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10.8K 469 2.1K

—— A wave of adrenaline ran through Miya's veins. The only thing running through his mind was the way y/n was staring at him before the race.

"Why was she staring at me like that? And more importantly, why was I staring back at her like that?" He thought.

Despite the fact that Miya Chinen was in the middle of a race, his thoughts wandered off somewhere else completely.

"Snap out of it, now's not the time!" Miya shook his head.

He looked ahead, and saw a sharp turn. Miya knew the perfect trick to maneuver around the corner.

"With this, Langa won't be able to catch up! He's only slightly behind me, so I need to avoid any opportunity for him to slip by!" He thought.

Miya jumped up and flipped his board to the edge. Using the rim and wheels of his board, he was able to use this trick around the curb of this sharp turn.

"I'd like to see your attempt of beating that!" Miya exclaimed mockingly.

And yet, deep down, Miya knew that Langa could probably find a way to get around the corner. Langa was the type to think outside of the box, sharing a similarity to y/n. They were both quick thinkers and could pull off something no one would expect.

Langa did just that. He gained speed, and jumped on a tree branch, and bounced him off, giving him a boost. The rookie had did something unexpected again.

"Tsk." Miya spat out. He leaned forward and focused all of his body weight on to the board to accelerate further.

Up ahead was the entrance to the abandoned factory. Miya took note of this to block off the broken beam Langa had used when he skated against Shadow.

The cat boy was slightly ahead, he was basically blocking every possible path to get to the finish line before him.

"There is no way he can pass me now, not unless he uses the railings, which is practically falling apart-"

Miya's trails of thoughts were broken when Langa had did exactly what he thought he wouldn't do.

The Canadian boy was doing a rail slide on the rusty railing, his board inching closer to the end. Just as everyone though he was going to fall off, Langa did a full 180 spin and continued sliding down the other half of the railing with ease.

"But how?! Normal skateboards don't rotate like that!" Miya was shocked.

"The winner is SNOW!!" Someone called out.

Langa had beat Miya by an inch. Langa was so close to losing, but he still won anyways. Miya didn't understand how someone like him was able to think that way.

"Langa, you're so awesome! My Reki-L25 pulled this off so nicely!" Reki called out as he ran up to Langa, squeezing him tightly within his arms.

"But I was the one skating..." Langa pointed out.

"Langa, you did so great!" Y/n chimed in, giving Langa a wide grin.

"I-I don't understand why I didn't win! I'm clearly more experienced, and yet..." Miya trailed off, he was in the verge of tears.

"I can tell you why, Miya." A voice said to him.

Miya looked up, his eyes met with Reki's amber gaze. It was the slime.

"You see, you didn't look like you were having fun when you were skating." Reki said to him.

"Fun?! How can you skate for fun?! The last time I did, everyone left me. They all leave in the end anyways..." Miya cried out, tears were in his eyes.

A flick on his forehead made him snap out of his current state.

"Are you stupid?! Is that how you felt this whole time?" A female voice said to him.

It was y/n. The same girl who he thought was ignoring him. The same girl who ditched him for a slime.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Are you saying that I left you?"

"Well yeah, you ditched me for a slime-"

"That's not how it is! I thought I was forcing this friendship on you, and I didn't want to bother you anymore! Plus Reki's not a slime, how many times do I have to tell you?!" Y/n shouted at him.

That moment, everything was silent. The crowd just stood there in shock, not wanting to interrupt drama between some random middle schoolers.

"Forcing the friendship? Why do you think I let you call me your best friend? Why do you think I came when you were in detention?! Do I have to admit to you that I care? That I care about-"

And there it was. The warmth of an embrace that Miya loved so much has returned.

"God, you're such an idiot, Neko-boy." Y/n whispered, her eyes full of tears.

"You look ugly when you cry." Miya sniffled.

"You're crying too, Miya. Why do you have to be such an idiot sometimes?" Y/n giggled.

"Jesus Christ, this is so cheesy I could barf." Shadow spoke up from behind them.

"Don't interrupt middle school romance!" Reki gave Shadow a deathly glare. The red head elbowed the older man.

It was probably a good thing that y/n and Miya were too busy to notice Reki's comment.

"Besides, not everyone is going to be like that, Miya." Langa said suddenly.

"Yeah, we're never going to disappear from your sight!" Reki smiled out Miya.

Reki ran up to Miya and started squishing his cheeks, making weird faces along with him.

"Reki is making such a weird face right now..." Y/n shook her head.

"He's always had a weird face." Langa stated.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Reki shouted from a distance, still squeezing Miya's cheeks.

"I said you had an unique face!" Langa shouted back.


"He's just special that way, Langa." Y/n snickered.

The tension in the air had disappeared. Everyone was laughing, as if everything was going to be alright for once.

———"My my, I'd hate to interrupt such a lovely moment."

Y/n looked up, and saw a tall slender man gliding on a skateboard towards the group. He had remarkably bright blue hair, his face covered with a mask, and he had a rose in his mouth. The crowd was now gasping and praising the arrival of Adam.

"It's Adam! The legend!"

"It really is him! What a lucky day!"

While his face was covered, y/n knew for certain it was Adam. The man who was supposedly friends with her father.

"Miya, you're all empty now. You may have friends, but it doesn't change anything. You're useless." Adam said to the cat boy, his face wearing a menacing smirk.

Y/n gasped in shock. She didn't expect Adam to talk to Miya in such a rude manner.

"You take that back right now." A stern voice said.

It was Reki. His usual goofy manner was now replaced with an angry aura. His eyes were piercing right at Adam, filled with determination.

"Hm? And what if I don't? What are you gonna do about it?" Adam mocked him.

"Then... I guess I'll take you down with this." Reki pulled out his skateboard.

"No way, there is no way Reki challenged Adam to a beef." Y/n thought.

"No! Don't do this, I don't need your pity!" Miya cried out.

"Miya, I'm not pitying you. It's just that I absolutely hate guys like him!"

"Fine then. Let's settle the prize, shall we?" Adam agreed, with a sinister look upon his face.

Y/n's head was still in shock. Never in a million years would she have expected her father's friend to be such a wicked man. She never trusted Adam to begin with, but seeing that he messed with her friends, she had to do something about it.

"Count me in too." Y/n spoke up suddenly.

The words of her own father rang through her head.

"Life is about taking risks and learning from those experiences, so you can be the best version of yourself."

Everyone stared at her in shock. Y/n in a beef with Adam and Reki?!

"Adam, remember what you had asked me?"

"Of course. Then I'll ask it again. Who do you skate for, y/n?" Adam smirked at the young teenager.

—— It was at this moment, that Miya knew. He knew that y/n was not going to disappear like everyone else.

This particular exchange between Adam and y/n replayed in his head repeatedly.

"Who do you skate for, y/n?"

He could remember y/n's face stretch into a mischievous grin.

"I skate for Miya Chinen."

She had said that out loud so nonchalantly that he still couldn't believe his ears.

Miya was so stubborn about his emotions, and he even pushed her away twice.

And yet, she stayed. She still cared deep down even if she didn't show it.

So he knew.

Miya knew that y/n was much more than merely a best friend.

Because, the passion of skating y/n felt, was for him.

A pathetic 13 year old resident cat boy.

A/n: oh my god this chapter is so juicy I think we need more towels to soak it all up.


but 13 year olds are over dramatic so yeah.

There we go again, author is dissing her own characters again.

Also does anyone actually simp/kin for Adam? If you do then you're probably immune to every single disease possible.


(Pls at this rate I'll catch up with the show and I'll have nothing to write abt until an episode drops- jkjk I'll drag this on >:)) )

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