𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧�...

By _myaghm

113K 4.3K 1.1K

With Voldemort on the rise once again, will Leonardo have the strength to defeat him? Follow the second half... More

V. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Homeless Howard:
VI. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Enoch Beckett:
Author's Note!
VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II:
19 Years Later:


1.2K 53 12
By _myaghm

Harry stepped out first, everyone gasping as Leo stayed in his spot. "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Harry spoke, Snape scowling. "Where's Leonardo?" He growled, Leo skipping out and resting his elbow on Harry's shoulder, grinning. "Right here." He spoke, the students gasping more as Leo clicked. "We come with these lot." Leo grinned, pointing to the door just as the Order walked through, Leo kind of shocked how he got that right. Making eye contact with George, the two shared a quick smile before Howard did a small thumbs up, scared himself. Leo nodded to him before he felt McGonagall move in front of him, seeing both Professors with their wands out. Leo was quick to usher the students to the walls of the hall, creating a shield over them as red sparkled, them mesmerised.

McGonagall was the first to shoot a spell at Snape, the man deflecting it as McGonagall didn't stand down, shooting a lot of spells. Leo stepped forward when he saw the Carrows getting their wands out, McGonagall backing Snape to the end of the room. Leo blinked, his eyes going red as the sister shot a spell towards McGonagall, Leo reflecting it to the girl and knocking her out. Many students watched amazed as Leo conjured an energy ball, soon shooting it at the brother and knocking him back. Leo looked back to Snape when he flew out the window, McGonagall yelling that he was a coward. She then looked towards Leo, the boy letting down the shields he put up. The students held onto each other in delight, cheering as McGonagall nodded to Leo, the two lighting the Great Hall flames. Some of them glowed bright red as the rest were normal, everyone cheering as Howard smiled at Leo, still shocked though.

Harry moved next to Leo, the two taking their robes off as they smiled at the happy students. Leo looked to Harry when he fell down, McGonagall doing the same. "Potter?" She asked, Leo kneeling next to him as the room darkened again, everyone going silent. A storm appeared atop the ceiling before a girl started to scream, Leo looking towards her as Harry rushed to her. Before another girl started screaming, Leo moving to Harry quickly. "I know that many of you will want to fight." Leo stopped at the voice that flew through everyone's heads, them wincing. "Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. Only Leonardo will fight tonight. To the death." Voldemort dragged the last word, Leo holding his ears in pain, his lion form not used to high pitched sounds. "Give me Leonardo Gryffindor and Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me them and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me them both and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

Leo and Harry looked to one another when the lights brightened, Harry worried for Leo as was Leo for Harry. Everyone looked to them as they looked to one another, Leo gulping. "What are you waiting for? Someone grab them." Pansy spoke, George moving next to Leo almost immediately and pulling him behind him slightly, glaring at the Slytherin. Ginny moved next to Harry afterwards, the rest of the Order gradually joining. "Students out of bed!" Everyone looked to the door, Filch doing his silly run. "Students out of bed! Students in the corridor-" "They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" McGonagall interrupted, everyone staring at Filch awkwardly. "Sorry ma'am." He apologised embarrassed, McGonagall shrugging him off. "As it happens, Mr Filch, you're arrival is most opportune." Leo watched McGonagall walk up to them. "If you would, I would like you, please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the Hall." Leo looked up to George, confused.

"Exactly where is it I'll be leading them, Ma'am?" Filch asked, George smiling down at George. "The dungeons will do." She spoke, the students cheering as the Slytherins left with Filch. Harry walked to McGonagall, Leo following. "...What is it you need?" McGonagall asked, Leo smiling at students that walked by. "Time, Professor, as much as you can give us." Harry proposed to her, McGonagall nodding. "Do what you have to do. Leo, if you would come with me to secure the castle." She offered, Leo nodding quickly. "Of course." He spoke, Harry nodding and walking away before McGonagall called for him. "It's good to see you." She spoke, Harry smiling and nodding to her before speeding away. Leo followed McGonagall as the two sped through the crowd, the Order and some students following. "You're badass!" Howard spoke once he got up to Leo, McGonagall looking to him curiously.

"And who may you be?" She asked as they walked towards the doors, Leo snickering. "This is Howard." McGonagall's face dropped, knowing Howard from Molly's story of how Leo got drunk. "Pleasure to meet you." She spoke quickly before walking on, Leo patting Howard's chest before following her. "Let me get this straight, professor. You're giving us permission to do this?" Neville asked, Leo keeping up with McGonagall quite well in his opinion. "That is correct, Longbottom." She spoke, Leo walking ahead as he heard Seamus and Neville converse. He blinked, taking deep breathes as he held his hands together, gaining a crowd as he walked backwards, an energy ball growing larger and larger. His hands had to keep moving, the shine lighting up most of the front yard. He heard everyone chant protective spells, him focusing on making his large shield. Estimating it, the energy ball would have to be very large to cover the whole of Hogwarts.

An enormous energy ball stood by itself, most students admiring it as Leo fed more energy into it before shooting it up. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he slowly spread his arms, the ball 'unravelling' to cover Hogwarts. "Protect us!" McGonagall ordered, Leo watching a lot of stone knights march past them. "I've always wanted to do that spell." She spoke to Molly giddily, Leo walking up to her. "How's that?" He asked, McGonagall wiping the sweat off of his forehead with her sleeve. "It's perfect." She complimented, Molly nodding as she patted Leo's shoulder, the boy smiling before moving past them.


"Stupid Gryffindor!" BellaTrix cackled from the Death-Eaters spot on the hill. "My Lord, shouldn't we wait- sorry." A man spoke, Voldemort scowling at him before turning to BellaTrix. "Continue." Voldemort spoke, the woman grinning and walking forward. "Leonardo is connected to his powers. We affect his powers, we affect him," She whispered with a giggle, Voldemort's lips turning upwards. "It'll be easier to catch him and get in." She continued, Voldemort nodding. "Very well," He started, raising his hands as all of the Death-Eaters raised their wands.



Leo darted around the castle, trying to find Harry, Hermione or Ron. Instead, the boy ran into Trelawney, the woman overly anxious. "Leonardo!" She spoke breathlessly, Leo nodding and trying to go but she held him in place. "I have a feeling this won't end very well-" The Professor was cut off when Leo yelled out in pain, feeling some sort of deadly pins and needles everywhere. "What's going on, my boy?" Trelawney asked quickly, slowly looking out of the window when there was a flashing light, as did the Order and most students. "Leonardo!" Luna caught up to them, Trelawney letting go of the boy in fright. "You have to let the shield down!" Luna spoke clearly, ushering Leo towards the window and opening it. "They can hurt you if they hit one of your shields. Take it down or you're making their job a lot easier!" Leo was shocked at Luna's sudden confidence, shrugging it off as waving his hand weakly, the shield dimming before it disappeared.

Luna quickly pulled Leo through the window to a safe place, bumping into Harry. "Leo! What happened?" He asked, noticing the red shield disappear too. "They can hurt him by hitting his shield." Luna answered in her dreamy tone, Harry quickly going in front of Leo. "Are you alright?" He asked quickly, Leo nodding slowly before nodding fully. The energy shield took a lot of energy but now it is gone, it felt like all the energy was back inside of him, the boy only a tad more tired. "Yes-" "Alright! Follow me!" Harry shouted, dragging Leo along as they left Luna. "Do you have your wand?" Harry asked, Leo holding his up. "Of course." He answered, Harry nodding and rushing forward. Leo yelped when Harry fell, quickly sitting ahead of a pillar as Leo crouched ahead of him. "Oi, what's wrong?" Harry only stared into space before getting up, rushing off as Leo sprinted after him.

The students screamed as a Death-Eater shot through the window, them ducking as Leo shoved Harry out of the way before getting his wand out. "'Avada kedavra!'" The boy yelled, the smoke falling down quickly as the students carried on, Harry running into Ginny and Neville. "Ginny. Neville. Are you alright?" Harry asked quickly, grabbing Ginny's hand as Neville nodded. "Never better. I feel like I could spit fire." Neville spoke, Leo wondering why he was so pumped. "You haven't seen Luna, have you?" Neville asked, Leo shaking his head. "I don't know where she is!" He shouted, Harry nodding. "Why?" He asked, Neville smiling. "I'm mad for her! I think it's about time I told her since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" Neville ran off, Leo watching him leave with a grin. "Well, that was- okay." Leo spoke after turning around, Ginny and Harry kissing.

"Sorry." Ginny smiled, Harry embarrassed. "Oh no, it's fine. Startled me, though." Leo assured, Ginny smiling as Harry nodded awkwardly. "Let's go!" Harry urged Leo, the two separating from Ginny as Harry led Leo to the Room of Requirements. Leo held the rubble up with his powers as the two ran, Harry closing his eyes quickly as the door appeared. "Go!" Harry urged, Leo following the boy into the room. It was dark and a lot more peaceful, the screams non existent. "I'll go this way." Leo spoke, harry nodding as they separated, searching for the Diadem. Leo stepped over a couple of broken chairs, looking up to one of the towers of old things. "This is wonderful..." He let out, taking deep breathes as Draco forced Goyle and Blaise to stay put, him stalking to Leo from behind. "Oi-" Leo was cut off when Draco covered his mouth, the blond nodding for his friends to follow. The four travelled to where Harry was observing a box.

"Well, well." Draco started, Harry looking to see Leo in a choke hold by Goyle, the boy stronger than him. "What brings you two here?" Draco asked, Harry stepping forward. "I could ask you the same." He spoke, Leo's face scrunching up. "You have something of mine. I'd like it back." Draco spoke, Leo snickering before Goyle tightened his grip, Leo coughing. "What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asked, Draco standing his ground. "It's my Mother's. It's powerful, but not the same. Doesn't quite... understand me. Know what I mean?" Draco asked, Leo's face scrunching up. "Why didn't you tell her?" Harry asked, Draco's stance faltering a tiny bit. "BellaTrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything." Harry spoke, Leo's eyebrows raising as Draco faltered more, Goyle leaning towards him. "Go on, Draco. Do him." He spoke, Draco not listening before Hermione and Ron showed up.

"'Expelliarmus!'" She chanted, the Slytherins jumping as Goyle let go of Leo, shooting the Killing Curse at Hermione but she blocked it. "You muppet!" Leo yelled, Goyle yelling as the boy chased after him. Leo heard Ron follow, the two chasing after the Slytherins. "That's my girlfriend, you numpty!" Ron yelled, Leo confused before dismissing it, sprinting after Goyle. "'Avada Keda-'" "'Incendio!'" Goyle yelled, interrupting Leo as both him and Ron cornered the Slytherins. Leo held a hand out for Ron to stop, Goyle seeming to lose control with the fire, thinking that waving his already alight wand will magically go out. After thirty seconds of watching him, Leo finally stepped forward. "I could help you with that-" Leo was cut off when the fire trail caught onto the bottom of a large tower, setting it on fire. "Bloody hell!" Ron spoke, Goyle panicking as Draco shouted at him, Leo pushing Ron to run away, the fire spreading quickly.

"Run!" Leo yelled to Hermione and Harry, them watching their two friends sprint away, a light following. "Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!" Ron cried, Leo nodding. "Go! Don't just watch!" Leo shouted, Harry and Hermione running when the fire seemed to transform into predatory animals, biting at the Quartet. "Get on!" Leo yelled before he transformed into a lion, Hermione getting on his back in no time as Ron followed, Harry still on foot as he followed the three. Harry knocked down towers to stop it, only making the fire bigger as Leo sprinted, Hermione gripping onto his mane tightly before they were cornered. Leo transfigured back, the three falling as Leo got up quickly. "Oh God." Leo spoke, holding his stomach as Ron tripped ahead of some broomsticks, them grabbing one each apart from Leo, the boy just flying himself. "We need to get them!" Harry yelled, Leo's face scrunching up as did Ron's.

"If we die getting them, I'll bloody kill you!" Ron yelled, the four turning back. Harry failed to reach for Draco, Leo sweeping the boy up easily as Draco coughed, inhaling the red smoke. "Hi!" Leo grinned, Draco panicking as Harry picked up Blaise, Ron and Hermione, the couple, led them out of the Room of Requirement. Draco and Leo, being last, fell through the doors, Leo wincing and holding his waist as Blaise and Draco ran away, the doors shutting and trapping the fire.

Part one lmao

[2354 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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