𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧�...

By _myaghm

113K 4.3K 1.1K

With Voldemort on the rise once again, will Leonardo have the strength to defeat him? Follow the second half... More

V. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Homeless Howard:
VI. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Enoch Beckett:
Author's Note!
VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II:
19 Years Later:


1.4K 49 11
By _myaghm

"Like this?" Howard asked, him and Leo outside of the cottage. It had been a couple months now and Leo's leg had gotten a lot better. With a lot of rest and healing potions from Fleur, the boy was completely okay but had a cool scar and a small, unnoticeable limp to remember. The Quartet had learned that Bill and Fleur lived here, the rest of the Order nowhere to be seen. Leo only wondered for George, causing him to space out a few times. Today was one of those times. "Leo?" Howard asked, Leo staring at the ground from his seat. "Oh, for God sake." Howard complained, trudging to Leo and hitting the back of his head. "Ow!" Leo shot back, holding his nape and scowling at Howard. "You were daydreaming again!" Howard complained, Bill leaning out of the open window. "Is my George really that captivating?" He asked slyly, Howard snickering as Luna appeared at the open archway, Leo glaring at Bill.

"Shut up!" He spoke, a blush on his face none-the-less, Bill fist bumping Howard. The two had become friends during Leo's recovery, the boy just as shocked as you are. "Muggles think these keep evil away," Luna spoke, observing one of the ornaments. Howard just looked to the girl, squinting as Leo snickered himself. "They're wrong." She continued obliviously, Howard walking forward. "Well, I'm not wrong cos I don't think they do anything but make noises." He defended himself, Leo watching Luna look the man up and down. "I never spoke towards you, Howard." She spoke back without a care, Leo's face dropping as Howard stuttered for words. "She's got you there." Bill grinned, Leo patting Howard's shoulder in sympathy. "How degrading-" "I need to talk to the Goblin." Harry declared, everyone looking towards him.


Leaving Howard with Luna, Leo followed his friends upstairs to Griphook's room. The Goblin sat on his chair, his eyes closed as he rested in pyjamas. "How are you?" Harry asked, Leo moving to sit on Griphook's bed so Hermione wasn't sandwiched between him and Ron. "Alive." Griphook answered, Leo blinking tiredly. "You probably don't remember the time-" "The time I showed you and Leonardo to your vaults the first time you came to Gringotts?" Griphook interrupted, Leo clearing his throat. "It's Leo, you know-" "Even amongst Goblins, you two are famous. You buried the Elf." Griphook interrupted, Leo glaring at the back of his head as Harry moved in front of Griphook. "Yes." Harry answered, leaning on the windowsill. "And brought me here. You are a very unusual wizard." Griphook spoke, Leo watching curiously. "How did you come by this sword?" Griphook asked, Leo wondering the same thing.

When he showed up, the Trio just had the sword with no explanation of getting it. Wanting to know, Leo sat up slightly as Harry answered. "It's complicated." Harry spoke simply, Leo's eyebrows scrunching up. "Why did Bellatrix LeStrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?" Harry shot back, Leo's whole face scrunching up. "It's complicated." Griphook answered, Leo finally getting up as he slid over the Goblin's bed, standing next to Harry. "The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it." Harry answered finally, Leo looking at the sword. "There is a sword in Madame LeStrange's vault, identical to this one. But it is a fake." Griphook informed, Leo's head tilting. "How wouldn't she know it's a fake?" Leo spoke up, Harry nodding as Griphook held his hands together. "The replica is very convincing. Only a Goblin would recognise that is the true sword of Gryffindor." Griphook answered, Leo biting his bottom lip.

"Who is the acquaintance?" Hermione asked, Griphook looking back to her for a moment. "A Hogwarts Professor. As I understand it, he is now the Headmaster." Griphook answered, Leo's face dropping. "Snape? He put a fake sword in BellaTrix's vault? Why?" Ron asked, Leo looking to the Goblin. "There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Hogwarts." The Goblin spoke, Leo looking to Harry. "And in Madame LeStrange's vault as well?" He asked, Griphook sighing. "Perhaps." He spoke slyly, Leo looking back to him. "I need to get into Gringott's. Into one of the vaults." Harry spoke, Leo keeping his eyes on the Elf. "This is impossible." Griphook replied, Leo getting an idea. "Alone, yes. With you, nope." Harry looked to Leo, shocked that he figured out his plan already. "Why should I help you?" Griphook turned to Leo, him shrugging. "Gold? A lot of it." Leo offered, Harry nodding as Griphook shook his head.

"I have no interest in gold." Griphook answered, Leo's face scrunching up. "What do you want then?" He asked, the Goblin pointing to the sword. "That." He answered, the Trio looking to Leo as he stared at the blade. "That is my family heirloom." Leo answered, Harry sighing. "That is my price." Griphook shot back, Leo and him having a stare off before Leo sighed.



Leo heard both Howard's and Bill's voice downstairs as they conversed, Luna probably staying quiet. "Are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione questioned Harry, Leo standing behind Ron. "She was terrified we'd been in there. She kept asking what else we had taken. I bet you there's a Horcrux in there. Another piece of his soul." Harry answered, the door opening as Fleur stepped out. "He's very weak." She informed, going downstairs as the Quartet piled into Ollivander's room. "Mr Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions." Harry asked, the man nodding from his spot. "Anything, my boy. Anything." He spoke weakly, Leo shutting his door behind them. "Would you mind identifying this wand?" Harry asked, moving forward with a wand as he gave it to Ollivander. He seemed to have a feel of the object, looking up at the group again.

"This belonged to Bellatrix LeStrange. Treat it carefully." Ollivander advised, handing the wand back to Harry as the boy wasted no time in handing him another wand. "This was the wand of Draco Malfoy." He answered after 'listening' to it, Leo's face scrunching up. "Was? Is it not still?" Harry seemed to voice Leo's thoughts, Ollivander smiling to him. "Well, perhaps not. Someone stole it from him. A man, presumably." Leo's face dropped, a wide smile taking over his face. "Howie!" He exclaimed, everyone turning to him. "He disarmed Draco's wand." He spoke as if it were obvious, Harry's face scrunching up. "He's not a wizard?" Harry turned to Ollivander, him shrugging with a smile. "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr Potter." Ollivander grinned, Leo over the moon as he asked for Howard's new wand. "Meet us at the table!" Hermione called down quickly as Leo sped away with Draco's old wand.

"Howie! Howie!" Leo yelled, the room silent as his chants went more and more muffled. "What the bleeding hell are you yelling for?" Howard called back, Leo finding him laid on the couch resting his eyes. "Remember when you disarmed Draco?" Leo asked excitedly, Howard rolling his eyes. "Don't give me that! Anyway, the wand chose you now! You have a wand!" Leo cheered, Bill and Fleur walking in as Howard stayed silent. "What's all this ruckus about?" Fleur spoke, Leo jumping excitedly. "Howie has a wand!" Bill's eyes widened, Howard still shocked as he took the wand. "I'm not a wizard..." He 'asked', Leo shrugging. "Well, the man that listens to wands said that it chose you so your something." Leo assured, Howard taking Sirius' wand out of his pocket. "I guess its about time you had this back then." He spoke, Leo nodding. "This calls for some sort of celebration, don't you think?" Bill smirked, Fleur grinning up at him as Leo shook his head, taking Sirius' wand.

"I'm off out with Harry, Hermione and Ron. You guys can still celebrate though." Leo informed, Bill nodding as Howard patted Leo's back. "Bye." He spoke, Leo high fiving the man and walking to the table where the Trio waited. "Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asked, Leo seeing Hermione hold one of BellaTrix's hairs. "Positive." She answered, Leo sitting down.


"I did not miss this." Leo complained as he squirmed in Xaviero's clothes. "You shouldn't be complaining." Harry spoke, Leo turning to see Hermione, well, BellaTrix trudge up to them, Griphook not far behind. "Well? How did I look?" She asked, Leo's eyebrows raised. "You look just like the woman that killed me." Leo let out, Hermione looking to him. "That makes me feel guilty!" She shot back, Leo shrugging as he pushed his hair back. "Give that to Hermione, will you?" Leo asked Griphook, the Goblin putting the sword in Hermione's extendable bag. The Quartet all held hands in silence, Griphook being last. "If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the swords yours." Harry claimed, Leo nodding as they all apparated away.


"Madame LeStrange." A man greeted at Knockturn Alley, Leo, Ron and Harry hiding with Griphook. "Good morning." Hermione spoke in her normal voice, the man confused before walking away awkwardly. "Good morning? Good morning? You're BellaTrix LeStrange, not some Dewy-eyed school girl." Griphook scolded, Ron glaring at him. "Hey, easy." The boy warned, Griphook glaring at him as Harry and Leo only watched. "If she gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our on throats. Understand?" The Goblin shot back, Hermione sighing. "No, he's right. I was being stupid." She told the group, Leo rolling his eyes in impatience. "Can we just go?" He asked, Harry nodding. "Let's do it." He spoke, taking out the invisibility cloak and putting Griphook onto his shoulders, covering them both. "We look like your bodyguards." Leo grinned as the five walked into Gringotts, only three visible.

"Shut up!" Hermione scolded, Leo sighing before walking behind Hermione and next to Ron. He watched as the girl tripped over her heels a couple times, trying his hardest not to laugh. "You've never worn heels before?" He asked, Hermione glaring back at him. "I never found time for them." She answered, Leo shrugging. "Fair." He whispered, the five at the large stand with one Goblin. They stood there for a moment, Hermione clearing her throat a couple times. "I wish to enter my vault." She finally spoke, Leo grinning at the Goblin. "Identification?" He asked without looking up, Leo patting Hermione's shoulder and stepping forward. "I don't think that's necessary, mate." He spoke, Hermione startled by the accent he put on, the Goblin looking up. "Madame LeStrange, Xaviero." The Goblin greeted, Leo nodding to him awkwardly as did Hermione. "I don't like to be kept waiting." Hermione added as the Goblin walked away, Leo looking to her.

"Alright, jeez. The thing just left." He commented, Hermione only giving the boy a look that shut him up immediately. "They know she's an impostor. Leonardo, too. They've both been warned." Griphook whispered, only Ron hearing as he looked back, seeing a security guard stalk up to them from behind. "What do we do, Harry?" Leo turned around to Ron when he whispered, confused. "Wait, what?" He whispered, Ron looking up to him quickly. "They know you two aren't BellaTrix and Xaviero." He whispered harshly, Leo's face dropping as he nodded slowly, looking forward again. "Madame LeStrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" The Goblin came back with another Goblin, Leo putting a grin on again. "And why should I do that?" Hermione asked, Leo leaning on her shoulder. "It's the bank's policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate." The Goblin answered, Leo nodding as he hoped Harry was doing something to help.

"No," Hermione spoke as she glared at Leo, his nodding stopping immediately. "I most certainly do not understand." She looked back to the Goblin, him not standing down. "I'm afraid I must insist." He spoke calmly, Leo sighing before a spell washed over his face, the Goblin inhaling deeply. "Very well, Madame LeStrange. If you and Xaviero will follow me." He spoke, walking away as the group was quick to follow, Ron complaining. "Why didn't he say my name?" He asked, Leo shrugging. "Wizard Pyramid." He answered, Harry and Griphook separating. "What's that supposed to mean?" Ron asked as they got onto a carriage, speeding away. "I don't know-" Leo answered before they went under a waterfall, the group yelling. Everyone was silent as the lamp ejected, Griphook losing control of the cart when it stopped in the middle of the track. Then, the alarm started screeching, the cart dropping the group. "Shit!" Leo yelled, Hermione chanting a spell that kept them upright before falling slowly.

"Well done, Hermione." Ron praised, Leo holding his stomach as he got up. "You look like you again." Ron pointed to Leo, him nodding to Hermione. "You too." He commented, Griphook sighing. "The Thief's downfall. Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly." He informed, Ron looking to him. "You don't say." He spoke sarcastically, Leo stretching his back. "Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?" Ron asked the other Goblin, him confused. "No." Griphook answered, the Goblin seeming to come to his senses. "What the Devil are you all doing down here? Thieves!" He asked harshly, Leo surrendering quickly. "When you gave up the keys, you-" "'Imperio!'" Ron chanted, the Goblin inhaling the same spell once more and smiling dreamily. Griphook walked up to him just as a deep roar rumbled. "What was that?" Hermione asked, Leo smiling. "I heard that in first year!" He let out, Ron looking to him.

"That doesn't sound good." He told the boy, the Goblin leading them towards it. Leo's eyes widened when he was the first to see the large white dragon chained up. Both the Goblin and Griphook grabbed cowbells out of a chest, handing one to Ron. "That's an Ukrainian Ironbelly." Ron spoke as he grabbed the bell, the dragon stalking to them as far as it could. Griphook only shook the bells he had, leading the group around it as Leo watched the dragon cower from the noise. "It's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise." Griphook informed, Hermione looking at the dragon in sympathy. "That's barbaric." She spoke, the group finally getting past the dragon and up some stairs to a vault door. Griphook forced the other Goblin's hand onto it, the door opening with a pop. The Quartet walked in first, the Goblins shutting the door as everyone watched it lock.

"'Lumos.'" Harry lit up their wands, Leo tapping his back. "Do you have mine?" He asked, Harry nodding and giving him his unique wand. "Why have you never given it to me?" Leo asked, Harry lighting it up as he shrugged. "You never asked." He shot back, Leo smiling sarcastically as they joined Hermione and Ron in searching. "Blimey." Ron let out at all of the ornaments and galleons. "Is it in here, Harry? Can you feel anything?" Ron asked, Harry walking forward as he looked up, Leo following his eyesight to only see more ornaments. Not looking where he was standing, the boy tripped over a part of Hermione's dress, knocking over some sort of bracelet. "Sorry-" The boy was cut off when the bracelet multiplied, repeating this with each bounce. "That's it. Up there." Harry didn't seem to notice the bracelet, Leo putting his wand in his pocket. "I'll get it." Leo spoke as he walked up to Harry, showing his ring.

Harry nodded, stepping back as the objects multiplied further, Griphook staying by the door. "Everything you touch will multiply. The Gemino Curse." He informed, Leo looking back when one of the bracelets shot towards him from a bounce back, knocking his ring out of his hand. "My ring!" He exclaimed, Harry staying back with Ron and Hermione as Leo searched for his ring, the objects he moved multiplying. "Leo-" "Got it!" He yelled back to Hermione over the ornaments hitting together, putting it on as the ornaments blocked the group's vision of him. They all just watched in silence and anticipation as the ornaments towered up, red smoke escaping some parts of the pile... before it all went silent. The group watched in silence once more, Hermione jumping when Leo's hand shot up, the trophy in hand. "Got it!" He exclaimed, struggling to push himself out as the ornaments started to fill the room. "For the love of God!" Leo exclaimed as he finally pushed his way through.

Harry got the sword from Hermione, Leo dropping the cup on his fall as Griphook was quick to snatch it. "Griphook, we had a deal." Harry spoke, Leo rubbing his side in pain. "The cup for the sword." The Goblin declared, Leo looking to him as Harry passed him the sword. "You better be grateful for that, Goblin!" Leo yelled, Griphook grinning and chucking the cup to Hermione. "I said I'd get you in here. I didn't say anything about getting you out." The Goblin spoke as he ran off with the other Goblin, Leo groaning aloud. "Get back here, you prick!" He yelled, getting pushed by Harry out of the open vault door. "Griphook!" Harry yelled, the Quartet rushing to the staircase. "Thieves! Help!" The Goblin yelled, cowbell towards the dragon as Leo glared at the blade in his hand. "Foul little git. At least we've still got Bogrod." Ron spoke, Leo turning to him. "Is that his name? Well, Hi Bogrod-" Leo was cut off when Bogrod was most definitely burned alive.

Leo just scratched the back of his ear awkwardly with a cringe on his face as the four stood in silence. "That's unfortunate." Ron spoke, immediately in regret as Leo sighed, dropping his hand. The security guards shot spells at the four, Leo stood opposite Hermione as Harry stood opposite Ron. "We can't just stand here, who's got an idea?" Hermione asked, Leo taking a deep breathe. "Three, two, one!" Leo spoke, rushing out of the hiding spot and shooting energy balls at the guards, Harry startled. "Well, anyone else?" Hermione asked, Leo conjuring a large one in his hands to soon shoot towards them, trying so hard not to hit the dragon. He heard his friends converse before Hermione rushed past him, jumping onto the dragon. "Hermione, what the hell!" He shouted, reversing a spell that knocked a guard out. "Come on!" She urged, Leo following Harry and Ron. "This is mad!" He yelled, Hermione readjusting her grip. "I said that!" She spoke, Leo nodding.

"I see why!" He answered, Hermione ignoring him and shooting a spell at the chain, the dragon free. The large reptile climbed up the cave before shooting through the roof, the Goblin's yelling as the dragon destroyed their desks. Leo and his friends dodged multiple broken materials as the dragon finally left the building, resting on one. "Now what!" Ron asked Hermione, Leo gripping on harder. "Reducto!'" Hermione chanted, the dragon roaring before flying away, Leo screaming for dear life.

Even though he could fly...

I think I'm doing a lot of things each chapter lmao.

Which makes this one [3210 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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