The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

By Deotakukids

261K 6.2K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... More

The School and A Friend
The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2

The Date

15.9K 370 36
By Deotakukids

No One's POV

Ty Lee was sitting at a small table in the tea shop as she had her hands on her face trying to calm down, 'He really is here! Why is (Y/N) here? Working at a tea shop no less?! Why is he in Ba Sing Se?!' (Y/N) then walked up to her table, "You okay Hua? You look really, uh, red." Ty Lee looked up at him, "Oh I'm fine (Y/- ahhh I mean Haruki." (Y/N) shrugged, "If you say so. What type of tea would you like?" "Chamomile tea with honey would be fine." "Okay. I will be right back with your tea." (Y/N) then walked away from the table leaving Ty Lee to think about her situation, 'Okay calm down. (Y/N) doesn't know that it's you. But what about Azula? Do I tell her?' The teenage girl thought for a minute, 'Nonono, she doesn't have to know. She just said to find out more about Ba Sing Se. She didn't say anything about finding (Y/N). She also didn't say anything about not letting (Y/N) show me around.' Her eyes began to wonder until they landed on one table, 'Zuko?!' Zuko was pouring a few men their tea to stop pouring and look at Ty Lee. She quickly avoided eye contact for Zuko to walk back to the counter. Ty Lee eased up, 'Phew. He didn't recognize me.' (Y/N) then came back to pour Ty Lee her tea, "Here you go. Chamomile tea with some honey." He then walked off for Ty Lee to start drinking her beverage under her mask.

The tea shop started to have less customers as the day became shorter. Ty Lee was still there as she thought about how to ask (Y/N) to show her around some of the lower ring, 'It's just like a stranger asking another stranger to help them understand the village they just moved into. It's not like a date or anything.' Ty Lee then became red as she sipped her tea for (Y/N) to appear next to her, "Are you sure you're okay?" Ty Lee nearly spit out her tea to quickly swallow it down, "Y- Yes I'm fine. Why?" "Your face keeps turning red." "Oh it's just really hot in here is all." "Then why not take off your mask. You won't be as hot then." Ty Lee quickly thought of a reason, "Well I get sick easily. So I wear the mask to protect myself." "Oh I see." (Y/N) then thought of something to walk away from the table, "Hold on a second." (Y/N) left to return with a hand held fan. He handed it to Ty Lee, "Here, this can help cool you off." The young lady took it, "Thank you." (Y/N) smiled at her, "You are welcome." (Y/N) then looked out the door to see that it was getting dark, "We're about to start closing up. You should be getting ready to leave." "Okay."

(Y/N) walked away towards the back for Iroh to look at him, "So, what do you think about that girl over there?" Iroh gestured towards Ty Lee for (Y/N) to look at her, "She's nice I guess. Why?" "I think she has her eyes on you." (Y/N)'s cheeks became a little red, "What? No she doesn't." "Oh really? Remember Jin? Zuko didn't think that she had her eyes on him too." "Well that's Zuko. All of the girls have their eyes on him. Although I don't get why." The two were then brought out of their little talk by Ty Lee walking up to the counter as she reached in her pouch to pay for her tea. Iroh gave (Y/N) a little push making him end up in front of her. Ty lee put her coins on the counter, "This should pay for the tea I had." (Y/N) took it, "Thank you." Ty Lee then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Hey, uhm, I new here and I was wondering if you would like to show me around here." (Y/N) blushed a little, "Like a date." Ty Lee's face became red, "I- It can be. But it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to. I-" (Y/N) waved his hands in front of him, "I would love to show you around. It's a date." Ty Lee looked up at him, "O-Okay." "When do you want to meet up?" " Around sunset. we can meet up here if that's fine with you." "(Y/N) smiled at her, "Sounds good." The two then stood there awkwardly for Ty Lee to begin walking away, "Bye." (Y/N) waved, "Bye." 

Ty Lee left to quickly walk back to her temporary home and lay on her bed with her pillow in her face as she squealed with joy. She then hugged her pillow as she danced around her room, "I'm going on a date with (Y/N). I'm going on a date with (Y/N)." A few hours later Iroh was helping (Y/N) get ready for the night. (Y/N) took the hairbrush from his uncle, "I saw what you did with Zuko's hair on his date." Iroh looked at (Y/N), "And what was wrong with that. He looked like  a gentleman." Zuko was eating his rice, "I looked ridiculous." (Y/N) started brushing his hair himself, "See Zuko agrees with me. Which never happens." He then looked at Zuko, "Which reminds me, why were so persistent with me going out tonight?" Zuko continued eating, "Because I want you to be happy." (Y/N) squinted his eyes at his brother, "What are you planning?" Iroh decided to stop the conversation before the two started fighting again, "Oh would you look at that. The sun is starting to set." (Y/N) quickly got up as he looked out the window, "Oh crap it is. He quickly headed towards the door, "Bye, see you guys later tonight." Iroh smiled as he saw his nephew run out, "Bye, have fun!" 

(Y/N) made his way to the tea shop to stand there and wait for a few minutes. He was looking around to see Ty Lee walking towards him, "Hey Haruki." "Hey Hua, you look pretty tonight." Ty Lee blushed a little, "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." (Y/N) then gestured next to him, "Shall we start this date?" Ty Lee nodded as she walked closer to him, "Yes we shall." The two started walking side-to-side as (Y/N) would tell her about the nearby stores they walked past until they reached a noodle shop that had tables outside. Ty Lee pointed to it, "Can we stop by here? I'm starting to get hungry." "Of course." The two walked towards the shop for a man in the small shop to notice them, "What do you two want?" The two looked at the menu hanging from the shop for Ty Lee to decide on Shoyu ramen, and (Y/N) choosing Tonkotsu ramen. 

The man started making their orders for the two teenagers to stand there waiting for a minute until the man in the shop handed them their bowls, "Here you go. That'll be two gold pieces." (Y/N) paid for the food, allowing the two to take the bowls and sit at a table with a few other tables occupied by other customers.

The two started eating for Ty Lee to do her best of eating under her mask. It was silent for a moment until (Y/N) started a conversation "So where did you originally come from?" Ty Lee looked at him, "I'm from a small village far from here." "Did you come with your family?" Ty Lee shook her head, "No." "Why not?" "Well in my family I have a lot of siblings, and because of that I felt like I wasn't special. So I ran away to make a life for myself and I ended up here." (Y/N) put his hand on Ty Lee's shoulder, "Wow that's-" "Sad. I know. What about you?" (Y/N) thought for a bit, "I came from a village that was burned down from the fire nation." "Oh really?" "Yeah, it sucks but I still have my brother uncle." "How long has it been since the fire nation burned down your village?" "A couple of years." "Do you miss anyone?" "I miss my sister, my mom, and my two greatest friends. How about you? Do you miss anyone from home?" "Well my parents I don't really miss that much. But my sisters I do miss very much."

It was silent again for (Y/N) to rub the back of his neck, "Sorry, I guess I made this all gloomy and sad." Ty Lee smiled as she waved her hands in front of her, "No it's fine. It was nice hearing where you were from." "Well the same goes to you." The two finished their meal for (Y/N) to show her around some more, until it started getting late. (Y/N) wanted to do one more thing though before the date was over. He led Ty Lee to one of the tallest buildings in the lower ring. He looked at Ty Lee, "You're gonna have to do a bit of climbing to get up there. I hope you don't mind?" Ty Lee waved it off, "I can handle it." (Y/N) started by running up the wall and grabbing a piece of the wall sticking out to to begin jumping from ledge to ledge. He stopped though when he saw Ty Lee jump above him, lightly land on a brick sticking out, and quickly jump to another to reach the top in just a few seconds. She then looked down from the ledge, "You comin' or not?!" (Y/N) went as quick as he could to reach the top after a minute. 

When both feet were on the roof he looked at Ty Lee, "You are really good at climbing." Ty Lee smiled at the compliment, "Thanks. I've always been light on my feet. Now what did you want to show me?" (Y/N) pointed up, "That." Ty Lee looked up to see the night sky with all of the stars shining as bright as they could, "Woah." "It's not much, but the stars seem to shine the brightest here. I don't really know why." "Ty Lee sat down on the ledge to pat the spot next to her with her left hand. (Y/N) sat next to her for them to star gaze together. After a minute Ty lee slowly inched her hand towards (Y/N)'s, but when they touched (Y/N) brought his hand back.

Ty Lee hung her head a little, "I'm sorry." (Y/N) looked at her, "No it's okay. I just, I shouldn't of come on this date." Ty Lee looked at him, "Why?" "Well, look your great. You really are, but there was this one girl in my village that wasn't at the village when the fire nation attacked. And I hope to be see her again so that I can be with her. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings." Ty Lee looked down a little, "Well what was she like. It helps to tell others so that you don't forget her." "It would be pretty hard to forget her." "Why?" "Well she kind of stands out from the crowd. The first time I ever met her she greeted me by saying that my aura was really pink." Ty Lee's head went up as she looked at (Y/N), "What?" "Yeah, and she was really good at acrobatics." 

Ty Lee scooted closer, "Tell me more about her." (Y/N) looked at her, "Why?" "She just sounds interesting." "Well okay, she was always energetic and looked on the brighter side of things. She had the brightest smile that always made my day." Ty Lee felt a smile grow on her face as she listened to the compliments he gave her, without realizing it. (Y/N) continued on, "I always looked forward to when we would play. She also always wore these red hair ribbons I got her for her birthday. It wasn't much but I was always happy that she liked my gift so much. And as we got older she started to get really cute too." Ty Lee's cheeks went a little pink, 'Cute?' 

(Y/N) then looked a little sad for Ty Lee to become a worried, "What's wrong?" "Well it's just that, before my village was attacked she started to become distant. Then one day she just stopped visiting, and the days got lonely. So one day I deciding to go and visit her." (Y/N) chuckled a little, "It was really scary though." "Why was it scary?" "Because I was building up my courage to ask her out." Ty Lee's heart started pounding fast as she became flustered, "O- Oh really?" "Yeah, but when I made it to her house I found out that she had ran away. She never said where she was going. She never said goodbye." Ty Lee's heart sank, "Maybe she just couldn't say goodbye." (Y/N) looked at her for Ty Lee to continue, "Maybe if she went to say goodbye she wouldn't be able to leave. Because it already hurt to much to leave you." (Y/N) looked down, "You may be right. She must of had a reason to. It still hurts."  Ty Lee's heart throbbed for (Y/N) to put his hand on Ty Lee's shoulder, "Sorry that I brought the mood down. Lets not end this date on a sad note. Why don't I get you a gift so that this date ends well?" Ty Lee looked at him, "That would be nice."

The two were back on the streets for Ty Lee to walk into a small shop. She looked around to find a pink hair ribbon that had a golden line that waved all around the ribbon, "I want this." (Y/N) looked at it, "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I like hair ribbons." (Y/N) bought her the ribbon for Ty Lee to thank him outside of the store, "Thank you for tonight. It was really fun and it made my week." "I'm glad that you enjoyed the date. You made tonight pretty fun." "Thanks." Ty Lee then looked up at (Y/N), "Close your eyes." (Y/N) did what she asked for Ty Lee to raise her mask and kiss (Y/N)'s cheek, "Goodbye Haruki." 

She then walked away to arrive at the abandoned house she was staying at for now. She grabbed her red hair ribbons to put them and the pink ribbon in her hair. The red ribbons were where they usually were with the pink ribbon in the middle of her braid. She smiled as she giggled, "He thinks that I'm cute." She then sat on a bed to hug a pillow, "Do I tell him who I really am? If I do then what about Azula? He would get wrapped up in all of this. If I tell Azula about it, she would then capture him, Zuko, and Iroh. Maybe after we capture the avatar Azula would be so happy that she could forgive them. Then I can come back, for (Y/N) and I to have a proper date. That'll work. Right?" Ty Lee started to ponder through the night basing her decisions off of her fear of Azula and her feelings for (Y/N).

(Y/N) made it home to not see his uncle or brother, "Uncle! Lee!" He then heard Iroh from Zuko's room, "In here!" (Y/N) walked in to see Zuko on his bed as he looked very sick. (Y/N) quickly sat next to Zuko, "What happened to him?" Iroh took a rag out of a bucket of water to wring it making it damp. He then put it on Zuko's forehead, "He is fighting his inner demons and figuring out his true destiny." "How did that happen?" "He was met with a difficult choice tonight, he made the right one but now he doesn't know who he is." (Y/N) just looked confused, "What happened while I was gone?" Iroh stood up, "I will tell you every thing when I finish making the Peppermint Tea. Stay here." 

Iroh went to the kitchen to start making the healing tea as (Y/N) was left with Zuko. (Y/N) looked at Zuko, "So your fighting your inner demons huh? You are really out numbered." Zuko started breathing heavily for (Y/N) to take a rag out of the bucket of water to wring it and rub the sweat off of his body to help him cool off. Iroh soon returned with the tea to help Zuko drink it. He then looked at (Y/N), "While you were gone Zuko snuck out to find the avatar's bison."

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