The Ouiums Journey: Hell Brok...

By Dylan_McC

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A Thrilling Teen & Young Adult Dark Fantasy Adventure Series When Esa Blyth escaped from the pits of hell, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 21

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By Dylan_McC

I took Skylar into my arms, cradled him, trying to understand what happened and how to console him. Nothing I said worked since my words couldn't reach him beyond whatever torment held him.

"Skylar, what's wrong with you? How can I help you?" I looked at that expression of agony; watching him make my chest hurt from helplessness until an idea flashed through my mind.

Can I tap into your pain as I do with your magic? The idea in itself is crazy, yet could be stupid enough to work. I need to be careful with what I'm about to do; a wrong move can cause him even more pain, or it could transfer his pain into me and paralyse me as well.

Think this through. Breathe, focus, and channel.

I closed my eyes and focused on that thought, looking for the source of his pain until I saw something hidden in his energy, a dark mass.

Now, siphon that energy, but I need a vessel to transfer it into. This darkness. What is this? Your unused dark magic?

I opened my eyes and took a quick look around me. A few candles were scattered here and there, so I used them as the vessel. I siphoned the dark mass of energy and channelled it to the candles. At first, they ignited in dark blue sparks, but the fire caught quickly, and the candles lit the room in darkness until they burned normally, leaving a soft, warm orange light.

Skylar's expression eased, and he stopped his frantic movements until he rested silently between my arms. A few moments later, he woke up, opening his eyes and glaring at me as if he saw a ghost.

"Esa!" he shouted, raising himself to hug me tightly. He held me as if we hadn't seen each other for years. "Esa, I'm so glad you're safe." He kept mumbling, and the more he spoke, the more confused I became. What was he talking about? I wasn't in danger in the first place, not like he was, so why was he glad that I was safe?

Confused, I hugged him, trying to comfort and ease him. "Skylar, what happened? Are you alright?" I asked him, but hearing my voice only made him weep harder.

I was finally able to help you.

The flickering flame of the candles created a soothing atmosphere. I steadied my breathing as I held Skylar closer.

"Lux," I whispered, focusing on the candles to hear me call out to them, the flames responded in a series of flickers and called me back, "Amare." The light took a form and began flowing like water toward us.

The materialised light encircled us until all of it made a bubble that sat pleasantly on our bodies.


The final word cast the magic and shifted the energy around us into a soothing gold and green colour. Its warmth spread through every inch of our bodies. Skylar's sobbing faded away, and a feeling of serenity enveloped us.

"Skylar, what happened?" I asked him in a soothing voice, and at last, he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes betraying the relentless storm inside him. "Esa, I had a dream about us, you. We were covered in darkness."

He took a moment to steel himself, getting up into a sitting position. "I called out to you, but you couldn't hear me, and you didn't respond to any of my shouts. I tried getting to you, but I couldn't move."

I put my hand on his chest, passing the soothing light to calm him down after asking again if he was alright. He continued explaining his dream.

"It felt like the world was crumbling beneath our feet, and I looked up to try and see you. When I saw you, I saw a ring of fire behind you and a giant creature stood there. I felt him, Esa, he was so powerful. I felt like I was going to die from the pain of just looking at him. He killed you, Esa. I saw you fall and die right before me."

Is this some sort of warning? I should be concerned about this, but I am more worried about him than me.

"You looked like you were in so much pain, and then you just fell and died." The words barely make it out as a whisper. "I'll do anything to protect you, even if I have to face that creature. I'll die for you Esa."

You would die for me? I would not let you make such a choice. If anything, I'd die for you.

"I know, Skylar," I said, interrupting him. I grabbed his head with my hands, leaned forward, and kissed his forehead gently. "You won't ever have to do that because we're strong, and with the covens united we have more than enough power to stand up and fight."

Smiling was contagious, and when he saw me smile, he did the same. With the light of a few candles illuminating the room, I saw every line and curve painted out perfectly.

"It's always the good that triumphs over evil, remember? And it's all thanks to you, Skylar. Without your plan, nothing would have happened the way we wanted to, but now we have a fighting chance against Akin."

My words found their way to him, and he finally relaxed. I watched the fatigue show on his face. His breathing slowed, and his eyes focused on mine. He leaned back on his arms, so we were both sitting face to face on the floor, both wearing a worried smile.

"You're exhausted, Skylar. Get some rest. I know how exhausting the nightmares can be."

He took my advice and got off the floor. Walking to his bed, he flopped onto it, laying on top of the blanket as he rested one hand over his eyes for a moment. When I got off the floor, he lifted his hand slightly and looked my way.

"Can you stay with me until I go back to sleep?" His eyes gleamed in the soft, warm light, making my heart miss a beat. I wanted to stay, but I knew I had too much to do.

"I need to check if the leaders are already here from the other covens. If they are, we can start working on the plans for the coming war. Go to sleep. I'll come by later to see you."

He looked crestfallen, and I wished I could stay with him until he slept, but there were pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Skylar nodded, then smiled, turned to face the wall and almost immediately fell asleep. He was drained beyond his limits, and I didn't blame him since I couldn't remember the last time we'd had a decent rest.

"Extinguo," I whispered almost without a sound. The spell activated, and all the candles in the room died out almost instantly. I stood at the doorway, looking back into the room, and looked at Skylar one last time before I closed the door.

I wandered around the coven and kept to myself as I searched for Raguel. I found him close to the conference room near the enchanted garden. He was talking to a few of his witches by the clover-shaped fountain. I recognised them from the war talk we had earlier, and when he saw me, he sent them off while gesturing to me to move closer.

What better way to get some words of wisdom than talking with a wise witch in an enchanted garden? Probably a few, but I didn't have any other options.

It was wide and open and sloped gently down to a cosmic-blue river. A grove of tall moss-smothered trees flanked us on one side with a thicket of peaceful witches standing guard. Hoods of black shadows hung around the grove, making me uneasy, but I ignored it. Vines hung down like limbs from the stone walls, curling around the white picket fence.

"Raguel, what I'm about to ask you is between us only."

We looked at each other seriously. He nodded and asked me in a low voice, "What's wrong, Esa?"

"It's about my dreams. Is it possible to have such vivid nightmares that can grant the ability to see the future?" Raguel gave me a worried look but gestured for me to continue. "Like the demons and witches, I saw in the city."

Raguel took a moment to think about what I said and finally looked back at me. "Esa, when someone dabbles in the dark arts, no matter what form it is, it leaves a mark on them. More than that, it opens a link to Thegon, and to anyone Thegon is connected to while giving them his power, like Akin."

We stop near one of the flower beds, and Raguel knelt beside them, taking hold of one of the flowers that looked somewhat sad. "In the past, we had to kill our own to save them, as absurd as it sounds, because they fell to insanity after the nightmares. Those connected to Thegon suffered through the nightmares because he could send messages or glimpses into the future, or scare the crap out of you."

I do not like where this is going. Please be good news. Is this what is happening to Skylar right now?

"What?" The knot in my stomach grew a few sizes, and I felt my heart race as anger started to bubble.

Not looking my way, Raguel carried on explaining about the dark link. "Thegon can use the link or his witches to hurt you, whatever is more strategic to him. He can show you a nightmare and then make it happen in real life as a way to play with your head."

At last, he lifted his head and looked at me. I finally saw the worried expression, the flower he held only a moment ago slightly decayed. A petal dropped to the ground. "Is this what is happening with Skylar?"

"Yes, he just had a nightmare that looked like it was going to kill him." I couldn't hide my shudder. I came searching for wisdom and luck on my side. I found it here. "How did you know?"

Raguel grinned sadly and looked back at the flowerbed, exhaled, then stood up, so we continued our stroll. "He's had those nightmares for a while now, ever since you came back to the coven at least. His screams are hard to miss." He grew silent after the last statement while I became restless.

He has a link to Thegon. I need to break it. I don't care if it's impossible. I will find a way.

"That's not possible. I have never heard him scream once since we came here," I said, not shying away from my scepticism when I asked him.

"That's easy to explain. You were asleep too. What were you two dreaming about?" I took a moment to calm myself down. Everything he has said up 'til now was correct in all ways, and I got the feeling I gained more wisdom than I bargained for in the first place. I told Raguel about the dreams, both mine and Skylar's recent one; I told him about the woman I was dreaming about, how I couldn't see her face even when we were in front of each other, and she stroked my face gently. Like a mother's touch, it was comforting, and how it soothed me every night when I dreamed about it.

Raguel drifted off in his thoughts, so we kept walking in silence until I couldn't keep quiet any more. "What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

At last, he stopped and, while keeping his eyes forward, radiated a sense of bewilderment. "It could be a message. Could be, yet it keeps you in a deep state of sleep... it could also be because you're beyond exhausted."

"A message?" I interrupt him while moving to stand before him. "What do you mean 'a message'?"

Raguel finally looked in my direction. His expression worried yet still not losing focus. "I'm not sure," he said while scratching his head. "We need to keep an eye on Skylar. The only thing coming to mind is that he must be seen as a threat if he gets such vivid nightmares. They probably want him not to get the rest he needs, so he won't have the energy to fight in the coming battles."

The scent of the flowers was alluring and calmed me down even though I should've been nervous. The moonlight fell beautifully on the garden, creating the most serene atmosphere one could ask for.

"Healers," I whispered, so quiet Raguel barely caught my words. "Do we have healers that can help him?"

Raguel smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, tapping it a few times, and gently shoved me so we could keep walking.

"I'm taking care of that, so don't worry. Skylar won't have another nightmare as long as he's in the coven grounds ever again. I already spoke with them so they'll be in his room soon enough."

The words fell on me like a gentle waterfall, calming me down, allowing me to breathe with ease. "Thank you, Raguel."

I readied the spell to teleport back to my room and right before activating it, I turned back to him and asked one last question, "So how come I have a connection to Thegon?"

Raguel's bafflement surprised me; he was looking at me with an expression that made it seem like he thought it should be obvious, although it surely wasn't.

"Esa, you have been through Hell and back, in the most literal way possible. The fires of Hell are much more powerful than any dark magic. Then, I assume as you are an old witch, you have dabbled in dark magic. Allowing him to have a connection to you before you even entered Hell. Maybe you forgot about your dark magic?"

His words touched something deep inside me that I thought about but never dared to say was true. I had dabbled in dark magic, so I already had a connection with Thegon before going to hell?

So, it was true, and that is why Thegon has such a grip over me.

After letting that sink in, he continued to explain in a quieter voice. "The fires of Hell are darker, eviler in nature, and more dreadful than any dark magic. Your very soul was touched by these fires, even if it was unwillingly. Thegon will always have that connection to you until you learn how to control it."

"Control it? What do you mean?"

"There are rituals that are meant to strengthen the mind, helping you with controlling the channels of communication and more." His words gave me an idea, and an unintended smile escaped. An overwhelming enthusiasm took over me, and for the first time in a while, I was excited.

"Raguel, can you meet me back in my room after you finish your walk? I think I have an idea that could help us."

The falling moonlight on his face emphasised the delight we could both feel, and with that, he agreed to do so, giving me at least a half an hour to prepare. I took my leave, teleporting to my room and preparing for our new extension of the plans.

I will find a way to control this, and maybe I can take Skylar's pain and darkness away. I have to do something and not stand idly by.

Upon getting to my room, I went to the table, bringing out my journal, knowing that I had to write in it. I sighed as I thought over everything that had happened and the things that Raguel had just told me. With another deep sigh, I picked up the pen and started writing.

August 16

Discovery came to light today, one that shocked me greatly. I'm unable to believe it, but it makes sense after putting everything into consideration. I'm not exactly sure what to do about it. Raguel told me that I was connected to Thegon, not in just one way but two. The fact that I dabbled in dark magic created a link to Thegon, which is what's going on with Skylar now. My own is, however, a bit different, more mysterious and somewhat unique. I have gone to Hell, and from Raguel's description, that does a number on a person's soul as the fire of hell changes it. Maybe that explains the fascination Thegon has with me. Still, I know what I have to do, and I have no fear of what might happen to me. The only thing I'm concerned about now is the people close to me. My mother died because I wasn't strong enough to protect her, and I refuse to lose anyone else.

Leading the coven is no easy job, but I'm managing as much as I can. All the elders and Raguel have been a lot of help, which I'm more than grateful for. Other covens will arrive soon, and we can come up with a plan to deal with Akin. He is a threat to all covens, and I hope that I'll be able to show the other covens the need for us to unite.

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