[The Finale]

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"Sect Leader Jin Ling has gone missing!"

The news that evoked in the not-so-enrapturing-anymore night had spread like wildfire, ambushing any obstacle in their path. All guards of the Yunmeng Jiang sect had passed the news along to one another while panicking themselves. It was a one-in-a-million chance for the Lanling Jin enthroned leader, Jin Rulan, to visit his uncle's sect and stay for a night. And out of that tiny probability, it was disastrous for their honourable guest to vanish without a trace.

"Can you believe it? Everyone were patrolling around his room, but he practically disappeared into thin air!"

"Will Young Master Jin Ling be okay?"

"Are you dumb or did your brain short-circuited? Sect Leader Jin's prestige is well known across the lands and oceans. He's so strong, there's no way anybody would be able to beat him."

"You have a point there..."

"Actually, there is a person that'll be able to beat Sect Leader Jin. It's that Lan Sizhui."

"Lan Sizhui? Oh yeah, over the years, his cultivation skills suddenly rose."

"Him? Nah, it's impossible for him to harm Sect Leader Jin. They're married after all."

SLAM! A beauteous daisy white cup of porcelain was slammed hard against a circular wooden table. The grip on the cup had only tightened. Leftover lotus tea were almost spilled from the sudden impact, but managed to drop back inside the cup. A gorgeous man was seated across the table, not bothering to loosen his hand around the newly bought cup.

His cheekbones were flushed from anger, but without all that madness, his skin was an elegant colour of paleness. Despite all the years that passed, not a single speck of wrinkles could be seen from him. His heart was old, but not the body.

A clarity bell was strapped to the man's clothing, with streaks of violet yarn attached to the bottom. His hair was tied in a tight bun, with a violet ribbon wrapped around, flailing in the air as the wind blew breaths at it.

His name was Jiang Cheng—courtesy name Jiang Wanyin—otherwise known as the leader of the Yunmeng Jiang sect.

He was mad. When was he not mad?

"Why are they talking about that brat and his husband..." Jiang Cheng was thoroughly angered. "Why aren't they talking about me!"

A vein popped in his forehead. "Last time, they had the guts to actually say that Jin Ling ran away from home because he's scared of me! This time, how come I can't hear anyone saying my name? It's all Lan Sizhui... Lan Sizhui... I swear, if my name doesn't make it to one person's mouth tonight, I will no longer be surnamed Jiang!"

"How about let's try calming down." A man who sat across from Jiang Cheng had suggested. His smoothly brushed locks of brown hair flew in the air, with a familiarizing GusuLan headband ribbon of cloud prints tied around his forehead. A sword with a fine blue glare had sat behind him, propped up on his back. It's name was Shuoyue, and indeed seemed quite the fine delicacy.

The man was named Lan Huan—courtesy name Lan Xichen—the leader of the Gusu Lan sect. His eyes were a pair of two fine sapphires, each well-polished like a glass pane window. "I'm sure that there are many people out there saying your name, Sect Leader Jiang."

"I'm not worried about that!" Jiang Cheng seethed, finally letting go of his cup.

Lan Xichen could've sworn he saw the porcelain cup sigh in relief. "Mn," there was another man sitting across the table from Jiang Cheng, and that man looked identical to the GusuLan sect leader.

[ZHUILING] More Than EnoughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora