korrasami - truly

By angrybuffgirl

142K 3.3K 6.8K

( modern au ) asami thought she had made it so difficult to be loved, but she didn't want to be loved. in her... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
author's note

chapter eighteen

4.4K 114 159
By angrybuffgirl

"I was thinking about visiting Naga again, by the way." Korra started up a new conversation after she took her second bite of her third piece of french toast for the morning.

After Asami's confession, and most if not all of the dramatic flames were finally put out, the two women decided on starting off the day with a good breakfast. Asami first insisted on ordering from one of her favorite diners, but Korra was more than eager for other plans. She ended up making the both of them an amazing meal; she with french toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs, and Asami with a smoothie, fruit bowl, and an everything bagel.

It's safe to say that Asami was more than impressed with Korra's skills in the kitchen. After Korra finished up placing their meals on the breakfast table, Asami even went far enough to give her a light kiss on the cheek. It's not like they haven't done anything more than that - because they certainly have - but the action was more soft and showed appreciation. The feel of Asami's lips made Korra physically freeze momentarily, before her neck and cheeks heated and she began to stumble around the kitchen for a few minutes following.

It was nice, though. Korra liked it. She liked moving around Asami's kitchen so freely in the morning and making them breakfast while Asami simply watched her steps in admiration. She liked sitting down at a table with Asami as they dug into their meals in a comfortable silence. She liked being able to glance up at Asami every few minutes (seconds) and create a blush on the other woman's face. 

Ever since they managed to define their undefined 'relationship' only about two hours prior, a small thing like this seemed to have an entirely different meaning. It was definitely something that she wanted to get used to, but truthfully, Korra didn't think that she ever would.

"Really? That's great." Asami's voice was more monotoned than Korra had expected it to sound. 

"You don't sound impressed."

"Well, I'm just confused on why you haven't adopted her already." She stuck her fork in her fruit bowl, popping a red grape into her mouth. "Someone is gonna take her if you wait any longer, Korra."

"I know, I know. It's just a big step. Having a pet, a dog specifically, is a lot of work and requires a lot of responsibility."

"So what is it; you don't think you're responsible?" Asami questioned with a smirk.

"I never said that, green eyes. I like to think I am." Korra smirked back with an equal amount of power. "But still, I wanna do what's best for her."

Korra took another few bites of her french toast, finishing off that piece and taking a long sip of her orange juice. She was about to move back to her bacon strips before they got cold, but noticed that Asami still hadn't responded to her comment. She looked back up to see green eyes staring at her, piercing through her, as if they had so much to say. Asami's lips were plump and slightly parted, and Korra really did have to stop herself from leaning over the small table to make contact with them.

Instead, she gave her nervous, crooked grin. "What?"

"Oh, nothing it's just," Asami shook her head then bit her lower lip. "I don't think I've ever seen someone put this much thought into getting a dog. Usually it's just a one, two, three step process."

"I mean yeah I guess." Korra could barely help herself with hiding her own embarrassment. She broke their eye contact and shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth in order to stop her stupid grinning. Even though she swore that Asami could hear her heart beating. 

"I like seeing you care so much, though. It's kind of .." Asami trailed off in search of the perfect word.

"Attractive?" Korra suggested, regaining her confidence.

"Uh, um sure. As I was saying," It was Asami's turn to stumble over her own thoughts. "I'd like to convince you on finally bringing her home. She deserves a real place and I think that you'd be an amazing owner for her."

"Don't flirt with me so much."

"I am not! Stop being so cocky!" Korra only chuckled at the demand and took another bite of her breakfast. Asami sighed while crumpling up a napkin. "Anyways, are you gonna do it?"

"I don't really need much convincing, so I think I will. I'll call Suki tomorrow and tell her we'll be there for Naga next weekend."


"Oh! I'm sorry, I just assumed that, you know, you'd maybe wanna pick her up with me. But if you're not free or you don't want to then you obviously don't have t-"

"Korra." Asami displayed a delicious smile. "You're rambling."

"Sorry." She darted her eyes away in embarrassment.

"Don't apologize." The other woman chuckled. "Of course I'll be there, though. I'm already putting in on my mental calendar." 

"Okay, perfect then; it's settled." Korra finalized, and they dug back in to finish their breakfast.

The teasing, making the other nervous and vice versa with every other sentence, the casual conversation about a big step, it was all amazing. It made Korra much happier than she could have imagined. 

When breakfast was finished, they went to the main living room and simply decided on watching some movies. They were only about forty minutes into the first Divergent movie before Asami was completely passed out. Korra didn't mind though, not at all. It benefited her in a way.

They weren't cuddling on the couch when the movie began, but gradually they somehow moved closer together to where Asami's shins crossed over Korra's and their shoulders touched. When Asami began to doze off, her head fell on to Korra's shoulder. It fit there perfectly; nestled right into Korra's neck. It made her body heat up for a moment, but she thankfully calmed herself down, but she still didn't dare to move. She thought that the slightest movement would wake Asami. 

Korra stared down at the heiress. She watched her chest go up and down slowly, and felt her warm breath leave the small part of her lips. Asami looked beautiful, but anyone could have said or thought that. A million thoughts came to Korra's mind when she was finally given the chance to think freely, but one circled around her brain the most. Her brows furrowed together in confusion and frustration.

How could she possibly have feelings for me?

Korra then noticed how Asami shifted and her hair tie began to fall out. Moving her arms slowly, very careful to keep Asami sleeping, she removed the tie completely and then bunched Asami's hair up again. She gave her friend another pony tail to keep the hair out of her face while she slept. Though the style wasn't too neat considering their position, Korra was still proud of herself.

The movie ended, but Korra just started up the second one because she was genuinely interested in the series. She watched intently while also watching Asami at the same time. Korra's arm managed to reach around Asami's shoulders and pulled her body closer. 

Sometime during the second film, Asami stirred and grumbled. She was waking up and Korra didn't even notice. Asami's eyelids fluttered open and she got a good look of her surroundings, quickly realizing whose body she was pressed into. She tilted her head up to look at Korra who was in deep focus on the movie. Asami leaned up and quickly left a gentle kiss on her cheek and snuggled back into her previous position.

Korra's head whipped around quickly at the contact as she tried to ignore her heart rate picking up.

"Asami?" She whispered, unsure if she imagined it or not. 

Asami didn't respond, she only smiled to herself. Korra caught that smile and copied it.

The elevator door opened nearly three minutes after Korra pressed on the button, but it was still way too soon. She wanted - needed - more time with Asami. She didn't want this day to end; for both women to return to their normal busy schedules by the next morning. Korra enjoyed nothing more than spending the day as just the two of them, locked up in Asami's house and being able to ignore the outside world. 

"When am I seeing you again?" Asami spoke up with some concern in her voice.

"Whenever you want, Asami." She responded a bit too eagerly.

Korra had it bad.

"You know I'd like to see you all the time," Asami folded her arms over her chest and leaned her body against the wall behind her. "But work and just everything has been awful recently."

"Everything? I hope you don't mean me."

"No of course not. You're one of the only good things." The confession seemed to slip out of Asami's mouth before she could think. Her eyes went to the floor and she began to slid her foot against the light wood.

"Thanks." Korra said awkwardly. 

They stayed standing in the foyer room in complete silence. Although it was nothing near uncomfortable, it certainly wasn't the most comfortable either. Korra shifted, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. 

"Okay so ... I uh, should get going I guess. Before the elevator closes and leaves."

"Yeah ... I guess." Asami stuttered afterwords. She bit her bottom lip briefly, but of course it caught Korra's eye.

Korra nodded and turned around fully to face the elevator. The doors just stayed open, basically telling her to get inside already, but she didn't want to. However, it was already past eight pm, and she really needed to go because of work the next day. Korra was about to take a few steps to leave, but her favorite voice called out.


She turned back around instantly. Asami left the wall she was leaned against and made her way closer to Korra, her body just slightly towering over the shorter woman. Korra's breath hitched.

"I feel like I'm missing something." Asami uttered with wondering eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I- I'm not sure. Just feels like we're forgetting something ..." 

Korra looked up at the woman with a puzzled expression. Quickly, she mentally checked to make sure that she'd put everything she brought over back into her bag. Korra's attention was brought back by Asami tongue gliding over her bottom lip for a short second, then she felt Asami's eyes on her lips. A small lightbulb went off in her head, but her body tensed a bit.

"Asami Sato," She huffed, stepping even closer to the taller woman with a smirk. "Could you possibly be asking for a goodbye kiss?"

Asami's eyes widened. "Don't- don't make me more embarrassed than I already am."

Korra's heat swooned as she thought about how truly precious Asami was. The faint pink tint on her cheeks played even more into the conclusion.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Korra assured.

Her hands left her pockets; one of them going up to Asami's hair as she tucked a loose strand behind her ear, the other sliding on to Asami's cheek. In almost slow motion, Korra began to lean forward. A bundle of air clogged her lungs. Korra then stopped in her path for a moment to make sure that this was what Asami really wanted. Asami smiled softly. Said woman unfolded her arms and placed them on Korra's lower back to bring her closer. Now, both of their bodies were pushed up against the other's; their breaths and heart beats mingled. 

Korra finally closed the distance between them.

Her soft lips brushed against Asami's and they both instantly closed their eyes. Asami happily tilted her head into the kiss. Both women first assumed that it would be a simple peck, but of course they couldn't get enough of each other. Neither of them rushed. The kiss was gentle and tender. 

Korra then pulled away. The two women opened their eyes but stayed close. Korra didn't even bother trying to hide the smile forming on her lips.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" Korra breathed, half of herself still in a strong daze from the contact. She would never get used to kissing Asami. She reluctantly let go of Asami and headed back over to the elevator, slightly surprised that it hadn't closed on her yet. 

"Okay." Asami breathed right before Korra finally stepping into the elevator.

The doors closed mockingly slow to block her view of Asami. As soon as it started to go down, she let out a long sigh. She was happy. Korra was so very happy. The smile on her face easily met her ears when she thought back to their time earlier in the day, and the previous night.

Asami has feelings for me. She continued to repeat to herself mentally, all the way from the elevator ride, to the subway ride, to her own apartment.

Korra seriously had it bad. 

"So, let me get this straight, you've been secretly hooking up with Asami?!" Opal's voice was loud. Korra figured that the person in their neighboring office could easily hear their conversation. "For how long? Korra, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"It hasn't just been hooking up it's- it's way more than that." If it wasn't for her darker skin, her cheeks would be blushed with a burning red tone. "And what do you mean 'what's wrong with you?' I'm fine."

"I mean that you kissed her on your birthday, basically two whole months ago, and have finally come to the realization that you have feelings for her! And she has feelings for you!" 

"Uh ... so?" She cocked her head, still oblivious to what her friend was going on about.

"So?!" Opal slightly raised her voice again and slammed her down on to Korra's desk. "Why didn't you tell me? Or Bolin?"

"I didn't think it was mandatory?" She raised a brow. 

"Of course it's mandatory! I cannot believe that we missed so many huge steps in your relationship."

"I wasn't aware that you wanted to live vicariously through Asami and I." Korra joked, flipping through the notepad on her desk to find her reminders for next week.

Asami and I.

Korra bit her bottom lip to contain her smile, though Opal noticed it anyways and smirked.

"Of course I want to live vicariously through you and Asami! I thought that was painfully obvious." Opal rolled her eyes in defeat. She finally reclaimed her seat in one of the two chairs in front of Korra's desk. 

"Well, then I'm sorry I didn't mention anything. I guess I just wanted to figure things out on my own, and with Asami, before actually talking about it. Just in case things didn't go as planned."

And they did. Things did go as planned. Though it hit a few more dramatic walls than expected, things were right where Korra wanted them to be. She could only hope that these same thoughts were on Asami's mind as well.

In fact, Korra thinking about Asami possibly thinking about her made Korra's heart flutter.

"Not okay, but fair enough." Opal responded. She began to toy with one of the figurines on Korra's desk again; this one being one of the mythical hybrid animals that Korra's parents had so much interest in. 

They stayed quiet for a little while; Korra reading some emails on her desktop with Opal finally minding her own business. 

"So?" Opal started up again a few minutes later. Korra sighed, knowing she spoke too soon.

"So ..."

"How are things, exactly?" She asked, basically on the edge of her seat.

"With Asami?"


"Well, we only confessed yesterday, so not much has happened."


"But you literally called out of work to spend the entire day with her!" Opal called out. "You are so obsessed with her."

"I am not obsessed with Asami!" Korra defended herself while trying to ignore the heat engulfing the tips of her ears. "I just like her." Oapl shot her a 'yeah right' look. "A lot."

"I'm aware. So you're saying that all of yesterday you guys didn't do anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Korra." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did she fuck you?" Opal's question sounded more of a statement coming out of her mouth. She said it so easily and bluntly with a wide grin on her face at Korra's changed facial expressions.

"Wh- wh- Opal!" She stuttered. At this point, her entire body felt like it was lit up in flames. She suddenly really needed to ask Varrick for personal air conditioning in her office. "No! No, no Asami did not ... fuck me. What is wrong with you?! Shouldn't you be getting back to your job? I should tell Varrick that you keep sneaking out to bother me about my personal life."

"I bet she fucked you." Opal continued anyways. "I bet she made you so weak in the knees that you could barely keep yourself together long enough to go for another roun-"

"What the hell goes through your mind?"

Korra debated whether or not to throw her desktop at the woman sat in front of her, but then reasoned that she'd have to buy a new one herself and they were expensive. 

"Don't worry about it." Opal said casually while picking at her fingernails. 

"I'm done talking to you about her."

Opal cocked her head and hummed to herself. "This is certainly different."

"What's different?"

"The way you're acting." She leaned back into the chair and crossed her legs, trying to read and analyze Korra. "You've never been like this about anyone else. Usually with your past relationships or whatever, you were insanely eager to tell me about everything that happened. With Asami you're way more private. You were even more open about Kuvira! My literal sister that you fucked for almost two years!"

Korra cringed at the reminder of her and Kuvira's past. "What do you want me to say; Asami's special? She's different from the other people?"

Something in her stomach twisted, but she ignored it. 

"You don't have to say it, it's been written all over your stupid face since that first night at the bar with her."

Korra was speechless. 

"Whatever." She eventually said, really wanting for this conversation to be put to an end by now. "Can you just go now?"

"No. I think I'll stay a little longer."

Korra rolled her eyes and huffed, by overall just chose to ignora Opal. She went back to the emails in front of her, responding and forwarding a few of the important ones. After another couple of minutes, Korra's phone went off with a ding, indicating that she got a text message. She reached to the end of her desk and picked up the device. A smile immediately took her over when she saw who it was from.

are you busy right now?

i mean i know you're at work but when is your lunch break?

currently replying to hundreds of emails but my break is at 3

why ??

Korra knew exactly why.

i was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch. there's this great salad place near your building

It had only been less than a day since she's last seen Asami, but she already missed her as if it's been months. Korra gladly replied letting her know that the plan sounded perfect.

"Who are you talking to?" Opal's voice broke her thoughts. 

"None of your business." Korra said; half joking and half trying to come off as rude.

"I knew it! I shouldn't have even asked, considering the huge grin on your face when your phone lit up. Tell your dearest Asami that I say hello!"

"Are you done mocking me? What if I teased you about your little secret thing for Boli-"

Just as she was about to go on when her phone started to ring. Asami's name was the Caller ID, and she was asking to facetime specifically. Korra grinned to herself like she was a teenager again, or a child. 

"Okay, okay. I guess I'll leave you to talk to your CEO girlfriend during work hours."

"She is not my girlfriend, Opal. We literally just-"

"Asami has been your girlfriend for months. Don't be an idiot." 

"Leave." Korra demanded flatly with her lips in a thin line. Opal at last took the final hint and shook her head. She stood from her chair and slowly walked out of the office, almost forgetting to close the door behind her. Korra let out a breath now that she could talk to Asami in peace. She looked at herself in her desktop photo booth camera and fixed her hair quickly before the call ended. Then, she answered.

 Asami's face popped up on her screen. Her eyebrows were furrowed in clear stress. Her raven hair was in a different style for once but nothing extragevent; a simple half up half down look. Korra couldn't see what her full outfit was, but she was sure that it was nothing less than presentable and professional. 

Korra almost lost her words before greeting her. 

"Hey, Asami." She got out with a small croak.

How embarrassing. 

"I hope I'm not disrupting you or anything; with your emails. I just didn't really want to sit in my office and do work alone. It is incredibly boring."

Her voice is so pretty.

"Of course not." Korra said calmly.

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