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Harry is on the run after inflating his aunt. He encounters a large black dog, the boy spontaneously takes hi... More

Hello people:)
Escape and a new friend
Thoughts in the night
I thought I had holidays
Bathing fun, or something
A birthday present to run away from
The rest of the birthday
Nocturnal thoughts 2
Shopping with Snape and Dog
An unpleasant truth
Nocturnal thoughts 3
Everyday life begins
A necessary divorce
Man or dog?
Dark magic
Sirius Black
Holiday stress and gather allies
Rat hunting plans part 1
Rat hunting plans part 2
An evening with friends
Three men vs. wild magic
A train ride is funny part 1
A train ride that's funny part 2
A theory raises questions
Turbulent times
Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap
Help for Remus
Freedom for Sirius
No more games
Family Black
Three schools
A reason to risk your life
The first exam
After the fight
Dancing lesson
The ball
The second task
The most important person
The beetle's core
The third task
It was not planned that way
The reason
After the tournament
Wasted vacation
Fish on the hook
An overdue law
Feather and groove, or dog and cat?
She needs behavior lessons herself
Sirius in father mode
A true lord
It makes bones shiver with fear
Veela Nest
Off to the etiquette
Proper behavior at the table
I 'm ill?
Politics is tough business
Seats, seats, and more seats
Not sick but stupid
Cat in love
Draco's friendship
Harry Werther
The pack invades the village
A letter against loneliness
A nice evening
Christmas morning of a special family
Christmas with Lucius
The reason behind the festivals
Not a boring celebration?
Just a normal boy
The last letter for the time being
Full throttle into summer
Recreation for adults
Finally breathe again
Lessons at the ball
how it goes with the Greeks
Revenge for the big mouth
Festival of the senses
Hand kisses and gigolo
Silver star
Cultural exchange part 1
Cultural exchange part 2
Wonderful acquaintance
Cord disconnection with starting difficulties
one week vacation part 1
One week vacation part 2
Nice days part 1
Nice days part 2
A Victorian lady
Off to the sixth year
Lucius' household
A brilliant strategy
Soon a new director
Prologue and Epilogue
part 2

Articles and more

3.8K 170 28

"Merlin, did Snape just ...?" Fred got no further as his brother put his hand over his mouth.
“Didn't you hear what he said? No questions for the little one. I really don't feel like being detained right now. "
the other lions nodded.
Neville turned to Harry.
“But he seems to really like you. Quite the opposite of the feelings he has towards the principal. ”The boy pointed in the direction of the teachers.
immediately all eyes were directed forward to the staff table.

Severus had stormed forward in his patented bad mood. He was well aware of the looks of most of the students. and when he finished with the old man everyone would surely stare at him. However, there would probably be no rumors this time. And Severus hated that fact because it was only the Dementors to blame.
the teacher nodded to his colleagues and stopped in front of his boss.
"Hello Severus my boy. And how were the holidays? You've been in the papers a lot. I liked the picture best where little Harry was hiding under your cloak. "
Severus crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at the man, as he normally only did with first years or Longbottoms.
"Are you finished now?"
"But Severus, you won't still be mad because I ordered you to watch out?"
“No, I'm angry about something completely different. I don't know if you've noticed, but your students are very upset today. And that's what these monsters are to blame that attacked the train. "
The director nodded sadly.
“I know, believe me, I certainly didn't mean to. but Crouch left me no choice. I have to put up with the Dementors here at the school. "
Severus snorted.
“You should have refused, there are children here. And where is the train a school? I was just able to prevent these beasts from eating some of the children for dinner. "
Dumbledore looked at him grimly.
"That won't happen again."
Now the teacher could no longer hold back. he took his new hat off Dumbleodore's head and gave him a blow.
The old man looked at him, startled.
"Nothing, Severus. As long as these critters are here, such attacks can happen again and again. so stop making promises here that you can't possibly keep. ”He roughly put his hat on the man's head.
Then the Potions Master sat next to Remus. He didn't care that all the students had observed this action. The children needed a cheer after today's experience.

Remus smiled grimly.
“Hello my friend, you are in good company. every teacher, with the exception of me, has already read the riot act for the man. And he also had to dodge some spells. But you probably shot the bird. "
“You should have been there. I was just barely able to prevent Longbottom and Lovegood from losing their souls. And Harry almost hit it too. He fled into his animagus form out of fear. ”The teacher growled properly.
hagrid on his other side got big eyes.
“Harry is an Animagus? What is he then? "
Severus looked at the man skeptically.
“Nothing that can defend itself great. He's a sand cat, so be careful. "
The half-giant nodded eagerly.
"That suits the boy," he said happily. The werewolf giggled.
"Probably true. How is Harry now? "
Severus sighed.
“The children want to learn the Patronus. Presumably they will beg you until you consent. "
lupine nodded.
"I thought so. I will try too. At least some should learn it so that they can protect their classmates. "
"Oh yes, Harry wants to go for a walk with us and the flea catcher tomorrow after class."
Hagrid grinned again.
“You are welcome to do that. I think Blacky misses the boy. "
Severus didn't say anything, but Remus couldn't hold back.
"I think he's longing for you too, Severus."
before the Potions Master could react adequately, the door of the great hall opened. Minerva came in with the first years.
"Merlin", it escaped the werewolf. The Potions Master just nodded grimly.

usually all the new students were excited, whispering, and looking around the great hall. Not this year, the children were absolutely calm and huddled close together. the encounter with the soul eater was still in their bones.
Without a long preamble, McGonagall quickly began sorting them. The song of the hat was very cheerful this time. the old scrap of cloth probably also wanted to cheer up the children. The distribution to the houses was also very quick.
Then the director rose.
“Hello my dear students. I would like to give you all a warm welcome to a new year. a few words to our newcomers. The forbidden forest is not called that for nothing, please stay away from it. Our caretaker also gave me a list of prohibited items. It is forbidden to paint yourself wall paints. and especially play mice. As always, you can read the rest of the prohibitions on the list in the houses.
Something else important. A dangerous criminal has fled Azkaban. The Ministry has sent dementors to protect you. "

“The protection thing worked really well,” one student snapped. The amazing thing was Head Boy Percy Weasley.

The director sighed.
“Yes, Mr. Weasley, I know. But that won't happen again. please always stay close to the teachers. These beings feed on fond memories. They take away your will to live. "

"Sounds like my former elementary school," Hermione commented. Soft laughter was the result. even some snakes giggled.

“Thanks for the little joke, Ms. Granger. So, now eat first. "
With that the feast appeared.
The children took it reluctantly. After such an experience, they just didn't have much of an appetite. Not even Ron. most of the food would probably go back to the kitchen.

A lemon drop came flying towards Dumbledore and hit him directly on his crooked nose.
The headmaster looked around startled.
the woman had already raised the next floor and so it went on and on. She had really carried out her threat. And the woman had a 100% hit rate.
“I told you Albus. if you agree to the whole thing I'll knock your candy around the ears. "
"But not in front of the children."
“In front of the children, of course. Then at least they have something to laugh about. Besides, it's your fault. "
the director tried to avoid a piece of chocolate. Vain
"That wasn't my idea, it was the minister's idea."
“It's not there. If it were him I would throw him too. Besides, since when have you been doing what the ministry tells you? ”And a candy cane flew.

In the meantime, everyone was watching the goings-on at the teachers' table. Some even made bets on what the woman would throw next.
Harry took advantage of the commotion and leaned over to his friends.
"I'm going for a walk tomorrow afternoon with Blacky, Remus, and Professor Snape."
Hermione and Ron knew exactly what their friend was trying to tell them. he silently asked her to watch that Wormtail didn't overhear. Of course, they knew that Harry would tell them everything as soon as possible.
“That will be fun for sure. But I'm glad Professor Snape agreed. you're very attached to him now, "said Ron.
Harry shrugged embarrassed.
"Somehow. I will no longer miss having him around me all the time. "
Except for Ron and Hermione, he was stunned by all Gryffindors.
"Merlin," Dean commented on the whole thing.

Harry sat sleepily in his seat in the great hall. He had slept badly. For one thing, he missed Sirius and his teacher. then there was the fact that he had to sleep in the same room as that traitor Wormtail. Harry's respect for Ron had grown tenfold that night. After all, his friend had endured it for two weeks.
when he finally fell asleep he had dreamed of the murder of his mother. The rest of the night he tried not to get back to sleep.
He sipped his cocoa sullenly.
“Hey Potty, I heard you passed out yesterday. You didn't seem so brave after all. "
“Shut up Malfoy. If you saw your parents die, you probably wouldn't be better either. or not, you don't even know who your father is ",
The blond's expression twisted with hatred.
“Leave him Ron. He can't help that his mother wasn't faithful. That's why you don't beat someone up. not even the pointy face, ”Harry soothed his friend.
Ron glared at the Slytherin again, but then sat down. His friend was right. That would really be against any etiquette.
draco, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. He had been looking forward to teasing Potter and then he defended him.
Snorting angrily, he went to his seat. Nothing was allowed to him.
Hermione turned to Harry.
"That was very adult of you."
The boy shrugged.
“Ron doesn't want someone to beat him up about his parents' hobby either. Besides, it would be against the morals of the magicians. "
Ron nodded.
"Yes, but he's still a spoiled bastard."
His two friends nodded.
At the same moment one could hear the loud rustling of wings. The owls brought the morning mail.
Harry looked at the front page, still completely sleepy.


Good morning, you will be surprised why I am publishing an article here. It's easy to explain.
My dear readers, last night the students at the famous Hogwarts Magic School were attacked by Dementors. the guards of the wizard's prison were supposed to guard the school to prevent Sirius Black from harming Harry Potter. However, they were attracted by the happy children. As a train attendant told me, only worse things could be prevented because Severus Snape, the Potions Master from Hogwarts, was also on the train. His patronus drove away the gruesome creatures and saved many lives.
the big question parents of students should ask themselves? Are Our Children Safe? Apparently the ministry fails to keep these fearsome creatures under control. will the Dementors still devour innocent children's souls?
Thank you very much to Severus Snape. Without his help, the catastrophe could have happened. they also saved my child through their heroic intervention. My sincere thanks are due to you for this.

Yours Xenophilius Lovegood.

Harry looked at his friends.
"Have you just read that too?"
The two answered in the affirmative.
"Is this Lovegood related to Luna?" Hermione wanted to know.
Ron nodded.
"Yes, the Lovegoods live very close to us."
"Then I didn't have to introduce you guys yesterday." Harry blushed slightly.
“No, that was right. luna's father actually has his own newspaper that mainly deals with magical beings. However, he is very excited to fight for their rights. That is why our parents forbid us from dealing with the family. I've only seen Luna twice, but never spoken to her. "
Harry growled.
"I don't like your parents." The boy turned pale immediately.
"I'm sorry, it's your parents."
Percy, having heard this, interfered.
“It's okay, little one, we don't like her either. How then? "
Hermione looked at the redheads in confusion.
“I fully understand why you don't stand behind their actions. But they're always nice to you. "
Percy snorted.
"Did you forget that we are poor because of them and that they wanted to steal from Ginny? Besides, it's not nice to be hugged by parents who kill innocent beings with the same hands. "
ginny shuddered and the twins cursed cautiously.
“I understand that, I'm sorry. That must be terrible. "
Ron put a hand on his friend's arm.
“We have come to terms with it. it would be much worse without Percy, he's always there for us. The other two ran away and left us alone. "
There was silence for a while. Then they all turned back to the newspaper.


Yes you've read correctly. There is great turmoil among the nobility of the magical world. Narcissa Black, former Lady Malfoy has cheated on her husband for years.
this shocking message reached me two days ago. New insights have now come to light.
Lord Lucius Malfoy found out this fact of infidelity only recently. he then used a tracking spell that caused a stir in many places yesterday at noon. It looks like Ms. Black has been very busy.
The most reprehensible thing, however, is the fact that the woman had put a child on her husband that was not his. Lucius Malfoy immediately had the marriage annulled. he also demands compensation from everyone with whom the woman cheated on him. And that's a long list.

Last night we also found out who Draco's real father is. Namely Antonius Greengrass. the man is also married and has two daughters who go to Hogwarts with their half-brother.
Now there is the question. Will the man take Narcissa Black as a second wife?
We can be curious.
here is the list with all playmates and inside the woman.

Your Rita Skeeter

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. The list was really not without.
He knew some names. There was Nott's mother. Zabini's too. also some other parents of schoolmates, but he had already seen that yesterday. All pure blood, all rich.
Ministry employees were also there. for example a certain Cornelius Fudge and a certain Umgridge, who had just retired. But one name stood out in particular.
"Who is Aberforth Dumbledore?" Asked Harry, "is he related to the headmaster?"
fred nodded.
“Yes, this is his younger brother. He's got a pub in Hogsmead. It's called 'the boar'. The thing that surprises me most, however, is the guy's appearance. "
"Why?" Hermione wanted to know.
“He looks like our principal. he just has green eyes instead of blue, ”answered George.
All the Gryffindors looked to the staff table. Strangling noises could be heard here and there.
"Weird," muttered Neville.
"What?" It came from Harry.
“Well, my grandma told me that Dumbledore's brother has a very unhealthy relationship with a goat. I wonder what he wants from Draco's mother then? "
His classmates stared at him in amazement. Nobody really wanted to imagine that. Neither the one nor the other.

Of course, almost all of the students had read the newspaper. They kept glaring venomously at the Slytherin table.
"I'm really sorry for Draco," Harry said.
"Why?" Ron looked at him confused.
“Well, it won't be easy for him any time soon. After all, his mother had affairs with many parents. "
Percy shook his head.
“Nobody will twist him out of that. they may give him venomous looks, but not because they're mad at him. He can't help it. You're mad at his mother. They'll finish them off. "
"You mean they send her letters?" Hermione wanted to know.
"No, but they'll tell Draco that he's poor having such a slut for his mother," the Head Boy replied.
"Not much better, either," Harry grumbled, "we won't be saying anything like that.with that he turned his gaze invitingly to the whole table. The lions nodded sullenly. Even if some of her parents were among them who apparently couldn't keep their hands off the woman. but Harry was the hero, if he didn't think it was right then it probably wasn't.

On the way to the classroom, Hermione turned to her friend.
"You know that they only listen to you because you are Harry Potter?"
the boy nodded.
"Is this stupid hero status at least good for something."
“But I'm not going to be kind to Malf ... I mean Black. If he behaves badly, he gets it back. "
Harry agreed with Ron. even if Draco couldn't help his mother's behavior. He was responsible for his own actions ..

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