Yes Sir [Hotch X Reader]

By ShaquilleOatmeal44

231K 4.9K 5.6K

"And what if I don't?" You ask defiantly. He comes up closer to you at that remark, close enough so you're th... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Quick story recap
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 19

6K 109 134
By ShaquilleOatmeal44

⚠️Mature content, blah blah blah

After a desperate search for your panties, which were found knotted up under his desk, you both dress yourselves quickly. His buttons are redone in clustered pairs while your shirt is uneven and sticking to your body.

"Would you mind giving me a ride home?" You ask as you put on your shoes.

"I drove you here, y/n" he reminds you "I don't have a choice."

"Could you be any less enthusiastic?" You roll your eyes at him but can't help a small smile

"I'm sorry. Would you please let me drive you home?" He smiles back a bit, raising one eyebrow slightly.

"Better" you give a half nod, standing on the tips of your toes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

When you leave the building together it's already almost dark. You can see the soft stars shining through the trees as you get in his car for the second time that day.

On the way home, you talk about how your day went. You learned it was about as boring for him as it was for you. You hadn't considered the fact that paperwork stressed him out just as much as it did everyone else.

Your house is close to headquarters, and because you had stayed late you had managed to miss the bulk of afternoon traffic. He pulls his car outside your apartment and into the large empty parking lot.

"Do you want to come in?" You ask, looking at him sideways "you haven't even been to my apartment yet."

"I'd love to."

You shiver in the cool night air as you walk into the building. You're surprised at the silence and apparent lack of people inside the lobby. It was only around 7 o'clock, but after the day you had, it felt much later.

You ramble nervously about your apartment, prematurely apologizing for any mess even though you kept your house immaculately clean most days. You're surprised that he actually seems to be listening intently, giving half nods in response.

"I live on the upper floor" you explain before pressing the elevator's outside button. There's a soft ding before the doors open and you both step in.

"Tight elevator" he notes. As the door closes, you feel your arms brushing against one anothers.

You press the button for your floor and your stomach drops as the elevator begins moving. He keeps his eyes up and skimming the words on the elevator buttons.

Inconspicuously, you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His perfectly sculpted face and brown hair that fell just slightly over his forehead. His muscular, tall frame and broad chest that pressed against his shirt when he breathed.

"Y/n, you're staring again." He barely turns his head, but instead looks sideways at you and slightly downward. Okay, maybe not inconspicuous enough.

"Again? I don't ever stare at you" you scoff.

"You do it quite often, actually." You see a hint of a smirk on his lips. He seems amused at the fact.

"When?" Your tone is defensive.

"In the bullpen, in my office, on cases, in the jet. Shall I go on?"

"No, I don't" you lie, rolling your eyes and looking away.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?" His words are stern, but the smirk on his face tells you that he's not upset in the slightest.

"Don't be annoying and maybe I wouldn't have to."

"You think I'm the annoying one? Try having to babysit a fully grown woman twenty-four-seven because you're worried she'll get shot."

"Hey, you were the one that decided on a mentorship, not me" you remind him, looking up at him with a half-smile.

"Something tells me you're enjoying it a little more than you let on" he raises an eyebrow again, glancing over your body.

"Who, me?" You scoff "never."

"Right," he says, clearly unconvinced. He turns towards you a bit, his hand brushing against your arm as he raised his fingers to your jaw. He presses the pads of his fingers into your chin and lifts it before moving it slightly, as if studying your face. "I knew you were a brat, y/n, but a liar too?"

"I'm not a brat" you roll your eyes again "I'm just, um, opinionated."

"That's putting it lightly."

He's close to your body, and you can feel the heat radiating from him. His hands rested on the handrail behind you, making you fully encompassed in his body. When your breathing synchronized your chests touched delicately. His lips were just inches away.

Ding. The elevator opened its doors, making him pull away from you.

What's the opposite of saved by the bell? Because the disappointed, sinking feeling in your stomach clued you into the fact that you had just experienced whatever that was.

Silently, you lead him down the hall to your door. Somehow, he still managed to make you shaky every time he came close to you. He could make adrenaline course through your veins at his touch. On one hand, you hated that he had such an undeniable power over you, but on the other hand, the feeling was exhilarating.

You lead him to your place, and your hands shake slightly as you take out your keys and unlock the door.

"Here it is," you say, not exactly sure how to proceed. It had definitely been a while since you had brought a man home with you. You turn on the lights to reveal your clean but relatively plain apartment. "Make yourself at home."

"It's very nice" he compliments, taking a brief look around. It was so odd how he could make you feel so shaken and continue acting as nothing happened. As if you had been talking about work or weather, not an inch away from making out in a public elevator.

"Thank you" you give a polite smile, following his lead. "Can I take your coat?"

He nods, shaking off his suit jacket. You take it and hang it in the closet before taking off your shoes.

"Want anything to drink?" You ask, leading him to the kitchen.

"A water would be nice."

"That's disappointing. I thought you would've asked for scotch. Although, that didn't work out too well for you last time." You shoot him a smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit while you grab him a plastic water bottle from the fridge.

"I still have to drive home" he points out before opening the bottle. He leans against the counter, watching as you moved around the kitchen.

"You could spend the night" you suggest. You occupy yourself by putting a kettle of water on the stove and starting the fire underneath it. You give him a sideways glance to gauge his reaction. To your surprise, he smiles a bit to himself at your proposition.

"I appreciate that, but I really should be home by 9. I have to pick Jack up from Jessica's house."

"Jessica," you say to yourself. You lean against the counter and rack your brain for the name. For some reason, you couldn't quite remember who Jessica was. He had definitely said her name before, hadn't he?

"Haleys' sister," he says after a moment. Your head jerks up in surprise at the mention of his ex-wife's name.

"Oh, right." You mutter. Haley was a sensitive subject. He was in the process of divorce when you had joined the BAU. It was a difficult time for him, of course. Divorce was a strenuous and stressful obstacle, you knew, especially with a kid. You couldn't even imagine what it was like for him and Jack after her death.

"You don't remember her?" He asks, clearly trying to change the subject away from Haley.

"No, I think I've met her once or twice," you say, turning your attention towards looking through the fridge "It's been a while since I heard her name."

He just nods, taking another long sip of water.

"Can I at least feed you before you go?" You ask, still searching through the fridge. To your dismay, you find very little. It had been a week since you had gone grocery shopping. However, you were determined to find something.

"If it's not too much trouble."

"No, of course not" you wave your hand dismissively before searching through the cabinets. "Um, you wouldn't happen to like tomato soup and grilled cheese, would you?"

"It sounds great, actually" he smiles at you, easing the nerves you didn't know you had. There was always anxiety around bringing someone to your apartment for the first time, but it felt like you were bringing home an old friend.

"You're too polite for your own good" you tease, pouring two cans of soup into a pot on another one of the burners before starting on the grilled cheeses.

"I'm hoping some of it will rub off on you."

"What?" You ask defensively "okay, I'm not exactly mild-mannered, but I am not impolite."

"Sometimes you can be a little" he clears his throat "outspoken."

"Some would call it honesty" you give him a sideways glance as you start on the sandwiches. "By the way, have you ever heard the term 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'? Because right now you're biting the hand."

"You're right, I'm sorry." You glance at his face, and his grin contradicts his apology.

"You're pretty lucky, though," you say "my temper isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Did you know that back in Chicago I got into a fistfight with a stripper? She was our main witness."

"You got into an altercation with a witness?"

"She said my shoes were tacky."

He chuckles openly at your story, making your lips curve into a stupid smile that hurt your cheeks. His laugh always seemed to do that to you. It was like a rare jewel that he scarcely let anyone see, which just make it all the more special when he let down his guard enough to show it to you.

"I'm sure your supervisor was ecstatic."

"She was. I've got a special talent for pissing off my supervisors. It just comes naturally to me." You flip the sandwiches onto two plates before dividing the soup into bowls.

"Trust me, I know. And you certainly are skilled at it."

"Thank you, sir" you take a dramatic curtsey "now, do you want tea or not?"

"Yes, please." He smiles a bit at your antics. It surprises you that for someone that appeared so cold, he actually found your antics somewhat amusing.

"You know, I can't tell if you're easier on me or harder on me than my last boss," you say while pouring the hot tea in two mugs.

"Both" he replies "I'm hard on you because I know you can do better. But I also let you get away with behavior that I wouldn't let anyone else think about."

"Really?" You say, putting the mug, plate, and bowl in front of him. "And why is that?"

"I'm not sure" he replies before taking a sip of his tea "I really shouldn't. But as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I can't find it in me to get mad at you."

"Oh my God." You place both hands on the counter, leaning over your food slightly. "Aaron Hotchner, do you have a soft spot for me?"

"Unfortunately, I do" he leans forward and places a quick kiss on your lips "now be quiet and eat. I know you skipped lunch today."

You both eat your meal contently, but you definitely don't remain quiet. You find it easy to talk to him, and you ramble on about whatever crosses your mind. You can tell he's listening intently to every word you say. The interesting part was, he was the type of listener that you just knew understood what you were saying. He didn't have to nod or speak, just the way he looked at you while you talked was enough to make you confident he heard your words.

When you're both done, he compliments your cooking while you do the dishes. He insists on helping you dry, which you refuse at first, but he doesn't give you much of a choice.

When you're done, you take his hand and lead him to your couch. He sits in the middle seat and you place yourself beside him, propping your arm up on the back of the couch and sitting on your knees to appear taller than him for once.

"You're easy to talk to" you inform him, giving him a light smile. "I don't think anyone really listens to me the way you do."

"Really?" He asks, his voice quieter. When he lowered his voice it seemed even deeper, bringing out the rumble from deep in his chest.

"I don't think people take me seriously enough for that."

"You don't think people respect you?" He asks, the smile falling from his face and his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"I mean, I know you do. I know the team does. But I'm not sure about anyone else."

"Y/n, you-"

"You know that whenever we go anywhere, everyone calls you 'sir'?" You ask, looking at his eyes before glancing away "they say that to Rossi and Derek too. Emily and JJ are 'ma'am's'. Reid, Garcia, and I don't get that. People don't give us immediate respect like they do to you. The difference is, Garica's a technical analyst and Reid is a doctor. I'm just, um," your words trail off as you're not sure what to say.

"I'm sorry" you apologize quickly "I didn't mean to ruin the mood."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong" he assures you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "Come here."

"Don't apologize" he shakes his head as he maneuvers you into his lap. You put your legs on either side of his and wrap your arms around his waist, turning your head and laying it against the fabric of his tie. And like always, there's his heartbeat. Thumping and muffled and as consistent as ever.

"I'm sorry, y/n," he says gently. One hand rubs your back gently while the other fiddles with the ends of your hair. "I know that you're underestimated. People don't appreciate how hard you work and they undervalue your skill. But if they misjudge how capable you are, that's their fault, not yours. Everyone who knows you well enough has a lot of respect for you, and that's well earned because you're just as intelligent and accomplished as anyone else on our team."

You listen intently to his words. You lifted your head slightly to glance at his face. His dark brown eyes stare back down at you, a genuine look matching his expression. You lay your head back down, allowing him to continue absentmindedly playing with your hair.

"You know that you have nothing to prove to me." His arm wraps around your waist and he plants a soft kiss on your head before resting his chin on it.

"You're too nice to me," you say after a moment "my ego is going to outgrow my head."

"I doubt that's ever going to be an issue" he chuckles. You shift slightly in his arms before finally settling. You both sit, content to be in each others embrace, for an unknown amount of time. After the long moment, you lift your chin again and glance over his face.

"You're staring at me again, pretty girl," his deep, smooth baritone breaks the silence without even having to look at you.

"I can't help it" you smile "You're too perfect for your own good." You place your hands on either side of his face and plant your lips on his. You straighten your back in an attempt to make yourself taller while pulling him in.

While shifting on top of him, you unintentionally grind your hips again his crotch. He lets out a quiet groan at the contact. It sounds like he attempts to suppress it, but you've heard it, it's too late. Besides that, you can't help a small smirk as you feel a growing bulge underneath you.

"Does that feel good?" You murmur in his ear. Before he can respond, you make circles with your hips over his erection, only making the erection grow.

He mumbles a string of curses while he undoes the buttons of your pants, guiding them off and throwing them to the floor. You place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself while you continue rocking your hips back and forth.

You move on hand down and pull down his dress pants, revealing his rock-hard penis through his boxers. His lips move down your jaw, attaching to your neck and sucking the sensitive skin between his teeth.

You let out a shaky breath when he finds your sweet spot, which only encourages him to suck harder. One hand steadies your body while resting on your hips, and the other trails down and slips in your panties.

"Fucking wet already" he mutters into your neck "Are you aroused by just touching me, or are you always just a desperate, pathetic slut?"

"Both" you murmur quickly, snaking his hands through his soft brown hair. You push him back down into your neck to continue the kissing.

"Such a greedy little girl" he scolds before continuing to work on forming the hickey. His finger rubs circles on your swollen clit, which was still slightly sore from his work in his office. You let out soft moans in both pleasure and dull pain, which only encourages him to move his fingers faster.

You move your hand from his hair and down to his boxers, quickly pulling out his cock and giving it several long, slow strokes. You're surprised to hear a low moan in your ear.

And then it's just you two again. No thinking about work, or insecurities or complicated social expectations. Just pleasure and heavy breathing that seems to require all your attention.

"Shit, I'm close," you say, feeling a building pressure in your abdomen. You're surprised to feel his hands pull away from your pussy, making you quickly lose your building high.

"No" he asserts "if you're going to cum again, you're going to cum around my cock." You nod eagerly and place your two hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. He messily moves aside your panties before placing his hands under your thighs, lifting your hole over his dick and teasing your entrance. "Are you sure you can take it, little girl?"

"Yes, fuck yes," you say quickly "I want to feel you inside of me so badly. Please daddy." This seems to convince him. All at once, you feel him slam inside of you, hitting your G-spot hard.

"Still so sure you can take all of it?" He asks, a slight smirk on his lips at your apparent shock. This wasn't the first time you had felt him inside of you, but this was the first time you were riding him. Keeping your legs stable was a challenge, and with your legs open wider it made you much more receptive to his touches.

"I can take it," you say, more to yourself than to him. You steady yourself and take time to adjust to his size.

When you're ready, you bend your legs slightly, moving up his full length before dropping back down to his base again. You take a deep breath before repeating the movement.

"Good girl" he praises "do it again for me." He brushes the stray hairs from your face before moving both hands under your thighs for support.

You obey and move up and down again. You feel him hit your g-spot repeatedly, but your legs start to shake from supporting your whole weight and constant movement.

It made them instantly sore, and by having full control over the situation, you also had room to worry. Worry if what you were doing was right and if it was enough. It didn't feel nearly as pleasureful as being underneath him, willingly giving up control just for the sake of not having to think anymore.

"I-i can't do it" you mumble, and you drop down into his chest. "I'm sorry. I can't. It's not, I mean, I just don't-"

"It's alright, you're fine" his comforts cut off your apologetic ramblings. He supports your legs and gently turns you to the side, laying you on your back below him.

"Keep going, please" you beg, placing your hands on his face and planting a hard kiss.

"Are you sure?" He asks, glancing skeptically up and down your body.

"I'm fine. I want it, really. Please, daddy." That's all it takes for him to enter you again, and you quickly feel your rising orgasm return almost as quickly as it left.

"Poor little thing" he tsks between rough kisses "trying to act so big and tough but can't even take control once. My little slut just wants me to dominate her body and fuck her until she remembers her place, doesn't she?"

You give a half nod, not able to focus on anything but the growing knot in your stomach. You feel precum leaking out of him, telling you that he's close too.

"Fuck, you're clenching around me" he notes "You're close, aren't you?"

"Please" you mumble, begging for release. Your legs are twitching uncontrollably and your whole body is consumed in red-hot pleasure.

He just nods, allowing you the release you crave. Your breathing increases and your legs are shaking as you finish, a cry of pleasure and exhaustion escaping your lips.

"Fuck" he says, and you feel him finish quickly after you clench around him. He pulls out of you and lays against the back of the couch.

You give him directions to the linen closet and he gets up, grabbing a towel and dampening it in the sink before cleaning you both up.

You move your panties back in place and he does the same with his boxers, neither of you bothering with your pants.

"Come here, little girl" he orders gently, putting his arms under your back and lifting you into his chest. He lays his head on the arm of the couch and you lay on top of him, your face buried into his chest. You breathe deeply, taking in his scent while being lulled by his heartbeat.

"Are you alright?" He asks gently, his fingers twirling your hair. You noticed he constantly played with your hair absentmindedly as if he wasn't even aware he was doing it.

"I'm better than alright" you laugh "I'm sorry I couldn't, um, be on top. It seriously wasn't as good."

"It's fine, you don't need to apologize" he assures you "trust me, I don't mind you being on bottom."

"Yeah, I guessed that much" you smile into his chest.

"You did a good job either way" he praises, planting a kiss on the top of your head.


"Hmm?" He hums in response.

"I'm about to fall asleep on top of you" you inform him.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?" He sounds slightly amused at your forthrightness.

"No, your voice is just nice" you shrug slightly.

"Oh." He sounds slightly surprised at the compliment.

"Has no one ever told you that before?" You ask.

"No, people usually tell me it's monotone."

"No, I like it. It's kind of soothing." Soothing was an understatement. His voice could fluctuate from making you smile to making chills run down your spine. You heard every rumble, how his voice was raspy in the morning, and how his deep baritone makes his throat and chest vibrate.

"Thank you," he says. He seems taken aback at your compliment, one which you thought was so simple. How had no one else ever complimented his voice? "We have work in the morning. I hate to do this, but I should probably go."

"I know" you sigh. You move off of him, allowing him to get up and redress himself.

"I'm sorry I have to leave so soon" he apologizes while putting on his suit jacket.

"Don't worry about it" you wave your hand dismissively "I'll see you tomorrow." Your head was screaming for him to just stay, but you knew better. The simple truth was that he had responsibilities that extended outside of holding you after sex, despite how annoying that truth may be.

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning" he places a light kiss on your lips "have a good night, pretty girl."

"You too." You give a tired smile as he steps out from your apartment, turning down the hall back to the elevators.

After he's out of your line of sight, you close the door. You smile to yourself while rethinking the past events, sinking against the door with a sigh.

Mostly, you thought about how when he held you in his arms, for a time, everything felt right in the world.

Hey y'all

I know I say this almost every chapter but again, I'm sorry this one took me a while to put out. Writers' block is a bitch.

But anyway, I hope you all liked the chapter! As always, please comment and vote if you enjoyed.

Lots of love,

-s 💕

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