Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

51.3K 472 173

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time

Sickies (ageplay)

4.1K 37 7
By 17blackcherry


Harry- 17 headspace-1

Louis- Daddy


Niall- Papa 

Summary: Little Harry is sick and the boys take care of him

*this is not sexual*


"I'll go wake up Harry," Louis told Liam and Niall. They were on tour and they had been on the tour bus for a couple days now and Harry always had trouble sleeping the first few nights. Last night it took them hours to put him to bed because he was tired so he slipped into his headspace which was fine with the boys but it was hard to get little Harry to relax sometimes. 

"It's already almost 10:00. He must've been really tired out," Niall said, looking at the clock on his phone. 

"Well, he was up until midnight last night and he wouldn't go to sleep," Liam said. 

Louis walked to the back of the bus where the bunks were and pulled the curtain to his bunk back, Harry had slept with Louis in his bunk last night because he said he was scared. 

"Hazzybear, time to get up," Louis said gently while running his fingers through his curls. 

"No, Daddy," Harry whined. 

"Yes, baby. I know you want to sleep but if you sleep any longer you won't be able to do anything today," Louis told him.

"No, Daddy," Harry mumbled. 

"Hazza, what's wrong?" Louis asked. They usually didn't have any problems waking the boy up in the morning, sure, Harry wasn't a morning person but who was? 

"I no wanna get up, Daddy," Harry whispered. 

Louis ran his fingers through the boys hair again and bent over to kiss his forehead. When he did, he noticed Harry's head felt quite warm. "Haz, do you feel okay?" Louis asked. 

Harry shook his head no and tears started running down his face. 

"Oh, Haz baby. What's wrong?" Louis cooed. 

"I-I feel i-ill, Daddy," Harry cried. 

"I know baby. Does your tummy hurt?" Louis asked, sitting on the bed and pulling the boy on his lap. 

Before Harry could answer, his stomach answered for him. He cried harder and then gagged before spilling his stomach contents all over both of them. Harry started to cry harder and Louis felt bad for the boy. 

"I-I so-sorry!" Harry sobbed.

"Oh, no, shh, Bug. It's okay, it's not your fault you aren't feeling good." Louis rubbed the boy's back. "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Louis was covered in vomit too but his main focus right now was taking care of Harry. 

He picked him up and carried him out to the bathroom. Liam and Niall were sitting at the table and saw them walk out and then saw Harry crying. 

"Oh, what happened?" Liam asked, standing up and walking over to the two boys. 

"Hazza isn't feeling too well this morning. He just got sick so we're going to have a little bath, right, Bubba?" Louis said. Harry nodded through sobs. 

"I'm sorry you don't feel well, Hazzy," Niall cooed. 

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and continued to cry. Liam noticed Louis was covered in what he assumed was Harry's puke so he said, "How about Niall and I give him his bath and you can go change?"

"That'd be great actually, thanks Li," Louis said, passing Harry over to Liam's arms. Harry whined a little but didn't say anything. 

"Haz, bub, I'll be right back. I just have to go change, okay?" Louis said softly. Harry nodded and sniffled. Liam and Niall walked into the small bathroom and Louis went back to the bunks to strip the mattress and change his clothes. 

In the bathroom, Harry was crying again. "Haz, what's wrong?" Niall asked the boy sitting in the full tub. 

"Tummy hwurts, Papa," Harry sniffled. 

"I'll get a bucket," Liam said.

"Do you want me to rub your tummy, Bubba?" Niall asked while Liam came in and handed Niall the bucket. Harry nodded so Niall left the bucket bedside the tub and rubbed the boys stomach in gentle circles. Louis finished cleaning up and went to check on the boys in the bathroom. 

"How's it going in here?" Louis asked from where he was standing in the door frame. 

"Harry's tummy's bugging him again, so he wanted me to rub it for him," Niall told him. 

"Hi, Daddy," Harry said when he saw Louis standing in the door.

"Hey, Bug. How you feeling?" Louis smiled.

"M'tummy hwurts, Daddy," he mumbled. 

Louis frowned and walked over to crouch beside the tub with Niall. "I know it does, Bubba. It'll feel better soon, I promise," Louis told him and hoped it was true. All the boys hated when Harry got sick, he always looked like he was in so much pain and he was always so happy but when he was sick he got sad but the boys liked taking care of him so it was okay. 

Liam left the bathroom so there was a little more space and went to go find some jammies for Harry because he was almost done in the tub. Niall and Louis stayed with the boy. 

It was quiet for a few minutes, Louis had taken over rubbing Harry's stomach for a while and he could feel his stomach grumbling and tossing and he felt bad for the poor boy. Niall was distracted finding Harry a towel in the small cupboard and Louis hadn't felt Harry's stomach lurch but both boys rushed to get him the bucket when they heard him gag. 

Louis, who was closer, shoved the bucket under the boy's chin just in time for him to spill his stomach into it. Niall came over and rubbed his back for comfort and Harry had started crying again. After knowing the boys all this time, he still got a little embarrassed around them when he was in his headspace. 

Liam walked back in with Harry's onesie and when he saw Harry, he quickly set the onesie down and left, knowing that the boy would be embarrassed and it would probably be better if they weren't all there. 

Once they were sure Harry was done and okay, they got him out of the tub and Niall wrapped him in his towel and carried him to the bunks with his onesie in hand. 

Once they were in the bunks Harry started squirming in Niall's arms and whining. 

"What is it, Baby?" Niall asked. 

"Wan' Daddy," Harry whined. 

"Let's get changed and then you can go see Daddy, okay?" Niall bargained. Harry shook his head. Niall didn't want him to get too worked up and make himself sick again so he just sighed and called for Louis. All the boys loved Harry equally and Harry loved them all equally, but it was no secret that he and Louis had a bit of a closer bond. No one took offence to it because when Harry was little he didn't always know better. 

Louis walked into the bunks. "What's up, Ni?" 

"Someone wanted you right away," Niall chuckled as Harry made grabby hands for Louis. 

Louis walked over to the pair and held him, "what's up, Bubba?" 

"Wan'ed you, Daddy," Harry told him. "You help me get jammies?"

"I can, but why can't Papa help you?" Louis asked. 

"I wan' you," Harry whined. 

"Okay, it's okay, Bug. I'll help you. How about we put on the jammies Baba got you," Louis told him as Niall went left the bunks to give the little some privacy. 

Louis got the boy a pull up because he wasn't always good at telling the boys when he had to go and then, he slipped the boy, who was babbling and sucking his fingers (which Louis would normally stop but he wasn't feeling well so it was okay for now), into his onesie that looked like a monkey. 

"Okay, Bubba, all set!" Louis told him. 

Harry giggled cutely as Louis held him on his hip and carried him to the sitting area of the bus. 

"We watch Peppa, pwease?" Harry asked. 

"Sure, Bubba. You can watch Peppa." Louis smiled while turning on the tv and going to find Peppa Pig. 

Harry clapped excitedly when Peppa came on. Louis kissed his forehead to see if the fever had gone. It still felt quite warm, so Louis left the boy to watch his show and went to make him some toast and water to keep him hydrated and find some stomach relaxers and fever reducers. 

"How is he now?" Liam asked when Louis walked into the kitchen. 

"The poor things still got a fever but his stomach seems to be okay for now. I was just coming to make him some toast and find medicine. He's in there watching Peppa right now." Louis told them. 

"Of course," Niall chuckled. Harry's favourite show was Peppa so that was all they watched when Harry was awake. 

Louis looked through the cupboard until he found some medicine and then he popped some bread in the toaster and filled a sippy cup up with some water. 

He was chatting with the boys and waiting for the toast when they heard crying from the other room. 

"I hope he didn't get sick again, he can't have much in his stomach," Louis sighed. 

"I'll go check on him," Niall said, standing up from the table. 

He walked into the sitting area and was relieved to see that the boy hadn't been sick. "Hey, Bubba. What're the tears for?" Niall asked, pulling the boy on to his lap and rubbing his back. 

"Head," Harry cried. 

"Does your head hurt?" Niall asked. Harry just nodded through tears. Niall picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. Louis and Liam both looked up from what they were doing and their hearts broke when they saw the sight in front of them. Harry had tears streaking his face and he looked pale and tired, so obviously sick. 

"Oh, Hazza, what's wrong?" Liam cooed. 

"He says his head hurts," Niall told them. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, buddy," Liam said. 

"B-Boo!" Harry cried. 

"What is it, Bug?" Louis asked softly so he didn't hurt the boy's head. 

"W-wan' you!" He cried. Louis walked over and took the boy from Niall's arms and bounced him lightly on his hip. 

"I think you need to eat a little bit, Bubba." Liam told Harry. 

"Sick, Baba," Harry mumbled. 

"Daddy made you toast," Louis told him. "Can you try to eat a little bit for Daddy please?" 

"Onwy fur you, Daddy," Harry mumbled. 

"Only for me," Louis agreed, relieved that the boy was willing to eat. 

Louis carried him over and sat him at the table but he immediately got up and climbed into Liam's lap. Harry always got clingy when he was sick so he always wanted to feel someone around him. 

Louis put a little butter on the toast, cut it into small squares and brought it to the table. "Here you go, Baby." 

Harry picked up a small piece and nibbled on the corner. Louis got the sippy cup of water and set it down too. "Can you try to drink something as well, Bug?" Louis asked him. Harry nodded and picked up the cup. 

"Woah, slow down," Niall told him. Harry put the cup down and ate a few more squares of toast before deciding he was full. 

"Good job, Bubby," Liam praised as Harry got down off his lap and went to Niall, who picked him up and kissed his forehead. "You're still quite warm, Baby," Niall said. 

"I think you should have some medicine, Hazza," Louis said. 

"But it icky," Harry whined. 

"But it will make you feel better," Louis told him. "If you have some medicine you can watch Peppa the rest of the day," Louis bargained. 

Harry perked up at the thought of watching Peppa all day and he nodded slowly. Niall held the squirming boy while Louis gave him the spoonful of medicine and the Liam handed him the sippy cup to get rid of the flavour. 

"Good job, Baby," Louis praised. 

"We cuddle, Daddy?" Harry mumbled. 

"We can cuddle now," Louis told him. 

They went into the sitting area and Louis lied on the couch with Harry on his chest. Louis played with the younger boy's curls and he eventually fell asleep, soft snores leaving his mouth. 

Luckily, Harry slept for quite a while. When he woke up, he was still on Louis' chest and Louis was on his phone. He hadn't wanted to move and wake the sick boy so, he stayed where he was and let Harry get some sleep. Harry groaned and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Hi, Daddy," Harry looked up at his daddy with sleepy eyes and messy hair. 

"Hey, Bubba. How was your nap?" Louis asked, rubbing Harry's back gently. 

"S'good." Harry slurred. 

"Do you feel better?" Louis asked. 

"Still feel icky, Daddy," Harry said softy. 

"Aww, I'm sorry, Bug. You'll feel better soon," Louis told the boy. He felt bad, he hated when Harry was sick. 

Harry plopped his head back down on Louis' chest and just rested there with his eyes open, trying to wake up still. He still had a bad tummy ache and it was starting to bother him more. He felt his stomach roll and had to go to the bathroom. 

"Daddy, gotsta go potty," Harry told him shyly. He was always shy about going to the bathroom and that was why he was in pull ups most of the time. The boys didn't mind helping him but it embarrassed the boy a little. They had just stopped using diapers and putting him in pull ups during the day. 

"Oh, okay. Let's go, good job telling Daddy," Louis praised, happy the boy wasn't just using the pull up and not telling anyone. 

Harry really had to go now. "Daddy, hurry! Gotta go!" He cried. 

Louis realized the boy had a bad tummy and probably really did have to go, so he got them to the bathroom as fast as he could. When they got there, he pulled down the boy's pants and put him on the toilet just in time for Harry to completely lose control of his bowels. Harry started to cry because it was hurting him and his stomach was cramping. Louis felt bad, he looked like he was in so much pain and he couldn't do anything to help him. 

"Daddy, hurts," Harry cried. 

"I know, Bubba. Do you want Daddy to rub your tummy?" Louis asked. Harry nodded so Louis lifted the boy's shirt to reveal a bloated tummy and he started gently rubbing it. It was another five minutes before Harry was done and he had finally stopped crying and it had been reduced to sniffles. 

"Bubba, I think we should put you in a diaper. Just until you feel better so that if you have to use the bathroom again and can't tell Daddy or Baba or Papa in time it won't be a mess, okay?" Louis asked, not knowing how the boy would react because he had just started using the pull ups and he wanted to be a 'big boy'. 

Harry, feeling too sick and tired to care, just nodded slowly and walked to his Daddy's shoulder adn rested his head on it. 

Louis cooed. "Aww, Hazzybear. Are you sleepy?"

Harry nodded against his shoulder and Louis picked him up and held him on his hip. The two boys went back to the bunks so Harry could get a diaper on. When they got back there, Niall was laying in his bunk scrolling through his phone. He saw the other two and smiled. 

"Hey, how you feeling now, Hazza?" Niall asked.

"Feel icky, Papa," Harry replied weakly. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Can Papa have a hug?" Niall asked. 

Harry perked up a bit at the mention of a hug. He loved to give hugs, big headspace or little, hugs were his favourite. He got down from Louis' hold and walked over to Niall and gave him a big hug. 

"Okay, Haz. Let's go get that diaper on you," Louis chuckled. 

"Why a diaper?" Niall asked. 

"His bad tummy has moved to the other end," Louis told him. 

Niall understood, "Oh no, that's too bad."

Harry went back to Louis and took his hand. The pair went and got a diaper, Louis picked a thicker one that they usually reserved for nights. He had Harry lie down on the floor as he pulled the boy's onesie and pull up off and slipped the diaper under him. 

When he was all changed, Louis picked Harry up again and Harry rubbed his eyes sleepily. "You're all set, Bug. But if you have to use the potty and you think you can makes it, come tell me or Baba or Papa and we'll help you, okay?" Louis told him. Harry nodded in understanding. 

"Daddy, I have bot bot, pwease?" Harry asked. 

Louis would have said no because bottles were only for when he couldn't sleep, but he was sick and he hadn't gotten much food today so he agreed. 

Louis took Harry to the sitting area and left him with Liam to watch Peppa while he made him a bottle. 

When it was finished, Louis brought the bottle into the sitting area and handed it to Harry, who was curled up on Liam's lap. 

"Fank 'ou," Harry slurred around the bottle in his mouth. 

"You're welcome, Baby," Louis smiled as he went to sit down on one of the various couches in the area. 

Harry finished the bottle and it made him quite sleepy. He was still on Liam's lap watching tv. He held the bottle out to Liam, who took it and set it on the ide table, then he  slipped his thumb in his mouth. Liam noticed and gently pulled it out, "That's dirty, bubby. We don't do that, remember?" 

"Sorry, Baba," Harry said softly. "I 'ave sucky?" He asked, referring to his pacifier. 

"Yep, you can," Liam told him. Louis heard the conversation and went to get a pacifier. He came back with Harry's favourite pacifier, it was blue and orange with a green beaded chain that attached to his shirt. He had also brought Harry his stuffed cat named Charlie. 

He handed Harry Charlie and slipped the pacifier into his mouth. the boy happily sucked on it and hugged his cat. He was almost asleep on Liam's lap watching Peppa. 

"Daddy, 'ou pway wif my hawr, pwease?" Harry asked softly. 

Louis nodded with a smile on his face. He thought it was adorable how much the boy liked having his soft curls played with. He walked over and sat beside Liam. Harry slowly shifted positions and rested his feet on Liam's lap and his head on Louis'. One boy played with his hair and the other rubbed his feet, the touches made Harry fall asleep quickly. 

Niall came in to the room and saw the scene and laughed. "He'll just get you to do anything, won't he?"

"You would do the same," Liam chuckled quietly. 

Niall snapped a picture of the three boys on the couch before sitting down on the other couch. They all sat in peaceful silence, listening to Harry's soft snores and hoping he would feel better soon. 

Harry didn't wake up for a while so they had to move him to the bunks, where he slept all the wat through the night. The next morning, he was still throwing up and his fever was still there. The boys tried their best to keep the tears at bay and get him to take his medicine and drink water. There was a lot of cuddles for the next four or five days but no one minded and the next week, Harry was feeling 100% again and everyone was very glad. 

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