Chapter 16

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     Jin Ling was wallowing in the darkness. He was lost—no, he was always lost.

     No matter how light he kicked the dust, a storm would always fly by and throw him back into a frenzy. He did not ask for anguish's addiction, but it kept attaching itself to him, as if it couldn't live without him. Little did he know, that small compartment of anguish was draining his composure, and by the time he realized, he was already cold.

     "Jin Ling, you purposely showed off your archery skills when facing off against Sizhui. ZeWu-Jun was there, so of course you'd make a good impression." Jin Chan sneered. "However, during the archery competition, you intended to win, but realized you were grouped in a team with Zizhen and I. You were looking down at us, weren't you!"

Veins popped in Jin Chan's hands, as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter.


Jin Ling's face darkened. "You call this righteousness?"

It was the day of the archery competition, and the crowd of junior cultivators had already formed in the centre of the field. Jin Ling didn't dare to join, afraid to attract too much attention like he did last time during his first day at Cloud Recesses.

He silently watched the GusuLan ribbon of a specific cultivator, flying in the wind. Sizhui wore a slightly concerned face. Looking down at me again, huh, Jin Ling frowned.

But Sizhui managed to get distracted by Jingyi, who rendered him to calm down.

Jin Ling's lips curved upwards when he found Sizhui back in his old self. A charming smile and cheekbones rich of beauty. Out of nowhere, the sound of rustling feet had scavenged from behind him. Jin Ling was alarmed at the sudden appearance of ZeWu-Jun, who smiled calmly.

"Oh, isn't this Young Master Jin? What are you doing up here?"

Jin Ling retraced his gaze back to the main crowd. "I just wanted to have a bird's eye view."

"Smart." Xichen had complimented before sitting next to Jin Ling on the stone slab. "Young Master Jin's archery skills are superb. You may even be able to overtake Yunmeng Jiang this year."

"This lowly one doesn't dare to." Jin Ling bowed his head. "Uncle would kill me."

     Xichen giggled a bit before saying, "I believe that Wanyin would want the best for you."

A frown was apparent on Jin Ling's face. "Since when did you start calling Uncle 'Wanyin'?"

     A city of blush had welled up in Xichen's cheeks, blooming like the flowers in the midst of spring. "No need to answer, Sect Leader Lan. I'm a sect leader now too, so there's no need to worry about formalities." Jin Ling chuckled. His relaxed self was unusually bright and rare... as if there was no gem out there that can beat his smile. But he knew that good things may never last for long. That's why he needed to cherish them for as long as possible-

     "Sect leader Lan!" A GusuLan disciple had raced to Xichen, fumbling into a bow. His face had the words 'panic' written all over in big and bolder letters. Even the colour on his face started to spur. "We've just received news from Sect Leader Jiang. He won't be able to attend the Discussion Conference... and will be mainly focusing on recuperation."

     "Recuperation?" Jin Ling sprung up from his seat, along with Xichen.

     "Please explain in further detail." Xichen added.

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