The Love That Bonds Us

By onigiri_oya

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Agnarr has been waiting to go to the Enchanted Forest for the past four years. But after the following tragic... More

Chapter 1 : The Enchanted Forest
Chapter 2 : Rescue and Escape
Chapter 3 : Return Of The King
Chapter 4 : Kindness of Arendelle
Chapter 5 : The First Of Many Meetings
Chapter 6 : He's Not Just Royalty
Chapter 7 : Fit For A King
Chapter 8 : The Good And The Bad
Chapter 9 : The Waltz
Chapter 10 : When Sparks Fly
Chapter 11 : What's Free Time To A King
Chapter 12 : Winter Days And Warm Fires
Chapter 13 : The Winter Festival
Chapter 14 : Can You Feel The Love
Chapter 15 : She's On His Mind
Chapter 16 : A Christmas Surprise
Chapter 17 : The Jule Bell
Chapter 18 : Presents Galore
Chapter 19 : Why Are Goodbyes So Hard
Chapter 20 : The Rock Trolls
Chapter 21 : A Cryptic Warning
Chapter 22 : Life Goes On
Chapter 23 : The Perfect Present
Chapter 24 : So This Is Love
Chapter 25 : A Kiss To Remember
Chapter 26 : The Carpenter Dream
Chapter 27 : An Ideal Bride
Chapter 28 : Woodcarver And Queen
Chapter 29 : He Is The King
Chapter 30 : She Works Through It
Chapter 31 : A Riveting Discussion
Chapter 32 : Appearances Are Everything
Chapter 33 : Queen In Training
Chapter 34 : Approval Or Disapproval
Chapter 35 : Strengthened Suspicion
Chapter 36 : The Girl Who Lied
Chapter 37 : Change Is In The Air
Chapter 38 : Giving Up
Chapter 39 : Three Surprise Guests
Chapter 40 : Love And Hate
Chapter 41 : The Angry King
Chapter 42 : The Sacrifice
Chapter 43 : When All Is Lost
Chapter 44 : Her New Adventure
Chapter 45 : An Engagement Party
Chapter 46 : A Coronan Affair
Chapter 48 : The Mystery Solved
Chapter 49 : Happily Ever After

Chapter 47 : Forgiveness

337 5 0
By onigiri_oya


"Fred!" I shouted, racing after my best friend as he made his way towards his boat, my sister by his side.

It had only been a few hours since the Engagement party ended, but the Coronan Prince wasted no time in getting back home. I didn't know if that was because the following day was his Grandmother's birthday, or because he couldn't stand being around me any longer. The only reason he seemed to have come at all was for Arianna, who was walking beside him now.

"Fred! Wait up!" I called again.

This time he turned around, but he seemed rather reluctant to do so.

Arianna said something to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek before heading up the ramp to the ship. Frederic remained behind for me to reach him.

"What is it Agnarr?" he asked, his tone still cold.

"I just had a reality check." I grinned breathlessly.

An unexpected smile stretched across his face as it slowly dawned on him what I meant by this.

To my delight, he heartily invited me aboard the ship, and once we were nicely settled in his cabin, I explained to them what I had come to realise.

After Renata had asked what it meant to love someone, I had come to my senses.

I had promised myself never to let Iduna go for a second time. She hadn't made that easy, and I'd completely given up after she left for Corona, but Renata had inadvertently made me abruptly realise what it meant for me to love her and how letting her run away had been a grave mistake after all.

I wanted us to be happy, and apart, neither of us were happy. I was miserable and Renata just couldn't fill that gaping hole in my heart. No one could, because I loved Iduna, and Iduna alone.

I knew the girl wasn't particularly happy with me at the moment, and my change in behaviour, but I would get to the bottom of that. I would find out exactly how I had changed and fix it, so she could accept me again.

Then, once we were both content, all I needed to do was find a way for us to be together without having to risk war. I didn't know how to do that just yet, but surely there was a way.

When I finished, Arianna shook her head.

"Look 'Narr. Actually, first of all, I'm so glad you've come to your senses over this. You're definitely doing the right thing. And I think perhaps I was wrong when I said you should forget everything. It was wrong to threaten the Alliance of course, but marrying Renata should have been avoided too."

"Someone pinch me because I must be dreaming." I joked, "The high and mighty Princess Arianna just admitted she was wrong for once! This can't be true!"

She slapped my arm, "Don't tease me! But look,"

Frederic and I were laughing so much that she had to shush us before she could continue.

"Look, it wasn't exactly that your normal side had changed, it was that your King side had changed. It was when you were in meetings that you were someone else. Making all the wrong choices for all the wrong reasons."

My brow knitted together, "But that's ridiculous. I know what I'm doing in those meetings. I only cut trade with Whitlington, I didn't cut the Alliance."

The couple just stared at me, an eyebrow raised.


"But that's pointless! Just think about it. You cut trade. But why?"

I frowned, "Because ... because ..."

"There, you see?" Arianna's voice was strangely gentle, "You've been manipulated. And in more ways than Whitlington. If you'd just listened to me Agnarr; I believe there is someone in this Castle who is masterfully creeping into your mind and making you see things a different way. And I think deep down you know the decisions you're making are wrong."

I shuffled my feet awkwardly.

"The only question is, which Council member is responsible?" Frederic asked, "When Iduna and I overheard that cryptic conversation, I only heard one voice. Iduna had heard the second once before, but she couldn't put a face to him. We assumed he was Alexamder."

"Maybe it was." I said, "No one has seen Alexamder or Gustav since they were let go. Maybe they escaped to Lyone. They may have infiltrated the Royal Guard there. That would explain the forged feeling about the reports."

Arianna hummed in thought for a moment, "I suppose that's plausible. But it doesn't explain who's manipulating you in the Council."

"I don't see who it could be. Kai is too high-profile to pull anything like this off. Buri is too much of a coward to dare even attempt! Colden is too arrogant to assume such a thing needs to be done. Sigurd is too laid-back ..." I went on explaining each of the advisors and Royal Guards, marking them on my fingers. Even when I went through them, I still couldn't see why any of them would try to manipulate me.

"Maybe it's a joint effort. Why focus on just one member? Maybe the entire Council has an ulterior motive." Arianna suggested.

I pursed my lips, "Possibly." then I shook my head, "I'll demand answers when I return. First things first, I need to talk with Iduna."

They both nodded in agreement.

I don't think a boat trip to Corona had ever felt so long as this one. It felt like forever before we finally made it there.

When we did, a dark blanket was fanning across the sky, peppered with blinking stars.

It was night, but still I couldn't sleep.

My mind was reeling with what to say to Iduna. She had been so determined for me to marry Renata, proven by her going to the extreme of running away to ensure it. But I had to make her see things from my perspective. I had to make her come home. And this time I wouldn't do it the same way as the last time we spoke. That hadn't exactly gone to plan.

Practically all night I lay there, thinking of the correct things to say. When, at long last, I saw the sun breaking through the clouds, I realised I had actually started to doze off, but any traces of exhaustion left my brain as the adrenaline of what the day should bring rushed through me.

I bolted to Arianna's room where she fussed over me, tutting in distaste at how disheveled I looked.

That wasn't exactly what I'd hoped she'd do - I'd wanted her to give me some kind of pep-talk - but none-the-less, this was preferable to a shouting match.

Then, she dragged me down the hall and ordered me to eat something.

I was reluctant as I wanted to talk to Iduna straight away, but she wouldn't let me go on an empty-stomach.

Half-way through breakfast, a frantic-looking Frederic came in.

"Have you seen my Grandmother?" he asked, looking under the table.

"Does she make a habit of hiding under tables Fred?" I snickered, "I mean, she's pretty sprightly for an eighty-year-old, but I'm sure she still has a little dignity left."

Frederic frowned as he got to his feet once again, "Goodness only knows where that bag of bones can hide. She's a nightmare! Last week, she got stuck in a tree."

Arianna and I laughed.

"It's no joke!" he insisted, before sighing, "I'm going into the town. She might be trying to give some kid a life lesson again. See you in a bit."

I looked at Arianna again as our friend left.

"Good grief." I said, "A tree?"

Arianna snorted, "Surely not!"

I shrugged, "Like he said, goodness only knows."

When I'd finished my toast, and Arianna had finished her's, she finally allowed me to go in search of Iduna.

We meandered downstairs where we pulled on our outside coats and walking boots, before making our way out to the courtyard.

The gates opened as we approached them, but to my surprise this was for Frederic, who was walking through them with his Grandmother on his arm, and none other than Iduna following a few steps behind.

Her mouth fell open at the sight of us.


"Agnarr? What - what are you doing here?"

I simply smiled and ran towards her.

She stopped just inside the courtyard, still gaping, and I came to a halt in front of her.

"Halima was supposed to stop you two from following me." she said, her face both emotional and emotionless at the same time, as though she didn't know what to feel.

"I'm a little too good at avoiding Halima." I admitted sheepishly, "And 'Anna was coming with Fred anyway."

For a moment Iduna was silent, taking in this information. Then she reiterated, "But why are you here then?"

"Because I love you." I answered plainly, wrapping my arms around her in a hug for the first time in months.

She took a moment to respond, but when she hugged me back, I knew her hesitance had more to do with disbelief than anger or resentment.

"And I came to my senses at last. Arianna finally explained to me how I'd changed. And believe me Iddy, I'm going to do everything in my power to get to the bottom of this conspiracy." I said as I pulled back, my arms still resting around her waist.

A smile stretched across her face as she searched my eyes. Something glimmered in her expression, something of sudden forgiveness, hope and still that utter disbelief.

"And I know you thought running away was the only way to stop the Alliance between Arendelle and Ebiza from crumbling. But I believe there must be another way. I can't marry Renata, as much as you insist I can, or think I should, I just can't. It's always been you. You know that." one of my hands came to rest against her cheek, and one of her's held onto it.

"Please come home?"

"I - I don't know what to say." she stammered softly.

"How about yes?" Frederic suggested, slapping her shoulder, causing her to fall against me.

She laughed, "I suppose I don't have a choice do I? You'd never forgive me if I said no."

"You're right." Arianna said, stealing Iduna away from me and hugging her tightly, "We wouldn't." then she pulled back and offered Iduna her little finger, "You have to promise me you'll never run away again. Especially without telling me about it first."

Iduna laughed once again, "Aren't we a little old for pinky-promises Ari?"

"Promise?" Arianna insisted.

"Promise." Iduna relented, wrapping her smallest finger around my sister's.

"Ah!" Frederic grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a group hug with the girls. "I just love a happy ending, don't you?"

"I hate to break it to you Fred, but this is far from over." I said, reaching for Iduna's hand.

Frederic let us all go, "Well, you've only just got here. Before you rush off again, please let us entertain you. After all, it's my Grandmother's birthday." he gestured towards Adelheid, who was watching us with a tender expression on her face.

"You'd better be planning on staying a while." she said.

Arianna hurried forwards and took the old woman's hands in her own, "Of course we are. Things in Arendelle need sorting out, but we wouldn't dream of missing your birthday for the world!"

So that's what we did. For the rest of that day, we celebrated the Royal Jubilee together, as one big happy family.

Iduna and I stayed by each other's side all day, unable to be apart a moment longer. It had been far to long since we'd had the warmth of the other for comfort and support.

Plus, I was also so pleased that this time everything seemed to be working out; that Iduna had forgiven me for all my past mistakes, and that everything was falling back into place. Of course I wasn't going to let that all go again.

Arianna and Frederic remained in each other's company too, and they were quite close for a couple who chastised me for mild displays of affection. Iduna and I just laughed whenever they lost themselves in a moment and told them to get a room, which always made my strong-minded sister blush like an eleven-year-old school girl.

When the entire Coronan family ventured out into their Kingdom for the afternoon celebrations, Iduna, Arianna and I joined them.

There are no words to describe how great that afternoon was. All I can say is that, for the first time in forever, everything was just as it should be.

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