ron spoke, the Trio watching Harry close his eyes tightly, shifting around in discomfort as Hermione moved to Leo. "Are you alright?" She asked quickly, Leo nodding as the girl pulled him up, the two hugging. "Thanks for that." She tanked, Leo shrugging. "You're my best friend." He patted her shoulder, Harry 'waking' up.

"I know where he is."


Leo rushed to follow Harry, Hermione and Ron doing the same. The Trio shot spells towards Death-Eaters as Leo used his powers, knocking a Death-Eater down as he pulled Hermione back, the girl being hit by a spell if it weren't for him. Leo shot an energy ball at the man, knocking him back as Harry nodded, guiding them through the courtyard. Harry stopped the whole group when a giant caught sight of them, swinging towards them as they ran away. The Giant followed quickly as they weaved through multiple duels, before the Giant swung again, the Trio flinching before the Giant made a noise of discomfort. "Bloody hell." Ron let out, the three watching Leo hold his hands out, red essence pushing the giant's weapon away. Leo grunted as the Giant pushed further, Leo clenching his hands more. "Go!" He urged, Harry nodding and running as he led them once more, Leo sprinting after them after merely dodging the large weapon.

Leo followed the three as spiders chased him, them rushing through more duels. "'Crucio-" "Stupefy!'" Leo yelled, the Death-Eater getting knocked back out of the courtyard. "No!" Hermione yelled when she saw Fenrir Greyback biting Lavender's neck, rushing to them. The Wolf spotted them, Hermione wasting no time in shooting him away. The giant still chased after them, breaking parts of the courtyard. The four finally got to the entrance, seeing hundreds of Dementors flying in before a patronus knocked them back. the Golden Quartet looked to see Abeforth with his wand out, most of the Order there including Howard. Leo gave the man a thumbs up before rushing off with his friends. The four ran down stairs and hid, hearing a snake's hiss and two voices.

Voldemort and Snape.

"You have preformed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord, in the last few hours alone." Snape spoke, the hissing getting closer. "No," Voldemort denied, stalking towards the man. "I am extraordinary, but the wand resists me." He continued, Leo crouching next to Harry. "There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it." Snape told the man, him still in deny as the Quartet hid more from the snake. "Tonight, when they come, it won't fail you. I am sure of it." Snape assured rather nervously, now face to face with Voldemort. "It answers to you... and you only." Snape stuttered, Voldemort gazing over the man. "Does it?" Voldemort spoke, Snape confused. "My Lord?" He asked, Voldemort circling him now. "The wand, Does it truly answer to me?" Voldemort asked, Snape turning to face him. "You're a clever man, Severus. Surely, you must know."

"Where does it's true loyalty lie?" Voldemort asked, Snape gulping. "With you." He answered, Voldemort stopping in front of him. "It reeks horribly of a Muggle owner," Leo's face scrunched up. How could a wand that powerful belong to a Muggle- Oh no... "Howard!" Leo whispered lowly to Harry, him ignoring the boy. "However, that may be another way of it's deflection." Voldemort finished. "As you know, the Elder Wand belongs to the person who killed it's last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus." The Golden Quartet exchanged glances, knowing Snape was going to die. "While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine." Voldemort continued, Snape staying quiet as Voldemort walked up to him. "You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus... but only I can live forever." Voldemort spoke. "My Lord-" Leo jumped when Snape landed on the opposite side of the glass next to him, ducking down.

"Nagini, kill." The Golden Quartet watched in horror as the snack struck Snape's neck multiple times, the man bleeding out as Voldemort walked further away. Leo took deep breathes as Voldemort apparated away, the Quartet rushing into the room. Harry walked forward first, Leo soon following. Harry sat stunned as Leo put pressure on Snape's neck, Ron and Hermione watching from the doorway. Snape made eye contact with Harry, soon letting a tear fall. "Take them." Snape wheezed, Hermione quick to pass Harry a small beaker as he collected the man's tears. "Take them to the Pensieve." Snape ordered, Leo looking to Harry as he put more pressure on his wound. "Look at me." Snape whispered, Harry looking to him.

"You have your Mother's eyes."

That was the last thing Snape spoke before his head lolled to Leo's side, the boy quick to let go and look at the man's blood on his hands. That was before the voice came back, Leo leaning against the window. "You have fought valiantly...but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. With their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Leonardo Gryffindor, I now speak directly to you. You have allowed your friends die for you," Leo shook his head, falling down and holding his head in pain. "rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Bring Harry Potter and join me in the Forbidden Forest for Harry Potter to confront his fate and pluck up the courage to battle me. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal either of you from me."


Leo led the way to the castle, his friends looking at him sympathetically. They walked in silence, Leo stopping at the doorway of the Great Hall, Ron walked to find his family, Leo scanning the place for George and Howard. He found the man sat on the stools alone, wrapped in a spare robe. Leo rushed to the man, Howard noticing him too as the two met in a huge hug. "Leo... Shh..." Howard trailed off, Leo crying into his best friend's shirt. "They lost one of the Twins." Howard whispered, not knowing their names as Leo looked up quickly, Howard pointing to the Weasley family. "Oh my God." Howard let Leo go, the boy rushing to them. "Leo!" Molly spoke, her tear stricken face forming a small smile as George looked up, moving past Ron and running to hug Leo. Leo grunted at the sudden force, immediately hugging the boy back and rubbing his back as he sobbed.

"Freddie's gone." He sobbed repeatedly, Hermione comforting Ron. Leo couldn't reply so he just hugged the lost twin tighter, George doing the same. Leo saw Harry nowhere to be seen, guessing he went to the Pensieve that Snape told him to go to. George didn't stop hugging Leo, the boy not complaining and reaching a hand up to stroke George's hair, the boy leaning into it immediately. "Shhh, George..." Leo spoke, trying not to cry at George's state. The boy looked broken. His complexion was only pale, his hair dishevelled and his lips trembling every so often. The worst thing was his eyes. Sunken like ships and lacking the happiness Leo used to know. Leo only pulled George's head into the crook of his neck, the boy crying more as Arthur rubbed Leo's back in thanks. Leo only nodded to him, George murmuring.

"Hm?" Leo asked gently, letting go of George's head. "I don't want you to go too." He spoke in a weak voice, Leo stuttering for words. "More people will die if I don't." He replied with a whisper, Hermione and Ron moving past them, the latter needing space. "No..." George cried more, Leo shaking his head quickly. "No, don't cry! You know why?" Leo asked, George sniffling. "What?" George asked, Leo smiling. "Cos I'm gonna win." The boy grinned, George trying to smile but seeming to not be able to. "Promise?" George asked, Leo nodding and cupping the boy's face. George was shocked when Leo gave the boy a small peck on his lips, the boy blushing. "I promise." Leo spoke, George's smile slowly emerging. "There he is!" Leo spoke breathlessly, George's smile only small but it was the most beautiful thing in Leo's eyes-

"Leo." Both boy's looked to see the Trio in the doorway, Leo's demeanour dropping when Harry nodded, Leo nodding to George and moving to Howard, giving him a hug. "I may not live til tomorrow but just know," Howard tried not to cry, Leo leaning forward. "I think the Elder Wand belongs to you." He whispered, Howard's eyebrows scrunching  up. "What-" Howard spoke before Leo held his hand out for the handshake. Howard gave his hand a sad smile and did the handshake. "High five, upside down high five, finger link and pretend to punch one another in the face before a final fist bump and finger wiggles away." The two chorused, Leo smiling before walking off and rearranging his Uncle's jacket.

Hermione hugged the boy tightly, Leo hugging back just as fast as Ron joined.


"I'm destined to die." Harry finally spoke up, the two boys walking into the forest. Leo only looked at the boy for a reply, him gulping. "Dumbledore's been raising me like a pig for slaughter." Leo's eyebrows raised at Harry, suddenly hugging the boy as Harry hugged back quickly. "Oh God, I'm so sorry." Leo whispered, Harry crying into his Godbrother's shoulder. "Does it hurt?" The boy asked, Leo pressing his lips together. "Depends. You'll probably have the Killing Curse so yours will be less painful than mine. God, I already miss you." Leo spoke, resting his forehead on Harry's shoulder. Harry rubbed Leo's back then pulled out the Snitch, Leo letting go of him. Leo watched in silence as Harry kissed the Snitch, the ball opening to reveal the Resurrection Stone. Harry looked to Leo, the two sharing a nod as Harry clutched onto it, revealing Harry's parents, Leo's parents and Remus stood in a semi circle.

Leo's eyes immediately fell onto his parents, them having their arms wrapped around each other. Leo walked up to them quickly, Harry walking to his Mother. "I miss you so much, Son." Sirius spoke, Leo nodding. "Me too, Dad. I miss you too, Mum." Leo spoke, Grace nodding as she tried not to cry. "You better win this fight, Leo. You told me you'd win for me." Sirius grinned, Leo grinning sadly as Harry caught up with his parents. "You can be so rude sometimes, you know?" Leo asked, snickering lightly ad Grace nodded to Sirius. "That's what-" "She always says." Sirius finished Grace's sentence, Leo smiling at them both. Harry tapping his shoulder. "We need to go." He whispered, Leo nodding and stepping back. "We'll always be with you both, in here." Grace spoke, giving Harry a sweet smile as she pointed to her heart, Leo nodding.


"I thought they'd come." Voldemort spoke, kind of irritated as BellaTrix spotted them walking to them in silence. The Death-Eaters around whispered, Voldemort shushing them with a flick of his hand. "No, what are you's doing here!" Hagrid yelled, Leo seeing the half Giant tied up. One of the Death-Eaters hissed at the man to be quiet, Leo looking back to Voldemort. "Harry Potter. The boy who lived. Come to die." Voldemort spoke, Harry not replying as Voldemort faced Leo. "Leonardo Gryffindor. The only other living heir. Plucked up the courage to sacrifice himself." Leo's jaw clenched, Voldemort mildly insulting him. Nagini slithered towards Voldemort, laying by the man's feet as Voldemort raised his wand...

Leo trying not to reflect it.

Ahhhh! We're so close to the end and I don't wanna be!! :((

[2034 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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