𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧�...

By _myaghm

113K 4.3K 1.1K

With Voldemort on the rise once again, will Leonardo have the strength to defeat him? Follow the second half... More

V. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Homeless Howard:
VI. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Enoch Beckett:
Author's Note!
VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II:
19 Years Later:


1.1K 55 24
By _myaghm

"Is there anyone we can trust?" Ron asked agitated, the Trio walking away from the Lovegood's 'Burrow'. Hermione had suggested that the friends go to see the man, him having a necklace that looked like the way Dumbledore signed a letter once. It didn't particularly end well, Xenophilius ended up turning against them and trying to keep them in his home for as long as possible, for the Death-Eaters to get them, especially Harry. The reason for this was that the Snatchers had taken Luna, Xenophilius' only daughter, making him delusional without her presence. Harry didn't know why he didn't understand sooner, the man wanted to know a lot about him and Leo.

Speaking of Leo...


"One more time?" Howard begged, Leo and him having to move to a more stable alleyway. "Why though?" Leo asked, tired of the man's whining as they walked down the street. "What if we get into a Wizard duel and I have to fight?" Howard compromised, Leo sighing. "You won't have to-" Leo stopped, causing Howard to do the same. "Is this a Wizard thing-" "Shut up!" Leo scolded, Howard staying quiet immediately. "I swear I saw him around here..." Howard and Leo looked to each other when the latter heard that voice. "Xaviero." He informed Howard, the man's eyes widening. "Hide!" He whispered, Leo's wasting no time in apparating away. Howard only yelled, attracting the attention of Xaviero as he sped towards the man, another Snatcher following. "What you yelling for?" Xaviero asked, Howard stuck for words. The reason he yelled was because of Leo apparating, the man simply not expecting it. "Thought I saw a spider." The man squeaked, not noticing Leo watching from the roof of the house they were ahead of.

"Have you seen a boy around? Longish hair, up to here?" The other Snatcher asked, replicating Leo's hair. Howard just chuckled, Leo tilting his head impressed. "What?" Xaviero asked, Howard shrugging. "You two are asking the local homeless man if he's seen someone. I've seen tons of people, I'm homeless!" Howard laughed, Leo's eyebrows raising. "Beat it, Tramp." Xaviero spat, shoving his wand at Howard's throat as Leo's eyes widened. "What's a stick gonna do?" Howard's voice wavered as he spoke, knowing now that they were wands. "I can kill you with this stick." Xaviero grinned, Leo blinking as his eyes went red, forming a red energy ball. "You gonna stab me with it?" Howard teased again, Xaviero chuckling sarcastically. "I could-" All three men looked to the other side of the road, a fresh hole in the window. Whatever house, whoever's house it was, was now erupted into screaming, mostly ladies.

Xaviero and the other Snatcher just looked to where Leo would be, Howard too shocked to speak. The Snatchers just walked away without a word, rushing in between the alleyways of the two houses, one of Leo's seat. Howard rubbed his neck in pain, the man's wand definitely creating a bruise. "You did okay." Howard jumped when he heard a thump behind him, seeing Leo stood smugly. "That was exhilarating!" He let out, Leo smiling at him for his antics. "This is going to be a lot more exhilarating." Leo spoke, grabbing Howard's hand. "What-" Was all Howard spoke before Leo apparated the two away.


"I can't believe you're showing me all this, Leo. It feels Illegal." Howard spoke as he examined the family Tree in Grimmauld Place. "Illegal is more fun." Leo spoke after searching the whole house, realising Kreacher wasn't anywhere. "Is that you?" Howard asked, Leo's eyebrows scrunched up before crouching next to Howard and seeing his name, well, old name and a picture of him as a toddler. "What a cutie!" Howard teased, Leo scoffing as he stood up. "I never knew that was there." Leo spoke, Howard standing up again. "So, this is your house now?" He asked cautiously, Leo taking a deep breathe as he looked around the place. "I mean, your Dad must have left it to you-" "Master?" Both men turned to see a very confused Kreacher at the doorway, eyeing up Howard. "You look like my p-" "Kreacher! I thought you were out?" Leo quickly interrupted Howard, knowing where that was going. Kreacher nodded to Leo, Howard not seeming to take his eyes off of the House Elf.

"Kreacher was finding tools to fix your doors, Master Leonardo. Kreacher is back now." The Elf bowed, Leo nodding. "May Kreacher ask who this new guest is?" Kreacher looked to Howard again, his eyes widening. "I'm Howard!" He spoke excitedly, loving the Wizarding World already. "He's a friend of mine." Leo winked, Kreacher's head tilting. "A word, if Kreacher may?" Kreacher asked, Leo nodding obliviously. Kreacher then walked out of the room, Leo following before Howard tried to do the same. The man yelped when the door shut, red essence travelling to the ground. "What is it?" Leo asked, Kreacher gulping. "He is a Muggle, Master Leonardo-" "Muggle or not, he is my friend, one of my best ones right now." Leo interrupted, Kreacher bowing. "Apologies. Kreacher would like to know if you told him about the Wizarding World?" He asked with a slight scowl, Leo nodding.

"You know what, I did. And I did it with pride. That man in that room is one of my best friends and he doesn't have anything but me and a disabled cat. Plus a stinky alleyway. Any who, I don't believe Kreacher should be questioning his Master's actions, hm?" Leo snapped, Kreacher startled before nodding. "Further apologies, Master. Master and his best friend shall get leaned up, I suppose?" Kreacher suggested, Leo standing up with a nod. "That's more like it. Yes, we would like a clean up-" "Leo! Help!" Both Kreacher and Leo looked to each other before the latter ran into the room again, seeing another door come out of nowhere. "It seems you're friend has found your Grandmother's room." Leo looked to Kreacher shocked, why did he not tell him this? "It seems a stranger is in our midst! A Muggle! Who did such a thing-" A woman's voice screamed, Leo following Kreacher into the room.

Nothing was in the room apart from a picture, the woman being in that picture. "God, help me!" Howard yelled, Leo noticing him curled up in the corner. "Yes," Leo started with his voice raised, Walburga looking to him, as did Howard. "The portraits are people." He spoke, Walburga yelling in...joy? "Please tell me it's you!" She cried, Leo shrugging. "Depends on who you want it to be." He sarcastically spoke, Walburga laughing a tiny bit. Kreacher just loomed in the doorway, never seeing the woman like this. "My Grandson!" She yelled, Leo nodding and walking so he was in front of her. "You look so mature and grown up!" She spoke, Leo shrugging with a dopey grin. "Are we okay now?" Howard asked slowly, Leo nodding. "Yeah. This is my friend, Howard." Leo introduced the man, Walburga scowling at him. "He is a Muggle! He doesn't belong here-" "Hush!" Leo snapped, Walburga quickly falling silent.

"He is here whether you like it or not." Leo shot back, Howard startled by his sudden attitude. "That is no way to talk to your Grandmother-" "It's not like you can come and hit me, is it?" Leo interrupted, even Kreacher surprised as Walburga fell silent, gazing at Leo. "Is that backtalk I hear?" Leo spoke sarcastically, Walburga smiling weakly. "Very well! He is the only one-" "Okay, let's get cleaned up!" Leo dragged Howard away, leaving Kreacher and Walburga. "Mistress?" The Elf asked, Walburga still quiet. "Kreacher will leave too."


"Oh my God!" Howard cheered as he examined his outfit in Leo's body mirror. Leo had become a stylist all of a sudden, dressing Howard in a long sleeved white button up and dark green pants that he had found. "I look so cool!" The man exclaimed, Leo smirking as he waved his Father's wand, Howard's hair slicking itself back. "Woah..." The man let out, Leo laughing and shoving his now clean jacket into his chest. "Here. I cleaned it." Leo let out, running a hand through his own hair as Howard slipped his jacket back on. "Come here!" Howard spoke with an excited giggle, Leo confused before standing next to the man. "We look like badass business men!" Howard cheered again, Leo laughing aloud. "We actually do..." He spoke, Howard patting the boy's head. Leo wore the same kind of outfit, instead with a black turtleneck and the brown suit that somehow still fit.

He had his hair slicked back too, Howard too busy admiring himself to notice Leo making another bed. "What are you doing?" He finally asked, a piece of quilt brushing his leg. "Making a bed, you idiot." Leo snickered, Howard turning around quickly. "I'm staying here?" He asked, Leo weirded out before looking to see slight tears in Howard's eyes. "Uhm, yeah?" He more of asked, Howard crying out before launching himself onto Leo, the boy grunting. "No one's ever done this for me before!" Howard sobbed, Leo very uncomfortable. "Well..." He trailed off, waiting for Howard to let go of him. "You can let go now." Leo made his intentions known, Howard sniggering. "Yeah, sorry." He chuckled, Leo shrugging with a grin. "It's fine. Anyway-" "Holy!" Howard let out, Leo jumping before seeing an owl fly to his window. "We have a letter..." Leo let out cautiously, leaving the owl for a while before it squawked impatiently. "Get the letter!" Howard scolded, Leo elbowing the man's stomach before clicking towards the bird.

Howard watched mesmerised as the letter untied itself from the owl's leg, floating to Leo with a trail of red essence. "Woah-" "Scram!" Leo yelled, pretending to run towards the owl, the bird flying away in fright. "Who is it from?" Howard was too curious, Leo observing the blank envelope. "I don't know, do I? You open it." Leo spoke, giving Howard the letter as he smiled excitedly, Leo going to close his window. "Who's Snape?" Leo's head shot up, scrambling to take the letter. "Is Snape important-" "Snape is the headmaster of the school I told you about. He killed Dumbledore." Leo interrupted, Howard's face dropping as Leo opened the letter. He scanned over the letter before reading it aloud in a worried tone.

Mr Gryffindor,

               I am aware of the randomness of this letter and how unconventional it may be. However, I have learnt that you have disrespected one of my strictest rules given in your second year. The exposure of our world is the worst possible problem and you committing that with a Muggle is the worst thing to do. As a consequence of this, I shall give you a choice. Kill or obliviate the Muggle or I shall inform the Ministry of your wronging and you shall be hunted down more than you are.

Your choice.


"I'm the Muggle-" "Stay here." Leo ordered, knowing where he needed to go as soon as he read the man's name. "Hey! This person wants me dead!" Howard shot back, hurrying after Leo as he went to a very familiar room. "Grandma." Leo spat, the curtains of Walburga's portrait opening by themselves. "Grandson." She shot back, Howard lingering by the doorway as the family had some sort of stare down, Leo speaking up first. "Why have I gotten a letter about Howie?" Leo seethed, Walburga shrugging. "Now, what are you a shrugging for? You told him!" Leo got angry quickly, Walburga and Howard flinching. "Leo, it's fine-" "It's not fine! I have to either kill or wipe your memory of me and this world or I'm dead!" Leo snapped at Howard, the man's face dropping. "Surely, you wouldn't do that..." Howard trailed off, Leo taking a deep breath. "Of course not. We just need to be good at hiding together." Leo informed, Howard nodding determined.

"Leo-" "You shut it." Leo interrupted Walburga, closing her curtains and walking past Howard out of the room. Howard scrambled to follow the boy again, him going into the kitchen. "How are we gonna hide?" Howard spoke, Leo connecting tendrils to a couple astray spellbooks.

"I'm going to have to teach you magic."

I also got caught up with the stress of suddenly starting school so sorry for how late this is😃

[2070 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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