As You Are // D.M.

Ethereal6513 द्वारा

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Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... अधिक



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Ethereal6513 द्वारा

Song: Falling by Yuna 

Armena Riddle-Lestrange

Friday: October 17th, 2010

The sky was dark and hazy as we apparated to the Quidditch World Cup arena, which was set off the coast of England. Next year would be the Quidditch World Cup; the teams were officially in the trials to see who would win and ultimately compete in the cup. The game was the Falmouth Falcons versus Kenmare Kestrels— the English verse the Irish. Blaise had been working his arse off trying to organize this with the Quidditch World Federation. 

While today was a work day for him, it was a game day for us. 

Everyone around us had either their faces painted, some sort of enchanted souvenir hat, bells and whistles hanging off their bodies, or carried some sort of banner. Slimy wizards were walking around collecting bets, feening for our galleons. Sellers were passing out green and black flags, if you were for the Kestrels, and dark grey and white hats, if you were for the Falcons. I sported a green and white striped scarf, reminding me of the same one that used to hang in my closet from my time at Hogwarts. I paired the scarf with a simple back dress, stockings and my black knee high riding boots. Pansy was dressed in a bright emerald green dress with a matte, black leather jacket over top, looking very Pansy Parkinson. Potter— well, he was overly ecstatic to be here. He did not hold back; he was decked out like I have never seen him before. He was head to toe in green and black, a funny looking hat on his head which reminded me of a cartoon character. 

"Fuck yeah!" he rubbed his hands together as we climbed the stairs to our box.

The arena was loud and bright; balloons and fireworks were going off in every sort of direction. If you didn't watch out something might whip and zip right into your skull. The cheers sounded throughout the air, as the various witches and wizards fed off the energy. It was overwhelming but addicting at the same time. I couldn't help but let a smile creep up over my face as I took in the sights before me. 

"I take it you're happy, Potter?" I yelled over the noise as we settled in the room.

"You have no idea!" he smirked.

"Look," Pansy sheriked, bouncing on her toes, "There's Blaise and Ginny!"

We entered into the Ministry box, spotting Blaise and Ginny chatting with a fellow Ministry worker. Ginny spotted us and waved us over. Similar to Potter, she was dressed all out and sporting the Falcon logo on her left cheek. Blaise excused himself from his co-worker and gave us a wide, toothy grin. He stretched out his arms, wrapping Pansy and I into a tight hug as he greeted us. 

"Look who decided to show up" he smirked, squeezing me tightly. 

I swatted at his chest, wiggling out of his grasp. I wrapped my arm around Ginny's shoulder, leaning into her.

"Not all of us had to be here at four in the morning" Potter smirked, clasping Blaise on the back.

They shared a moment, clasping their hands together and moving into a half embrace. Ginny rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my waist. 

"Oh right, I forgot" Blaise smirked, "you lot had the day off. Lucky bastards, aren't you?"

"Oh just so lucky" I winked at the dark skinned wizard.

Pansy walked over to Ginny and I, separating us from the boys' conversation which was revolving around the bet's that were being placed on the teams. The Ministry box was large and spacious. It was covered by a metal ceiling and the floor was a worn down, light colored wood. In the far back, housed a large black metal counter, which was filled with copious amounts concessions, candies, and alcohol. Various warming charms were cast in the space, in order to keep it comfortable for the witches and wizards in the box. It was clear that the winter weather was coming, the haze in the sky was a strong indicator of the changing seasons. 

Pansy linked her arm into my own, pulling me towards the bar. She handed Ginny and I a butterbeer, dyed for whichever team you were cheering on. It looked absolutely revolting and probably tasted just as bad as it looked. 

"Cheers!" she smirked, cliniking her glass to ours.

"So—" Ginny leaned against the bar, raising her brows in inquiry. "How are things with a certain pale haired wizard?"

Pansy let out a squeal, grabbing onto my arm tightly. Her long, black lacquered nails dug into my flesh causing me to flench. I Rolled my eyes trying to wiggled out of her sharp grasp. 

"What? Is he still ignoring you?" Ginny looked between us, furrowing her brow.

"Oh no— Mr. Draco Malfoy is most certainly not ignoring Miss Armena Riddle-Lestrange!" Pansy smirked. "He owled her— last night, in fact."

I rolled my eyes, looking down into my glass of green butterbeer. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to suppress my smile that was threatening on my lips. 

I thought back to last night when I had arrived home through the flue in our flat. I was still trying to grasp everything that had happened in the last hour with Draco. He went from ignoring me for two weeks to basically eye fucking me in a matter of seconds. I let out a groan as I kicked off my heels, Pansy rushed out of her shared room with Potter, squealing with excitement. A regal looking grey horned owl was perched on the counter, its large eyes gawking at us as we approached. In its mouth, held an expensive looking piece of parchment and next to it, a large matte black box. I shrugged off my trench, tossing it carelessly on the sofa. I padded my way over to the counter, snatching the envelope out of the owl's beak. It flapped its wings three times before settling back down. I flipped over the envelope in my hands, my fingers tracing the blood red emblem, with the letter "M" perfectly pressed into the wax.

"Open it!" Pansy shrieked, leaning over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and popped off the wax, opening the lip of the letter. I pulled out the expensive creamy rich stationary and scanned the page.


I trust that you got home safely and are not still standing in the Atrium where I left you last. If you are, well then I deeply apologize. Maybe I should consider escorting you home from now on. As promised, I am owling you to see if you would do me the greatest pleasure in letting me take you on a proper date. I have secured a reservation for this Saturday, October eighteenth at eight o'clock in the evening. 

Please respond if you accept or decline.

I do hope that you choose to accept, I fear that my ego will be quite bruised if you deny. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Xx D.M.

I dropped the stationary down to my side as I stood gawking at the large black package. Pansy was about to wet her knickers beside me with excitement. She snatched the parchment out of my hands and read it out loud multiple times, while I just stared at the expensive looking package. My hands slipped up to feel the box, tracing each of the smooth edges. I let out a deep breath as I flipped off the lid, revealing crisp black paper with a small card on top. Pansy was quick, snatching the card off before I could even blink. I mean, not that I made any move to try. I was still frozen from the first letter.

"I deeply enjoy the way crimson looks on you" Pansy gasped, clutching both the letter and the card to her chest.

I pulled back the black paper, revealing blood red silk fabric. My fingers traced the expensive material, pulling it up out of the box. I held the dress up to my body, turning around to face Pansy. Her dark eyes were wide as the full moon in the sky above. Her lips pulled up at the corners until she was grinning ear to ear.  

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that looks a lot  like the dress you wore to Slughorn's Christmas party."

I looked down at the dress with wide eyes. She was right, it was almost an exact replica of the dress I wore eleven years ago. The only difference was that it was a square neck design and long sleeves. The top was tight, corset-like, and the hem laid right at my mid-thigh. It was sultry, something that I would never consider wearing on a first date. Yet at the same time, it was classic and demure. It had to cost him a pretty penny. 

"You're fucked, Lestrange" she snickered, "royally fucked."

"So he bought you a dress?" Ginny's lips pulled up at the corners, bringing me back to reality. "I have to say, Draco Malfoy is smooth—  almost too smooth."

"He's going to rip her knickers off" Pansy snickered, drumming her nails on her glass. 

"He's not going to rip my knickers off!" I scoffed, shaking my head. "I think you two are forgetting something very important. I am letting him take me on a date. It's just a date, nothing more."

"You say that now, but once Draco looks at you with his grey eyes and he runs his thumb over his lips," her eyes grazed me up and down. "I will bet on my life that your clothes will vanish in a matter of seconds."

I felt my cheeks flush with the warm blood pumping under my skin. I brought my cup up to my lips, smiling into it as I gulped down the butterbeer. I cinched my face, remembering why I didn't fancy this drink.

"Let's not joke about your life" I muttered. 

"Speak of the cheeky little devil" Ginny bumped my hip.

I shot my head up, my eyes landing on the man of the hour. He was chatting with Blaise and Potter, smirking wickedly at them. He noticed me instantly, as if an alarm went off in his head. His eyes flicker with something warm before he nodded to the boys and walked over. I glanced towards Pansy and Ginny, who were already long gone. I let out a long sigh, setting my cup down on the metal bar. I waved to the bartender for a glass of wine. He reached down his lips brushing against my cheek as he greeted me. I felt my skin flush with warmth, as his lips left sparks against my smooth skin. 

"Well, I most certainly didn't take you for a Quidditch girl?" He chuckled, pulling away. 

"I have many secrets that would surprise you, Draco" I smirked at the pale blonde headed man in front of me. 

"I would really like to hear them sometime," he smirked. "If you would let me."

I felt my heart melt on the impact of his words. His dark grey eyes glowing under the light of the stadium. He looked so handsome in his all black suit, with his black turtleneck underneath. His Malfoy family pin strategically placed on the lapels of his black jacket. I found myself inching closer to him, as if he was drawing me closer to him.


"Did you get my owl?" he asked, cocking his head to one side. 

"I did" I smirked, crossing one ankle of the other.

"You never responded" he furrowed his brow, "so is that a no?"

"No, it's not a no" I shook my head. "I just got it last night, I barely had any time to respond. Not to mention, I didn't know you would be here today."

"So you were planning on leaving me hanging? Lestrange..." he clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, "it looks like you were caught. Of course I would be here today, my family has a box right next to the Minister's, actually."

"Is that supposed to impress me?" I raised my brow at him, biting my cheek.

"I don't know, does it?" he chuckled as he ran his hand over his mouth. "You look lovely today— by the way."

He leaned in reaching around to the bar to order a drink. I took in a sharp breath of air, as his torso brushed against my own. He was so close to me, I wanted to wrap my hands around the lapels of his blazer and pull him into my lips. I wanted to know what he tasted like today, part of me thought it would be mint but he always surprised me. He muttered something to the bartender and leaned down to my ear.

"Green really does suit you" he breathed, his lips right at my ear. "Although, I am partial with being a snake and all."

He pulled away, bringing his firewhiskey to his lips. I let out a low whine at the loss of contact, hoping he didn't hear. I shook my head, trying to contain my inner feelings. I didn't need Draco Malfoy calling me out on obvious emotions. 

"Then why did you send me a red dress?" I blurted out, biting my lip after the words spilled out of my mouth.

"There is just something about the way crimson looks against your skin" he breathed, his grey eyes silver with lust. "The way it looks when it's on your lips."

Oh fuck me.

I squeezed my legs together tightly, positive that I wasn't being subtle about my feelings. He looked at me with a type of thirst that couldn't be quenched in one sitting. It was core shattering, I was positive my knickers were soaked with desire. His lips pulled up, as he smirked into his glass. He moved to lean against the bar and I matched his motions, turning to face him. I played with a drop of water that was resting on the surface of the metal counter.

"Who are you here with?" I asked, trying to diverge the conversation.

I spoke too fucking soon.

"Draco darling?"

I felt chills running down my spine as I felt her approach me. It was a voice that belonged to someone who I hadn't seen in years. A voice of a true bitch, Narcissa Malfoy

"Mum," Draco's eyes still on me, "I want you to meet someone."

I turned around, slowly facing the woman who forced me to take the Unbreakable Vow in order to protect her only son. My skin started to crawl as I gazed upon her tight face. She was older, but still beautiful. It was always said that the Black family had impeccable genes. She was wearing a long velvet black dress and a high collar. Diamonds pinned her ears and red coated her lips. Her pale blonde hair pulled back into an intricate updo, with the deep black peeking through on the underside.

"Mum, this is Armena. I work with her closely at the Ministry" Draco smirked, "she is a very good friend."

The way he said friend was obvious that we were not friends at all. I knew that Narcissa was not daft, she would pick up on our interaction in seconds. Just as predicted, Narcissa stilled for a second, her eyes sizing me up and down before she held out her well manicured hand. I grabbed onto her hand, sucking in a breath.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Malfoy" I smiled the best fake smile that I could possibly manage.

"Please, call me Narcissa" she gripped my hand tightly, reminding me that this was the very one that the Vow was taken on.

Her eyes flickered down to my hand, a smirk pulling up on her blood red lips as she noted the thin white lines of her Vow. She released my hand and placed it onto Draco's forearm.

"Darling, we should get back to our seats. The game is about to begin" she cooed, doting on her son.

I felt bile rise up in the back of my throat at the possessive way she looked at Draco. The colossal arena suddenly felt very constrictive. I wanted to escape and curl up in a dark corner.

"Well, I guess this is when we part ways" Draco smirked.

I nodded my head rapidly, not wanting to open my mouth in case I projectile vomited all over his expensive patent leather boots. I stepped back from the Malfoy's, my eyes looking over towards Pansy, who was furrowing her brow at the scene before her. Narcissa pulled her son away from me, back towards their family box.

"It was just a pleasure to meet you, Armena" Narcissa called over her shoulder.

But she didn't look pleased at all. 

In fact, the entire game was a living hell. I couldn't even focus on the players or what was happening because the entire time, I felt her eyes on me. Everytime the crowd cheered loudly I jumped in my seat, my hand gripping onto Pansy's tightly. Blaise looked over at me, his brow furrowing as he watched me. The intimate moment that I shared with Draco, had been shadowed by a dark and monstrous cloud that was Narcissa Malfoy's aura.

My mouth tasted bitter and no matter how much I tried to wash it out that night back in our flat— I couldn't. It was like it was branded on my tongue. 

After a restless night of sleep, I found myself staring at the red dress that hung over my mirror in my bedroom. I clutched the covers close to my chest, trying to run through everything in my mind. Hours ticked by until the sun started to shine through my bedroom window. I didn't even move from my bed when I heard Potter and Pansy in the next room, I just let the day waste away. I was tempted to pull out a fresh sheet of parchment and write to Draco, telling him that I had come down with some sort of bizarre illness that sent me right to St. Mungo's. Except that wouldn't work, because he would probably show up asking which room I was placed in.

Why was I letting Narcissa get to me? Why was I letting her silent threats tear me apart like she was ripping out my organs one by one? She already ripped my heart out of my chest ten years ago, was I really going to let her do more damage?

By going on this date was I doing more harm than good? I had already let Draco press his lips against my own and Pansy hadn't died. Potter's theory wasn't bad and I had let it sit in the back of my mind as I chewed on it. Honestly, the more I sat on it, the more comfort it gave me. Draco and I were co-workers, we were around each other every day and yet everyone was still alive and well. Pansy was a little off her rocker, but that was typical Pansy Parkinson behavior.

No, I couldn't let Narcissa Malfoy spoil my mood. I was going on a date with Draco fucking Malfoy and there was no way she was going to stop me.

I threw my duvet off my body and walked into the bathroom. Dark circles plagued my eyes and my hair looked dull. I was utterly exhausted. I waved my hand over my body, casting various charms. The dark circles disappeared immediately, but I was in desperate need of a shower. I let the warm water pour down my neck and over my spine as I stared at the tile floor. I let myself begin to think again about everything, I mean this is where I did my best thinking. I had two hours until Draco Malfoy came flying through my fireplace. I had two hours to run over anything in my head once again. 

There was no backing out now. 

If Draco and I could get through this, we could evolve into something— more. What would that mean? Would I be able to date Draco Malfoy, knowing full well everything that we shared in the past? Would he be able to date me if I told him about my past? Could I tell him that Pansy erased his memories ten years ago? He would blow a fuse and probably murder her on the spot. Would we actually be able to be something more?

I knew one thing for certain, I wanted to find out. 

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