Choosing Love

By Ginnyrules27

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(Sequel to Choosing Family) After the events of Ben's coronation, Mal finds herself adjusting to life in Aura... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Nineteen

603 22 8
By Ginnyrules27

Ben sighed as he walked over to the gym. It was the best place to find Uma and right now, he needed to talk to her. He knew everyone changed, that was just a way of life. But Mal's request to not have the dragon nickname be used...well it honestly bothered him.

Uma would know if anyone was giving Mal a hard time about being a VK. They were practically glued to the hip ever since Uma got from the Isle, or at least that's how it seemed to Ben. Not that Ben blamed them. If he'd been separated from Chip for even a week, he'd be hard pressed to leave his side.

Walking into the gym, he couldn't help but smile as he watched Uma and Harry once again go at it with swords. They truly were good at what they did. Though, as Harry once told him one of the first times Ben had seen them in action, they were pirates. They couldn't not be good at sword fighting otherwise how could they protect themselves and their crew?

The Isle was probably the most dangerous place in Auradon after all, and they had younger crew members to look out for. Mal would have killed them if they let anything happen to Hadie while she was across the bridge.

Plus, Harry was a Hook. They were practically pirate royalty after all. It would have been more alarming if he hadn't been good at swordplay.

"Nice match," he said as Harry's sword hit the ground with a clang. Uma and Harry looked over at him with a little bit of shock as if they weren't expecting him to be there. Well, granted, it was class time but all the classes got cancelled due to Cotillion prep. Fairy Godmother figured that it would elevate stress if there were a few days off here and there—Mal had told him she figured it was because Jane was the one planning the thing this time.

Ben thought that made sense. Fairy Godmother would want to try to elevate stress for her daughter where she could and if that meant the whole school got a day off from classes here and there, they weren't going to argue.

"Thanks Benny," Uma nodded as she picked up Harry's sword and handed it to him. "Mal's not here."

"I know," Ben nodded. "I'm looking for you. I'd like a word."

"I know nothing about that smoke bomb that went off in Charming Jr.'s face," Uma said instantly.

"What smoke bomb?" Ben asked with a small chuckle. He knew which smoke bomb she was talking about, how could he not? The thing went off right in front of him, and of course Uma had to know something about it. It was a bright teal smoke bomb after all.

Chad hadn't minded though, to Ben's surprise. Then again, Chad had been more of himself ever since Leah had been sent to the Isle. Every so often, especially if he was around Audrey, he would act 'prattish' as Akiho would often say but more often than not Chad would be the way he used to be back when he and Ben were kids.

Kitty and Lucy were a bit apprehensive about the change but Alexandria seemed to welcome it. Then again, she was the youngest Charming. To her, Chad might have just been changing for the better and not going back to the way he used to be.

"Right. So what did you want to talk about Benny?" Uma asked as Harry looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, as if he didn't know what she had been talking about.

Ben sighed. "Has...has Mal seemed different to you?"

"Oh thank Gods someone else has noticed it! " Uma sighed in relief. Ben blinked in surprise, that definitely hadn't been the reaction he had expected.

"I don't know if I should be happy that someone else has noticed it or sad that I'm not the only one," he sighed.

Harry sheathed his sword and shook his head. "Benny, I think everyone has noticed that something's going on with Mal. She couldn't make it more obvious that something was wrong than if she shot a cannon at us."

"Trust me Ben, I feel the same way," Uma nodded. "But whoever that is, that's not Mal. Something's wrong. She doesn't spray paint anymore, she won't draw dragons. Actually she hasn't worn anything with a dragon on it or that looks remotely Isle like for a while. Not even her leather jacket which she hasn't taken off since she got it when she was eight. In fact, if anyone even mentions the word 'dragon' around her, she...she almost gets paler than normal and quickly changes the subject."

"She asked me not to call her dragon," Ben said softly and Uma and Harry looked at each other sharply before looking back at Ben. "It's been my nickname for her ever since she transformed at my coronation and I don't know why she doesn't want it anymore. She was out of the blue too. I honestly thought she was fine with it."

After all, he had experience with nicknames he didn't want. If he had to hear the words 'Bennyboo' or 'Bennybear' one more time from Emir, Akiho, or Chip...

He sighed, pushing that thought out of his head, and ran a hand through his hair. "This...this is going to sound weird but...I miss her..." he whispered.

"It doesn't sound weird Ben," Uma sighed and looked over at Harry. "I miss her too. The real her, not this pod person."

Ben bit his lip. "I just...I wish I knew what was going on but whenever I ask, she just gives me this fake smile and says that she's fine. But I know she's not fine. I used to be the same back when I was betrothed to Audrey, pretending everything was fine even when everything was piling up and...and it hurts that Mal won't tell me what's going on."

Uma sighed. "Mal's better at dealing with emotions than I am but...she still bottles things drives Uncle Hades and Aunt Steph insane sometimes."

"It's one of the few ways to survive on the Isle, keeping your emotions bottled up," Harry added and Ben couldn't help but notice Uma glance over at the pirate. "An emotion is a weakness, it's a way for your opponent or your enemy to get under your skin and potentially get one over on you."

"But...why not talk to me? She knows she can," Ben said softly. "I haven't been...I haven't been too busy for her with my king duties have I?"

"Of course not Ben," Uma sighed and shook her head. "But, and this might just be me but...Mal seems to be the busy one, not you. Every time I see her lately, it seems like she's either throwing me a quick smile as she goes out the door to another meeting or class or she's on the phone with someone. I didn't think being the girlfriend of the King required so many meetings."

"Don't forget all the time she spends with Natalie. Mal seems to have dozens of meetings with her on top of her Cotillion prep stuff," Harry added. "I've never met her but I'm beginning to hate her more than I hate Gil. Hell, I hate her more than I hate Freddy."

"Who?" Ben asked with a small frown. That name...where did he know that name?

"Fred Frollo," Harry explained. "We all hate him. Mal started calling him 'Freddy' when we were five and it just stuck."

Ben nodded—now he remembered where he knew that name from. From his trip to the Isle all those months ago.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about Mal's handler," Uma nodded before rolling her eyes at the mention of Natalie. "Amazing since she's constantly blowing up Mal's phone. And just to give you a sense of how much I hate her, Benny, I hate her more than I hate Blueberry."

Ben frowned. Ever since he'd talked to Natalie when he answered Mal's phone a week ago, he'd been trying to get a sense of Mal's schedule. But for the life of him, he couldn't find Mal's planner at all. "How many times does Natalie call her? Mal I mean? I doubt she calls Evie."

Uma shrugged. "I couldn't give you a real number Ben. I'm not always around Mal, even if it seems like I am. But the times that I am around her? I'd say maybe eleven times?"

Ben stared at her in shock. "That's mad! That would have to be like twice every minute!"

"Mal does seem glued to that phone," Uma sighed. "In between her meetings, school work, trying to make time for Hadie, hanging out with you and Blueberry's fittings for her Cotillion gown, I'm amazed Mal has time to breathe. It's...Mal can't keep this up Ben. At some point she's going to snap."

"I know, I know," Ben sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What about the others? Have they noticed anything?"

"Jay's noticed something's up with her," Harry nodded. "So's DeVil."

"What about Gil?"

"Fish for Brains wouldn't notice if his hair was on fire! But he does like Mal so he might have noticed. At the very least, I know that girl he's caught a shining to has noticed...considering she's Mali's cousin. I don't know if Blueberry's noticed anything, and Hadie probably has noticed too, he's Mal's brother after all. If he hasn't noticed..."

Ben sighed and held up a hand to stop Harry's rambling. He had heard enough.

"Uma...reach out to your aunt," he said softly. "If we're going to reach out to Mal about this, I want to make sure her parents are informed."

"Ben, Aunt Steph's still on the Isle," Uma stated. "I'm all for letting her know but doesn't that seem almost cruel to make her worry when she can't leave the Isle?"

Ben looked at her for a minute. "Uma...Mal's going through something. When I needed to get out of my betrothal contract, my mom was the one I needed to reach out to. Mal will have her mom with her because I will make it so Lady Persephone can leave the Isle early if she wants. Deal with Zeus be damned, Mal comes first."

Uma smiled at that. "If I didn't already like you Benny, that would have made it so. Give me a sec, I'll reach out to Aunt Steph."

She sighed and shook her head before reaching out on her mental link.

Aunt Steph? You there?


I hope I'm not bothering you but I wanted to reach out.

You are never a bother Uma. But you hardly ever reach out on the mental link, at least not to me. something wrong? Is it Hadie? Mal?

It's...Aunt Steph, something's going on with Mal, Uma told her, feeling as if a weight had been removed as she told her aunt. Finally someone would know who could do something. Everyone's noticed and she won't talk to anyone. Even Ben's concerned.

I can feel her panic and stress through the mental link every day but she's got me on mute, Persephone said with a sigh. She's got her father on mute as well, meaning he's been taking his frustration out on Pain and Panic. Thankfully, ever since Maleficent became a lizard, people have been turning to him to rule the Isle since Mal stated she was his daughter at King Ben's coronation.

I bet Uncle Hades loves that.

You know what, oddly enough he does not, Persephone said, giving a dry chuckle. But it helps to keep his mind off of Mal and her muted link so that can only be a good thing. Otherwise he'd drive himself mad. You know he actually reached out to your grandfather to see if he'd heard anything?


Yes. He wasn't thrilled when Poseidon didn't know anything and he was even less thrilled when your grandfather recommending he reach out to Zeus.

Ooh Uncle Hades would definitely not like the idea of reaching out to Zeus.

You would be right in that regard. But because it had to do with Mal, he did so. Granted Zeus also knew nothing but Hades brought me into the conversation otherwise it more than likely would have been derailed with your uncle ranting at Zeus.

Uncle Hades can go on pretty impressive rants, Uma said, nodding slightly through the mental link.

Persephone chuckled and then sighed. Uma, I want to be there for Mal. I don't know what's going on but if she needs me...Gods, if it wasn't for this agreement I'd be by her side right now!

Well then you're in luck Aunt Steph. Ben said he'd grant you early leave from the Isle. He'd probably have to send a car since there's no way the stubborn old swan known as my uncle would let you leave early through the portal but—."

A car is fine, Persephone said instantly. It's perfect actually. How soon would that car be here?

I'm sure Ben would send it right now but let me ask him. I'll be right back.

"Benny," Uma said, coming out of the mental link and looking over at Ben. "Would you be sending a car to pick up Aunt Steph?"

"Of course," Ben nodded. "We don't have time to try to finagle a meeting with Lord Zeus and I can send a car right away. In fact, I'll send that car once I'm back in my office so Lady Persephone can be here today."

Uma nodded and tuned back into the mental link. Ben says he'll send the car right away.

I knew he'd be quick about it but I didn't think he'd be that quick, Persephone thought, slightly amazed.

He's worried about Mal. I think he really cares about her Aunt Steph. I know I don't really do the touchy feely stuff but I'd have to be blind not to see it.

Well then I'm glad he's there for her, Persephone said. And I'll be there too. I'll be on the lookout for the car.

Knowing Ben, he might be driving that car, Uma chuckled as she disconnected the mental link.

"Uma, you go and get Mal," Ben said. "See if she's up for talking. I can meet you guys in my office."

"Ben, won't she feel like she's in trouble if I take her to your office to talk to you?" Uma asked.

Ben sighed. "It's the only location I can guarantee privacy for her. If we do it outside, there's a risk of someone overhearing and sending it over to The Gazelle. I'd rather not have Mal have to deal with that."

"And your dorm's not exactly private cap'n," Harry pointed out. "Since you're rooming with Blueberry."

"Hang on," Ben said slowly, an idea starting to form. "What if we just meet in my office and then we can go over to my dorm? I don't have a roommate so it's guaranteed privacy."

Uma and Harry looked at each other and nodded.

"I'll make sure Jay and DeVil are distracted," Harry said. "Otherwise they'll be trying to crash your meeting with Mal. I mean, Jay makes sense. He's practically Mal's first mate the way I'm Uma's but DeVil?"

"The pup's changed for the better ever since he got to get in the sun and away from Cruella," Uma nodded. "But also this'll make sure Blueberry can't butt in.

"Though I think she's over at the hospital right now, cap'n," Harry told her.

"She is," Ben nodded. Evie had been sure to inform Ben whenever she went to the hospital to spend time with her dad, even though that wasn't necessary. It wasn't as if he would ever forbid her from doing that. The only reason he hadn't told her to stop letting him know was because it was a good way of making sure he knew where she was in case something happened. Not because he thought she'd do anything but because he wanted to know for her safety.

Auradon had a long memory after all and they only just started to bring kids over from the Isle. Leah had blamed Mal for something Maleficent did and she wasn't even Maleficent's daughter!

"Benny, talk to your shadows," Uma said, pulling Ben back into the conversation and out of his thoughts. "I know your female friends are also worried even if it's hard to tell with Jordan. But Mal'll only clam up if there are too many people in the room or if someone randomly barges in."

"Right," Ben nodded and sent a quick text to Emir. Of his two shadows, he was usually the calmer of the two when it came to things like this. Maybe it was because he was a middle child and was used to drama whereas Akiho was an only child like Ben?

To Ben's surprise, he got a response back immediately.

Please tell me you're not going to propose to Mal and that's why you need privacy.

You may be insane you realize that? Ben texted back. If I was going to propose to my girlfriend, would I really do it in my dorm?

Okay, you have a point there. But Ben, you do realize we're all concerned about her too.

Let me have a conversation with her in private Emir. You all can plan a picnic for her, how about that? may have just said the magic word to get Akiho excited.

Picnic? Why would he get excited about...he gets to make sandwiches doesn't he?

Got it in one.

I need different friends.

You know you love us.

Yeah, I do. I'll love you guys even more if you can guarantee me the privacy with Mal.

Done and done, oh kingly one!

Ben looked at his phone and shook his head in astonishment.

"From the look on Benny's face, the shadows have been contacted," Harry chuckled. "Well cap'n, I'm off to make sure Jay and the pup don't bother you though that may mean I'll be subjected to Tourney talk."

"I'm sure Mal will appreciate your sacrifice," Uma chuckled.

"It probably won't be that bad if it's just Jay and DeVil," Harry said, shaking his head. "If it's Akiho and Emir along with them though...Gods how can four boys talk about one thing for hours on end?"

"Harry, you could talk about sword work until the earth fell off its axis," Uma told him.

"Yes and your point is cap'n?"

Ben couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped his lips. It was obvious that Harry and Uma had an unspoken thing but for the life of him he couldn't figure out why they hadn't said anything or gotten together. Mal used to rant to him for hours about how their denial would only end if one of them had gotten wounded in battle.

He missed those rants. He missed how Mal's eyes would get bright with passion about something, he missed how she'd stick out her tongue ever so slightly as she was trying to get a detail right in a sketch or a tag.

Hell, he missed the feel of her leather jacket as he gave her a hug. He missed the faint aroma of spray paint fumes that seemed to follow her around everywhere she went.

He missed her.

"Okay," Uma nodded, bringing Ben's attention back to the conversation at hand. "I'll go and get Mal. Benny, you go and get that car sent for Aunt Steph. I'm sure she's waiting and driving Uncle Hades mad with her pacing since I didn't say what was going on with Mal. Only that something was."

"Uma...we don't know what's going on with Mal."

"That doesn't change the fact that the vagueness will probably drive Aunt Steph up the wall until she can actually see Mal," Uma stated as she started to make her way to the door, her back straightening up and a sense of urgency entering her walk. Her cousin needed her...her crew mate needed her.

This was something she could do as a captain and as the Gods as her witness, she would do it.

She would get her Mal back. No matter how long it took, she'd get her back.

"Better go do as she says," Harry told Ben as he started to follow. "Once Uma's got her mind made up about something, chances are it's next to impossible to get her to change it."

"Well then it's a good thing I wouldn't want her to do that," Ben told him, pulling out his phone and calling his chief attendant. "Dean? It's Ben. Oh right, you already knew that from the caller ID. Anyway, can you please have a car sent over to the Isle of the Lost? That's right. Yes we are picking up someone. Lady Persephone. You can have the car sent in fifteen minutes? Dean, you're awesome and remind me to give you a raise."

Ben hung up and looked at Harry as he pocketed his phone. "I meant what I said by the way. I'd be lost without Dean really, he's like what Cogsworth was to my dad."

"Only less uptight about time?" Harry asked with a chuckle, still making his way toward the door.

"You could say that," Ben nodded with a sheepish smile. Even though he was now king, he still had a bit of a reputation for running late. Actually it'd gotten to the point where Dean was telling him meetings started a half hour earlier than they already did, just as an attempt to get Ben to one meeting on time.

Though, as Ben would often remind anyone who complained about his tardiness, sometimes class ran late.

"Come on," Harry said, as he stopped and looked over at Ben. "Mal's not going to fix herself you know? Plus I doubt she'd be willing to talk in this smelly gym."

"Does she still spar?" Ben asked as he made his way over to the first mate. "Mal I mean?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "If Mal ever stopped sparring, I think we'd be having a different conversation because Uma and I would probably be before you accused of kidnapping your girlfriend."

"Please don't. I'm rather fond of my girlfriend," Ben said, shaking his head slightly. He now knew what Mal meant when she said that Emir and Akiho were like Auradon's version of Harry and Jay. How many times did his shadows threaten to kidnap him whenever they felt his schedule got too hectic?

Heck, they practically declared they were going to do that when Ben announced he would need to step down because he was taking over as King for his dad.

They were his best friends, they'd do anything for him. And now, it seemed, they'd do anything for Mal too. It was certainly a change from how they were around Audrey—but honestly Ben did not miss the four hour long rants about his ex.

The two boys made their way out of door and split off, Harry to go keep Jay and Carlos from interfering with the meeting and Ben to make his way to his office to prepare for Lady Persephone before talking with Mal.

Hey, there was no way he was going to greet a Goddess in his bedroom!

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