Winter Wind (YiZhan)

By studioibhade

118K 8.1K 1.1K

It's been a year since the world turned on Xiao Zhan, and just as long since he turned on Yibo. But what was... More

1. Crash
2. Boil
3. Calm
4. Cards
5. Fold
6. Awake
7. Reset
8. Encounter
9. Speculate
10. Prey
11. Douse
12. Ammunition
13. Indulge
14. Blind
15. Haunt
16. Blocked
17. Distance
18. Admission
19. Kindle
20. Audacity
21. Turmoil
22. Solace
23. Updates
24. Crackle
25. Burn
27. Help
28. Crack
28. Plight
29. Earnest
30. Inflection
31. Response
32. Reasons
33. Spice
34. Friction
35. Pitfall
36. Attack
37. Caught
38. Fester
39. Impasse
40. Sting
41. Despair
42. Rip
43. Detour
44. Claim
45. Dance
46. Wrecked
47. Navigate
48. Intent
49. Scourge
50. Flag
51. Careless
53. Stub
54. Note
55. Intermission
56. Threat
57. Ugly
58. Resolve
59. Trouble
60. Adamant
61. Pure
62. Soft
63. Hole
64. Delicate
65. Dither
66. Truce
67. Friends
68. Pliant
69. Water
70. Contrite
71. Note
72. Walk
74. Torrid
75. Grey
76. Intimate
78. End

52. Victim

1.7K 96 27
By studioibhade

The drive back to the bar is a quiet one, however internally, Xiao Zhan is brimming with apprehension.

Cutting off all communication with Yibo has calmed him down just enough to think, but the timer of everything completely toppling over is still running in his heart.

His hand is supporting his chin as he ponders on the next step to take, while his gaze is fixated on the window and the golden glow beyond of the lit streets amidst the darkness.

Once again, Yibo's words replay in his mind

'Ge I don't want to leave things open ended between us."

His throat constricts at the implication of these words, and as a result his breathing turns ragged.

Yibo once again had been about to break up with him, but this time around, his mind was completely settled on the matter. This makes Xiao Zhan think back to all the times in the past when all communication had temporarily stopped between them.

It had always been abrupt and open ended, so none of the instances had ever truly felt final.

Thus, there had always lingered the hope that either of them could easily reach out once again to the other, to restore their relationship, and he'd never realized this until Yibo had said those words to him tonight.

'Ge I don't want to leave things open ended between us."

He realizes now that he would have preferred it a million times over if Yibo hadn't picked up his call. The worst that could have happened would be that Yibo wouldn't contact him for a couple of weeks, or even months, but eventually, they would reconnect.

However this time around, and for the first time, Yibo had called him to say goodbye.

He is still astounded beyond belief by the nightmare that this evening is turning out to be.

He feels as though he is near physical collapse, his bones sore and his body aching with the need to shut his eyes for even just a few minutes so that he can rest.

With a deep inhale, he manages to stabilize his breathing and then shuts his eyes.

However Li Ping suddenly speaks.

"Why did you destroy your phone?" he asks quietly.

Xiao Zhan reopens his eyes, however he doesn't know how to respond to this question.

At his silence, Li Ping continues.

"I thought you wanted to contact Wang Yibo. Well, you definitely won't be able to do that now but perhaps you can use my phone? Or any of ours?"

They come to a halt at a stoplight then, so Li Ping turns to look at him.

Xiao Zhan finally decides on his answer. "I don't want to speak to him over the phone. I'm going to speak to him in person."

"Okay..." Li Ping seems confused. "So why didn't you just tell him that?"

Xiao Zhan sighs. "It's complicated."

He doesn't say anymore beyond this, so Li Ping moves on with his questions.

"Wang Yibo is in Beijing right? Are you going to fly there?"

"Mm," Xiao Zhan replies. "I'll head over on the first flight tomorrow morning."

If he had the choice it would be tonight, but the last flight for the day was an hour earlier so he will have to wallow in this crippling anxiety until the following morning. He gives up all hope then of getting any rest, and this worries him because he needs to be able to think clearly when he sees Yibo the following day.

"You're not going to sleep at home tonight are you?" Li Ping asks, and this brings his thoughts back to his father.

He is pained at his outburst, but he has no regrets. Tonight, a lot of lines have been crossed by the both of them and although it does worry him what this will do to their relationship from henceforth, he pushes it to the back of his mind for the mean time.

"No," he replies, and begins to ponder on the matter of where is going to sleep.

"You could stay with me?" Li Ping offers. "My spare bedroom is my study but it has a chaise lounge chair that is quite comfortable. Or you could stay on the couch in the living room, but I don't have any blinds on the windows and they're huge, so the brightness is going to be annoying when you wake up tomorrow. Or, we could just share my bed?" he smiles to himself just as the traffic light once again turns green.. "And don't worry it's clean. I'm not Xiao Wu."

Xiao Zhan's response is concise.

"I'll stay in your study. Thank you."

"For nothing," Li Ping replies, and soon they arrive back at the bar.


At half past midnight, Xiao Zhan settles into the chaise lounge chair with a thick blanket over him.

It is not the most comfortable arrangement but he has slept on worse on sets, so the slight discomfort is a non-issue.

The real issue is the fact that his father has still refused to take his post down. He'd asked Mei li about it just before they'd bid their goodbyes for the night, and she'd confirmed that it was still up on Weibo, fervently garnering traffic.

He isn't surprised.

The last thing his father hated beyond all else was being threatened, so Xiao Zhan going at him in that way had been less than ideal. However the point he'd wanted to make has been relayed and that is of Yibo's importance to him.

There was no doubt now that his parents were also deep in thought about all that had transpired tonight.

And perhaps even his friends, although they had remained courteous and careful, asking no questions beyond what concerned his immediate welfare.

He is haunted by all the fires that are still currently burning around him, especially as he thinks of Yibo, but he has accepted now that this is where his fight for the day has ended.

If only he could sleep.

He ponders on a solution, and Li Ping's small alcohol stash on an end table in his living room comes to mind.

All he needs, he figures, is a tumbler or two of hard liquor to soothe his nerves enough to ease him into sleep. So he finds his way out of the study and through the dimness of the apartment, until he gets to the living room. After retrieving the bottle of aged whiskey, he turns the kitchen light on to search for a tumbler and then begins to pour himself a sizable amount.

Suddenly, he hears Li Ping's movements, and a few moments after he appears with his reading glasses on.

He has his phone to his ear and is listening, so he cannot say anything as he takes in the scene before him.

Xiao Zhan waits, and soon enough the call comes to an end.

"I hope you don't mind," Xiao Zhan says as the alcohol burns smoothly down his throat. "I just need a bit to get me to sleep."

"Of course not," Xiao Wu dismisses with a wave. "But don't you need to be up early?"

"I do, but I'm still doubtful that I'll be even be able to fall asleep. I'll set an alarm just in case." Xiao Zhan's gaze settles on him. "Do you still get up early? Can you wake me up if you're up before 5? I need to be at the airport by 6."

Li Ping smiles. "You can't set an alarm. Have you forgotten that you don't have a phone anymore?"

"Oh," Xiao Zhan replies at the unfortunate reminder. "Right."

"I'll wake you up, don't worry. Anyway I came to find you because I just got a call from Mei li, and she said that Wang Yibo just called her."

At this, Xiao Zhan's heart drops into his stomach.


"Yeah. He couldn't reach you so he had to contact your manager, who then contacted your mom. Anyway, he says that you should check your email, he's sent you a message."

Xiao Zhan goes numb, and for the longest time all he can do is stare blankly at Li Ping.

"Xiao Zhan?" his friend calls a few times before he is once again responsive. "Are you alright?"

He clears his throat and lifts the tumbler to down the rest of the golden liquid, however its warmth does nothing to loosen the knotted nerves in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm fine," he replies, and turns around to busy himself with rinsing the glass in the sink.

"You can use my desktop in the study," Li Ping says. "It doesn't have a password. Goodnight."

A part of Xiao Zhan's brain registers him also bidding Li Ping goodnight as he shuts the faucet off, and then leans against the counter. His mind is now far away, in a different city, and boring into an entrancing pair of dark brown eyes.

He hears Yibo's voice in his ears... calling, over and over again.

Zhan ge.

Zhan ge.

Sometimes his tone is solid and unruffled, and at other times it is breathless and airy.

Just like it had been the previous night when Xiao Zhan had held him in his arms.

He cannot believe that all of that has only been a day ago, because currently it feels like a whole other life time.

His only wish now is that it truly will not take an actual other lifetime for him to ever have Yibo in such a way again.

Body, soul, and heart.

Therefore, he makes up his mind not to check the email.

Yibo knows me,he reminds himself. To quite an unsettling degree, so no doubt he has figured out what the sudden loss in contact is about.

He doubts that Yibo will break up with him over email since over the phone is now out of the question, but he doesn't want to find out.

Tomorrow, in Beijing, he consoles himself as he heads off to the bathroom to wash up.

Tomorrow, we'll sort it all out.


The next morning, Xiao Zhan awakens with a start.

His dream had been restless, but beyond the haunting and sudden feeling of loosing his footing and falling, he can remember nothing.

He sits up, and the first thing that greets him is a slight headache, courtesy of his alcohol indulgence from the previous night.

The second thing that hits him is that he has a 7am flight to Beijing that he has to catch.

"Shit!" he curses, flinging the blanket aside and hastening to his feet. He automatically begins to search for his phone to check the time with, but eventually the reminder comes to him once again that he doesn't have a phone.

So he shoots out the door, his mind going through a checklist of what he needs.

The apartment is now brightly lit by the sun, a very clear tell that he has probably woken up too late. His insides begin to coil in anxiety, but he consoles himself with the fact that he has the key card to Yibo's apartment. Therefore whenever he arrives, he will be able to let himself in to wait for Yibo to return from dance practice.

"Li Ping," he calls out as he heads down the corridor, wondering why he hadn't woken him up.

He feels jittery and somewhat disoriented, but he ignores it all to focus on the sole motions of making the needed arrangements for his departure.

"Li Ping," he calls again just as he hears voices, and it automatically slows down his pace. He soon appears at the open layout living room, and meets that Li Ping does indeed have a guest.

His guest is seated at the breakfast bar counter, while Li Ping is standing across from him and nursing a cup of something steaming in his hand.

"Hell-" Xiao Zhan starts to say, however the words die in his throat as his gaze meets that of Li Ping's guest.

"Xiao Zhan," Li Ping smiles. "See who showed up at my door this morning. You don't have to go to Beijing."

Xiao Zhan is thunderstruck!

For a while, he hears nothing beyond the brutal pounding of his pulse in his ears, and then his vision begins to blur.

Li Ping's guest stares unblinkingly back at him, his fiery, entrancing dark brown eyes nearly completely hooded by his low hanging baseball cap.

Xiao Zhan cannot believe that he is here right now, and although a hundred questions that he needs answers to fleet through his mind, he finds that he is unable to spit out a single one.

Li Ping says something again, and as the mention of an email registers, Xiao Zhan is able to make a good enough deduction about Yibo's sudden appearance.

He turns to Li Ping. "What's the time?" he asks, and Li Ping reaches for his phone on the counter.

Xiao Zhan has now taken his eyes off Yibo, but he can still feel his gaze boring into him, and scalding him senseless.

"10:20," he replies and Xiao Zhan scowls.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Mei Li called back, but by then you had gone back to the study and I didn't want to disturb you. She told me that Yibo called her again to inform you not to come to Beijing, and that he'd drive to Puyang and take the first flight out from there. That's what he wrote in the email. He was concerned that you'd forget to check it."

Puyang? Xiao Zhan's scowl deepens. That is a five hours drive from Beijing! His gaze snaps to Yibo's, the silent question of why he would go through such a hassle in his eyes, but Yibo doesn't respond. Instead he lifts the mug before him to his lips, and takes a sip.

"It was really prudent of him to fly from Puyang," Li Ping cannot help but compliment him. "There's no news whatsoever of him landing here since he took off from a different location than usual."

Xiao Zhan's chest shudders with a deep sigh. This would mean then that Yibo had been on the road since at least 2am to get to him. His heart once again begins to ache.

Without a word, he goes over to the stool beside Yibo and takes his seat by his side.

Once again he is hit with Yibo's scent, and it instantly sets him on fire.

This smoky and sweet lure, he is now fully convinced, is his own personal brand of aphrodisiac.

"Do you want some coffee?" Li Ping asks, and Xiao Zhan nods absentmindedly. He does however glimpse Yi Ping's phone, and this reminds him that before he can face Yibo, not to talk of speaking to him, he has to first of all confirm if his father has taken down the post or not.

"Li Ping, can I use your phone?" he asks. "I want to check something."

"Sure, just a sec," Li Ping responds as he works the coffee machine.

Just then, Yibo suddenly moves by his side, and every hair on Xiao Zhan's body stands to attention.

He is brimming with a potent mix of desire, anxiety and exhaustion, all converging into a sickening sweet arousal that is mercilessly battering into his core.

Yibo straightens then, so Xiao Zhan's gaze moves subtly to his hands, only to see that it is now holding a boxed phone. He moves it towards him without a word, and Xiao Zhan's heart grinds to a halt.

For the longest time, all he's able to do is stare at the box as a grave suspicion overwhelms him.

He lifts his gaze to Yibo who is not looking at him, but instead has the mug to his lips once again, and thus hiding his face from view.

The accusation rolls off Xiao Zhan's tongue before he can stop himself. "Is this because you don't want to owe me anything whatsoever?"

His tone is bitter and somewhat hostile, and at his words, Yibo stills.

He instantly regrets speaking so rashly, especially as Yibo sets the mug down and then turns to glare at him.

They hold each other's gazes with a fiery antagonism that has waves of heat swirling between them, and turbulent storms gathering in their eyes.

Suddenly, Li Ping clears his throat but Xiao Zhan refuses to look away from Yibo.

Instead, his eyes lower down the flattering slope of his nose, and to the soft pout of his lips which is now slightly tinted red and swollen due to the warmth from his beverage.

The tip of Yibo's tongue slips out to lick across his bottom lip, and Xiao Zhan's entire pelvic is strucknumb.

Yibo swallows, and at the provocative bob of his larynx up and down his throat, Xiao Zhan gets off the stool.

It almost falls away in his ferocity, but he manages to set it right in time. However, Yibo's hand had also shot out at the same time to catch it.

Flesh connects with flesh, and Xiao Zhan feels an excruciating jolt of torrid lust to his dick.

It is a severe threat to his sanity and control but thankfully, and before he can haul Yibo's lips to his, Li Ping's call pierces through the exquisite haze.

"Here," he says, and Xiao Zhan turns to see him holding out his phone.

Without a word, Xiao Zhan moves away from Yibo and goes around the counter to accept it.

"Thank you," he says and backs Yibo as he faces the coffee machine.

His breath releases in a shudder as he pulls up Weibo, well aware of Yibo's eyes on him.

He ignores all else and heads straight to his father's page, praying with all of his heart that he has taken the post down.

He checks...

and sees nothing.

An overwhelming relief crashes over him, but before allowing himself to completely bask in it, he refreshes the page several times until it is absolutely confirmed that the post has been deleted, almost as though it had never been posted in the first place.

Now he can face Yibo.

However... he is not ready.

He wants to return Li Ping's phone to him, but this will mean having to turn around to also face Yibo, and he finds that he cannot do it.

At least not yet.

At least not until he is properly composed.

"I"m uh... going to take a shower," Li Ping says quietly, no doubt well aware of the vehement tension in the room.

"Mm," Xiao Zhan replies, and Li Ping soon appears by his side. He places his mug in the sink, sends Xiao Zhan an odd glance, and then takes his leave.

Now that they are alone, Xiao Zhan's awareness of the boy who still hasn't spoken a word to him, multiplies ten fold. He waits as his coffee drips, and when it is done, pulls out the jug to pour himself a cup.

He then lifts the mug to his lips, and gently sips on the slightly bitter beverage.

Suddenly, he hears movement from behind him and his breath catches in his throat.

He waits... and a few seconds later, Yibo appears beside him.

Without a word, Yibo places his mug in the sink and after rinsing it out, sets it on the rack by the side to dry.

Then he grabs onto the edge of the counter to support his weight, and Xiao Zhan cannot help but glimpse at the veins that are slightly bulging up his hands.

They both remain this way without a word to the other, until Xiao Zhan cannot take it anymore.

He sets his mug down, and then takes a deep breath.

His lips part... and only two words are spoken.

"Kiss me."

He senses Yibo go even more still by his side, and a few seconds pass before he moves.

However Yibo doesn't turn towards him.

He instead turns to the opposite direction, and begins to walk away.

Xiao Zhan let's go of all reasoning.

Hemoves,and in two strides is able to grab Yibo's arm.

He spins him around to face him, and then his hand curves around the back of his neck.

Xiao Zhan slants his head, Yibo's cap knocking off in the process as he is hauled over.

His lips capture Yibo's in a hard, deepkiss, and at the contact once again with his favorite taste in the world, his senses are set ablaze.

He feels the impact like a sucker punch to the gut, and as Yibo moans into his mouth, the sound long and drawn out, he feels his knees weaken.

Yibo's hands flatten against his chest, perhaps to push him away but Xiao Zhan doesn't let him.

He strengthens his hold around Yibo's neck and bands his hand around his waist as he slides his tongue even deeper into Yibo's mouth. The sweet wetness does him in, and at the sizzle of intense pleasure down his spine, he feels his head begin to spin.

"I missed you," he breathes into his mouth, and Yibo shudders at the raw, heart wrenching assault.

Xiao Zhan grinds Yibo's hardness into his, a low growl rumbling in the back of his throat as he devours him with a hunger that near terrifies him.

Yibo's hands move then from his chest to wrap desperately around his shoulders and this sends them both staggering backwards. His back slams into a surface, and Xiao Zhan flattens every hard inch of his body to his as he sucks ravenously on Yibo's lips. He drinks him in with long, fervent strokes, their tongues intertwined and ravishing the other's mouth with wild abandon. Xiao Zhan is soon overwhelmed as Yibo's taste floods his head, and scatters his mind

A pained cry tears through his lips as he breaks away from Yibo to catch his breath, and only then does the heat pulsing lividly through his system register.

They are both heaving, holding desperately onto the other as they try to regain some semblance of calm.

Xiao Zhan rests his forehead against Yibo's, and is so terrified of opening his eyes that his throat constricts with emotion. Tears well up but he chokes it back, fighting to hold it all at bay, but once again, he is completely astounded at how merely kissing this one person is more than enough to shatter him to pieces, every, single, fucking, time.

Yibo seems just as battered as he is, his entire frame trembling softly as he holds onto Xiao Zhan for dear life.

Just then, Xiao Zhan hears Li Ping call out his name, but before he can even think of reacting, Li Ping appears in the kitchen.

Yibo immediately attempts to pull away, alarmed at the intrusion however Xiao Zhan refuses to let him go, his hold tightening around him.

"I"m uh- I-I"m sorry," Yi Ping apologizes, his tone hollow with shock. "I just came to... um- my phone."

Xiao Zhan ignores him, and since Li Ping does not dare come over to retrieve the device on the counter, he simply turns away and disappears.

Yibo's eyes meets his then, and Xiao Zhan feels the scorch of that gaze on his still shut eyelids.

"Zhan ge," he eventually calls, his voice hoarse with lust.

Xiao Zhan doesn't respond, choosing instead to quietly bask in Yibo's intoxicating warmth.

"Letgo," he says, and Xiao Zhan is forced to pull his eyes open. It meets Yibo's, and once again Xiao Zhan begins to lose himself in its depths.

"Ge," Yibo lightly shakes him and some measure of his coherence returns. His expression however is pained as his eyes rove all over Yibo's face, every feature registering in his mind with adoration.

Yibo stills in his arms, and then his hand lifts. He taps the moisture in the corner of Xiao Zhan's eye, and then brushes his hair out of his face.

"You look so tired," he breathes, and Xiao Zhan once again shuts his eyes. Yibo allows him the embrace, one hand going to the back of his head to lower Xiao Zhan onto his shoulder.

They remain like this for the longest time, until the tension in Xiao Zhan's body begins to seep out.

Yibo however continues to harden, causing a deep yearning for that delicious friction, surging through Xiao Zhan.

So he grabs Yibo's ass, and slightly bends his knees to grind his hardness against Yibo's bulge.

Yibo's head falls back in a sharp gasp, exposing the strained column of his neck and the mesmerizing bob of his adam's apple up and down his throat. Xiao Zhan wastes no time in closing his mouth around it, sucking hard but as carefully as he can so as not to bruise such a visible part of his body.

A slight twinge of pain registers as Yibo fists a handful of his hair, and begins to hump his hips even harder against his.

"Ge," he still manages to say, albeit shakily. "We... we need to talk."

The words fly over Xiao Zhan's head, his current focus solely on dry fucking Yibo into the wall, convinced that this is more than enough to make him come. It has been just about two days of them apart and yet he cannot believe just how hungry he is for him once again.

Eventually he cannot stand the barriers any longer, so he unbuttons Yibo's pants and slips his hand into his briefs. He goes past the slight coarseness of his crotch, and then Yibo's dick is in his hands.

"Ge," Yibo rasps violently, and before they can go any further, grabs Xiao Zhan's shoulders to urge him away.

"We needto talk," he repeats, and rests his forehead against Xiao Zhan's. His breathing is haggard, especially as Xiao Zhan continues to stroke him beneath, relishing the heat and the delectable, satiny smoothness of him.

Yibo grabs his wrist then, and stills him. Pulling his eyes open, he locks his gaze on Xiao Zhan's and bites out through gritted teeth. "Stop."

Xiao Zhan however is simply mesmerized by his face, his heart racing wildly at the sheer marvel of seeing him again... and of having him this close to him.

He cannot help himself so once again, he moves to kiss him but Yibo leans backwards, and turns his face away.


Xiao Zhan's gut twists at the rejection, even as the only currently coherent part of his brain registers that they do indeed have more urgent matters to address.

"Alright," he sighs and releases his grip around Yibo, however he doesn't pull his hand out of his pants. He instead hooks his thumb over the band and begins to pull Yibo along with him.

"Xiao Zhan!" Yibo complains, grabbing onto his wrist and halting his steps.

Xiao Zhan turns back to glower at him. "What is it?"

"I need to talk to you."

"That's what we're going to do."

"Let's do it here," he says, and a humorless smile curls Xiao Zhan's lips. His gaze darkens dangerously as he stares back at Yibo, and so does his heart.

"Why? Are you afraid that I'm going to fuck some sense back into you?"

Yibo meets his gaze head on, his breath leaving him in harsh exhales. "Yes," he responds, much to Xiao Zhan's surprise.

"I'm fuckingafraid, but it's not because you're going to fuckany sense into me, but that you're going to fuck the little that's left out of me. So let me go."

Once again, he pulls at Xiao Zhan's grip, however Xiao Zhan still refuses to release him, his hold as solid as steel.

"I don't want to hurt you," Yibo warns, as his pull to budge Xiao Zhan's grip hardens.

"If you don't come with me I'm going to fuckyou right here," Xiao Zhan says, and at the resolve in his tone, Yibo's shoulders slump in defeat.

Xiao Zhan resumes his pull, and Yibo goes along with him, completely defenseless.

He wrenches the door to the study open, pulls Yibo in with him and then slams it shut.

Yibo is flattened against the hard wood, Xiao Zhan's focus now on jerking his zipper down,

"Xiao Zhan!" Yibo once again complains as he tries to push him off, however his protests fall on deaf ears.

Xiao Zhan succeeds in tugging the jeans halfway down his hips but before he can go any further, Yibo lifts his hands and shoves him away.

"For fuck's sake!" he roars. "Xiao Zhan!"

Xiao Zhan staggers backwards, but is able to to catch himself in time, and regain his balance.

Breathing is now something of a challenge for him as he eyes Yibo warily, but then he is consoled when he sees that Yibo is in a similar predicament.

Eventually, he is able to stabilize his breathing, and as Yibo looks away to run his fingers through his hair, he concedes.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

Yibo takes a few more moments to calm himself, and only then does he turn back to hold Xiao Zhan's gaze.

"What you don't want to hear," he says, and Xiao Zhan feels his insides begin to wring.

The agony is excruciating, but he steels his spine and deepens his frown.

"And that is?"

Yibo sighs, and softens his tone.

"I told you on the phone that I don't want to leave things open ended between us."

"I heard you," Xiao Zhan replies. "And it better not mean what I think it means."

"Zhan ge," Yibo's voice breaks, and Xiao Zhan turns away from him. He fixates his gaze on the messy bookshelf to the corner, and fights to clear his head because truly, his life is now hanging in the balance.

"You can't break up with me over something my father did."

"It's not because of that," Yibo says quietly.

"Then what is it because of?" he spins back around, his chest now burning with anxiety.

Yibo's eyes water.

"Zhan ge, I'm no good for you."

At this, Xiao Zhan feels his soul begin to crumble. "How dareyou?" He bites out. "How dareyou say that now that you have me wrapped around your finger?"

Yibo's teeth sinks into his quivering bottom lip as he tries to hold his emotions at bay, however his knees buckle and he is sent sliding down to the floor. He rests his head against the door and shuts his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he breathes. "I regret that. With all of my heart."

The blow of his words is so devastating that Xiao Zhan feels a violent crack run down the middle of his heart. He cannot believe what Yibo has just said.


"I should have just left you alone. I should never have fought my way back into your life."

"Wang Yibo!" Xiao Zhan warns, and Yibo's eyes come open.

Tears slowly slip through and roll down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fuckingsorry."

"My father has deleted the post," Xiao reminds him, just in case he has forgotten or isn't even aware.

"It's not that," he groans in anguish. "It's because of... everything."

"Things are too hard now for you to handle?" Xiao Zhan taunts. "Did you expect that it was going to be easy?"

"I didn't fuckingexpect that it was going to come at the price of hurting you... this much... over and over again."

"You're hurting me right now," he says, and Yibo's eyes once again clench shut.

"You know that what I'm saying is right."

"No. I don't know," he replies. "All I know is that you're about to break my fuckingheart. And if you do, I hope you understand that there's no coming back from this."

The conviction in his words are from a depth inside that is so dark, it terrifies him.

Yibo's head hangs low.

"I know," he says, and the resignation is crushing.

Xiao Zhan slips his hands into his pockets to hide their trembling, especially from himself.

"So you'll rather give me up? Than fix the problems that we have?"

"How do we fucking fix the fact that I'm an anchor to you?"

The dejection in his tone is its own special kind of torment to Xiao Zhan, but rather than empathy, all he feels towards him is a grave annoyance.

He scoffs. "You're really quite full of yourself aren't you?"

At this, Yibo wipes the tears off his cheeks. Then he rises to his feet and Xiao Zhan descends into a blood chilling panic.

"Yibo," he calls, his tone filled with warning.

"Zhan ge, it's best that we go out separate ways. You'll be able to soar and I won't be fucking wracked with guilt every time I look at you."

"This is solely about you. Again."

"Yeah," Yibo replies miserably. "I'm a fucking selfish bastard, and I won't survive it if you get hurt because of me just one more time."

Xiao Zhan smiles again, his demeanor dire and lethal. "And what do you think is happening right now?"

"You'll fall out of love with me eventually. Time will take care of that. I'm sure."

"What do you fuckingknow about time?" Xiao Zhan snarls. He pulls his hands out of his pockets and begins to head towards Yibo.

"You think you're going to heal from this?


"Wang Yibo!"

"I don't care if I don't," he says. "All I know is that I can't be with you after knowing everything that I've caused you. And that I'm not going to be able to fix it."

He lifts his tormented gaze to Xiao Zhan's. "Ge, I found out. I found out yesterday that they... that we were behind most of the attacks against you. We might not have started it, but we sure did take advantage of it."

Xiao Zhan feels like he is about to lose his mind. "Stop fucking saying 'we'!"

Yibo is listless. "Why not? Didn't I benefit from it all? To the point where I even managed to convince myself that it was easier for me to look away. For me not to ask any questions. Back then I consoled myself with the fact that attacks like these were part of the business, and that you could handle it. And that you'd be fine."

"Yibo, I am fine," Xiao Zhan says, however he continues without even hearing him.

"Yesterday I ... I was ready to damn them all to hell. But then your father released that post and I realized that this ... thisis not solely about us. And we're not the only ones that matter."

"For instance if I were to go against them for all that they've done, then where does that leave all the other artists under the company?"

"Am I going to single handedly ruin all of their careers? And what about our CEO? I've known her since I was a child, and I've spent more time with her than I have with my own mother. Her methods have been cruel and detestable, but she has worked twice as hard as I have for what we are today. That's ten years of both of our lives."

"And then ... and then what about our parents? Your father already detests me. Am I then going to make you choose between the both of us? I know how much you love him. How much he loves you. So yeah, the world doesn't revolve around us. It just doesn't."

"Yibo," Xiao Zhan arrives before him. "You've spoken about everyone else. You've considered everyone else. But what about me?"

His eyes clench shut again in quiet desolation.

"I don't know," he says. "I ... I can only hope that with time you'll forget about me because... because I no longer have the confidence to claim that I'm what's best for you, especially as I'm unwilling to not consider everyone else."

"And I don't think that either of us can ever truly be happy if we hurt everyone else, just for ourselves."

"I'm not asking you to hurt anyone," Xiao Zhan says to him. "I- ...I- forgive you. I forgive them."

"Because you wantme," Yibo says. "Because you put me first, and if that keeps happening you'll also be the one to get hurt. For instance, you were planning on coming to see me this morning when you know that it will be a fucking disaster if you were to fly to Beijing right now. But you didn't care."

"Alright," Xiao Zhan says. "I'll be more careful from now on."

"You lied to me." Yibo adds. "About the role. You told me that you'd be returning to Shanghai to continue filming, but you were already aware that they'd taken you off the project weren't you? My heart shattered when I saw the announcement."

Another bout of tears roll from his eyes, and Xiao Zhan can no longer take it.

He lowers himself to the floor, and cradles Yibo's face in his hands.

"Alright," he says as he stares into those glistening wet pools of pain. "Let's take a break then. From each other."

Yibo's eyes rove all over his face, as if committing it all to memory.

He remains silent, and it makes Xiao Zhan feel as though his heart is being dug out of his chest.

"You can't break up with me," he rests his forehead against Yibo's. "It's not an option."

Suddenly, he feels Yibo's lips on his, as light as a feather and as soft as a prayer.

"I can't just take a break from you either," he speaks against his mouth. "It will solve nothing."

Xiao Zhan opens his eyes, his lashes fluttering against Yibo's. "But breaking up with me will?"

Yibo's gaze bores into his, and they are so close to each other that he can see all the specs of brown in it.

He commits this to memory too, praying that it will stay with him for the rest of his life. And that he will be be able to perfectly conjure up this beguiling gaze at will, and drown himself in it no matter how far away its owner is from him.

Yibo sighs. "It'll give us both the chance to move on. And maybe... who knows? Maybe in the future we can even somewhat become friends."

At this, Xiao Zhan pulls away from him and rises to his feet. Then he grabs Yibo by his black jumper, and pulls him up with him.

He once again slams his back against the door, and glares into his eyes.

"We will neverbe just friends. So I'm telling you one last time to think this through, because if you end things with me today, that will be it. For the both of us... in this life time."

Yibo stares back at him, his eyes turbulent and distressed.

Xiao Zhan presses his body hard against his.

"Think hard," he says, his heated breath washing all over Yibo's face. "Think hard about what you're about to give up."

"Our lives, entwined."

He brushes Yibo's hair out of his face, and then strokes the back of his fingers down his wet cheeks.

Then he flattens his hand against his chest, just beneath his heart. Xiao Zhan can feel the violent thundering beneath his rib cage, and it brings him to the verge of crumbling when he realizes that it exactly mirrors his own.

"Take it back," he mutters to him. "All that you've just said to me about why we can't be. Take it back."

Yibo remains silent, however Xiao Zhan can feel the gentle trembling of his entire body.

He thought that he'd be enraged with Yibo ... furious out of his mind at him for even daring to suggest that they part and go their separate ways, but right now he cannot help but ache for him even as he aches for himself.

"I can't," Yibo says, and at the finality in his eyes, he feels his heart break.

But then he decides that he doesn't have to accept this. He doesn't have to accept anything.

So he grabs the tails of his sweatshirt and pulls it over his head. He flings the material aside, and with his eyes still locked on Yibo, reaches behind him to lock the door.

Yibo's expression turns to one of terror.

"Xiao Zhan!" he breathes in warning, but he ignores him.

Xiao Zhan's hand disappears into Yibo's hair, and grips a handful of it to hold him in place.

He seals his lips over his and kisses him senseless, until Yibo is forced to hold onto him for dear life.

"Xiao Zhan," he quivers and tries to pull away, a new spill of tears staining both of their cheeks. However Xiao Zhan doesn't let him. He licks into his mouth with lush strokes, eating at Yibo with more intensity than he ever has.

Heartbreaking whimpers slip out of Yibo in response, his hands digging brutally into his biceps as Xiao Zhan feverishly devours his lips. He is completely intoxicated by Yibo's essence, forever insatiable and vehemently keen.

It takes little work to shatter Yibo's resolve of keeping him away, Xiao Zhan's stomach flipping in triumph as Yibo completely melts into the kiss.

Yibo locks his arms around his waist like a vice, anguished moans of bliss and erotic euphoria wreaking through him like a storm. His hands slide down to grab Xiao Zhan's ass, crushing his hardness to his in a way that has torrid pools of sweet warmth gathering in the pit of his stomach

Eventually, they part with their lungs heaving for breath, and a soft smack that is as devastating as it is erotic. Xiao Zhan is overwhelmed with a terrifying sensation that is akin to drowning, so his grip on Yibo's hair roughens as he angles his face up to meet his gaze.

"You think that you'll be able to kiss someone else and feel this way again?" He hisses out between clenched teeth. "Or are you just taking this all for granted just because you're young? Do you not realize how rare it is to be this connected to another human being? Or do you expect that you'll be able to find this again? Do you think that either of us will?"

Yibo shuts his eyes, so Xiao Zhan is forced to watch as his lips tremble, fighting to hold back his tears.

At his strangled breathing, Xiao Zhan lowers and licks across the bruised reddened flesh. His tongue is wet and lush against it, and as he closes his eyes to once again savor Yibo's taste, he wholeheartedly admits that this is as close to heaven as he can ever get here on earth.

But then something else comes to mind. Something even closer... and that is fuckingYibo. He thinks about the fact that he is yet to even fully sleep and wake up in his arms. He is yet to take a shower with him, or even spend an evening doing absolutely nothing but just basking in his presence.

All of this to him can pretty much be classified under the category of heaven on earth, but then Yibo is about to deprive him of all of it. He cannot believe it.

So he pulls away from him.

"Get out," he says. "Just go. I don't want to see you."

Yibo's eyes flutter open, the dark brown depths strained red and hollow.

"Fuckme," he pleads. "Just one last time."

"No," Xiao Zhan refuses. "I'm not going to give you the closure that you want. I hope that our time in Houhe lingers in your memory and haunts you forever."

Yibo however tightens his arms around him once again, and buries his face in his neck, and at this, Xiao Zhan feels his bones crumble to dust.

This same, fuckingmove.

"Wang Yibo!" he seethes as he grips his arms and tries to pull him away, however he doesn't budge.

Xiao Zhan doesn't give up. Gathering what is left of his will and resolve, he unlocks the door and grabs the handle behind so that he can pull it open, however Yibo slams it back shut.

To Xiao Zhan's surprise, Yibo doubles the strength of his hold around him and in a flash, he is the one whom is spun around and slammed against the door.

"Yibo!" he protests, but before he can say anymore, his lips are hijacked in a ferociously deep kiss.

He feels his brain instantly turn to mush as the effects weave through his body like venom.

"Yibo," he croaks as he fights to keep his eyes open, and his hands committed to pushing him away. However, Yibo grabs onto the edge of his pants, and before he can stop him, the dark fabric along with his briefs are pulled down his hips.

The cool air from the room hits him at the exposure, and he grits his teeth in barely contained annoyance.

He shoves Yibo's shoulders, sending him stumbling backwards, but before Xiao Zhan can bend to pull his pants back up, Yibo lowers to his knees and grabs his cock.

In the next moment he is in Yibo's mouth, and at the sudden barrage of maddening erotic sensations into him, he feels his entire body go limp.

"Ahh... " a long, tortured moan quivers out of him.

All of the memories come flooding back, of the places in the past where this has taken them before, and of the beautiful explosion that is waiting at the end.

"Yi... Yi-b-bo," he makes one last attempt to stop him, his hand grabbing a handful of his hair to pull him away.

However Yibo's mouth around his dick is like a vice, his cheeks hallowing to take him as deeply as is possible, and his tongue as well as the roof of his mouth, milking him with wild abandon.

"Fuck!" Xiao Zhan curses, the back of his head slamming against the door. However he barely feels the pain... he barely feels anything beyond the scorching heat of Yibo's mouth around him, and the exquisite pleasure generated by Yibo sucking him blind.

His heartbeat is raging out of control in his chest, but he truly doesn't want to give Yibo what he wants right now. He wants him to come back on his knees, beggingfor it.

Yibo begins to withdraw, his sounds delectably carnal and sloppy, but despite the ragged ecstasy that is clawing through Xiao Zhan, he somehow is able to find a moment of clarity that gives him one last dose of willpower to pull away.

He sinks his grip into Yibo's shoulder, prepared to shove him as hard away as he can, however Yibo doesn't let up for even a second.

His mouth tightens around the plush, broad head of his cock, and sucks Xiao Zhan with such force that his back nearly gives out.

"Ahhhh!" Xiao Zhan howls, losing all coherence at the vicious burst of precum out of him.

He throws away every reign of caution then, his hips bucking at the torrent of ecstasy that is gushing through his body. Yibo's grip replaces his mouth as he begins to pump him mercilessly, but when he pauses for a moment to lick up and down the soaking wet length, the pad of his tongue burning a trail of deep affection down the sensitive flesh, Xiao Zhan feels tears well up in his eyes.

In Yibo's assault, he feels his reverence for him and his near worship, his gripping love and his complete adoration.

A wretched sound rumbles in the back of his throat as he feasts on him, and it is all too much for Xiao Zhan to bear.

"Yibo...stoopp," he pleads, however Yibo grabs onto his hips to pull him back into his mouth, and Xiao Zhans eyes roll into the back of his head.

He can no longer stand upright, so his spine curves limply over Yibo who immediately registers his need for support.

Yibo rises then, his knees somewhat wobbly but soon he is able to stable himself.

Xiao Zhan tries to gather the fragments of his mind so that he can at least control what is happening, but before he can even string a word together, he feels his feet disconnect from the floor.

"Yibo!" he rasps out in shock, as the hand underneath his backside registers. Before he can let out any further protest, he feels himself being lowered to the chaise lounge.

Everything is rough and hastened so he almost rolls off it, but then he grabs onto Yibo who is now fully looming over him.

His arms curve desperately around Yibo's shoulders, and before he can stop himself, he hauls him over for a heart wrenching kiss.

He tastes himself on Yibo's yongue, and at the lewd intimacy, he feels himself give up and give in.

All over again.

To the irresistible force that is Wang Yibo.

Mercilessly consuming everything and everyone in his path. Xiao Zhan is a victim he realizes, and this makes him sad, but then Yibo moves his kisses from his lips to trail them down his neck and he cannot help but admit that this is the only kind of sad he wants to be.

Xiao Zhan feels as though he is on fire... his body boiling with a delicious heat as Yibo burns hard, wet kisses into every inch of his skin. It is only when he gets to his nipples and Yibo takes the jutted hardened peaks between his teeth, that what he is doing finally registers.

Yibo then proceeds to suck deviously on it, his breathing haggard and his intensity brutal.

Xiao Zhan grips his hair, and forces Yibo's hazed gaze to his.

"You're marking me?" he asks, the lingering ache across his skin from Yibo's kisses now undeniably apparent. He is going to bruise after this, all over, however Yibo admits to nothing.

He just stares back at him, his eyes an entrancing pool of the darkest of yearnings.

"Alright," Xiao Zhan says and lays back against the angled backrest. "Do whatever the fuck you want."

Yibo needs no further permission.

He continues his sensual trail down Xiao Zhan's torso, and soon arrives back at his groin. He pulls the rest of his pants and briefs off, and in no time, Xiao Zhan's cock is back in Yibo's mouth. This reminds him of their first time doing any explicit whatsoever in Beijing, and how he had also completely given in then to this hurricane of a human.

"I'm always giving in to what you want," Xiao Zhan cannot help but say. "So someday, when I come to you with what I want, you better fucking remember all of this and surrender."

At this, he feels Yibo go still, but it is only for a split second. Without saying a word, he resumes his hard suction of Xiao Zhan's cock and the both of them lose themselves in the wild sensations.

Xiao Zhan thrusts ardently into the bobbing of Yibo's head as he milks his length, and in no time he is spurting violently into Yibo's mouth.

His thighs bunch at the surreal flood of unadulterated ecstasy into his system, and although he tries his very best to, he finds that he cannot muffle his sounds. He lets out a deep, agonized moan, his hips jerking and sputtering into Yibo's mouth. His back is arched and his frame twisted, and it is at least a full minute before he is able to recall where he is and what is happening.

He manages to pull his eyes open, and what he meets is Yibo still curved over him.

His lips are glistening wet, and his eyes so dark and dilated with desire, that Xiao Zhan feels himself fall in love with him all over again. So he grabs onto Yibo's neck to crush his lips to his, and then bands his hand around his waist to flatten his body completely against his.

A little while longer passes with him doing nothing beyond kissing Yibo, and he commits every single moment of it to memory.

He is not capable of taking in all of this as their last, but just in case Yibo's mule-headedness somehow wins over them both in the end, he savors every bit of him like a drug.

Eventually, he cannot stand that Yibo is still dressed so he wrenches his sweatshirt over his head and then moves so that they can switch positions.

Yibo takes the chance to catch his breath as his back connects with the lounge, completely surrendering to Xiao Zhan as he strips him completely naked.

Xiao Zhan kisses up the insides of his thighs and then moves into position astride him, the majority of his weight on his knees. His hips roll in sultry circles against Yibo's crotch, and then he clutches both of their cocks to pump them against the other.

He relishes the grimace of blissful agony that comes over Yibo's face, and the fierce trembling of his entire pelvic. Xiao Zhan can no longer wait then to have him in his mouth so he lowers down the length of Yibo's limbs, and cups him with complete adoration.

He has severely missed this magical part of Yibo he acknowledges, so as he licks the underside of him, and then parts his lips for the first taste of his already damp crown, he feels his soul tremble with a feverish excitement.

He takes his time in kissing up and down his length, and then he begins to fuck him with his mouth. With his grip at the base, and at Yibo's wild thrashing along the length of the lounge, his neck corded with strained veins and his breaths releasing in sporadic pants, Xiao Zhan feels his desire build towards the edge along with his. However he holds himself back, simply relishing in the taste, feel and sight of Yibo unraveling before him.

Yibo wails as he releases explosively into Xiao Zhan's mouth, the sound tinged with equal parts frustration and feral delight. A convulsive shudder then begins to wreak through his frame, so Xiao Zhan's hands dig into his ass to hold him in place.

He lures every last bit of discharge out of him in relentless drawing pulls, until Yibo collapses onto the lounge, boneless and dazed.

Xiao Zhan feels his insides begin to melt at the heart wrenching vulnerability that comes over his face, but he however doesn't have time enough to linger.

They have no lube, so he needs to transfer all of Yibo's discharge into the appropriate place before it all flows down his throat. He rises and eventually manages to flip Yibo over, whom is still far from coherent even as Xiao Zhan props up his hips and spreads his cheeks.

When he however closes his mouth around the puckered hole to lick into him, Yibo immediately regains his coherence and nearly bounds off the lounge.

"Xiao Zhan!" a gasp tears from his throat as he glances backwards to stare at him, his eyes wide eyed in surprise.

Xiao Zhan however has no patience for his modesty.

"You want to bruise till you really can't walk?"

"You can't d-" Yibo starts to stay but stops himself, unable to finish the statement. His face is now burning a bright red and despite Xiao Zhan's previously sour mood, he feels a light amusement begin to rattle through him at Yibo's shyness.

He too would have never thought that he would be this willingly intimate with anyone, especially a man, but Yibo was not just anyone to him was he?

"I can't what?" he cannot help but tease Yibo as he wipes off the streak that has spilled down the side of his chin, and then licks across the rest that have stained his lips.

When Yibo is unable to answer him, he yanks his waist over to settle him back into place, but this time around he allows him to return to his back.

He doesn't mind taking Yibo from behind, but not this time. This time around, he wants to watch him fully as he fucks him into oblivion. He doesn't want to miss the myriad of expressions and emotions that fleet across Yibo's face as he loses himself in the throes of the act; the smirk that sometimes appears in a corner of his mouth, and then is gone in an instant, the writhing of his body, and the way his lashes flutter with the never ending challenge of refusing to stay clenched shut, but yet unable to fully open. He doesn't want to miss the way Yibo's lips part in sharp gasps, and then the way his teeth sinks mercilessly into the plump lower flesh until it swells and darkens from the pain.

He eyes Yibo nearly mockingly, and then with his elbows supporting the weight of Yibo's ass, props him up and angles him towards his face.

"There's not meant to be any fucking boundary between us," Xiao Zhan hisses. "You think this is just sex?"

Yibo is still reluctant, his gaze on him wary, but Xiao Zhan makes sure to lock his hips in place and then lowers once again to spear his tongue into him.

Yibo's back fully arcs off the chair with a jolt, an agonized sound rumbling low in his chest. Xiao Zhan lays all his focus of coaxing him open, and then he slides a finger into him. Yibo is severely aroused, perhaps more now than he has ever seen him, so he has very little trouble plunging and retreating. Another finger soon joins the onslaught, and then Yibo is writhing hungrily into his thrusts.

Xiao Zhan presses into his prostrate from time to time, but it is just enough to make him spill slightly. This discharge across his belly is what Xiao Zhan collects with his mouth, and then kisses into Yibo with his tongue.

Soon enough, Yibo begins to tighten dangerously, and the last thing he wants is him coming just yet so Xiao Zhan lowers his waist back down, and then puts himself into position astride him.

He cannot contain his excitement at the prospect of once again sheathing himself within yibo, his grip snug... and hot... and wet.

"Tell me if it hurts at any point," he says as he palms some of the moisture off Yibo's dick, to slick onto his.

Yibo responds with an eager nod, and then Xiao Zhan pushes slowly into him.

It takes all of his will power to restrain his pace, especially at the immediate and brutal clutch of Yibo's walls around his head. But then at the slight twinge of discomfort across Yibo's face, he is reminded of how careful he has to be with him, especially this time around.

Yibo's lower belly is clenching and quivering with his effort to keep himself relaxed, so that Xiao Zhan can gain all the access that he needs. However it is quite the challenge for him, so Xiao Zhan reaches out to soothe him, his hand massaging the tense muscles in gentle circles, and from time to time stroking along his curved and rock hard length.

Soon, he is able to slide even deeper, and at the manic contraction of Yibo's walls around him, Xiao Zhan nearly topples over from the bombardment of sensation.

"Fuck," he growls aloud, Yibo's name chanting through his head like a spell.

"Zhan ge," Yibo breathes. "Keep going, I'm okay."

Xiao Zhan heeds his urging, and with one final plunge, surgesthe rest of the way into him.

The both of them throw their heads backwards, Xiao Zhan's hanging in the air while Yibo's digs into the cushion. Their ragged moans at the illicit connection are somewhat synchronized and floating across the room, and for a moment this makes him think of Li Ping.

And of the fact that this is his home and study, and that he has desecrated it in the most inconsiderate way. He starts to worry about how he is going to face him after all this is over, but then suddenly, Yibo straightens to take his lips in a bruising kiss, and Xiao Zhan is startled back to the present.

He kisses Yibo back, his tongue thrusting without volition into his mouth until he feels a thick stream begin to seep out from where they are joined.

He breaks away from him with a gasp, and then pulls his arms from around his shoulders. Yibo falls back onto the cushion with his hands pinned by the sides of his head, and his eyes glazing over. Xiao Zhan focuses solely then on fucking him, beginning with a slow, careful retreat along Yibo's hypersensitive walls.

"Zhan ge," his head begins to thrash from side to side, and as Xiao Zhan pummels back into him, his cock tunneling deep and all the way to the hilt, Yibo's spine arcs with a vicious jolt off the bed.

Xiao Zhan nearly collapses onto him, his grip on Yibo's wrists the only thing that prevents this and keeps him angled at just the right position above him.

Their hips are plastered together, and as Xiao Zhan withdraws once again, stretching him exquisitely, he feels Yibo's inner walls ripple greedily around him. It drives him insane, and sends him thrusting so hard back into Yibo that he is shoved up the lounge chair.

Yibo moans out his name in sweet anguish, his hips circling and screwing arduously into Xiao Zhan.

His skin is now heated and misted with sweat, and at the trickle of a solitary bead down Yibo's neck, Xiao Zhan cannot help but to lean forward to catch it with the pad of his tongue.

He licks the moisture up Yibo's skin, and is rewarded with hard, hungry squeezes of Yibo's walls around his cock.

"Fuck!" he hisses as he collapses onto Yibo to catch his breath, unaware of the tears that are now falling from his eyes until Yibo turns to him, and begins to kiss it all away from his cheeks.

"I loveyou," Xiao Zhan bares his soul to him. "Please stay. Let's work this out. I don't want to live without you."

At this, Yibo buries his face in his neck, and at the slight shuddering of his body that follows, Xiao Zhan is made aware that he too has broken into sobs.

All of these casts a heavy shadow of sorrow over this explicitly beautiful moment of theirs, and it is the last thing that Xiao Zhan wants.

So he lifts himself back onto his elbows, and stares down at Yibo's tears soaked faced now turned away from his.

He brushes away the strands of hair that has now plastered to his temple, presses a soft kiss to his cheek, and then begins to roll his hips, screwing him into a frenzy.

Yibo lets out a wretched moan, and the sound is so deeply erotic that Xiao Zhan feels himself grow even more impossibly harder inside him. Xiao Zhan leans forward to nibble on the sharp edge of his jawline, and at their resumed tempo, Yibo can no longer remain still. He returns his gaze to Xiao Zhan's, the endless depth, molten and heart wrenching. Xiao Zhan sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, and at the bruising pull, feels the strain and tightening all the way to his core.

Thus he begins to pump fervently into Yibo, watching and committing to memory every emotion that fleets across his face.

"How do you feel?" he rasps out, and Yibo hungrily licks his lips.

"I fucking love it," he replies. "And I fucking love you."

Xiao Zhan shuts his eyes, the combination of Yibo's rejection and simultaneous adoration much too devastating for him to bear.

So he focuses solely now on wringing out this ferocious hunger for him that has coiled into a menacing tension.

His pace quickens, his teeth grinding at the delicious friction that has him fuckingso hard into Yibo, and chasing fervently after their release.

A ripple of red hot thrill batters his senses as Yibo rocks just as wildly against him, his hips churning with a crazed anguish that has Xiao Zhan pounding mindlessly into him. Xiao Zhan has no idea now how long they have been now at this, but he knows that he cannot go on any further until he is able to empty himself inside of Yibo.

Yibo seems just as desperate, his fingers clawing mercilessly down Xiao Zhan's back and his lips sucking over and over on the skin covering the pulse in his neck.

His whimpers as they edge closer and closer to their release heightens in its devastation, and Xiao Zhan is once again astounded at the sheer intensity and rawness of their joining. This makes him think back to the way that their relationship has progressed over the years; from being just co-workers, to igniting a soul deep friendship that began to demand all that the other could possibly give. And now to being this, lovers with an insatiable appetite for the other, and an all consuming love that was threatening to set them both ablaze.

He cannot believe once again that Yibo is about to throw all of this away, all because of the assault from his conscience.

"Ge," Yibo pants uncontrollably, his hips jerking and rocking feverishly into his. "Harder. Fuck me harder."

Xiao Zhan heeds his request, and as he angles his hips to power into that spot that makes him curse and writhe, he feels the lounge chair begin to scrape across the floor.

At some point Xiao Zhan loses his mind, his punishing lunges into Yibo finally overwhelming him with a vicious orgasm that has an ear splitting roar tearing from his throat. In that moment, he feels their spirit converge, and as Yibo begins to quake out his own release, his guttural cries filling Xiao Zhan's ears, Xiao Zhan buries his face into his hair and falls apart.

They both shudder violently against the other, with Xiao Zhan spurting endlessly into Yibo. Yibo's own release floods into the space between their bodies, hot and sticky, and in the end they crush themselves into the other's embrace.

Xiao Zhan drowns himself in Yibo's kisses, refusing to let go until eventually, all the strength is drained out of his body and he collapses limply unto his chest.

Very little registers afterwards, and it is just as well because he immediately falls asleep to the soothing motions of Yibo stroking his hair, and his cock still buried deep inside him.

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