An Eternity of Hope

By Cerberous10

533 50 2

(Book 3 in An Eternity of series) Two months have passed since Lucas' attempts at gaining immortality. No one... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

84 3 0
By Cerberous10

     The shadowy figure looked up at the brick house that stood in front of them, it was dark out, and no one was out in the neighborhood except for them. A nice warm summer breeze was flowing around, making the smaller branches on trees bend gently, while up in the sky the stars winked down coldly. Such a nice night out despite the task that was at hand as they made their way towards the house’s back door and started to pick the lock. The door swung in gently and the figure slid inside silently before taking out a knife, the blade shimmered in the moonlight that was being cast through a kitchen window. They crept through the house until the stairs came into view, careful not to be heard, they stayed near the wall as they walked up to where the family was sleeping.

            A board creaked; the figure paused, listening for any sound of movement from the bedrooms. Silence greeted them and they let out a sigh of relief. They continued forward until they reached the first bedroom where the parents were sleeping soundly, they moved forward as anger began to cloud their judgment, causing them to forget about staying silent as they sent a shoe skidding across the floor. The man woke up, saw them standing there holding a knife, and immediately reached for the phone while waking up their wife.
            “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The figure threatened.

            The wife let out a shriek of alarm. “Who are you, what do you want?”

            The figure clenched the knife tighter and lunged forward, metal met flesh and in a flash the woman was gushing blood from a wound in her throat. The husband grabbed them from behind and the figure was thrown to the ground, they got up and picked up the knife again before walking back over to where the man was now shaking his wife and waiting for someone, the cops or hospital most likely, to pick up their phone.

            “What do you want from us?” The man held a small hunting knife towards them in defense.

            “What do I want?” The figure pretended to think. “How about… your bloodline to become extinct? Say… forever?”

            “I don’t know you! I swear if my family and I have wronged you I’ll make it up to you!” The man begged as he continued trying to help his wife while simultaneously keeping his eye on the figure.

            “It wasn’t you directly who’s done anything to me!” The figure smacked their trembling hand away and the man’s knife skidded across the floor. “But as the one who did is dead… you’re the next best target.”

            The figure made a slashing motion and blood sprayed from the wound, painting the bed, floors, and walls with the scarlet drops. The man wasn’t done yet though, he backed away and reached for the hunting knife but they stopped him and slid the knife across his back. Another scream of pain, another slash of the knife from the killer’s knife, and the person slumped back against the wall. The intruder stabbed them a few more times to make sure they were gone before turning around to leave, that’s when they came face to face with a teenager boy looking at his parents’ bodies in shock as he tried to fully wake up.

            “Another one?” They asked in a silky smooth voice. “How fun.”

            The boy backed away until he was against the wall. “Who are you…? W-what do you want with us?”

            “I believe I already answered that question.” They raised the knife up, ready to strike again. “However I’m sure you’re parents can fill you in on everything.”

            They shot forward and struck the boy in the chest, he let out a shocked gasp of pain before screaming as the knife was pulled out. The figure repeated the action; each time the teenager sank farther down the wall until they were lying on the floor convulsing as blood pumped out of his chest. The killer started slashing their victim until they stilled before wiping the blood off the knife and walking back out of the house, from the outside everything looked fine, no one would suspect what had happened. Perhaps they should change that. They took out a lighter and set fire to the front yard before running off, they couldn’t be caught yet; this was only the beginning of their revenge soon though it would all be over, everything tying down their bad memories would be gone, then they could go back to living life like before. If that were even possible for someone like them self.

            They turned down some alleyways, going in the familiar direction of home; they hadn’t been home in so long it seemed like. “Well this is going to be so interesting…” 

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