Chapter 3

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I did it! I did it! I did it! Jin Ling had overwhelmingly cheered within his mind.

"I told the legendary Lan Sizhui to move out of my way." He stated that fact time and time again. And no matter how many times he mentioned the past, it made him squeal with exhilaration. "I've showed him who's boss." He seethed, clenching a tight fist with happiness embedded into his actions. Somehow, he felt triumphant, like a genius who had just accomplished the impossible.

It had been night already, and he still couldn't get over it. Every other cultivator was asleep, probably snoozing away under their firm bed covers.

The dark looming clouds of the Cloud Recesses had hid the moon from shining its gentle array. It was dark. And Jinling had a way to overcome that.

A walk—a night stroll, is what he'd call it.

He couldn't care any less of the GusuLan disciplinary rules. They were all nonsense to him.

     "I'll prove to uncle and everyone else that Lan Sizhui is no better than Young Master Jin Ling." He seethed, clenching a fist unconsciously. Ambition was driven within his veins, sprinting miles per minute around his body. Obviously enough, the rumours chaining around Sizhui and himself had irritated him to the beyond. 'Jin Ling is such a brat! Sizhui is so much better than him', just hearing any of those two names had maddened him.

     He left his sleeping quarter, sliding the wooden door behind gently. A hurl of cold wind almost threw him off his feet as he inhaled the breathy air. Dry but fresh. Stale but faint.

"Walking outside at night wouldn't consider as breaking the rules, right?" Jin Ling ventured outwards.

Patches of grass aligned down the entrance as he walked, with snow white pebbles scattered everywhere. It was similar to a feet massage—not that he tried it before.

The sound of running water splish and sploshed nearby, like a pond of dolphins splattering around. Jin Ling was nowhere close to the gigantic waterfall running at the back of Cloud Recesses, so why did he hear such a sound? A scandalous thought had ushered him to check it out. Quick at the feet and quiet at the toes, Jin Ling hurriedly tiptoed towards the source of the sound.

Indeed, there was water, just as he predicted. But he never though it'd be Lan Sizhui splashing fresh water—from the outdoor sink—onto himself after a hard night of training.

Thankfully, Jin Ling had hid behind a building, otherwise, his presence would've already been found out.

Peeking behind the corner, he watched Sizhui splash another handful of water onto his face. Water dripped down his round cheekbones and splattered down onto the pebbled ground, wetting the thirsty grass with a feast. Shivers crept down Jin Ling's spine as he heard the dripping water stop and sudden emerging footsteps nearing towards him. Stay calm, Young Master. He urgently crouched down to the floor, making sure to blend in with the shadows at all cost.

Unfortunately, that did not work on the GusuLan disciple. "Young Master Jin? What are you doing here so late at night?" Sizhui gasped.

Crap, I've been found. Jin Ling cursed under his breath.

"It's none of your business." He snapped, darting a look towards the finally cloudless sky. It was dark, but the moon cleared the endless ravine up. "I'm afraid it is my business." Sizhui gently said.

"Then why are you here?" Jin Ling frowned.

A look of surprise on Sizhui's face was abruptly paused by the GusuLan disciple, who tried his best to hide his nervousness. "Actually, I was sent out late on patrol."

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