By Artsy_Jayy

392K 13K 11K


01: The Beginning
02: Manifesation
03: Changes
04: Koshikawa Usagi
05: White Tiger
06: Destruction
07: New Place?
09: Names
10: Back to school
11: the Mall
12: Kid!
13: In UA
14: Officially Aizawa
14.5: Encounter with the Rain
15: School Life
16: Tr-ust
17: Visitors
18: Meet the class
19: Comfort
20: Cherished Moments
21: Smile
22: Good-Bye
23: Rosemary
23.5: Painful laughs
24: a choice
25: breaking the news
26: Miss you
27: Visit from the Tiger
28: Alone
29: Disaster at the Hospital
30: Like shattered glass
30.5: the guilt
31: Back to square one
32: Loud Cloud
33: Toshinori Yagi
34: Big Bad Man
35: AllMight
36: Trigger
Hero costume thoughts
37: Tension
38: Training
39: Nighteye Agency
39.5: Pictures
40: To the Camp!
41: Settling into camp
42: The power
43: Your control
44: Scars
45: Nightmares

08: Aizawa's place

17.1K 457 1.3K
By Artsy_Jayy

They had fixed everything needed in order to give guardianship to Aizawa, without having you two to interact with much people.

They were able to give you at least some other clothes that were either in the lost and found or were requested to be made by some of the support students who were working overtime on some of their projects (they were actually really glad to get a break from school stuff that they happily made something just for you).

After that, Yamada had already left off with his new roomie, H.Y. 13.

They were going to get you better names, but Aizawa had asked for a DNA test even before any of you woke up, just to be sure if they could connect you to a certain person or any sort of record like birth certificates.

As they walked out of UA after finalizing guardianship, you had crossed the rode in order to get a cab going the way where his home was.

He was surprised how close you two clung to him. The boy holding onto the sleeve of his dark sweater while you held onto his pant leg, he could feel how tight your grips were on his clothes/ limbs.

Alright, as requested by the council, I present the artwork hahaha honestly I feel like I am having art block cause I dont find it nice... might re-draw again in the future.

As you waited for a cab, he noticed a small toy store with toys displayed right outside- those that were on sale.

He gestured you two to follow. He looked at the toys displayed out there since he didn't want you to walk into the store that seemed to be filled with a hand full of people.

"What's... this?" The boy gestured to a big round black cat with big yellow eyes. It was a cute plush with a dopy looking face expression.

"Its called a stuffed toy... that's a cat." Aizawa grabbed onto the toy and gave it to the boy. "Toys are usually for entertainment or for comfort... but sometimes decoration as well..."

He examined the toy before looking down on you. Your bright (y/e/c) eyes sparkled in curiosity as well as hesitation.

He lowered it to you and you hesitated to touch it, but upon contact, you shivered at the softness and held onto it for warmth.

Aizawa couldnt help but smile at you. He then looked over to the boy, gesturing him if he wanted anything. He just shook his head.

"I-I dont want... but I think she really likes it." They both looked down on you.

"Ca-a-at?" Your animalistic ears flicked as your tail slightly wagged.

Aizawa tried his best not to smile and die at your cuteness. He just nodded and gestured to the sales lady that he'd pay for the toy.

You then got into a cab and Aizawa gave his address before settling in beside you two.

You were curled up in the corner, hugging the toy as you sat there wide-eyed, uncomfortable with even the slightest of shaking due to the vehicle being in motion.

"Is you're daughter alright, sir?" The driver asked, looking over the rear view mirror. He smiles at you as you gave him a worried look. It seems that he noticed your pretty obvious bandages. You weren't comfortable in the car, nor were you alright with another man besides Aizawa and the boy.

Aizawa just gave the man a small chuckle til his words hit him, "No wait-"

"You want candies?" The driver offered, handing a bowl of sweets to Aizawa with a kind smile. It seemed he was fond of kids.

"Can-... can... dies?" You said in question as both men nodded.

"Try one." The driver hummed as he went back to focusing on the road.

Aizawa gave a small smile, nearing the metallic bowl to you and you just shrunk back. He then did the same to the boy but he just gave it a wary look. Aizawa sighed and just got some from the bowl before giving it back to the driver, thanking him.

"They aren't social butterflies huh?" The driver giggled at how quiet you two were. "Most kids would be hoppin' around and maybe even try to get here in the front seat with me."

Aizawa chuckled a bit, internally glad you two didn't seem as hyper as the girl Yamada was assigned to.

"Yeah... they...aren't."

"Welp! Here we are." The kind man gave you two yet another smile. "Get well soon, young lady and you too young man... take care of your sister." He waved you off as you stood on the sidewalk with your toy wrapped around your arms and the boy beside you. Aizawa was still getting the right amount as you tried to mimic the man's gesture.

You shyly waved to the driver as he rode off. "Ba-bye." You muttered, continuing the gesture. You looked up at Aizawa innocently, making his heart melt. You were so innocent looking.

"Let's go." He refrained from making contact with you as you didn't seem to like touching or anything that came in close to you, but he did let you touch him, allowing you to grab onto his pant leg if you wanted to. Anything that came close to your personal bubble freaked you out. Anything that moved too quickly or made loud noises freaked you out.

Technically, almost everything freaked you out.

It was when you guys were close to the apartment door when he realized that you've probably never seen a cat before. Aizawa wanted to hit himself for not remembering.

He looked at you two seeing as you followed closely behind him.


You both froze. He looked forward to see the neighbor's favorite stray cat. It stood there, green eyes looking at the two of them.

At least this was going to be an opportunity for Aizawa to introduce you to what a cat was before reaching his place, which had three cats. Better to test one rather than have three all at once.

"Kid-" he slightly jumped when he felt your small hands grip his pant legs tightly, hiding behind him and the boy grabbing his shirt from behind. He gave you a soft smile when you whimpered and looked up at him. "Kid, its fine." He squatted down and called out for the cat. "Its a Cat." He petted the brown feline when if cane close.

"C-Ca-at." You muttered, it looked at you and you hid behind him, this time gripping on his shirt.
It was a pretty pleasant surprise to have you cling onto him. The feline's eyes stared at you and it made you uneasy. "Ca-at... Ca-at... bad."

Aizawa shook his head, "No." he picked it up and turned to you. As a response, you distanced yourself from him. "They aren't bad, kid. Cats are good." He slowly petted it, hopping you'd understand.

"Cat... good?" You tilted your head innocently. He nodded, his smile growing as he watched you get close slowly, flinching back every time it would look at you. 

The boy  took the chance and hesitantly petted it, pulling back when he felt it purr.

"Go ahead, kid." He watched as you two reluctantly pett it, feeling the soft fur. He chuckled when you shivered at the feeling of the cat's fur. "See, cats are good... they aren't gonna hurt you, kid."

"Goo-od." You repeated, continuously petted.

You two stayed there for a moment, almost forgetting the reason why you were there.

"Aizawa?" A teen called, making said man look up to see who it was. "Aren't you suppose to be at work?"

"Ms Kozume." He greeted, seeing at lady with cat-like ears and a tail. She had brown hair with some golden strips on it and hazel eyes. She had a can of food in her hands, supposedly for the cat. 

He looked at you as you hid behind Aizawa, gripping onto the stuffed toy. "Didn't know you had a daughter." She sweetly waved at you as she settled the can down and the cat went jumping towards the food.

"She's not-... its complicated... Where's your son? Kenma?" Aizawa sighed, standing up and scratching his head.

The lady smiled before standing as well, "He's inside... playing his games again...Kenma!" You slightly jumped at the sudden call.

"No you don't have-"

"Yes?" There stood by the door was a boy with brown to blonde hair. It looked like it was dyed that way, but in reality it was a family trait as his mother had a two tones cat mutation. He didnt have that mutation however, but he did have the cat like eyes like his mother.

"Why don't you go and say Hi to Mr. Aizawa?" She gestured to the scruffy hero, and in turn the boy nodded and slightly bowed, muttering out a timid 'hello'

He looked about a few years older than you.

"That's Kenma. He's our neighbor." Aizawa gestured for you two to greet him. The boy waved at the smaller boy while you looked at him from behind Aizawa's leg.

"Ne... nebo.. rr? Nei-nei-boreee?" You muttered out cutely.

Kenma waved at you shyly.

Ms. Kozume couldnt hekp but chuckle. "I think they'd get along... such shy little kids."

"I-I like your cat." Kenma gestured to the toy in hand.

You looked at it then at him. Slowly walking over to him and reaching it out to him. "Ca-at... goo-od."

"And soft." Kenma added, patting the head and smiling. You just looked at him with a bug bright eyes as you took in his features.

"Well I hope we can get them to hang out soon! And i think you guys need the rest." Ms. Kozume smiled, giving Aizawa a look of knowingness. She didn't ask, but she wasn't blind to how you two had tattered clothes and bandages all around you.

Kenma didn't really seem to care, which was a relief for Aizawa as he didn't  have to explain.

"Thanks, Kozume." He gave a small smile towards the lady.

"No need to thank me... but you owe me a chat time." She giggled before getting back into her apartment with Kenma, waving you two a good bye.

You did the same, seemingly fond of the newly learned gesture.

"What's a nei-borrr?" The boy inquired.

"Its a person who lives close to us." He explained getting his keys out and unlocking the door. "In our case, Mrs. Kozume and Kenma are our neighbors."

"Ke-ken.. Kenma." He looked down on you as you hugged the toy. He was sure you'd be good friends with the little boy next door.

He opened the door to his apartment, in which you were greeted by a dark grey cat. It laid there and made a lazy meow to the both of you.

"I have three cats." He showed you the number using his fingers. You looked at your own hand and mimicked it. His heart melted at how innocent you were. "This is Smokey."

"Smokey." The boy muttered, slowly walking into his place and curiously stared at the cat laying there, paying no attention to either of you.

You gently placed a hand on his stomach, shivering once more at how soft he was.

Aizawa chuckled. "Come, I'll let you meet the other two." He walked past you, going to his living room. You followed him after a few more gentle pats.

"O-ter.. two.." you muttered stopping when you see him carrying two more cats. He chuckled at how your eyes widened. He sat on the couch and placed the cats there.

"This one is Autumn." He gestured to the fluffy ginger cat. You looked in aww, never really getting to see such a color.

"Aw-Tum." You tried.

"And this is-"

"Boy." You pointed to the other cat. It was silver cat with stripes on it. It resembled the tiger boy- the one you fought with.

Aizawa's brows furrowed and looked over to S.A.25, who looked the the lighter grey cat with similar tiger like stripes on it.

He looked a bit sad. "There was a kid... in the lab with us... he... looked similar to your cat."

Aizawa frowned a bit. He wasn't sure if that kid you were pertaining to was alive of not and he wasn't sure how to tell you that, when you looked so bright and curious about his cat.

"No... not really." He told you, trykng to forget about it "This is Silver." He petted the cat and you watched in aww as it purred loudly. "You can touch her." His soft dark eyes were on you.

You never really saw such a soft comfortable expression on anyone else but the S.A.25. You reluctantly took a seat on the soft couch, finding such feeling foreign.

You sat there and let the creature come to you. It seemed that the cats already liked you and the boy

Everything in Aizawa's place was foreign to you. You've never seen such furniture. Your room was bare. It was only your stiff bed, so seeing so many different things, you weren't feeling save to move around. Afraid that something might attack you.

"Do you like them?"


"Yeah. Like. Its when you are attracted to something." As a teacher, he found it enjoyable to teach you things, even if it meant the basic things.

You looked at Silver and nodded, "Like... cats... cats good." You turned to him innocently and he couldn't help but smile in content. You were the cutest kid he's ever see. So small, so innocent looking. You were adorable.

I saw these on Pinterest and they are adorableeee. Cutie🥺


"Hey Sho." Yamada said over the phone.

"Yeah, you called?" He was seated on the dining table, watching you and your wide eyed expression as the three cats snuggled against you. He found it really amusing to watch you two.

"Enjoy playing daddy?" Yamada chuckled as Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I'd ask the same to you? How's the girl?"

"Fine... by the way, the hospital called and said they were able to trace some of the kids..." Yamada explained.

"Ok, I'll get them tomorrow... thanks, Zashi."

"Yeah no problem anyways I-" Yamada had cut himself off. "Sorry, Sho gotta stop the kid from yelling back at the bird-" he had hung up and Aizawa just shook his head, keeping his laugh within.


"That's the sky, right?" The boy walked over to the sliding door that revealed the balcony.

Aizawa nodded as he walked over to the kitchen as you went over to the boy too, seejng as the sky had turned to a purple, reddish and orangey color.

"It changing color." Stated the boy. Aizawa really didnt know what to call either of you, so he just went with kid or just made sure he was clear on who he was talking to.

Aizawa hummed, "its turning night." He was in the kitchen, trying to figure out what you'd eat. He may he a teacher, but he didn't know what kids liked to eat. He was the type to be sleeping around and even forget to eat, but he couldn't let you starve. So he was staring at his half empty fridge.

"What do kids eat?" He muttered as he looked at you. You sat on the chair beside the dining table, staring at the darkening sky.


"Yes, honey, it's night time." He brought out a box of strawberries and started to wash them. "The sky changes to indicate when its day or night." He explained, walking over to you and placing the strawberries in front of you.

You looked at it then at him, then at the sky. "Night? Da-a-ay?"

He gave a soft smile, nodding slowly and pushing the strawberries your way. "Yes, Day is when the sky is bright. Night is when its gets dark, like now." You looked at the sky again before turning to him. "Now eat up."  He gestured to the strawberries.

The boy took a seat beside you and inspected the strawberries with you.

"N-no." You muttered.

"No? You don't like it?" He raised a brow, looking over to the boy.

"No." You repeated softer, afraid he might get mad at you for refusing.

He just sighed, he didn't want you to starve. He grabbed a fork and got a strawberry.

"They aren't bad, you know." He said softer, putting the fruit in his mouth. "They taste good and are healthy. They're called strawberries."

The boy, seemingly hungry, took the risk. He grabbed the fork and poked onto the pinkish red fruit. He nibbled onto it before deciding to pop it into his mouth.

You watched him slowly chew on the fruit, seeing if the thing he placed in his mouth would poison him or something, but it didn't seem to. He actually seemed to enjoy the taste, even grabbing another one. What if it had a slow effect? You looked at him in worry.

"D-die...?" You frowned in fear.

"It won't kill you." Aizawa said as he took another and ate it along with the boy "Its just a fruit, kid."

"F-fruit?" You tilted you head slightly, turning to look at the reddish fruits. "S-staw...be...be-ii."

He chuckled, nodding in amusement at your attempt in saying the word. You were absolutely adorable. So sweet and innocent. All he wanted to do was help you and the boy get a better life.

"Try one." He got one and trued to hand the fork to you, but you looked at him warily. "Just one, please?"

You have never heard anyone say the word please to you. You've always seemed to use it to others but never had you heard someone else say it to you. So you felt a little bad, this guy seemed so soft and sweet.

You reluctantly took the fork from him and slowly nibbled on the fruit. The taste was foreign, but it wasn't bad. So you proceeded to taking a bite, and you could see the content in Aizawa's eyes.

He had a soft smile on his face as he watched you get another one.

"Like it?" He couldn't help but let the smile grow wider as you nodded, your cheeks stuffed, making you even more cuter.

He slowly got up and went over to the fridge to get you a drink. He came back with a glass of milk. He placed it on the table and gestured for you to try it.

"Hold still, it won't hurt, promise." A scientist said as he injected the white liquid into your forearm. The pain was excruciating and it made you cry and move around, trying to free yourself from the restrains you had.

They always said it wasn't painful. They always promised you, but it always were empty promises.

The boy jumped out of the table, dropping the fork as he moved away, fear in his eyes. You were too terrified to get too far so you only ended up leaning against the hair more and shook your head.

Your eyes filling with tears as you looked at the white liquid in the clear glass.

Aizawa was quick to react, "Hey, hey." He said in a hushed tone. "What's wrong? Don't cry." He turned to the boy, who only stepped back even more. He then went to kneel in front of you, fighting the urge to pat you or give you one of those calming touches that usual parents did. "Its's just Milk."

You shook your head, bringing your arm out and gesturing to where they usually injected that white liquid. Tears fell down your face as you continued with the gestures.

"What?" He couldn't get it. He couldn't understand what you meant. "What's- what's wrong? Please stop crying." You shook your head still gesturing.

"Th-those things... they... injected us with it..." the boy almost stumbled to the ground, remembering his own not so pleasant experience with the needle and white liquid.

"B-bad people... b-bad... h-hu-hurt!" You cried as you pointed to the milk.


"H-hurt!" You covered curled into a little ball, crying and shaking.

Aizawa was going to say something but the glass of milk exploded, "shit!" He shielded you from the flying shards, making sure none of it would hurt you.

A few flew around the kitchen and living room area. A particularly bigger piece had cut the boy, making him stumble back.

He didn't expect you'd activate your quirk so easily and without the hint of your eyes glowing red.

You looked up at him in fear and worry. You hurt him. You scared him. Your head was spinning and the worried look in Aizawa's eyes made you feel guilty for what you had done.

You glanced at the blood trickling down the boy's face and you felt horrible. Your eyes welled up with tears once more. The pain in your chest grew.

"Kid, are you hurt-"

"Sor-ri!" You cried, making him squat down in front of you. "S-so-r-ri!"

"No no no no." He wanted to hug you and calm you down, but he was sure you'd freak out even more. "You didn't do anything wrong." He said softly. "You did nothing wrong." He told you, his one hand gently patted your head, stroking your hair. You flinched at the first attempt but didnt in the next few.

He turned to the boy who had touched the little cut on his cheek.

"You alright?" Aizawa asked. The boy nodded as a reply.

You looked at him as he gave you a soft smile. "I-I... I-I-I hu-hurt-"

"No. No you didn't hurt anyone." He continued his pats as it seemed that you didn't mind.

"Hur-hurt... S.A-"

"You didn't hurt me... its a small cut." The boy didnt want to see you cry and he could see how much Aizawa seemed to care about you, and how gentle he was.

"You're alright... we're ok... no one is hurt and you are safe..." Aizawa's hushed tone seemed to relax even the boy.

"I wont even hurt the two of you." He looked you in the eyes, examining your small cute face. Looking at the scar running down your the one side of your face.

"If it isn't a bother... wanna tell me what happened, kid?" Looked over to the boy, knowing he'd be able to explain better than you. "What does that mean?"

"They... injected us with this white liquid and... it-i... It hurt... a-a lot." He rubbed his arm as you wiped your face.

Aizawa sighed. Must be one of the experiments, He thought. He looked at you sympathetically, patting you one last time before getting up. You made a small whimper and a face, which made him chuckle. "I'll just clean it up." He walked over to the boy and asked if he was ok as well as checking on the cut on his cheek.

He just nodded again in reply, a small smile creeping up at this new feeling of comfort and care.

Aizawa went to mop the floor and the both of you watched with dried tears as he patiently cleaned up the mess you had made. He had been patient with you, not once did he looked irritated or mad.

He turned to you after finishing, he had brought out a small first aid kit and had helped the boy clean the cut.

"What color do you want?" He asked the boy, flashing different colored band-aids.

S.A.25 looked at the selection, stopping to look at a particular color. It was a bright blue one with small yellow stars as a design.

He then helped place it on before turning to see you milk-stained attire. "Let's give you a bath, ok?" He gave a soft smile, gesturing you to follow, in which you did. "Then you next"

"B-bath?" You both questioned.

"Yeah, its something you do to clean you up." He brought you his bathroom. He set it up for you and made sure it was just right. You stood there, unsure of what to do.

Reminder, you are a CHILD here so please do not think of inappropriate things

"Let's get those bandages off, ok?" He said softly, getting dow in front of you and waited for your response. You reluctantly let him undo the bandages and get you ready for the bath.

Not that you don't bath, its just that it doesn't happen often. And most of the time, your baths were just them using a hose to wet you. Wasn't really a bath or a shower. The pressure of the water against you was painful and usually left red marks, but they never cared.

"Just sit there, ok? I'll wash you." He said softly, letting you settle into the warm water. "I'll be gentle, promise."

You just nodded, letting him wash your now white hair. You were tense, never really use to any gentle touches. And usually, you had people pull your hair forcefully whenever you refused to leave. This type of touch was unusual to you. Unusual but pleasant.

It surprised you how quickly you trusted this man. Maybe because he hasn't done anything to you. He hasn't been aggressive or anything near that. Or maybe it was the soft look in his eyes.

Aizawa was doing his best to be gentle, especially now that he could see all the scars and fading bruises. It wasn't just the one on your left face, but there were some on your forearms, some on your legs, and even on your sides and back.

He refrained from touching you too much. Instead, he just let you sit there as he washed your hair. He was worried he might hurt you if he tried to soap you.

Jesus Christ. Aizawa's eyes widened when he finally saw the two large scars on your back, it was as if you-

"G-gone" you said, feeling his curious gaze at your back.

You didn't know why, but you were talking more than usual. Maybe because he was quiet and he seemed like he'd actually listen. You also had this little feeling like you needed to tell him. It was as if you wanted him to trust you as you've started to trust him. "Wi-wings...go-one." You could feel the tears well up in your eyes as he audibly sighed.

He didn't know what to say. You were a four year old kid. No name. Nothing. A mere child with a quirk even you didn't know. People experimenting and wanting to use you. He pitied you. He really did and he didn't know how to help you.

You were four and you probably went through so much more pain that even he probably would have screamed at. And looking at the scars, looking at your back, he had no idea what to say to you; or What to do to help you.

Both of you.

"I-I'll protect you." Was all that came out. He helped you out and dried you with a towel. He looked at you in the eyes, giving a sympathetic smile. "I'll keep you safe, ok?" He stared at you with a little worry in his eyes.

You gave a small nod and he smiled slightly. He patted your head gently and got up to see if he had clothes you could use. 

He helped you into one of his old shirts. "That's better." He gave you a small smile.

After helping the boy bathe, or rather, teaching him how to, he lef the both of  you to his bedroom. "You can sleep here." He turned on the lights to show you around.

It was a pretty simple room with a bed, a closet parallel to the bed and a big enough study table with all the papers and books he had at the foot of the bed.

The only familiar thing to you was the bed, but it looked bigger and even softer compared to yours. He let you inspect the bed as he walked to the door.

"If there's anything you need, just call me." He gave a small smile, looking as you sat on the bed. "GoodNight, kid." He flicked the lights off.

"N-no!" You cried and he instantly turned the lights on. 

"Want them on?" He asked as you nodded. "Ok then," he started to close the door, but the boy had stopped him, a nervous smile on his face.

"Ca-can we... not... close the door?"

He seemed afraid of making the request, but Aizawa just nodded, giving the kid a pat on his head.

"No problem," was all Aizawa replied with before turning to sleep on the couch.

"Good night." He added.

You and the boy laid on the bed. He was already enjoying the soft warm sheets while you looked at the ceiling then at your stuffed toy, "G-goo-d..Ni-ight." You muttered softly.


Aizawa was up early due to one of the cats deciding to sit on his face. "Smokey." He groaned and placed him down, but he just hopped onto his face again. "Alright, alright, Smokey." He sat up from the couch and placed the grey cat down as the other two decided to walk to him and meow for food.

He sighed, getting up, stretching and walking over to his room, where you slept.

He would have let you stayed in the guest room that he had, but it was currently a mess and needed some sorting as it became another storage room for him.

As Aizawa peaked to check if you were still asleep, he found the bed was missing a certian small child.


"Kid?" He walked in, slightly panicking that you were gone. He tried to be quiet as he didn't want to wake the boy. "Kid? Where are you?" He called looking around. "Fuck." He ran a hand through his hair before he looked under the bed, only to jump in surprise when he was met with glowing crimson eyes.

You had gotten so use to sleeping in the cold stiff bed you had that the soft and warmth of Aizawa's bed was foreign to you.

"Kid?" He heard you whimper, making his expression soften. "Kid, why are you under there? Come out." He told you as you complied. You looked tired, almost like you didn't sleep. "Did you even sleep?" You shrugged, indicating that you may have slept for only a few hours.

You couldn't sleep, every time you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep, you had nightmares of the experiments that you had in the lab. You were always scared and to remember each moment made it worse.

Aizawa gave you a small smile of relief. "Come on out there... let's eat." Your eyes were flickering from red to (y/e/c) from time to time, but Aizawa guessed he could help you out a little more in a later time. Your crimson eyes were enticing and some times a little distracting, so he was a little glad that you could change it into a nicer (y/e/c) eyes, but of course he felt guilty for wanting to change anything about you at all.

"Let's have breakfast."

"B-br-bek... fa-ast?"

"Yes, the first meal on the day." He explained as you hoped onto the chair and waited as he started to cook.

You visibly jumped when you heard the frying sound, staringbat Aizawa in worry as he cracked two eggs that cooked with the bacon.

"I'm just cooking." He told you, placing them on two separate plates and walking over to you. "Eggs and bacon." He set it in front of you with the spoon and fork. He took a seat opposite you and started to eat his, hoping it'll get you to eat.

You poked the yolk and jumped when it started oozing out. "H-hurt?"

He chuckled and shook his head, slicing the egg and bacon for you. "No no, don't worry. That's just how it is, sweetheart."

You looked down on your sliced food and tried to copy how he got it in the spoon and placed it in his mouth. You struggled a bit, but got it in a while. By the time you were getting a hang of it, Aizawa had finished, gotten sone water and happily watched you eat.

The boy soon showed up with bed hair and a satisfied night's sleep. He was wearing one of Aizawa's old shirts from when he was still high school. It was still a bit loose one him but at least he had better clothing than before.

"Come and eat with us." Aizawa stood up to serve the boy the same food as you, explaining what it is.

"Drink some water." He pushed the glasses your way as he got your empty plate and started to wash the dishes. After that, he sat back on his chair, checking his phone. "I need to get something and since I can't leave you here... you'll have to come." He paused fir a moment, unsure if it was alright to bring you back to the place. "We're going back to the hospital... alright?"

You both looked at him warily. You remembered what a hospital was and you remembered how familiar it was to the lab.

"We'll have Hizashi with us, ok? He's a friend." He said as he texted Yamada about it. He was pretty sure you might freak out, so he was hoping he could leave you in the car with Yamada as he got the results he asked for.

"Fr-friend." You repeated.

"Yeah, friend. Someone you can trust."


It was you, the boy and the girl in the back seat while the two adults in the front.

You were getting quite accustomed to riding a car.

By the time you all reached the hospital, you were slightly comfortable with Yamada and you were learning to tolerate the girl's sudden loud questions. They were a bit loud at times, which cause Aizawa to glare at Yamada, but it was fine.

Yamada seemed to be as gentle and sweet as Aizawa, just a little louder.

"I'll be back, alright? Just stay with Hizashi." Aizawa got out of the car and left you kids with the blond man. You watched as Aizawa vanished into the building.

You turned to look at Yamada as he flashed you a smile. "You alright there, little listener?" You flinched when he said it abruptly, but nodded either way.

You pointed at him as he looked back at you. "F-fr-frie-end." Yamada's cheeks went red as he stared at you in awe. You were so adorable and innocent.

"Yep. I'm a friend." He nodded at you, his green eyes staring into your now (y/e/c) eyes.


Aizawa sat on one of the benches, sighing as he looked at the results. He asked for them to see if it matched with anyone, just so he could find any family that any of you could have.

You had no birth record what so ever, as if you never actually existed.

Fortunately, he had discovered the girl's birth records, but the only parent filed there was her mother and she was also missing.

And then the boy's...

"Shit" Aizawa sighed, looking at the papers again.  Aizawa couldn't believe it. He couldn't. He couldn't wrap his head aroubd the fact that the boy was related to her.

He knew that the boy looked familiar, but he never expected that he'd be the nephew of his childhood friend, even less to be the son of someone who used to be so close to him.

"Fucking..." he rubbed his temples, looking at the picture of the boy's mother. He knew her. He knew her better than anyone, but he never expected her to have a kid. "H-how? How is it possible? Y-you're... you're dead."


You three sat on the couch, with the cats as the two men stood in the balcony.

"You can't be serious. That's impossible, she's-"

"I know she's dead, Hizashi." Aizawa cut him off, watching as Yamada took a long drag in his cigarette. "And I don't think its impossible... she died 12 years ago and the boy- Shohei... he's 13."

"Yeah well you two-"

"We haven't seen each other even before she died." Aizawa ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe what was happening. So many twisted things and now this?

"Shohei... Shirakumo." Yamada took another drag on his cigarette before sighing it out.

Shohei Shirakumo? The nephew of a dead friend and the son of... of someone close? Where was the kids going to go? Neither of them had any family alive or with a known location... and you... had no records.

"What a small world." Yamada sighed. He looked at Aizawa, "where are you planning on letting him stay?"

Aizawa ruffled his own hair as he thought. "I guess I have no choice but to keep him here, plus the kid pretty much trusts him more than me so it would tear her little heart to pieces if he'd go.... not like he'd have a place to go" He turned to look at you three already fast asleep on the couch.

Yamada couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like someone's a daddy."

"Shut the fuck up... you too you know."

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