Roots of Earth ~ A Ninjago Fa...

By LordTigress

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What would it take for you to face the darkest parts of yourself? Set just before the events of Hands of Time... More

Episode 65/a: A Forgotten Enemy
Chapter 1: Fangirls, Fast-food, and Felines
Chapter 2: Midnight Meeting and Memories Unbidden
Chapter 3: Little Secrets
Chapter 4: Lost Friend and Forgotten Family
Chapter 5: A New Side
Chapter 6: Jay's Investigation
Chapter 7: Ambush and Abduction
Episode 66/a: A Game of Cat and Mouse
Chapter 8: The Dark Sleep
Chapter 9: The Second Ambush
Chapter 10: Fleeing the Felines and Spilling the Beans
Chapter 11: Meeting Jake
Chapter 12: Whisker's Revelation
Chapter 13: Who Says Cats Can't Swim?
Chapter 14: Travelers Reunited
Chapter 15: The Water Ninja's Nightmare
Chapter 16: Figuring It Out
Episode 67/a: Cat Out of the Bag
Chapter 17: The Sleeping Strangers
Chapter 18: Catching the Mole
Chapter 19: A Little Lie and a Little Leaf
Chapter 20: Entering Eagle Talon
Chapter 21: Little Leaf's Unnerving Form
Chapter 22: A Reluctant Alliance
Chapter 23: What They Said and What She Heard
Chapter 24: Shapeshifting
Chapter 25: A Storm of Emotion
Chapter 26: Rescue Mission
Chapter 27: All Paws on Deck
Chapter 28: That Sinking Feeling
Chapter 29: The Never-Ending Nightmares
Episode 68/a: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 30: Matilda's Memory
Chapter 31: Story of the Red Battle
Chapter 32: A Point of View
Chapter 33: The Ambush
Chapter 34: Familiar Faces
Chapter 35: Little Leaf's Mission
Chapter 36: Crossing the Gorge
Chapter 37: Jay's Terror
Chapter 38: OWCH.14
Chapter 39: In Ronin's Shop
Episode 69/a: A Cat's Nine Lives
Chapter 40: The Star Pool's Message
Chapter 41: Breaking the Ice
Chapter 42: Getting In
Chapter 43: Mission: Uncomfortable
Chapter 44: Thing 1 and Thing 2
Chapter 45: The Fur Flies
Chapter 46: Black's Blood's Unearthly Scheme
Chapter 47: A Terrible Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 48: The Rescue Teams
Chapter 49: The Sight
Chapter 50: The Lying, the Witch, and the Werecat
Chapter 51: Beneath Earth and Stone
Chapter 52: A Narrow Escape
Chapter 53: Dangerous Games
Episode 70/a: The Awakening
Chapter 54: The Next Morning
Chapter 55: The Burdens Grow Heavier
Chapter 56: The Awakening
Chapter 58: Worlds Away
Chapter 59: Back in the Moon Tribe
Chapter 60: The Ninjas' First Lesson
Chapter 61: Skylor in the Cold and Misako in the Dream
Chapter 62: Return of the Sight
Episode 71/a: A Tale of Two Kitties
Chapter 63: The Name of a Father
Chapter 64: Ronin's Memory, Eagle Talon's Worry, and Liana's Night
Chapter 65: Meeting the World of Pawreles and Skylor on the Loose
Chapter 66: Ronin Meets Dr. Shadow
Chapter 67: The Mind-Bending Session
Chapter 68: Mëekies, Igloos, and Nightmares
Chapter 69: Return to Birchwood and Liana and Nya's Talk
Chapter 70: The Duel
Chapter 71: Looking For Zane
Chapter 72: Searching for Kohuru
Chapter 73: "Only Us"
Chapter 74: The Vixen
Chapter 75: Escape Across the Tundra
Chapter 76: At the House of Lou Brookstone
Chapter 77: Raining Cats and Dogs
Chapter 78: The Unexpected Allies
Chapter 79: The Offspring of Brookstone
Episode 72/a: Dreamcatcher
Chapter 80: The First Encounter
Chapter 81: Red Blood, Blue Fire
Chapter 82: Fugitives From Justice
Chapter 83: Retribution
Chapter 84: The Pawreleser's Guide to Avoiding Unicorns
Chapter 85: Lou's Story
Chapter 86: The Fire Mage
Chapter 87: Oxstone Village
Chapter 88: Flight of the Fire Mage
Chapter 89: A New Prophecy
Chapter 90: Fire, Earth, and Lightning
Chapter 91: The Stealth Mission
Chapter 92: True Brothers
Chapter 93: A Happy Ending
Episode 73/a: Dark Lightning
Chapter 94: Fall of the Master of Lightning
Chapter 95: Garagan of Jëmlen
Chapter 96: The Dark Sleep Strikes Back
Chapter 97: Ninjago City
Chapter 98: Getting into Jëmlen
Chapter 99: Lightning Streak's Stand
Chapter 100: Sunset
Episode 74/a: Son of Earth, Daughter of Darkness
Chapter 101: Lightning Strikes
Chapter 102: The Great Battle
Chapter 103: The Great Battle, Part 2
Chapter 104: Fallen
Chapter 105: The Great Battle, Part 3
Chapter 106: Nine Lives
Episode 75/a: Son of Earth, Daughter of Darkness - Part 2
Chapter 107: "Death, be not Proud"
Chapter 108: The Heir of the Moonstone
Chapter 109: Earthquake
Chapter 110: Return of the Son of Fire
Chapter 111: "Sister Only; a Broken, Scattered Heart"
Chapter 112: Roots of Earth
Chapter 113: Reunion
Chapter 114: A Fallen Warrior
Chapter 115: Always Gold

Chapter 57: Nya's Promise Fulfilled

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By LordTigress

"Mr. Borg," a man in a stiff uniform called. "The ninja are here."

"Wonderful, wonderful," Cyrus Borg gestured hastily to his assistant. "Send them right in."

The young man obliged, and a few moments later Master Wu, Zane, Lloyd, Nya, Liana, and Matilda strode together into the spacious office of Cyrus Borg. Borg felt a broad smile spread across his face, and he wheeled eagerly to meet the team.

"It's good to have you back!" he exclaimed, reaching out to shake Lloyd's hand. "And Lloyd! I'm glad you are safe. You were still lost when I last saw your friends."

"Thanks, Mr. Borg." Lloyd smiled and shook his hand. "I'm glad to be back."

Borg's gaze drifted to the rest of the group. He felt a twinge of unease when he realized there was someone missing. "Why, where's Cole?"

His uneasiness increased when Lloyd shared an uncomfortable glance with Wu, and Zane and Nya stared down at the floor. The middle-aged woman with the funny hat—Matilda Ravencroft, he believed her name was—looked at Wu, her gaze dark.

"Cole— Cole's all right." Nya spoke up when Lloyd didn't respond. "He just... decided to stay on the Bounty."

Cyrus frowned, feeling concerned. "Nothing's wrong, I hope?"

"He— he was wounded during a fight with the werecats." Now Lloyd spoke up, raising his voice. "It's nothing serious, but he needed to rest after visiting our friends in the hospital."

Cyrus held his gaze a moment longer. They're hiding something, he realized with a flicker of unease. I don't think they'd lie, but they're not telling me the full story. As a successful businessman, one of the jobs Cyrus Borg had was to observe his alliances and competition, and to see through shady deals and lies. It was one of the reasons he had come so far in the technology industry. He had been able to stay independent and pick out the honest dealers from the underhanded ones. In order to remain successful, one had to keep their mind sharp, being as shrewd as his business enemies. It was only natural he could sense something iffy about the ninjas' feeble explanation for Cole's absence.

However, Borg knew as well as anyone that the ninja were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, and for heroes of Ninjago, they were a rather reclusive and private group. There must be reason they weren't sharing everything about Cole's condition with him, and he was willing to accept that. Sometimes, he knew, secrets were necessary for the good of the community. Another fact that one had to remain aware of in the industry.

"Well," he broke the awkward silence, trying to brush away his misgivings. "I'm glad to know it's nothing serious. I assume you've come for Miss Liana Green's uniform?"

They all stared at him blankly. "Liana's uniform...?" Nya repeated.

"Of course! Don't you remember? If she fights alongside you, she really should have the proper clothing and equipment for it. I did tell you I was going to work on it, wasn't I?" Cyrus said.

"I... guess we forgot," Nya mumbled.

"Well, now you remember," Cyrus responded briskly. He wheeled over to the counter behind him and grabbed a package, wrapped in crisp-smelling paper, then going over to where Liana stood. Her gray eyes brightened with interest and her head turned in his direction as he steered his wheelchair to her.

Proudly, Cyrus gave the package to her. "It's the same style as the others', of course: thick yet slim material for resisting cat claws, flat shoulder pads, sleeveless for easy movement, gloves that don't get warm and sweaty on your hands very easily—this suit is custom-made for you, Miss Green." He continued as she began tearing apart the paper. "There are very few buttons and ties for you to worry about, the style is simple and easy to put on, and there's a attachment on the right hip for you to put your nunchucks. Not to mention," he added. "I do believe the color suits you."

Cyrus felt pleased to see a shy yet eager smile spread across the girl's scarred face as she felt for the folded uniform and held it up, letting the wrapping paper fall away. It was everything he'd said it was, and the color indeed seemed to suit her. It was a dark violet shade that wasn't too showy, and there was yellow-white outlining around the collar, armholes, and down the edges of the side-skirt and front flap. It was a simple yet stylish uniform. Under the folded material beneath were the shoulder pads, the wide cloth belt, and a pair of dark, soft-soled shoes.

Liana's hands ran over the uniform, feeling the lines and threads with her fingers. Her smile was practically shining with excitement. "It's beautiful," she whispered.

"I'm very glad you approve," Cyrus replied, heart warming.

"Thank you." She held out a hand, and he shook it heartily.

"Oh, it was my pleasure, my dear. I do hope it will come to good use in the future."

"I'm sure it will," she replied happily.

Nya was smiling, too—she seemed to be happy for Liana and her gift. However, it didn't take her long to get back to business. "Cyrus Borg, would you mind taking a look at Zane?"

"Why? Has he been damaged?" Cyrus looked anxiously at Zane, who replied:

"I came across a werecat who managed to injure me. Nya fixed me up, but I believe she would like for you to take a look at me, just to be safe."

"Oh, well, I'd be happy to," Borg replied, shrugging. "It shouldn't take but a minute."

Indeed, it didn't take long for Borg to hook Zane up to his computer and scrutinize his readouts and system. He got to exchange a warm greeting with Pixal, whom Cyrus was very glad to see—for in truth, in some ways, his old android assistant felt like a daughter to him and at times he missed her dearly.

After a few minutes, he announced that Zane's system seemed to be perfectly fine, to which Zane said to Nya, "You see? I told you my system was perfectly in check." Nya only shrugged and replied that she felt better Borg had seen him in any case.

"Before you go," Cyrus said as Zane yanked the cord out of his head that had been linking him to the computer. "I would like to present something that I think you will all fine to be valuable in fighting back against this, er— Moon Tribe."

He felt the group's curious gazes on him as he wheeled back to his desk, from which he produced a large cardboard box with his company's insignia printed on the side. He gestured for them to come closer. When they neared the desk, he opened the package and brought out one of the objects inside.

Initially, it was a rather strange object to behold. It looked like four metal claws melded together, reaching out like a paw with its silver blades gleaming in the sunlight. Straps for winding around the hand could be seen beneath the claws. They matched the dark color of the metal gauntlet the claws were attached to, seemingly growing out of it. Nya, Lloyd, and Zane's eyes widened with interest.

"What is that?" Lloyd asked, arching his eyebrows.

"This is a tekko-kagi claw," Cyrus responded proudly. He held up the object, displaying the finely carved metal and the shining claws—claws that were long and curving gently, like a giant cat's. "This can be strapped to your hands like gloves, and used to fight like tigers against your opponents. I believe this will be especially useful in your current mission, seeing how you are facing up against some very big cats."

"Whoa..." Lloyd gazed with interest at the thick claws reaching out from Cyrus' hand. "Are they heavy?"

"No. They're rather light, actually. You know, as far as amour like this can go. Ah, and they're quite easy to get on and off." Cyrus slipped his off and handed it to Lloyd. "Here, try it!"
Lloyd experimentally strapped the gauntlet to his wrist and flexed his hand, making the large claws swing around. He took a couple steps back, and made a few slashes through the air, clawing an invisible enemy. The light, silver metal whistled as it swung and punched. He grinned and exclaimed, "These are great!"

"There's enough for everyone." Cyrus gave the box to Zane, who voiced a low grunt as he hefted the heavy box.

"Thank you, Mr. Borg." Wu nodded and smiled at him appreciatively.

"It's like we get out own cat claws." Nya grinned. "Won't they be surprised when they see us slashing these things in their faces!"

"Careful you don't slash your own face," Matilda said wryly. "I wouldn't want to be wearing those things when my nose gets itchy."

* * *

The team wasted little time in returning to the Bounty—where Cole, Eagle Talon, and Little Leaf waited, none wanting to face even more questioning stares from curious passerby in the Borg Tower; Talon and Leaf for their strange clothes and Cole for his blindness.

Before climbing on board, however, Wu cautioned the ninja to not reveal Cyrus Borg's tekko-kagi claws to the werecat siblings. Talon may not appreciate seeing the humans present weapons specially built to fight against his tribe.

Once in the Destiny's Bounty, Nya eagerly pressed Liana to try out the uniform Borg had given her, and Liana—rather excited about the gift herself—obliged. In Nya's bedroom, upon presenting herself after putting it on, Nya told Liana warmly that the suit "looks really good on you". Liana pretended to survey herself in the mirror and pose, which made the two girls laugh.

After freeing Jay, Misako, and Ronin from the Dark Sleep, Cyrus Borg giving the team new weapons and Liana a new uniform, and the reassuring fact that just about everyone was still alive and well, the mutual mood of those on the Bounty was a bright, hopeful one. After all, they had escaped the Moon Tribe's clutches with not only their friends, but with the fifth moonstone, without which Black Blood could not receive her nine lives and become virtually immortal. All things considered, the future wasn't looking too bad, and the ninja were allowing their spirits to grow high.

The optimistic mood, however, was not long in being quashed.

It happened in the bridge, when everyone was unofficially gathered together. Lloyd was verbally admiring Liana's new uniform, along with Nya's echoing comments. Cole stood close by, trying not to feel resentful of the fact that he couldn't see Liana's outfit. Zane was scanning the computer screens. Wu was seated comfortably in a chair, sipping a hot cup of tea while watching his students. Little Leaf was asking Matilda a question about human bathrooms (she wanted to know how toilets worked and why humans couldn't do their business outside like any normal creature), and Matilda was curtly replying with an explanation involving the fact that humans found flushing their waste to an undisclosed location to be more convenient instead of going through the trouble of burying it.

Little Leaf was about to concede that the prospect of indoor toilets did sound a bit more appealing than the traditional way of doing one's business when Eagle Talon's voice rang out through the room.

"So the deal's done, then."

All in the room stopped what they were doing. Zane turned away from the computer screen to the middle of the room where Talon stood. The others followed suit, their gazes finding the werecat.

Talon stood alone, surrounded by questioning eyes. He swallowed uneasily.

"What did you say?" Lloyd asked.

"The deal we had. I helped you rescue Jay, and we both got our friends and family back in the process," Talon returned curtly. "Now it's time for you to pay up. Remember? That moonstone Nya said a friend of yours had."

Cole felt his stomach sinking—low, low, low to the pits of his belly. Oh, no... The agreement that had led to Eagle Talon traveling with the team to retrieve Jay in the first place, before Little Leaf had been trapped in Dog Bone's palace—Nya had spoken of an extra moonstone that a friend of theirs had, and told Talon that in return for his services, they would give him the moonstone. This, of course, had been a lie.

Lloyd, Zane, and Nya exchanged frantic glances, then looked at Wu sitting nearby, but he only cocked his head at them expectantly. Matilda stiffened but said nothing.

Little Leaf glanced uncertainly at all the faces around her, not quite sure of what was going on. She'd known about the deal, but the mutual unease the mention of it caused was apparent, and it worried her.

Nya looked at her friends, then seemed to make a decision. She took a long, deep breath, then walked up to Talon. All those in the room (who could see) watched with abated breath. Nya looked Eagle Talon in the eyes, and said firmly:

"I lied to you. There's no moonstone."

It seemed to take a few seconds for the meaning of her words to register. Slowly, the color of Talon's face paled. For a second Nya thought he would sway.

Then his eyes blazed. The color returned to his complexion—hot and furious. With green eyes fairly blazing with the utmost rage, Eagle Talon glared at Nya until she shrank back. He opened his mouth and choked, "You—!"

Before Talon could utter a stream of curses, Nya's hand dove into the pocket of her gi and yanked out something small and shiny: the fifth moonstone that had been stolen from Dog Bone's palace, just under Black Blood's nose.

She held it out to Talon. "So here's the one we got from Dog Bone. I'm sorry. I hope this will make up for everything."

Talon's voice dropped off, and he blinked stupidly at the stone in Nya's outstretched hand. He looked utterly astonished. For several seconds he didn't move, as if afraid this was some kind of ruse. When Nya continued holding it out to him, he finally reached out and took it—slowly, gently, like handling a robin's egg. He gazed at the glittering surface of the stone, then looked up to meet Nya's face.

A collective gasp was voiced when had Nya announced the gift to Talon. Now Lloyd exclaimed, "What— Nya! All the trouble we went through to get it! Don't you remember? With that, Black Blood can get her nine lives, and she'll be indestructible!"

"I know," Nya said simply. She held Lloyd's gaze steadily. Her jaw clenched, and everyone realized just how much courage she was summoning for this. "But a promise is a promise. And anyway," she added. "There are still two moonstone left. We still have a chance."

Lloyd opened his mouth to protest, but could find no words. She was right, of course. He realized that. He only wished that she had confided with the rest of the team before making such a reckless decision. Plus, with the fifth moonstone now lost to the Moon Tribe, finding the sixth and seventh was all the more important.

"Th— thank you," Talon said blankly.

Nya turned and their eyes met. Talon gave her a small nod, acknowledging the great sacrifice she was making for the sake of honor. Nya accepted with a nod of her own... along with the smallest of smiles.

"Does this mean we have to go home now?"

Little Leaf's voice made them turn and look at her. The young werecat was gazing to and fro Nya and Talon's faces, distraught evident in her eyes.

Talon hesitated. "Yes." He said this like a sigh, though it was hard for one to tell. He looked at his half-sister and gave a weak smile. "We're going home, Little Leaf."

Little Leaf didn't seem to be particularly excited by this announcement. On the contrary: her eyes widened more with dismay, and she began to protest. "But— but— then we'll be..."

Her voice trailed off. Talon sensed what she was about to say, and he finished quietly, "Then we will be enemies once more."

Silence reigned the bridge. Wu looked at his students with something like understanding pity in his eyes as they exchanged looks of dismay. Leaf stared at the ninja, as if willing them to say something to change her brother's mind. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. "But they're our friends."

Lloyd hated seeing Leaf looking so crushed. He too felt the blow of the realization, and with a start he became aware of that fact that he had formed a bond with the younger girl since they had first met in the forest, when he had chased off the fox and freed her from the trap. Leaf was right: in the time the humans and werecats had spent together in their journey, they had become close in friendship. Leaf was his friend, and he was hers. Now she and her brother would leave, and when they saw each other again it would most likely be in battle, where the line of allegiances is drawn between them, and they will be forced to exchange blows like enemies.

A cruel thing, friendship... Bad blood can dissolve, but friendship is a stain that is virtually impossible to remove from a relationship.

Talon saw Lloyd look at Little Leaf, a silent message in his gaze. Something in Talon stiffened at the look. He replied to Leaf sharply, "They were. But now we're on opposite sides. We need to know where our loyalty stands, and it's not with the Sons and Daughters."

Leaf shot him a pained look. Talon tried to ignore it and turned to Zane. "Would you mind dropping us off nearby the northern mountains? We can walk from there, and I don't want you to get too close to danger."

Zane hesitated and glanced at Wu. At a nod from his master, the nindroid turned back to the werecat and answered steadily, "Of course. It is the least we can do."

* * *

It was about an hour before Zane found a spot near the mountainsides for the Destiny's Bounty to land, but for Cole—and probably the rest of the crew—it felt like mere minutes. He didn't want Eagle Talon and Little Leaf to leave, he realized. Talon especially. He liked Talon. The young man was smart, brave, determined, and honorable. The two of them had shared some of the horrors that took place in the dungeons the bandit palace, and because of that Cole knew so much more about Talon's character and past than he cared to know—the same went for Talon knowing Cole. They had saved each others' lives on several occasions... fought together in battle... looked out for each other. He didn't want either one of the werecats to leave.

Talon was his friend.

Maybe things would be different if we were on the same side, Cole thought bitterly to himself. He was sitting, feeling the rumbling vibration of the ship as it sailed through the sky, then felt it lurch and lower down to earth. The rocket boosters stopped, and he heard the landing platform outside open.

His friends were talking. Then footsteps walked up quietly to him. Someone laid their hand on his shoulder. "It's time," Nya's voice murmured.

Cole let Nya lead him outside onto deck, and heard Liana drift over to him. He felt for the railing and leaned forward, breathing in the cool, fresh breeze that tossed his hair around. By the distant murmur of trees and the rustle of grass, Cole guessed they had landed nearby a forest.

He was correct. They had landed the Bounty on a little hill that overlooked a grassy plain, just before a thick pine forest. In the distance stood the mountains. They were close enough that one could see the individual trees and rocks littering the steep, rolling landscape. The sky was bright with the noonday sun, and the small breeze was brisk and cool. It was a cheerful day, but the mood of those on the flying ship was subdued.

Eagle Talon and Little Leaf stood at the edge of the plank that sloped down to the ground. Wu came forward and grasped Talon's hand, surprising him. "Thank you for all you've done, Eagle Talon," the old man murmured. "I hope your return to your tribe is safe."

"I— yeah." Talon shook his hand back—a little awkwardly, seeing that he wasn't fully accustomed to human habits such as shaking hands. "Thank you. I, um— I hope your friends get better," he added.

"Thank you. We hope so, too," Wu replied.

"I don't suppose you're planning on telling your tribe-mates about all this, are you?" Matilda asked nearby. "Joining the ninja all this time, I mean."

Talon shook his head. "No. I'll— we'll make up some story." He gave a dry smile. "This one might be a tad too complicated for them."

"Indeed," the witch murmured, arching one eyebrow with a small smile. "Despite all this, I think your tribe are lucky to have you, Talon."

Talon blinked, surprised. "Well... thank you." He hesitated, his gaze drifting over the ninja team and Liana. He gave them a nod, then turned to Little Leaf. "Come on, Leaf."

Leaf didn't move. She looked at her brother, then at the ninja. "But I don't want to go..." she whispered.

"It's going to be OK, Little Leaf," It was Liana who said this, standing in between Cole and Nya.

"Yeah." Nya tried to sound optimistic. "We'll still be friends. Just... on opposite... sides..." Her voice trailed off lamely.

Abruptly she took a step forward and wrapped Leaf in a hug. "Goodbye."

Leaf blinked, startled, then clenched her eyes shut and hugged the ninja back. Then Liana was there, she too hugging the young girl. Zane and Lloyd looked on, both with regretful expressions.

Cole started when he felt someone clasp his hand. His heart rose a little when he heard Talon's voice, though the words themselves did little to brighten his spirits. "Goodbye, Cole."

Cole grasped his hand back, squeezing it. "Goodbye, Eagle Talon..." At this a small smile crept up his face. "Son of Silver Mist. Warrior of the Tribe of the Moon."

A soft purr rumbled from Talon's throat. "Cole. Son of Earth. Warrior of the Elemental Ninja. Thanks," he added.

"For what?" Cole asked.

Talon paused. "For being there, I guess."

They released one another's hands. Cole heard Talon begin to turn away.

"I hope your eyes get better, by the way," Talon added.

Cole huffed, "You saw them, they're completely—"

"I know. But," Cole could imagine Talon shrugging. "Crazier things have happened."

Talon stepped onto the plank, and Little Leaf followed, reluctantly. She looked at the ninja and murmured, "Goodbye."

Talon didn't say anything. He only granted the group one last nod. Then, he took Leaf's hand and gently led her off the ship and to the ground. Cole wished he could see the siblings walking away, heading to the forest. There was no sound of them—only the whistle of the breeze.

For those who could see, they saw the two figures stop at the edge of the forest, the tall grass bouncing at their waists. Little Leaf turned, her ginger ponytail bobbing gently in the wind, as she raised her hand and waved to those on the ship. Talon looked back, too—his gaze lingered.

Then, their bodies shifted. Talon's muscular human body shrank down to a lithe dark brown tabby cat, and Little Leaf's petite figure became a small calico. The cats turned their backs on the Bounty and walked into the depths of the forest, both of their pairs of tails bobbing behind them.

Then—they were gone.

Cole felt Liana step next to him. "You're going to miss him, aren't you?" she asked quietly.

"I think we could have been friends," Cole said simply. 

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