Living With Stray Kids (COMPL...

By Anime-Queen1

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There's a girl group of four. (OC) The name is Beauty In Grace. Two girl's of that group got told to stay wit... More

Chapter 1: *Redone*
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:

Chapter 18:

234 7 0
By Anime-Queen1

Krystal's POV:

"Hyunjin..If you were a girl I would date you." I said. The other's all looked at me. "What?" I asked. "You just said if Hyunjin was a girl you would date him." ChangBin. "Yeah I would." I said. "Then why can't you date me now?" He asked. In the distance I could hear I.N saying that he's live on Vline. "Because I don't know." I said. "Date me." He said. "No."
"I'M ON VLIVE!" I.N shouted.

"Krystal how did you even bring up the fact that if he was a girl you'd date him?" Chan asked. "Well my english friend sent me some pictures of you guys as girls see.."

"See..I told you. They look cute." "You never said they looked cute but I would definitely date them." Yuri said. "See Hyunjin, I'd date you if you were a girl or if you had black or brown hair but you are blonde." I said. "His natural hair color is brown and black." Seungmin said. Hyunjin grabbed my hand and walked out the room.

"What's the real reason?" He asked. "You want the real reason?" I asked. He stared at me quietly. "Well Hyunjin one: You're too cute. Two: I'm scared and Three: I don't want to lose feelings." I said. "Why are you scared?" He asked. "Oh well you know...Of people." I said. "Hey Krystal you shouldn't be scared of people. The people should be scared of you." He gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

A couple of hours later and it was now time to eat some food. We all took some food and sat around the table. "Right it has been a week since you guys stopped filming things for your tv series so you'll start again tomorrow. This is going to be the plan: Monday: Ice-Skating. Tuesday: Amusement park. Wednesday: Challenge day. Thursday: Game show. Friday: Game show. Saturday: Game show and Sunday: Gameshow." He said.

"Game show?" Chan asked. "You guys will be guest's on a gameshow for four days. You'll be put into teams randomly and will have to complete the challenges. The winning team will be going on vacation for the last week that Yuri and Krytsal will be here while the other team will be staying back here training." He said. "That sucks." We all said. "Krytsal Yuri you two will be going on vacation anyway." He said. "Wow! Our first vacation." I laughed. "First?" They asked. "We're really busy." Yuri said.

"Right enough talking more eating. Then go straight to sleep as we start at 8am sharp." He said. "He's going to kill us with 8am sharp or 7am sharp." I whispered to Yuri. "I know even with our manager he waits for us to get up." Yuri whispered back. "Girls I can hear you." He said. The boys started laughing while me and Yuri apologised.




It was now 8:13am and we were all in a small bus. I sat at the back next to Felix. I took a seat next to the window and watched all the things we were driving past. ChangBin and BangChan sat in front of me and Felix and started recording. "안녕하세요 오늘 우리는 아이스 스케이팅에 갈거야.(Hello STAY today we are going Ice-Skating." BangChan said. "스케이트 타는 법을 배운 적이 있습니까?(Has anyone ever learnt how to skate?)" Yuri asked. "네, 모두가 있습니다.(Yeah everyone has.)" ChangBin said.

"우리는 스트레이 키즈 에피소드 5에서 아이스 스케이팅을 했습니다.(We did ice skating in Stray Kids episode 5.)" Seungmin said. "언제였나요?(When was that?)" I asked. "2017년 11월 (In November 2017.)" LeeKnow said. "오, 그래서 3 ~ 4 년 전. (Oh so three to four years ago. )" Yuri said.

We finally got into the ice rink and the boys slowly got in. Me and Yuri skated away so the boys had room to skate but they just huddled together. BangChan started skating a little bit faster but fell. "BangChan where's the camera?" I asked. "You're not going to ask if i'm ok?" He asked. "I'm more worried about the floor." I laughed. I skated over to him and helped him get up. I saw Hyunjin skate slowly. "Can I scare Hyunjin?" I asked BangChan. "Go ahead." I quickly skated over to Hyunjin and I didn't stop. He turned to face me and was shaking his hands telling me to stop.

I kept skating and stopped once I was 3cm away from him. I moved forward," Did I scare you?" I laughed. "I thought you were going to kill me because you weren't slowing down. If anything you were speeding." He said. I started laughing even more and he gave me a hug. "Guy's come here!" BangChan said. Hyunjin put his hands on my shoulders. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Skate!" He said. I moved his hands off my shoulder so I can hold them and skated towards BangChan.

We all crowded around and BangChan started speaking. "5개 팀으로 구성된 두 팀이 있을 것입니다. 링크의 그 쪽에서 반대편으로 경주할 예정이었다. 첫 번째 팀은 모두가 승리를 시작했다 다시 했다.(There's going to be two teams of five. We're going to race from that side of the rink to the other side. First team to have everyone back to where they started wins.)" BangChan said. "유리와 크리스탈 두 사람은 스케이트하는 방법을 알고 있기 때문에 팀에 있을 수 없습니다.(Yuri and Krystal you two can't be on a team as you both know how to skate.)" He said.

(The bits in korean are when they are getting recorded and they know they are but the bits in english they sometimes are getting recorded but don't know it.)

"유리와 크리스탈은 팀 리더가 되어 원하는 선수를 선택해야 합니다.(Yuri and Krystal should be the team leaders and pick who they want.)" I.N said. After much consideration, Yuri chose ChangBin, Han, LeeKnow and Seungmin, While I chose BangChan, Hyunjin, I.N and Felix. /I swear I didn't rig any of this. I used a wheel to decide./

"Right ChangBin and LeeKnow go over there. Hyunjin and I.N you guys also go over there." I said. I stood in front of BangChan and Felix while Hyunjin and I.N were opposite. I was going up against ChangBin. They started counting down and as soon as they said go and headed for Hyunjin. We clapped each other's hands and he was way ahead of Seungmin. Hyunjin clapped BnagChan's hand and BangChan started skating slowly. "BangChan hurry up!! I shouted. Him and Yuri got to I.N and LeeKnow at the same time.

Surprisingly they were both just as bad as each other in skating and both got over to Felix and Han at the same time. Han ended up taking the lead and clapped hands with ChangBin before me and Felix did. Once Felix clapped my hands I started skating and got there before ChangBin because he was so sure he was going to win so he slowed down. I clapped hands with Hyunjin and laughed at ChangBin's face.

My team won. I gave Hyunjin a hug and everyone from my team came in for a group hug. "I'm very curious though. Out of Yuri and Krystal who would have won?" LeeKnow asked. "I would/Krystal." Me and Yuri said. "Why Krystal?" They asked. "Krystal used to be an ice hockey player while I used to be a figure skater." Yuri said. "Figure skaters are more flexible on their feet and tend to have less stamina then a hockey player." I said.

"Yeah, I mean I can do a backward and forward spin while Krytsal can't." Yuri said. "Yeah and I can hit a disc while she can't." I said. "I can't hold or hit anything while I'm skating." Yuri said. "And I can't hold my leg up for more than a millisecond." I laughed. "I mean you can do the Axel." Yuri said. "Damn that scares me whenever I think about it. I didn't even mean to do it." I laughed. "Yeah you just had a lot of speed and you jumped a bit too high." Yuri laughed. "Honestly I thought I was going to die." I said. "You landed it perfectly though." She said. "Yeah nearly breaking my ankle." I laughed.

After a bit more skating we headed back home and practised dancing some more. Since in two-three weeks we have a concert. "Hey Krystal..does Hyunjin know yet?" Yuri asked. "Hyunjin? I don't know." Just as I said that Chan came in," Hey Chan...Does Hyunjin still not know?" I asked. "Yeah he still doesn't know." He said. "But wasn't he there when we did that interview?" Yuri asked. "Yeah but when they asked the question if you were in B.I.G he wasn't there." He said. "Lovely." I laughed. "Are you and Hyunjin still not dating." Yuri said. "No." I said. "Wait so you are dating?" She asked. "No were not." "But we could be!" I heard Hyunjin shout. He came out of nowhere. He's like a ghost that only appears when he wants to. "But we're not." I said. "I don't care what you say. You two act like your dating." Chan said.

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