[ZHUILING] More Than Enough

By CoolCool-Aid

180K 8.7K 10K

Lan Sizhui was the perfect role model for the new generation of GusuLan disciples. Rumours foretold that he w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
[The Finale]
[New Book I]

Chapter 42

3.1K 121 139
By CoolCool-Aid

It was simple to disregard the passing of time.

However, at that moment, all citizens of Lanling Jin was in deep shock at how much time passed. They've all been keen on interest about their own housework. Before they knew it, an envelope was found resting on their doorstep. After opening the envelope, they would fret with excitement.

Inside the envelope was an invitation to Sect Leader Jin's wedding!

After the recent meeting scheduled with the other Sect Leaders, Sect Leader Jin have reverted back to his arrogant self! However, the citizens didn't really mind. At least, it wasn't arrogant to a selfish degree.

The citizens of Lanling Jin were in an uproar. "A WEDDING INVITATION!?!"

"Am I blind?" A woman cried to her baby, who laughed at her with its two-front teeth.

At that moment, Jin Ling was watching everything happen from the Koi Tower. He leaned elegantly against the railings of the balcony, feeling the wind brush through his hair. It's been almost half a month since the incident at the meetings.

Sizhui and him had progressed a lot more together, and finally decided on a wedding.

Jin Ling spent some time looking out in the distance. It wasn't until Shao Qing tapped him on the shoulder that he looked back. "Okay." Jin Ling smiled. "I'll be right there."


The entire Koi Tower was decorated and garnished in red. Ribbons and threads were hung from ceiling lanterns to one another. Several tables were laid out in the large space, with five chairs for each. A decorative vase sat in the centre of each table. A few flowers specially picked by Tang Tang (remember the child from the trafficker case?) were slipped into the vases.

As the audience gradually filed in, behind the curtain was the groom preparing.

Sizhui fiddled with his fingers nervously. He could feel his heart drumming against his chest heavily; practically hammering the living shit out of him.

He tried to control his breathing. Sizhui wore a red wedding robe, which showcased off his pale skin and handsome-looking face. He hugged himself, while counting sheep's.

"Don't be nervous." On the side, Jingyi tried to pacify him.

Sizhui sighed. "Thank you, Jingyi."

His white knuckles protruded outwards, while he clenched on the hem of his wedding robe. There was red everywhere, and appeared incredibly festive. Sizhui tried to calm himself down while Jingyi returned back to the audience.

"Ahem," outside before the red curtain was the host.

Wei Wuxian coughed twice with a sly smile. "Hello fellow comrades and friends."

The commotion outside had died down. Hearing the empty silence, Wei Wuxian was satisfied. He cleared his throat and then began. "Today, we are here to celebrate the merry occasions of Sect Leader Jin's wedding with Lan Sizhui! Wooo!" Wei Wuxian added the cheer at the end, and it earned a few laughs.

"Are you guys ready?" Wei Wuxian treated the wedding more like a concert as he asked.

A few "we're ready" responded from the audience.

Hearing that, Wei Wuxian was satisfied. He then raised a hand, "Then, let us introduce the groom of this wedding; Lan Sizhui!"

The curtain split open. The hundred pairs of eyes all directed to where the centre was held. Sizhui stood there with a stiff face and yet straight back. His red wedding robe had a starched flower pattern sewed on the hem, while an accessory was plucked in his black hair.

It made him appear especially contrasting to the red, while implementing beauty and warmth.

Cheers flooded the crowd. From the corner of his eye, Sizhui was able to catch the figure of a muscular man. "Uncle..." Sizhui mouthed that word under his breath. His stiff expression melted into smoothness, and he relaxed. He smiled.

There really wasn't a single thing to worry about.

"Do you like how our groom looks?" Wei Wuxian yelled.

A bunch of "Yes" piled up from the crowd. Wei Wuxian smiled cheerily, "Well too bad, he's not yours!"

He returned back to look at Sizhui before flashing an encouraging smile. Wei Wuxian turned to quiet down the audience, then saying, "Well, let us have the bride come in!"

Abruptly, the doors opened.

In cams two figures. One wore violet robes, while the other wore red. Jiang Cheng held Jin Ling's hand carefully, with his face all flustered from actually being so close to his nephew. On the other hand, Jin Ling wore a calm expression despite the thundering noises his heart made. His attire was a similar one to Sizhui's, except he wore the Phoenix headdress with a red translucent veil over his face.

When covered in red, Jin Ling appeared like a snowy goddess coming down to bewitch all men.

Slowly, Jin Ling to Sizhui's side. The two shared a small look before turning away from each other. Standing beside one another made them appear like a match made in heaven.

The audience stirred then quieted down.

Wei Wuxian cleared his throat. "Please exchange nuptial cups."

Gradually, a group of servants poured in. They carried two red cups, with a tea set in their arms. After pouring the drink, the servants handed out the two cups to the red-clothed youths.

Jin Ling watched Sizhui with keen interest.

They both drank at the same time without stop. Once they finished, the cups were carried away and the ceremony resumed. Wei Wuxian continued, "The first bow; to the Heaven and Earth." Jin Ling and Sizhui brought their hands together, and bowed in the same direction simultaneously. "The second bow; to your ancestors."

Once again, Jin Ling and Sizhui bowed in sync.

"The third bow; to your parents." Another bow.

"The fourth bow; to your spouse." Jin Ling and Sizhui faced one another. One was dizzy from all the bowing, while the other was completely immersed in his own fantastical thoughts. Their lips glistened from drinking the nuptial cups, and their skin glowed from underneath the red cloth. That moment was precious and forsaken. A smile was brought to their lips. They bowed to each other. Then, the ceremony ended.


"One more cup!" Jin Ling grew drowsy. His entire pale face was rosy from drinking too much alcohol, and his world spun in circles.

By his side, Sizhui gently nudged him.

The two bride and groom were sitting in their bridal chamber (bedroom) while stuffing themselves with celebratory drinks. Before they knew it, Jin Ling was already wasted into mumbling heinous words. "I want one more cup. Just one more..."

Sizhui sighed. "A-Ling, you should rest. Otherwise, you'll feel uncomfortable tomorrow morning when you wake up."

Jin Ling didn't care. "Just one more... please, A-Yuan."

Abruptly, his face planted into Sizhui's bosom. They were caught into a deadlock, and their red clothes rubbed against one another.

Jin Ling whined, "Please, one more cup. It's so sweet and delicious... I'll do whatever you want."

Sizhui arched an eyebrow. That offer was too tempting.

He melted into Jin Ling's embrace. "Fine, just one. But you have to go back to sleep right afterwards. And don't forget the promise you made me, okay?"

Jin Ling's words slurred, "Yes yes yes."

He pulled himself together and poured himself another cup. Some of the liquid spilled out, and stained the wooden table. Sizhui quickly wiped it with a cloth before the furniture could get any messier. He returned back to look at Jin Ling, only to realize that his lover had already downed the entire cup!

A small droplet spilled from Jin Ling's red cherry lips, then reaching down to the crevices of his neck.

Sizhui's eyes widened. He felt like such an appearance was extremely seductive.

At that moment, he wanted to curse.

Sizhui leaned in, and gently licked the alcohol off of Jin Ling's neck. He hummed, "You're right. It is sweet."

Jin Ling was confused. He wasn't sure if Sizhui meant the alcohol or his neck.

Before he could ask that, he was hit and knocked by a wave of shivers. "A-Yuan!" Jin Ling yelped. "W-What are you doing!?!" His limbs shuddered, while he quivered from the feeling of ecstasy. He wanted to curl up into a ball and hide away, but Sizhui didn't let him.

Sizhui attached himself to his lover's torso as he gently sucked on Jin Ling's collarbones. It was extremely difficult to resist when seeing the tender and white supple skin.

A layer of mist glossed over Jin Ling's phoenix eyes. He whimpered.

Jin Ling wanted to say something, but was cut off by a pair of lips clashing against his own. His face went unbearably red and stuffy as he felt the temperature around himself rise. Jin Ling melted against Sizhui's body, and their limbs gradually intertwined amongst one another.

Gradually, their lips left the other as they gasped for air.

Their chests heaved up and down, and their heavy breaths permeated in the room.

Jin Ling widened his eyes as his energy left his body. He was pushed against the bed, and his head fell onto the soft pillow. All of his escape routes were cut off by Sizhui's arms, while his knees obstructed the way between Jin Ling's smooth pair of creamy legs.

"Are you purposely seducing me?" Sizhui hissed.

Jin Ling was confused, so he didn't answer.

Hearing that his lover didn't respond, Sizhui pressed against Jin Ling's chest as their lips caught one another again. They continuously kissed one another until their lips went red.

Sizhui pulled at Jin Ling's clothes, wanting to take it off.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by Jin Ling's pair of bright eyes.

Jin Ling, "I want a baby boy!"

Sizhui, "..." Forget it. He couldn't bare to tell him the truth.

Author's note:

Sorry about my late update. It is because this is the last chapter- no lol, the next chapter will be the last one (La Finale). I am seriously running out of ideas, and this fan-fiction book will slowly be coming to an end (boohoo).

I'm working on another two novels (TGCF AND MXTX), so if you have any questions about those, feel free to ask and I'll answer.

Thank you for your patience! I took like two weeks to write this lol.

Have a good day/afternoon/night! Au reviour (Sorry, I just took a French class and my mind is just full of francais).

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