Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee •...

By _MissH_

59.7K 1.7K 807

(#1 in motleycrue 5th April 2021) ❤️ Vanessa is a shy girl. She isn't really great at anything and knows a lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 8

1.5K 42 15
By _MissH_

I woke up and for a minute, I thought I was dreaming. Poster filled walls and checkered bed sheets that smelt like Tide laundry detergent instead of cigarette smoke and sweat?

Dude what the fuck am I doing at my parents house!?

I slowly sat up and my head was killing me man! There was a half empty bottle of vodka lying next to me and my clothes were thrown all over the damn place. I flexed my hand and it fucking killed! my knuckles were all split open and bruised. The blood had all congealed into little scabs and they'd glued themselves to the bed sheets.

"Morning chicken legs"

I jumped as Athena stood in the doorway, arms crossed, leaning against the doorframe.

"God Damn it Athena!" I yelled as I covered up my manhood with a pillow.

"You were such a fucking mess last night dude. Mom and dad are suuuper pissed at you" she smirked as she sat down on my bed.

"What? Why? What did I do?" I asked as I frantically began trying to remember what I did last night.

"Well you crashed into my bike, you woke up the entire house by shouting at yourself, you decided to put a cigarette out in moms fern, you then trashed the entire front room, fell into all the photo frames in the hallway, threw up on the stairs, told dad to go fuck himself and then punched a hole in the wall" she said as she stood up and pointed to the hole I'd punched through the drywall.

"Shit..." I mumbled.

"Anyway! Mom told me to come wake you. She wants you downstairs ASAP" she said as she walked out the room, slamming the door behind her.

I looked at my hand as I tried to make sense of what I'd done and that's when everything came rushing back. I cringed as I remembered punching Nikki and the argument me and Vanessa had. I knew I had a lotttt of making up to do, I'd fucked up big time!

I picked my clothes up off the floor and started to get dressed but my shirt was covered in vomit. I went and grabbed a tank top from Athena's closet and as I made my way downstairs I looked at all the mayhem I'd created.

"Here, let me help you" I said as I took the broom off my mom.

She was sweeping up some smashed glass and I didn't want her to risk cutting herself because of my drunken rampage.

She handed me the broom and left the room to get a garbage bag.

We cleaned the house up and in complete silence. Anytime I was in trouble I'd always get the silent treatment and it drove me nuts!

"I'm sorry mom" I sighed as I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"What happened?" She asked, straight of the bat as she began making lunch.

I looked at her confused. I guess being a mom, she knew when something was wrong with her kids.

"I think I fucked things up with Vanessa... and I punched Nikki in the face" I sighed.

I explained the argument with me and Vanessa and the fight with Nikki but it was still pretty hazy.

"Thomas Lee Bass! Me and your father did not bring you up this way" she yelled as she slammed her hand on the counter, placing her other hand on her hip.

"I know" I sighed as I rubbed my temples.

"You'd be a fool to let that one go" she said, wagging her finger at me.

"You really like her, huh?" I said.

"I like the way she makes you light up. You get this...this sparkle in your eyes and you smile like I've never seen you smile before" she said.

I knew I had to fix things with Vanessa, whatever the cost... right after I make up with pops.

Vanessa's POV:
I woke up to someone banging down the front door.

"Sharise! The door!" I yelled, groggily.

The knocking continued to get more intense.


I was so exhausted from driving around all night looking for Tommy while she stayed partying it up with Daniel and Vince, but I couldn't really blame her, this was my mess.

I squinted and looked at my alarm clock, it was 1:30pm.

I knew Sharise would be dropping Daniel off at the airport now and I was pretty bummed out I didn't get to really spend any time with him.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the door.

"Alright! Alright! I heard you!" I yelled.

I opened the door and Nikki was standing there. He had a big purple eye and his lip was a little swollen.

"What can I do for you?" I sighed.

Nikki always spoke to me like shit and he was just a complete dick towards me and Sharise, I didn't enjoy being in his company or talking to him at all. How he had any friends was beyond me!

"Do you have any idea how this happened? And do you know where T-Bone is? He's not in his room" He asked as he pointed to his face.

"You're kidding right?" I said as I cocked my eyebrow.

He looked down and frowned at least I think it was a frown, his hair always covered his eyes, it was actually kinda creepy.

"You and Tommy got into a fight, you fell asleep on the floor and nobody's seen Tommy since" I said.

"I always said he punched like a little bitch" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Goodbye Nikki" I said as I went to slam the door but he put his foot in the way.

"Why are you always such an annoying dickhead!?" I said as I lost my temper.

"That's rude! I'm always nice to you" he said as he pulled a face.

"No Nikki, you're not. You've had a problem with me and Sharise ever since we moved in! Either grow some balls and say what your fucking problem is or move away from my door" I yelled.

He looked at me a little wide eyed, taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"Okay, I take it you'll be going then" I yelled as I slammed the door.

I stormed off into the kitchen, frowning and muttering to myself. I poured myself a cup of coffee and flopped on the sofa to watch some daytime talk show.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I swear, if that's Nikki again...

I swung the door open, expecting it to turn into world war 3 but instead Tommy was standing there holding a bunch of flowers, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I had a flashback to my dream the other night and started to panic a little bit...shit! What do I do!? Where the fuck is Sharise when I need her!?

I was so relieved to see Tommy that I just started to feel every single emotion at once.


"Vanessa! Before you say anything, I just wanna say I'm so so sorry about last night, I didn't mean anything I said, I just got jealous and I know I'm a complete jerk but I really like you and, well, I got you these" he rambled as he handed me the flowers.

"Peonies?" I said as I admired the flowers.

"Yeah! I couldn't really afford sunflowers and roses but, I remember you saying you liked peonies so" he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

Be a bad bitch, V. Play it cool...

"Look...I-I get it if you don't wanna go out on a date with me anymore but I just wanted you to know I'm sorry and I'd really like it if we could still be friends" he sighed.

"Even though I spent my only night of the year with Daniel, driving about trying to find you..." I sighed.

"Daniel?" He frowned.

"Sharise's brother...the guy you got jealous of"

"Fuck! I completely forgot he was coming...I-I" he started to stutter and ramble.

"Tommy! It's cool!" I said as I reached up and put my hand over his mouth.

He shut up instantly.

I could tell he was being genuine with his apology and I was just glad that he came back in one piece and wanted to work things out.

"I still want to go out on a date with you...well, if you still want to go out on that date with me..." I said as I fluttered my eyes lashes.

"Fuck yeah!" He said giddily.

"Alright well, I'll see you tomorrow at 3...don't be late" I smirked.

"3 it is" he smiled.

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