haikyuu short stories

Bởi kimin8

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just some food for your nsfw imagination Xem Thêm

requests & recs
kuroo ~ delivery boy
kageyama ~ too long
oikawa ~ monday nights
atsumu ~ something new
bokuto & kuroo ~ uninvited guest
lev ~ hard
bokuto ~ done deal
nishinoya ~ steamy
kunimi ~ smarter, not harder
oikawa ~ not so vanilla
sugawara ~ you started it
iwaizumi & oikawa ~ prank gone wrong
akaashi ~ not jealous
sakusa ~ all clean
kenma ~ golden boy
iwaizumi ~ one new notification
futakuchi ~ until you can't
terushima ~ opposites attract
akaashi & bokuto ~ caught
asahi ~ christmas present
hinata & nishinoya ~ sharing is caring
tendou ~ strangers in the night
daichi ~ tied to you
hinata & lev ~ locked in
aone ~ cumming home
daichi & sugawara ~ dream come true
tendou & ushijima ~ thin walls
ukai ~ long day, longer night
suna ~ last chance
tsukishima ~ know your place
nishinoya ~ after practice
iwaizumi & oikawa ~ prank gone wrong pt. 2
atsumu & osamu ~ twice the trouble
ushijima ~ complete satisfaction
tsukishima ~ switch it up
kyotani ~ at his will
matsukawa ft. seijoh third years ~ call me up
asahi ~ rest of our lives
bokuto ~ dirty little secret
kenma ~ fun and games
akaashi ~ oh so pretty
kageyama & tsukishima ~ grudge
atsumu ~ make a wish
kuroo ~ office sessions
yamaguchi - destress
tsukishima ~ friendly reminder
hinata ~ icing on the cake
semi ~ encore
kageyama ~ ride
ojiro ~ every other
captains ~ office sessions pt. 1
captains ~ office sessions pt. 2
atsumu, osamu & suna ~ again and more
osamu ~ after closing
atsumu, osamu & suna ~ again and more pt. 2
osamu & suna ~ after closing pt. 2
kita ~ again and more cont.
Suga - Lingerie Reaction
Sakusa - One Night Stand
Ushijima - One Night Stand
msby ~ for the team
Bokuto - Lingerie Reaction
Akaashi - Lingerie Reaction (ft. Bokuto)
Daichi - Lingerie Reaction
Osamu - One Night Stand
Oikawa - Lingerie Reaction
oikawa & ushijima ~ crushing
hanamaki ~ fanboy behavior
suna ~ should have been me
Kuroo - Hate Sex

kageyama ~ too long pt. 2

4.2K 45 14
Bởi kimin8

it's the day after and the two of you have some unexplored feelings to sort through

soft male dom, oral, penetration

"Y/N..." Kageyama says suddenly and you look up from the kitchen counter. "Can I ask for a favor?"

"Another favor? Didn't I just do you one last night?" you chuckle, referring to the pretty steamy session that the two of you had the night before. Surprisingly, when the two of you woke up, everything seemed- normal. It was nice to know that your relationship didn't go completely stale and it was also nice to know that it wasn't just an impulsive move or anything of the sort.

His cheeks burn bright red and he avoids eye contact with you. Just thinking about it made him nervous. When he woke up this morning, Kageyama couldn't believe that he really did that, with you nonetheless. However, he certainly wasn't unhappy about it.

"Yes, T-thank you for uh- that." he replies awkwardly.

"What do you need?" you ask, moving on from your teasing.

"I was wondering if you could be out of the apartment around 8 tonight," he asks. Of course you have questions and then he explains about how his whole friend group invited themselves over despite his protests. In spite of that, he wanted to save you the trouble of their harassment and maybe same him the trouble of embarrassment. In the end, you agree to go out in exchange for him doing the dishes after lunch which he now seems all too eager to do. 

He walks beside you as you're busy preparing lunch for the two of you and he hesitantly reaches out. He pats your head endearingly with a slight hint of awkwardness. Nonetheless, the action was sweet and you can see he was definitely putting himself out there. "Thanks, again," he mutters quietly.

He quickly gets a glass of water and puts on his shoes at the front door, about to go on a run. "Oh, and..." he says, catching your attention once more. "You look really pretty today." And without even giving you a chance to respond, he leaves. Now it was your turn to become flustered.


Kageyama takes a deep breath before twisting the knob at the front door. Immediately he is met with a bunch of different greetings and it honestly takes a second or two to absorb it all.

"Hey! Hey! Hey Kageyama!" Bokuto shouts, being the first person to barge his way in with his arm slung around Akaashi's shoulder. "Thank you for having us over," Akaashi says humbly as the two walk by.

"Y-yeah," Kageyama mutters, eyes following a different boy as they all file in one by one.

A few of them bring snacks and the others are already exploring this apartment that none of them knew about until last night.

"This is a pretty good place you got! You should have invited us sooner!" Atsumu says while peering into the living area.

"If you didn't spend all your money buying onigiri, we could probably afford a place like this too, 'Tsumu," his brother remarks which earns a competitive glare from the bleached blonde.

Kenma walks with his hands in his pocket and without a word, plops himself down on the couch which was not unexpected. Kuroo attempts to get him to socialize but Kenma insists on sitting down the entire time.

The apartment is quickly filled and chatter could be heard from every direction. They all seemed very excited to be in a new place.

"Wooowww! Nice place Kageyama!" Hinata shouts happily, peering over the kitchen counter next to Oikawa who was already sitting.

"So, Tobio-chan, where is this roommate of yours?" Oikawa asks slyly.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that!" Atsumu shouts from the other room. It was honestly surprising he was able to hear over all the chatter.

Kageyama scratches the back of his neck, "Uh, she went out for the night," he explains shortly and a few of them sigh with disappointment.

"Are you sure this girl is real?" Hinata asks skeptically, pursing his lips.

"You think I'd make up a fake girl just to say I had sex?!" Kageyama retorts back, clearly agitated.

"It does look like a girl lives in here!" someone shouts and the voice sounds a little muffled from down the hall.

"Bokuto-san, you shouldn't walk into peoples' rooms without their permission," Akaashi scolds him while Iwaizumi grabs the collar of Bokuto's shirt and drags him out of the room. Soon after, the sound of a door shutting can be heard throughout the apartment.

Kageyama sighs and connects his palm and forehead. It's only been a few minutes and it was already as chaotic as ever. He just prayed that the night would go by quickly.

The rest of the night went somewhat like the beginning. People played games, sang karaoke, drank beers, ate snacks, told jokes, and everything else you would expect. Hours fly by just like that and before he even realizes, it's already almost midnight. He had hoped the group would have left by now but perhaps that was too much of a demand.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom," Kageyama excuses himself from the group and no one really gives it much attention as he leaves the room.

"I'm telling you! That's what he said!" Kuroo shouts, defending himself.

"You're lying. There's no way!" Oikawa responds, holding his stomach while laughing along with the rest of the group.

Suddenly, there's a clear ringing cutting through the room and everyone's attention turns to it.

"Hey, who's phone is this?" Osamu asks.

"Kageyama's...I think," Hinata answers him from across the circle.

"Who is it!?" Bokuto asks eagerly.

"Y/N?" Osamu says while showing the phone along with your profile pic which was nothing more than a blurry picture taken at a random time.

"We should probably just let it go to voice mail," Akaashi interrupts everyone's debate.

"You can't even see their face in this. It looks like a guy," Oikawa notes while leaning over the phone like every other person as well.

"Nope, Y/N's a girl," Kenma calmly says while tapping at his video game. However, everyone is rather shocked at his statement.

"Kenma! You know this Y/N?!" Kuroo says, speaking what everyone else was thinking.

"Yeah, she's my friend," he responds calmly.

"And how does she know Kageyama-kun?" Akaashi asks, getting sucked into all the excitement.

"She's his roommate."

"You knew all this and you didn't tell us!?" Oikawa exclaims, hands pulling at his hair in frustration.

"It didn't seem important."

His response only causes everyone else to groan while Kenma doesn't seem to understand why. Meanwhile, Atsumu is calmly explaining the entirety of yesterday's conversation to Osamu who was more than a little confused at all the commotion.

"Can someone do something about that ringing? It's getting annoying," Iwaizumi complains and everyone's gaze returns back to the phone.

After a few silent finger pointing to random people, Oikawa finally steps up. "Aish, let me do it." He grabs the phone from the middle of the group and takes a deep exhale while everyone around him quiets down.

'Speaker. Speaker.' Hinata mouths and Oikawa shoos the boy away despite following his instructions.

"Hello?" he finally says, picking up the phone nearing it's last ring.

"Hey, can I come home?" you ask through the phone.

"Can you come home?" Oikawa asks out of confusion. His brows furrow and the others merely shrug, not knowing what you mean.

"Kageyama? Is that you?"

"Tobio-chan's in the bathroom but he says you should come home. After all, it's not good manners to leave a girl out alone at this time of the day," Oikawa says, using his good ladies skills to quickly come up with a response.

"Ah, okay. Well, thank you," you awkwardly say, hanging up swift and sound.

Soon after, Kageyama walks in the room coming back from the toilet with his hands in his pockets. "You're that embarrassed with us that you have to tell your girlfriend to leave?" Kuroo says, bringing up what everyone else was thinking. A few nod their heads in agreement while Kageyama glances away.

"She's not really my girlfriend," he mutters underneath his breath.

"Eh?? I thought you did the dirty with her?" Hinata asks, earning a scowl from the dark haired male.

"Have you no class?"

"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

The boys all continue to bombard Kageyama with a mountain of questions while he tries to fend himself off. It wasn't like he didn't want to answer these questions but more that he didn't know how to. Until last night, you two never had to specify things but a line was now crossed. He thought everything was fine this morning and everything seemed to be normal between the two of you. But was it really that to leave things "unlabeled"? And if so, what would you even call this "relationship" that the two of you had. It was definitely more than friends with benefits... at least to him it was. In the back of his head, he was counting the minutes till you'd get home with a weird anxiety in the back of his chest.

Eventually, the time comes and everyone silences when the sound of keys messing around at the front door rings through the air. The only other sound that's audible is the faint beeping of Kenma's game.

When you finally open the door, you're met with a bunch of stares as well as an awkward silence. You're quick to find Kageyama in the crowd who looks the most uncomfortable than you've ever seen him and you've even seen him try to dance which says a lot.

"Hey, Y/N," Kenma says casually.

"Hi, Kenma, everyone," you greet, more than slightly uncomfortable.

"Ah! So you're Y/N?!" a white haired male says, suddenly breaking out into wide eyes.

You nod your head slowly, taken back by his enthusiasm.

"I'm Bokuto Koutaro!" he says, standing up and pointing a proud finger to himself.

The rest of them say their respective greetings and it's pretty easy to pin point their personalities by how they introduce themselves. To be honest, it's a little overwhelming with how many of them are in the room and you sort of doubted how well you could even remember their names.

"It's pretty late, I'm gonna head in for the night but it was nice meeting you all," you say politely, awkwardly making your way back to your room.

"Aw, you just got here! Let's get to know each other a little more!" a person with bleached blonde hair says and it really seems like you have no other choice but to stay. You look over to Kageyama who isn't even trying to hide how he annoyed he is at the moment with his gritted teeth.

Reluctantly, you make your way over to the large group and end up sitting down, eventually merging with their random conversations.

It's nearly 2 in the morning by the time the idea of even going home is suggested. You see Kageyama let out a sigh of relief and internally, you chuckle a little. You can't even imagine the stress he's feeling.

"Man, you're fun Y/N. I can't believe Kageyama has been hogging you all to himself. You too Kenma," a tall, black haired male says, dragging the shorter boy out the door.

"Haha, yeah, next time we should hang out with you without tired-yama!"

"Thanks for having us over, it was fun," Akaashi says briefly with a tired and partially drunk Bokuto clinging onto him.

Iwaizumi makes his way to your kitchen with an armful of trash and empty cans and a few others take home some of the leftovers.

You stand by the door, waving goodbye to everyone when you suddenly just with an arm being slung over your shoulder. You look up to find Oikawa who is a little too close for comfort (for you and Kageyama). Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the black haired male practically fuming. Oikawa leans down to your ear and whispers with a hot breath, "Hey, is Tobio-chan looking this way?"

You nod your head slowly, "Yeah, he looks a little mad too," you say timidly, lightly pushing at his chest.

"Good. Now go get him," Oikawa smirks deviously and offers you a signature wink. You furrow your brows in confusion. Luckily, Iwaizumi comes to the rescue, pulling at Oikawa's collar and dragging him away.

"Sorry for the intrusion and sorry on this idiot's behalf too. Night."

Eventually, everyone finally leaves and you close the door with a heavy sigh.

"Finally!" Kageyama groans. "Sorry about that Y/N, I didn't think they'd be here for so long," he says, looking over at the clock.

"It's fine, you have some nice friends," you say back.

"Too nice," Kageyama pouts, not enjoying how much attention they gave you because of- personal reasons. This entire night, everyone was too busy trying to get to know you that Kageyama barely even had the opportunity to stand next to you, let alone even talk or touch you. Not to mention, a few of them were all too skilled at making 'innocent' contact. Whether it'd be intentional or not, all Kageyama knew is that he didn't like it.

Kageyama stares as you while you lock the door. Finally, he had you alone. It feels like it has been way too long since it was just the two of you. Kageyama didn't used to feel like this- so attentive and obsessed. It was new and it was unsettling how much he kept thinking about you.

After the long and tiring night, you maneuver your way underneath your shirt and pull out your bra from underneath which is a skill that Kageyama never knew existed. You set aside your bra with a newfound freedom from the constraints while you don't even notice Kageyama's stare. It might have been because he's a little tired or because of his new found lust for you but while having his little internal panic attack, his cheeks burn a bright red.

"What? Is there something on my face?" you ask, breaking him out of his daze.


You start walking to the kitchen, cleaning up whatever mess as left. "C'mon, help me clean and then we can finally go to sleep," you say.

You walk over to think sink and grab a couple of the dirty plates on the side. You start humming a soft tune while rinsing a couple of dishes when you suddenly feel a warm pair of arms wrap around your waist as well as a sharp chin that plants itself on your shoulder.

"Kageyama? What's wrong?"

"How tired are you?" he asks, interfering with your dish washing.

"I mean, it is past 2 a.m."

"Are you too tired?"

"What are you suggesting?" you laugh slightly, fully knowing his intentions but what fun would it be if you didn't tease him a little about it.

"Nothing much... Not to mention, I think you smell a little like Oikawa-san," he huffs with a whiny tone, sniffing at your neck.

"I think you're exaggerating," you giggle and he finds your voice slightly intoxicating. You aren't sure if he's just horny, jealous, or just affectionate but the answer to that question could very well change the nature of your relationship. But something inside of you stops yourself from asking. Perhaps, you didn't want to find out...

By now, the water is just running as Kageyama has completely distracted you from your duties. His hands lay flat against your hips and he gracefully traces your curves which triggers a line of flashbacks from the previous night. He suddenly kisses the nape of your neck and it sends shivers down your spine.

"You still have- mmh energy?" you ask towards the busy boy who just seems to love attacking your neck.

"I have enough," he reassures you.

His hands snake their way underneath your hoodie and his palms are hot as they start to travel higher and higher. There's no doubt about where this is heading as the atmosphere slowly starts to shift around you.

"I'll do the dishes tomorrow too," he bargains. You were already leaning towards the idea without the offer but you weren't going to complain about the added bonus.

As his palms paint the small of your back, you're finally tempted to turn off the sink and that's when Kageyama knows he's won. You quickly dry your hands before turning around and grabbing his wrist. And tonight, you drag him to your room.

When the two of you walk in, you leave the lights off, letting only the faint moonlight enter through your window which is just enough for you two to see. Unlike last time, Kageyama doesn't waste anytime before he passionately kisses you. It's almost as if it's instinct. The thought didn't occur to you before now but this was the first time you two had kissed since yesterday.

Without thought, your lips open, letting his tongue dance with yours and it's shocking how it feels so normal. He licks your lips like it's the last thing he'll ever taste and your lips become shiny with his saliva.

Kageyama is already rushing to get you out of your clothes, tugging the hoodie off your body the first chance he gets. The two of you stumble towards your bed and he abruptly pushes you down onto the mattress. Before you have time to react, he's already at your legs, pulling down your shorts along with your underwear.

Everything is moving too fast for you and you can't even collect yourself with the pace that he's going at. He grabs your legs at the knees and pulls them apart till your entire heat is exposed to him.

"Kageyama?! What are you doing?!" you ask frantically through the hectic scene.

"Returning the favor." Something about the word "favor" strikes you particularly hard. Sure, you couldn't deny that what you experienced last night was beyond amazing but to call it a "favor"? Something pangs inside your chest. Maybe disappointment? But the question is why you even feel this way at all. 

His eyes pierce right through you and just his stare alone is enough for you to feel the heat pool between your legs without him having to touch you whatsoever. You pray that Kageyama won't notice at how eager you are. He stares at your womanhood like he has the intention on memorizing every single curve. In some ways, it seems like he's more eager than last night but in others, it seems like he's trying to savor every single second for all it's worth.

It's only been a little more than 24 hours since he's last seen your body like this and yet you can't help but feel embarrassed after being stripped naked in front of Kageyama who is still fully clothed. Your hands hide your cheeks which are furiously blushing (not that you would let him have the satisfaction of knowing).

You peek through your fingers and see Kageyama lick his lips before lowering himself to your womanhood. He first kisses at your clit delicately and your hands aren't enough to completely muffle the sound of your hum that's filled with satisfaction.

Kageyama continues to show attention to your clit, not traveling any lower for some reason. He licks it once or twice, drawing up the bundle of nerves along with your desperate hips. You whimper when he suckles at your bud as his tongue swirls while he has your body captured between his lips.

After more than a couple of seconds, he lets go of your clit with a lewd pop and you can hear his soft breath as he draws back. He takes a digit and brings it to your entrance. Your squirm slightly but the feeling doesn't last long before he brings the finger out and into view.

"You got wet really quickly," he says, staring at your arousal on his finger that has yet to mix with his saliva.

"You don't need to point it out..." You're so flustered that you grab a pillow and bury your face underneath it. You're not sure if he's saying these things intentionally or it's just his blunt way of talking. Either way, it's making you feel all sorts of things. Last night, you didn't feel this nervous and in fact, you felt like you were the one with the upper hand considering how needy he was but right now, something felt different and you couldn't really understand what.

Kageyama uses the finger that's drowned in your arousal to spread your wetness fully around your folds and eventually he loses track between the difference of his saliva and your own release. Once his fingers have made a mess of our body, his lips eagerly return. This time, Kageyama draws his tongue all around from your clit to your dripping womanhood. He licks his lips at the taste of your release before continuing his torture on your body.

Your moans are muffled by the pillow but there's no doubt that your voice is getting louder and louder. His sucks desperately at your clit and it sends jolts of electricity down your spine each time. Just as you're getting into it, Kageyama stops for a second time and your body twitches with frustration.

"Don't cover your face," he tells you, resting his palms on his thighs while waiting for you to move. Something feels...off about the way Kageyama is acting tonight compared to yesterday.

Slowly, you pull the pillow off and you're immediately met with Kageyama's dark blue gaze.

Kageyama's heart nearly skips a beat when he sees you fully exposed to you. Your face looks completely wrecked. Your eyes glimmer with a dazed look behind them, an enticing shade of red is burned into your skin all the way up to your ears and your lips are coated with a thin sheen of saliva as you huff hot breaths of pleasure. To think that there was a day he would be able to see you like this and now that he has, he wasn't sure if he could live without it.

Kageyama attacks your womanhood with a newfound hunger. Without the pillow over your face, your moans suddenly sound a lot louder which Kageyama welcomes. His tongue laps hungrily at your heat, tasting every drop you have to offer.

He pushes his tongue in and out of you, letting his nose brush up against your sensitive clit in the process. His tongue curls and squirms while inside your body, pushing against your shallow walls till he touches everything that he can reach.

In the meantime, he brings one hand closer to your inner thigh and his thumb comes to your throbbing clit. He wastes no time in drawing quick and agonizing circles that has you drawing your hips up off the bed. His weight manages to keep your body from going too far away from his grasps as you're driven insane from his addicting movements.

You let out high pitched moans of ecstasy that let Kageyama know just how good you are feeling. Your hands tangle in his jet black hair as your breath becomes heavier and the rise and drop of your chest becomes deeper. His movements start to become faster and more intense until he has you cumming over his mouth.

You quickly bite onto one of your own fingers, careful not to let your voice get too loud. After all, neighbors did exist. Your body trembles as a surge of pleasure travels throughout your body. Kageyama doesn't let up until you're pushing him away from the over stimulation of having just reached your climax.

Kageyama pushes himself up and while you're busy trying to reclaim your breath, he strips himself of his shirt and tosses it onto the floor and unzips his pants to release the strain on his throbbing bulge. He climbs over you as you slowly come to your senses.

"I think you can say you returned the favor," you joke softly, still having a few breathing problems.

He stares at you with those same eyes as before, dark, cold, mysterious. "I like the face you make when you cum. You should see it sometime," he tells you, completely ignoring your remark.

"What is up with you tonight? Don't say such things," you say back. With one hand, you cover your own flushed face while the other pushes him at his chest (although it doesn't do much).

He doesn't let you stay like that for long. Kageyama grabs your wrist and pulls the hand at your face away and your eyes meet once again. Kageyama seems more obsessive than usual and you're not sure if you should take that as a good thing or not. His mind unconsciously flashes back to the night.

Oikawa's arm around you.

How annoyed he felt at all the attention you were getting.

But the most pestering memory out of all of them was this one question.

"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

Kageyama kisses you deeply for a second time without warning and it takes a second or two for you to relax. His lips are still coated with your arousal and his tongue in your mouth allows you to taste the pleasure that you just experienced. Nonetheless, you allow yourself to be drowned in the pleasure and you happily return his actions with your own.

With your one free hand, you trace the muscles on his chest and his abs till your fingertips are nearing his evident bulge. Slowly, your fingers rub against him softly and he grinds into your palm in return. The two of you stay like that for a while, lips dancing on lips, only taking a few breaks in between for short breaths.

By the time you two break away, your lungs are begging for oxygen. Kageyama sits up against your headboard and pulls his member out which stands easily by how hard he his. He tells you to get on top of him and with how much you want him in you, you don't put up much of a fight. Just as you're about to straddle your legs over him, he interrupts you.

"The other way."

You pause for a short moment. It would feel weird not being able to see Kagayama while on top of him. However, your womanhood throbs for him to enter you so you quickly turn around before putting down a knee on either side of his legs.

Kageyama palms your bare ass with one hand while he grabs his member with the other. While you're hovering over him, he uses the tip of his length to rub up and down your folds, mixing his precum with your arousal. You shiver, hopefully not noticeably.

You brace yourself by leaning forward and putting your hands in between his legs. Your thighs are already shaking either from anticipation or from how weak your body felt from how hard your last climax was.

After his teasing is done, he easily finds the entrance to your womanhood. Both of his hands come to your hips and he slowly starts to glide you down. Your teeth clench and your head drops as more of his body continues to stuff you to the brim. Although you just had him inside of you not too long ago, this is a whole new feeling of desire. Yesterday's haze is gone and now you're fully aware of what you want and even the soft pads of his delicate fingers that are tracing your spine makes your core throb.

Your breath is low and soft by the time you've reached his hilt.

"Eyes up. I want you to see how you look when I make you feel good," Kageyama says.

"Huh?" You're struck with confusion but look up nonetheless and the first thing your eyes meet is Kageyama's through the mirror of your vanity.

Your stomach drops for a mere second but you're suddenly distracted when Kageyama lightly thrusts upwards. You let out a strangled whimper as your weight falls forward as you feel him travel a little deeper.

He settles back down after he gulps from your reaction. His hands return to your hip and he guides you up slowly up and down his length. He's biting his bottom lip by how tightly you hold onto him. Not to mention, he has a perfect view of not only your backside, but also the front thanks to the layout of your room.

You're yet to get comfortable with the stretch of his size but you can tell he's feeling the eagerness as well by how his hands start to move you faster. Kageyama grabs at your backside, spreading them apart and molding your flesh into his fingers. He gives you a couple of light smacks which only adds to the jolt as he hits the deepest parts of you.

Your eyes can't help but wander to the vanity mirror out of curiosity. You can see Kageyama's jet black hair peeking out from behind your shoulder while he stares holes into your backside. You watch as your hips desperately ride him and the scene is more than erotic.

Without even realizing it, you start to speed your hips up on your own without Kageyama even pushing you to do so. Your lips let out enticing sounds as the friction from your walls against his hard member sends both of you to a world of bliss.

"Kag-Kageyama?" you call out.

"Hmm?" he asks, looking up and meeting your gaze at the mirror.

You look at him with that dazed look that makes him go insane. "You f-feel so g-AH-good!"

Kageyama's heart does that weird thing again that makes his chest hurt in a weird way and suddenly, he finds himself unable to hold back.

He pushes your hips up and he rises onto his knees behind you. He quickly reinserts himself and the sudden entrance makes you fully aware of how tight your body really is. His member forcefully pushes your walls open and your back arches.

Kageyama keeps you up with both arms that are wrapped around your bare body. You can feel his hot breath that seems to wrap around your neck till it feels almost suffocating.

Kageyama is free to thrust as much as he like and he takes advantage of this fact. His thrusts are much sharper than the way you were moving up and down on him. His member curves to hit near the front of your stomach each time, not failing to burying himself all the way to the hilt.

Your jaw drops with heavy pants and moans falling out nonstop. No matter how much you tighten up on him due to your sensitivity, Kageyama doesn't stop or slow down. In fact, with every thrust, he only becomes more motivated to see your body completely devoured by him.

He bites down and suckles at your neck, making sure to leave deep purple and vibrant red marks anywhere he had the chance to. You shudder and your toes curl in response.

There's an addicting tempo of the sound of skin against skin as his hips continue to meet your backside nonstop. The skin back there also starts to turn a bright red which only seems to highlight your curves.

One of his hand comes to your breast, squeezing at it and paying special attention to your bud while the other travels lower towards your clit.

He pinches and prods at them both, moving recklessly till he has you screaming. His eyes can't help but look up into the mirror, wanting to see every part of you.

"Y-Y/N, ngh, tell me how good I make you feel," he grunts, pounding into you harder as if trying to display everything he has to offer.

Your head feels like its melting as stimulus from every which way starts to overload your senses. You meet his gaze in the mirror as you watch all the things he's doing to your body, groping your breasts, rubbing addicting circles on your clit, pounding into you mercilessly.

"Hngh!! You f-feel AH-amazing. I-I love it," you respond without even thinking. And maybe if you weren't senses weren't being knocked out of you, then you wouldn't have answered him so easily but the words just slip out like they're instinct.

Your body tightens around him and Kageyama hisses in response.

"I'm g-gonnahh~ cum soon!" you say desperately, squirming from his torturous fingers.

"Make sure you look at yourself as I fuck you, okay?" he says and you furiously nod your head, completely submissive to him.

Kageyama grunts while his hips work to drive you to a building climax. Subconsciously, he wants you to watch, to see how it's only him that can make you feel this good. What he's feeling isn't jealousy but more like desire. He's going to prove to you that he's the only person that can ever see you like this. However, Kageyama isn't really aware of his intentions himself but the one thing he does know is that he wants you, all of you.

Your eyes are only half open as you watch yourself in the mirror. Your knees are barely holding you up by how much you're shaking. Not to mention, your hips can't stop moving as his finger toys with your sensitive bundle of nerves from the front and he's slamming into you from behind. As he pinches and pulls on your nipple, he draws your chest forward, forcing your head to drop onto his shoulder. You can hardly believe that it's you in the reflection. What he's doing to you, it doesn't even look real. You never even thought there would be a day you could even imagine yourself looking like this and yet here you are. And it was all because of him.

Kageyama continues to thrust mercilessly as your walls feel like they're being rubbed raw from the sensation. Not to mention, the abuse from his fingers at your breast and womanhood only add to the never ending sparks that excites every nerve on your body. Your heat twitches around him as he inches you closer and closer to the inevitable end.

Kageyama leans to your right and he bites the crest of your ear. And that's all it took for you. You shudder once before feeling a wave of pleasure ripple throughout your body. You let out a silent scream as your womanhood clenches down on him. Your hands desperately try to get him to stop stimulating you as your body goes crazy.

Your heart feels like it's pounding in your chest. Your eyelids feel heavy and you're only able to see a blurry outline of the two of you in the mirror. You're quivering non stop as your orgasm leaves you feeling heavy.

Noticing this, Kageyama lets go of your upper body and gently pushes your front side down against the bed. He continues to thrust into you, chasing after his own finish.

"Y/N," he groans, mid thrust with a light growl in his voice. "I- Ngh! I'd want to do you like this everyday."

If this happened everyday, you're not even sure if your body could last a week, let alone a couple of days. Kageyama's hips start to slow down but they start to slam harder into you than before. He grabs at your waist, pulling you back to meet his hips with a loud slap.

He uses the back of his hand to wipe the sweat on his brow and he bites his bottom lip and the pressure around his member gets harder and harder to endure. He's breathing heavily through clenched teeth and his eyes never once leave your body.

With a few final thrusts, he quickly pulls out of you and finishes himself with his hand. Kageyama squirts out his release with a groan, painting with a translucent white on your back. You feel as the warm liquid hits you, trickling down the sides of your body and the slope of your back.

The two of you fall tiredly onto the bed, catching your own breaths. You both don't even know what time it is but all you do know is that it's late. However, with how exhausted you guys are, you both choose to rest a little before cleaning yourselves up.

"Hey...Y/N?" Kageyama speaks up as he helps you wipe down his sticky release on your back.


Uh- Thanks for letting me do this...again," he says awkwardly.

"Huh? You don't have to thank me. If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't have," you say back casually.

Kageyama's eyes widen and he's thankful that you're turned around so you can't see the tinted colors on his cheeks.

"So...you're saying you like it?"

"Isn't that obvious?" you joke back. "After all, I like y- hanging out with you."

Luckily you catch your tongue but it almost shocks you about how easily that almost slipped out. What were you even planning on saying?!

"O-oh... but hey, I've been thinking," he says, setting down the towel and you turn yourself around while also finding some sheets to cover yourself up with.

Kageyama scratches his head and his brows furrow. He had the same look last night after coming back from the movies. He looks flustered and almost nervous for some odd reason.

"Would you want to go ooouuuttt....to eat breakfast tomorrow since we'll be too tired to cook?'

Your heart drops for a second. You're not even sure what you were hoping for him to ask but it definitely wasn't that.

"Sounds great," you respond with a plastered smile.

At the beginning of the night, he felt like he had taken one step forward but now it was like he had taken two steps back.

"Yeah..." he says with a deflated tone. "Great."

Things Haikyuu Characters Would Say in Bed pt. 2


- "Let's just do it one more time!"

- "Hm...you seem to be enjoying yourself today"

- "Now it's my turn for some fun"


- "You're so god damn sexy"

- "You better brace yourself"

- "Want me to help you clean up in the shower ;)"


- "Why are you acting all shy now?"

- "I think I'd like it if you took that off"

- "Still sore from yesterday?"

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