RECKLESS ✔ {The Third Maximof...

By poppilinaa

59.8K 1.1K 174

Nadine is the younger sister of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. She was eight when the first shell hit her home in... More

[ Nadine ]
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1.7K 58 20
By poppilinaa

The wooden doors flew open as me and Wanda stood side by side, storming outside. She took the right and I took the left. I blasted the robots to the left of me and tore them apart maneuvering my red energy.

"All right, we're all clear here." Clint nodded at us.
"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Rogers grunted into his earpiece.
"All right, coming to you." Clint exhaled.
Pietro zoomed past us picking up Wanda and carrying her away creating a huge blast of wind as he went.
"Keep up, old man!" He shouted "I'll be back for you Nadine."

Before me or Clint could say anything Pietro returned, and within a second I was already out of there in his arms.
I heard Clint mutter to himself in the distance.

Pietro dropped me off with Steve who was hurling his shield around hitting Ultron's army. Pietro sent a nod to him, as to say keep an eye on me before dashing away to find Wanda.

"Hello Captain Rogers sir." I spoke while assisting him with destroying the robots, red energy rushing out of my hands.
"You can call me Steve. How are you holding up kid?" He asked with a caring tone to his voice.
"It's weird being back here." I told him honestly.
"I understand, you're brave Nadine."
I smiled back at him.

"C'mon we've got to help these cilivians."
I ran after him helping guide people into a building, I could barely see where I was going due to the amount of smoke in the air. I helped a little boy get inside, he had been separated from his family. "Stay here okay, you will be safe here." I told him.

"The next wave is gonna hit any minute, what do you got Stark?" Steve spoke through his earpiece.
"Huh? Nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city, that'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." Tony replied
"I asked for a solution, not a escape plan." Steve stated
"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice."
I ran over to Steve and Natasha who were outside, "Cap, these people are going nowhere, if Stark finds a way to blow this rock.." Natasha started
"Not till everyone's safe." He insisted
"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there.."
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." He declared
"I didn't say we should leave, there's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" Natasha spoke softly,
"Glad you like the view Romanoff, it's about to get better." An unfamiliar voice spoke down the earpiece.

All at once, a giant aircraft emerged from the sky. I was so amazed by what had just come to our rescue, I stood in awe at this huge flying ship looking thing.
"Well that's not something you see everyday." I muttered to myself.

"Nice right. Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends she's dusty, but she'll do." The unfamiliar voice spoke again into my ear.
"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve replied, I could see that he was smiling.
"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury joked.

Pietro raced to where I was stood with Steve and Natasha, he stood admiring the aircraft with me.
"This is sheild?" He asked
"This is what shield is supposed to be." Steve responded
"This is not so bad." Pietro chuckled,
"This is amazing Pietro!" I shouted, the aircraft had deployed lifeboats for the people to board.
"Let's load them up." Steve ordered.

I ran towards where one of the lifeboats had landed, the people were rushing out of the building getting into the seats. "C'mon we gotta move fast." I shouted

"Thor, I got a plan." Tony spoke into the earpiece, "We're out of time they're coming for the core." Thor replied
"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."
"On it."
"Freak child number 3 get on a lifeboat. Avengers, time to work for a living."
I rolled my eyes at Tony's comment but I followed his orders.
The lifeboat that was close to me had almost filled up with people so I ran onto it and sat in a seat next to a women cradling a baby.

Once it was full, the lifeboat's engines powered up and it started to fly off the ground heading towards the helicarrier.
As I looked back I saw Clint running away from a boat, heading towards what looked like a little boy.
All of a sudden, I got out of my seat because in the distance I saw a jet flying towards us firing down at the city.
I needed to help Clint, the jet was headed straight towards him and the boy. I blasted energy out of hands, just enough for me to jump back onto the rock. I ran as fast as I could towards Clint, but Pietro had overtaken me.
As fast as I could I pushed my hands forward and it created a red force field. As the jet flew over I got too weak, I could barely hold it.
My force field had broken in a section and I had been shot.
Everything went dark. I could feel the life draining out of my body the pain had consumed me. The last thing I remembered was falling into a familiar pair of arms.

A/N my updates are going to be more consistent <3

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