The Nightmare Prince: A Sande...

By AnxiousOctober31

1.1K 90 111

"I won't tell if you won't" Virgil always felt like an outsider. He never fit in with anyone but for a good r... More

Nightmare Pt. 1
Just A Normal Day
A Long Night
Nightmare pt.3
Nightmare Pt. 4
Nightmare Pt. 5
Morning Madness
Watchful Gaze
Fork Tongue
Nightmare Pt 6
Reliving the Past Pt.1
Reliving the Past pt.2
Nightmare pt. 7
The Other Prince
Blood Moon
Down With the Bloody Red Queen
The True Heir
Open Eyes
The End .. .
Epilogue: Miss Murder
Book 2

Nightmare pt.2

55 6 3
By AnxiousOctober31

Virgil saw only darkness. He drifted to sleep rather quicker than he had though he could. Just passing out on his bed as soon as he touched bed.

Virgil woke up on the ground grounded by fog, moonlight, and tombstones. He wasn't too surprised that he didn't hear a search party looking for him. His parents didn't care too much about him being out late, which it seemed to be. He was a little groggy but not for long as a hand came down and lifted him from the dirt, by his throat.
Virgil struggled in the tight grip. "Now that you're awake, there is someone who wants to see you." It was the boy from earlier, Terrence.
Terrence carried Virgil to a crypt where he slid the door open and brought Virgil down into it. A bone chilling scene covered the inside of the tomb. Terrence went to work chaining Virgil a foot from a wall on the left side of the entrance.
"Look, kid, I hate doing this, okay?" Terrence spoke and he seemed genuine. He spoke in a whisper as if he knew someone was listening. "But if I don't she'd have my neck. I do what I can to survive." Terrence cuffed Virgil's wrists to chains handing above, suspending Virgil in the air by half a foot. Then he chained Virgil's ankles, around the black combat boots he had, to the chains on the floor. "And if you hope to make it out alive, or with your tongue at least, I'd keep quiet." When Terrence was done, he gave Virgil a sad and worried look, "Good luck, kid."
Then Terrence took the light, which was a single candle and left through the crypt entrance. Once the door was closed Virgil was sealed in darkness. The image of the Crypt's murderous scene stuck in his head. Dry blood covered the walls. Virgil shook a little but the heavy chains kept him from moving much.
He only hung there a few moments before hearing a little rumbling as something opened to his right, the back wall of the crypt. He heard the clicking of heels approach him. The rumbling indicating whatever opened was closing once more. "You smell different than my usual meals." A woman's voice spoke.
Virgil's heart pounded. His already bad anxiety was kicking in full bore. He panicked, not being able to see anything except the image of the blood on the walls crossing his mind. He listened to the footsteps as they got closer. He listened to Terrance's advice and stayed quiet.
"Don't get all excited for me, handsome. You humans and you're anxious little hearts." He could feel she was very close. He felt a finger trail down the center of his neck. "You are quite different. Not the Prince but You've been around him." A hand trailed down his arms above him. "You are strong, powerful even. You're a hunter," He heard her small the air. "A changling hunter. A rare mix. But," Her voice was an eerie whisper next to his ear, "You're still human."
He needed to escape. His heart pounded louder and louder in his ears. He felt a hand on his chest and he froze. Then a hand went under his shirt and slowly gently slid up his chest. He wasn't only scared but uncomfortable by this woman's hands on him. He felt invaded. Then his short was torn away, in shreds. His torso now exposed to the cold crypt air.
Then Virgil winced as he felt small sharp things digging into his chest. Her nails. He forced himself to not scream. "Oh," Her voice gave away her pouting. "No fun." Then Virgil felt something cold and sharp pierce his skin on his hip, causing him to flinch. Then it slowly began to move around, slicing as it went. She made it move at a painfully slow pace. It was like she was drawing something. The blade was moving with intention. Virgil, finally unable to take it, let out a scream he didn't know he was holding in. "There is is," She let out a giggle.
She carved for a moment longer. Then he heard the woman lick the blade, "Tastes just as delicious as I thought a hunter would. Like raspberry tarts."

(TW: Proceed with caution)

Virgil got red hot when he felt the woman press against him. She was as tall as he was, hanging. She put one hand on Virgil's shoulder while the other went to his neck and slid up into his hair. She gripped a handful of Virgil's hair and yanked his head to the side exposing his neck to her.
Virgil felt the woman's breath against his neck. He shuttered at the feeling. "Are you scared, my hunter?" She whispered. Virgil let a single tear escape down his face. Then Virgil felt as two sharp fangs pierced his skin. He screamed out once more, this time louder.
His neck lit up in pain. The pain started at His neck then slowly began to spread to the rest of his body. His blood felt like it was boiling and his flesh like it was being torn off. His voice soon gave way was blood entered his lungs. Soon his breathing stopped all together. His eyes rolled back. Then his heart slowed and all he heard before it stopped all together was, "See you soon, my knight."

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